Aggies Meet Varsity For Ball Opener Wobfoots Clash Today On Local Field With O. S. C. McDonald Billed For Work in Box Oregon Favored to Take Game; Paust Slated Corvallis Hurler Oregon will plnv its first confer ence baseball gnme of the 192!) sea son against Oregon State this afternoon at 3:30 on Reinhart field. _ Three more games between the two" teams are sched uled. The first i "'ill ho tomorrow afternoon at Cor-f vallis. Two more, * May 31 and June 1, will be played after the return of the Webfoots from their road trip. Both Oregon and O 8. C. lost to Bill Reinhart Meiji university this week, but the Aggies took the ■worst beating. The Japanese won 111 to 8 from the Staters and edged out Oregon 1 to 0. Reynold MaeDonald will piteh for Oregon, Bill Reinhart, Oregon coach, announced yesterday. Last year he '■was the deciding factor in Oregon’s winning the northern title from Washington State last June. Ira Woodie, two year veteran, will catch MacDonald’s throws. Paust Likely Boxman A tentative lineup of the Oregon State team lists Wesley Pa list as pitcher. Paust pitched the only game which O. S. 0. was able to take from Oregon last year. “Chief” Thompson, Indian Oregon State slugger, probably will catch for them. f Les Johnson, first base; Ken Robi,e, second; Frannie Andrews, shortstop; and Harold Olinger, third, will make up the Oregon infield. Johnson and Robie are veterans. Andrews and Olinger will be> play ing their first conference game. They are sophomores. Don Mc Cormick, letterman, may replace Olinger at third at some point in the game. Two Sophs in Lineup Oregon State also has two letter men and two sophomores in the in field. Grayson and Pennell, first and second base, starred on the rooks last year. Quayle, shortstop, and Ilafenfelt, third, are the Aggies’ experienced men. ’ The Oregon outfield will be se lected from four veterans, Cotter Gould, Ray Edwards, Dave Epps, and Carl Nelson, and one sophomore, Kramer Barnes. Nelson is a utility man and may be used either in the outfield or in place of Johnson at first base. Epps, Edwards and Barnes started the game against Meiji and will probably take the field today. Bellville, Ballard, and Hammer are three Oregon State outfielders played in the Aggie game against Meiji and are likely to oppose Ore gon today. Dr. Wm. Burnham Hygiene Authority To Speak Tonight Men’s, Women’s Education Honorary Groups Will Banquet at Osburn Dr. William IT. Burnliam, former professor of educational psychology Vat Clark university, and nationally recognized authority on school hy giene, will address the members of Phi Delta Jvappa and Pi Lambda Theta, men’s and women’s educa tional ltonoraries, at a banquet to be given in his honor at the Osburn hotel this evening. The banquet will begin at 6:li>. Members of Pi Lambda Theta have arranged a brief musical program to precede Dr. Burnham’s address. Pour members of the Oregon fae olty who studied under Df. Burn ham while students at Clark will attend the banquet. They are Dean H. D. Sheldon, Dr. Edmund S. