Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 26, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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    University of Oregon, Eugene
W. E. Hempstead Jr.assoc.
Joe Pigncy.Assoc.
Harry Tonkon.—Chief Night
i/eonara angstrom.asbob. aaitor
Wilfred Krown.Aasoe. Editor
Arthur Sehoeni.Managing Editor
Carl Gregory .-....Asst. Managing Editor
Donald Johnston --Feature Editor
Strena Madsen .Literary Editor
Joe l’igney_R porta
Lavina Hicks _Society
Leonard Delano --P. I. P.
Jo StofieJ..secretary
News and Editor Phone 655
DAY EDITORS: Vinton Hall, Lawrence Mitchelmore, Serena Madsen, Carl Gregory,
Mary Prances DiJday; Mary Klemm and Harry Tonkon, assistants.
NIGHT EDITORS: Fred Bechill, Thornton Shaw, Charles Barr, Merlin Iilais, Max
ASST. NIGHT EDITORS: Evelyn Hartman, Beatrice Bennett, Jo Barry, Gracemary
Riekman, Dulcie Lytsell, Jessie Foley, Gladys Mack, Martiel Duke, Dorothy Page,
Fern Baker, Ellen Salway, Alyce Cook.
GENERAL ASSIGNMENT REPORTERS: Wilfred Brown, Carol Hurlburt, Bess
Duke, Elise Schroeder.
SPORTS STAFF: Delbert Addison, Alex Tamkin, Joe Brown, Fred Schultz, Harry
Van Dine, Warren Tinker, Harold Fraundorf, Jim Yergin.
REPORTERS: Mary Klemm, Myron Griffin, Maryhelen Koupa!, Cleta McKennon,
Margaret Reid, Alice Gorman, T. Neil Taylor, Willis Duniway, Dorothy Thomas,
Phyllis VanKimmel, David Wilson, Aileen Barker, Elise Schroeder, Osborne
Holland, Merlin Blais, Mack Hall, Helen Cherry, Barney Miller, Bob Guild, Mary
Ellen Mason, Lenore Ely, Ruth Campbell, Alyce Cook, Bernice Hamilton, Dorothy
Kirk, Elizabeth Pain ton, Jean Garman, Katheryn Feldman.
William H. Hammond .- Associate Manager
George Weber Jr.Foreign Adv, Manager
Dorothy Ann Warnick....Asst. Foreign Mgr.
Phil Hammond...Service Dept,
Louise Gurney.Secretary
unarjea Keea...._.__. Advertising Manager
Harold Kester--Asst. Adv. Manager
Ted Hewitt.-....Circulation Manager
Larry Jackson.Asst. Circulation Mgr.
Margaret Poorman.Mgr. Checking Dept.
Business Office Phone 1895
ADVERTISING SALESMEN: Addison Brockman, Lucilo Catlin, Margaret Harris,
Bernard Clapperton, John Painton, Elaine Henderson, Bob Holmes, Ilia Tremblay,
Betty Hagen, Jack Gregg, Don Abner.
OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Constance McKenzie, Louise Gurney, Florence Jordan,
Estelle Mays, Helen Sullivan, Dorothy Bell, Kathryn Perigo, Julianne Benton,
Harry Hanson, Fred Reid, Harold Allen, Lloyd Henagin.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the
college year. Member of the Pacific Inter-collegiate Press. Entered ia the post office
at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year. Adver
tising rates upon application. Residence phone, manager, 2799. Jo Stofiel, secretary.
"M- ~
Day Editor This /«*««■—'Ruth Newman
Night Editor' This /sane — Merlin Blais
Asst. Night Editors This l*M— Gladys Mack
Marthiel Duke
The Opinion
Of an Helot
“The young rooster was will
ing to fight anything in the
chicken yaril until he met the
turkey gobbler.” — Hayings of
K/.ru Peek.
TN scanning the columns of
out' always - interesting con
temporary, the O. S. C. Daily
Barometer, our eye catches tin
following exceedingly subtle, if
somewhat evasive, editorial
product which is entitled
“Warts and Pickles”:
“Yes, children have warts,
so do pickles.
“Sarcastic names could well
bo applied to many an editor
ial writer who tries to voice
opinions on subjects that he
knows nothing about. /How
ever, if one desires to expose
his mental iaxity^to such an
extent as to .have others read
of it, all well and good.
