Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 26, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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    vWho’s Who’
Adds 5 More
U. of O, Men
’28-’29 Edition Contains
Total of 20; Dr. Hall
Is Included
2 Others Formerly Listed
Not on Campus Now
Twenty University of Oregon pro
fessors are listed in the l!>2S-2!> edi
tion of “Who’s Who in America,”
giving recognition to five faculty
members whose names did not. ap
pear in the 1920-27 edition. A total
of 17 were listed two years ago, two
of whom have left the university
since that. time.
y The five new additions to the
University’s list, in Who’s Who are
Dr. C. Valentine ~ Boyer, head of
the English department; Professor
E. E. DcCou, head of the mathe
matics department; Dr. Arnold
Bennett Hall, president of the uni
versity; Clara M. Stnertenko, asso
ciate professor of Greek and Latin;
and Harold S. Tuttle, assistant pro
fessor of education.
The other 15 faculty members
whose names appear in Who’s Who
are’ Eric W. Allen, clean of the
school of journalism; James I).
Barnett, professor of political sci
ence; Dr. W. P. Boynton, heart of
the department of physics, who is
on leave of absence; Timothy Clo
ran, professor of education; Dr.
James H. Gilbert, clean of the col
lege of literature, science and the
arts; Dr. E. E. Packard, professor
of geology; Dr. P. A. Parsons, dean
of the school of sociology; Dr.
George Rebec, dean of the graduate
school; Dr. Edwin C. Robbins, for
mer dean of the school of business
administration; Dr. P. G. G.
Schmidt, head of the department of
Germanic languages; Dr. Warren D.
Smith, head of the department of
geology; Orin E. Stafford, head of
the department of chemistry; Ger
trude B. Warner, director of Oregon
museum of fine arts; and the late
Frederick G. Young, dean of the
school of sociology.
The two Oregon professors whose
names appeared in the 1920-27 edi
tion but who later left the univer
sity are the late Colin V. Pynient
former dean of the college of litera
ture, science and the arts, and
William G. Hale, former* head oi
the law school.
Eugene ranks second -among the
cities of the state having persons
listed in Who’s Who. Portland is
first, with 98; Eugene second, Witl
24; Salem third, with 21; McMinn
.ville fourth, with 14; and Corvallis
' fifth, with 11.
Besides, university professors, the
Eugene list includes Robert A.1
Booth, lumberman; .Bulge Lawrence1
T. Harris; Avard Fairbanks, sculp-1
tor, formerly of the university fac
ulty; and Eugene C. Sanderson,!
president of the Eugene Bible uni
Student Nominations
Proposed at Assembly
(Continued from Page One)
once McNerney for senior 'Woman
on the executives council, told of
her grade average of 1.9, and of her
chairmanship of the university day ;
reception. Naomi Moshberger, who
will fun against. Miss McNerney,
has been a member of the women’s
athletic, association for three years.
Burr Abner nominated her.
Tussing to Rtui
Tunsing has been a reporter and
a night editor on the Emerald,
served on the Junior Week-end
committee, and made a 2.4 average
in grades, said Rosser Atkinson, in
nominating Tussing. Pezendorf is
president of the Oregon Knights,
and has served on the Greater Ore
gon committee. Pezendorf was nom
inated by Scott Milligan.
Both Squeak Parks, in nominat
ing .Tames Swindells, and Bill Eddy,
in nominating Chuck Reed, as can
didates for veil leader, spoke of
their candidate’s knowledge of mob
psychology. Peed served on the
frosh yell staff hero. Swindells has
been on the varsity yell staff for
one year.
Intramural Ping Pong
Tournament to Start
Ploying in the intramural ping
pong tournament sponsored by the
Y. M. C. A. will begin Monday nt
the “Y” hut, it was announced yes
terday by Scott Milligan, who will
be in charge of the affair. Each
house may sign up as many players
as it desires, and the pairings will
be drawn at the hut Sunday night.
The tournament will be a straight
elimination one composed of singles
matches, and a silver loving cup do
nated by the Co-op will be awarded
.the winner. Houses should enter
the names of their players at the
hut before Sunday, Mr. Milligan
said. Rules and pairings will be
posted as soon as the.lists are made
First Conference Golf
Match to Be Saturday
The Oregon golf team will play
it" first conference match here Sat
urday against Oregon State. The
first 18 holes' of the 36 hole team
match will bo played in the morning
at 9:30 and the second 18 holes in
lie afternoon.
The Webfoot team will bo eom
oosed of Don Moe, captain, Oregon 1
date champion, George Will. Bill
Palmborg, Francis Jleitkemper and
ike Staples. The Oregonians al- ;
•eady have played two matches with j
he Portland and Aldevwood clubs of
Portland, but lost both.
After the Ride
You’ll Want to Eat
"When you come in from that Sunday after
noon drive you’ll want something to eat before
you take the girl friend home. Just drop by
the Eugene Hotel and have dinner in a dining
room that specializes in ex*«*llent food and dis
tinctive service.
Our Used Cars
Are Priced Right and Are
Morris Chevrolet Co.
942 Olive St. or 7th and Oak
A Satire : By Wilfred Brown
BOOK V (Continued)
So, in roy dream, I saw Coedia
continue to order one item after
mother of the fare of the tavern
until the table where they sat would
not hold all the dishes which the ^
■vaiter brought unto them. Coedia
i.irt.ook of it heartily, for the food
mas truly excellent, but Student, ate
-lowly and mournfully, looking over'
mil anon at his bag of serif).