“To repeat—arguments pro
and eon could be brought
forth, but again—everyone has
a right to his own opinion. It
is universally known that one
can be an helot to his own
convictions.” (For the bene
fit of the readers whose know
ledge of classical terms may
not he as wide as that of the
Corvallis editorial writer, an
“helot” was a bondsman or
serf in the Grecian state of
Although any incut ion of
specific personages is carefully
avoided, it is apparent that the
effusion refers to an editorial
in Saturday’s Kinerald which
began with a saying front Kzra
Peek: “There is many a kid
that has warts and is yroud of
it.’’ It further appears that
the editorial writer of the Bar
ometer regards the editor of
the Kinerald as a pickle, as be
ing mentally lax, and as be
ing an helot to his own convic
t ions.
All this is very interesting,
to say tin- least, but why the
evasiveness? No mention is
made of the Kinerald. or of the
It. O. T. t’., the subject of the
editorial in question. The luner
ald does not flatter itself to
the extent of believing that its
editorials are widely circulated
on the State College campus,
and to one who is not familiar
with the (dueraid editorial of
Saturday morning, the item
from the Barometer can be
nothing but utter nonsense.
Why is it that the Barometer
chooses to reply to the K me raid
in terms of veiled sarcasm
without letting its readers
know wluit it is all about? It
would be interesting to know
.just how many O. s. C. stu
dents read the “Warts and
Pickles" effusion and were to
tally baffled by it. Perhaps a
confirmed helot afflicted with
mental laxity ventures to sug
gest perhaps the O. S. ('. Bar
ometer feels the base upon
which it established itself in
regards to the It. U ,T. C. and
other things recognized as as
sets to the institution and
which should not be ridiculed
is u trifle shaky. Perhaps the
Barometer is uuabie to answer
tilt Kny rajd. W about
into its eternal generalities and
moth-eaten adages.
The statement that everyone
has a right to his own opinion
runs like a refrain through the
two so-called editorials regard
ing the it. 0. T. C. that have
thus far appeared in the Baro
meter columns. Very good.
I Our opinion is that tin; Baro
[ meter is afraid to face the
I facts.
Coordinate All
Radio Broadcasting
XJuphazardness has character
ized tin: arrangements of
university radio programs over
KOKH throughout 1 he course
of tin: past year. Once in a
while the big football games
in Kugene were broadcast. On
various auspicious occasions,
play by play descriptions of
Ihi- basketball contests in .Mc
Arthur court were flung to the
et her.
These faltering beginnings,
similar to those of several
years past, finally developed
into a program of talks by the
Oregon Sports Writers’ associa
tion members or dignitaries
such as “Bill” Hayward from
the athletic departments, For
several weeks, the sportsmen
kept the programs going and
then the light began to fail.
Then vespers services from the
school of music were broadcast
on Sunday afternoons. From
time to time special musical
talent df students and faculty
has been offered to radio fans.
Student body officers at irreg
ular intervals, (a rally now
and then) would function. But
there has been no concerted ef
fort made formerly to coordin
ate the programs represent
ing the university. This is a
task to which the Emerald is
willing to lend all the support
The Emerald hour this even
ing follows a program by per
formers in the Junior Vodvil
to be presented May J and 4.
“Billy” Reinhart/coach of
baseball, will give his impres
sions of the prospects for Ore
gon this spring.
Steps are now being taken to
arrange with the extension divi
sion for other programs offi
cially sponsored by the univer
sity to be broadcast during the
weeks remaining in the spring
quarter. Once the programs
are centrally and carefully or
ganized— a superior service
will be the result, much to tIn*
gratification of listeners. And
the foundation will be laid for
continuing and enlarging activ
ities of this sort next year and
Alpha Kappa Delta to
Initiate This Afternoon
Margaret Edmunson and I>cm
Campbell, both juniors, will be in
itiated into Alpha Kappa Delta,
national honorary sociology frater
nity, this afternoon.
Alpha Kapph Delta, •which has 2d
members on the campus, takes in
only those who have a high scholas
tic average and who have conse
crated their lives to the service of
Following the initiation ceremo
nies, there will be a banquet at the
A lie horage.
l -Sr- '<
Delta Sigma Rho will meet at 4
o’clock at the debate office. Very
Phi Theta Upsilon social meeting
Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock in
women’s lounge at Woman’s biuld
Philomelete entertainment and party
tomorrow, in (Juild hall, at 2:15.
All group members and pledges
Junior Vodvil entire cast will re
hearse Saturday morning at the
Heilig theater at X o’clock sharp.
Imperative that everyone connect
ed with the show be there.
Campus movie dance participants
are requested by Jim Raley to
telephone Francis Mullins, ut
1306 before Saturday.
Co-op store will hold annual meet
ing Monday, April 29, at 4 p. m.
in 105 Commerce building. Prin
cipal business will be the nomin
ation of directors and a report of
the past year’s business. Signed:
Ronald Hubbs, president.
All - campus skating party at the
Winter Garden Saturday night 10
to 12.
Mortar Board luncheon at College
Side at 12:00 today.
David E. Faville Talks
Over KGW; Goes East
“Some Interesting Phases of Our
Trade Relations With China” is the
subject on which Dean David K.
Faville, of the business administra
tion school, talked yesterday after
noon at 4 o’clock over KGW. This
talk was the feature of the weekly
program sponsored by the bureau of
foreign and domestic commerce in
‘Dean Faville left Portland last
night for a month’s trip in the east.
A New Auto-Rental Service
All new cars f
Fords and Chev Sixes
24 Hour Service
Gates Auto Rental
.»!) W. 5th St. Phone 942
Dr. Harry W. Titus
Dentistry - Oral Surgery
Speeial attention to ex
traction of teeth.
rhone 1)40 ti'M Minor Bills;.
General Dentistry
IL’O'J l’earl Street
Eugene Oregon
Phono 2929
Wrn. 11. Dale, M. D.
A. 1’. Sether, M. D.
Phono 43
O. It. G lilliou, M. L).
D. C. Slauard, M. D.
Gaven 0. Dvott, M. D.
I. O. O. F. Bldg.
Phono 133
Dr. J. E. Richmond
l’raetieo limited to
i 333 Minor Bldg. Phone 1313 (
! I’lione 221 . Miner Bldg.
Eugene, Oregon
Dr. Ella C. Meade
11 W. Sth Ave. Phone 2315J
218-19 I. O. O. F. Bldg.
Phone 237 Res. 1335J
Osteopathic Physician
and Surgeon
Special attention to foot troubles
SL’O Miner Bldjr. Tel. 45ti
j Campus Activity
Essays Pour In
i __
(Continued from Page One)
planes will be given as prizes.
Articles must be written on some
phase of campus activity, and are
limited to i!00 words. Suggested
topics are: campus movie, freshman
paddling, clubs, publications, Junior
Week-end, etc. Contributions may
be Written in any tone, and the con
test is open to all students regularly
enrolled in the university, except
members of the Emerald staff.
Contributions must contain full
name and address of entrants, and
must be plainly marked Hobi-Emer
ald Contest, The Emerald will re
serve the right to publish any of
the contributions. Contestants are
requested to typewrite their articles
on one side of paper only. Contri
butions may be delivered in person
or be dropped into the Duck Soup
box in the library.
Pot ;md Quill announce the elec-^
tion of Beatrice Bennett, of Sil
ver to li.
Have your repairs, upholstering and ref hushing
work done here. Special cabinet work and
Eugene Furniture Hospital
491 West Eighth Avoniue
Call 402
The cereal that’s so crisp
you can hear it!
Here’s a breakfast treat to match the crispest
spring day that ever brightened the campus.
Just try the new Kellogg cereal—Rice Krispies.
Bubbles of toasted rice. Rich with flavor. And
so crisp they actually crackle in milk or cream!
The most popular ready-to-eat
cereals served in the dining
rooms of American colleges,
eating clubs and fraternities are
made by Kellogg in Battle Creek.
They include all-bran, Kellogg’s
Coni Flakes. Pep Bran Flakes,
A rumbles and. Kellogg’s Shred
ded IVhole Wheat Biscuit. Also
Kaffee Hag Coffee—-the coffee
that lets you sleep.
\wwn iMin un 'iia wnnur"
A vision come true
In a part of Africa little known to the
whites, where obscure trails ran, Cecil
Rhodes dared to envision a railroad. He
lived to build it.
The railroad itself was part of a vaster
dream, a dream of a far inland coiony linked
fast to existing coast settlements by rail
and wire communication. And he lived
to build Rhodesia.
First the dream, then the reality, is the
rule with telephone men too, as they work
to greater heights of service. But in be
tween, they know, must come periods of
careful planning and smooth coordination 4
of many elements.
Scientific research, manufacturing, plant
construction, commercial development,
public relations, administration—many va
ried telephone activities offer a widening op
portunity to practical-minded visionaries.
eOi nation-Kidt system of inter-connecting telephones