Presently, as they were all but i
finished with their repast, the
waiter appeared before them and
tendered unto Student the reckoning'
for that which they had ordered.
Student went apart to the host of
I he tavern and poured before him
nil the scrip from his bag beside
the reckoning which the waiter had
tendered unto him. The scrip suf
ficed for the amount of the reckon
ing and left to Student one coin
over to continue on his journey to
ward the Golden City of Education.
Whereupon he sorrowfully depart
ed from the tavern with Coedia,
after having wrapped her in his
groat clonk and taken up tier burden
on top of bis own.
Presently, as they journeyed along
the way, they entile upon a great
burial ground, where are laid away
the deceased of the inhabitants of
the Land of Collegia, and where the
living of the land are wont, to go
anil disport themselves. A pleasant
spot it was, with beauteous groves
of trees and green bushes scattered
about in the midst of the ginves.
COEDIA: Ah me, 1 am so weary,
Student, from the toil and travail
of the road. Let us turn aside, 1
prithee, and sit ourselves down and
rest us in tl.ie shelter of some of the
phasa.nt trees there. The grass is
green and is like unto a bed in soft
STUDENT: But dost thou not
think that ’t would be a sacrilege to
go among the dead with any but
revetent thoughts in our minds?
C'OEDIA: The dead are dead, and
dead men tell no tales. If they did,
alas, 1 fear me the inhabitants of
tire llappv Land of Collegia should
be much shamed in the eyes of the
STUDENT: Let us go. But we
must not be dallying here for long.
AVe must needs be on toward our
goal, the Golden City of Education.
And Coedia led Student into the
burial ground unto a pleasant little
Why Not Have a
Gift Day For
The House?
You could give a lamp, flower bowl, a vase, an orna
ment—an elephant on a pedistle—a Japanese head—a
brass piece—bowl for cards— glass ware and China—
a pretty tray or many other pret,ty and distinctive
Phono 1057 1G0 . Broadway
Underwood & Elliott
s 7f
We are the headquarters for lunch goods for those week
end picnics and are prepared with a handy assortment of homo
made pastries and salads as well as sandwich spreads, pickles
and olives, potato chips, fruits and cold meats.
« Call us and we will prepare and pack your lunches and have
them ready when you
Phone 95
13th and Patterson Sts.
Ask Your Fraternal Pal
He (or She) Will Tell You
College Ice Cream is O. K.
Week Beginning April 28
Eugene Fruit Growers
Phone 14S0 8tli and Ferry
grove of juniper trees with over
[ hanging branches. They entered
into the preen bower, ns did the
prophet Elijah of old.
* * *
Five hours Inter it was in my
dream when I saw Student and Co
edin emerge from under the juniper
trees in the burial ground of the
Happy Land of Collegia. Now they
both did tremble, for the ground
was damp and chill at that time of
the ydar.
COKI'IA: Ah me, thou art chilled,
student. Thou must come with me
unto my dwelling place, the worthy
Kappa guild, ami warm thyself
once more before continuing once
again on thy journey.
STUHEXT: Hut shall 1 he wel
corno there? Is it fitting that I
should go there?
OOEDIA: Assuredly. Thou must
meet my sisters.
(To ho continued)
Englund the Tailor
Does Excellent
18 West 8th St.
“Good Smoke!”
Says Hubby
“0. K.” with Wife
i Brooklyn, N. Y.
Larus & Bro. Co., August 4.1928
Richmond, Va., U. S. A.
Dear Sir:
Going to take the pleasure and drop
you a few lines to say that my favorite
tobacco is your Edgeworth. I have
been a user of it for the last eight
years and find it’s the only tobacco
for a real good smoke.
For the last five or six months I
have been trying several other kinds
but I find Edgeworth is the only
tobacco for me. i
If I am smoking any other brand
my wife will tell me, as she likes the
smell of only Edgeworth. When I’m
smoking others she opens all windows
and doors.
The reason for writing this letter
is that I had a card party last night,
and most all of the party asked me
what kind of tobacco I used.
So I told them Edgeworth.
Yours very truly,
A smoker of Edgeworth
(Signed) E. E. Boisvert
Extra High Grade
Smoking Tobacco
Liprnan-Wolfe to Be Run
By Students on May 23
May 2.'! is the date set for “Trni
versity Day” in the Lipuian Wolfe
department store, according to
David E. Fnville, dean of the busi
ness administration school The
merchandising class will be in
charge of the entire store on that
day, and the advertising and jour
nalism students will handle the
newswHting and publicity.
It. F. Wendall, president of Lip
man-Wolfe and Company, is an en
thusiastic supporter of this under
The students will go up to Port
land the night before, report at
the store iit 8:.'i0 for the regular
buyer’s meeting and then assume
their Jiositiotis for the day.
To Go v/ith Spring
flct ;i Real ITair Cut at,
Ye Old Oregon
Barber Shop
Next to College Side Inn
' "
This is known as the “OE” special.
A good medium priced gut for service.
Armour’s Gold Star gut—one of our
best sellers.
New Catgut — “OOE” — used by the
varsity. Our best grade.
University44 Co-Op,”
EVDOTWEAR of clmraett r
tlull eiinmos -you at
once to declare that it is
distinctive — not only in .
styling but in delicacy of
leather and coloring. That
is the type of footwear
ive present to yon at all
Prices Range Prom
$4.95 A
And includes oxfords,
slippers, and pumps for
every daytime and eve
ning costume. Accenting
diversity and wide selec
tion. /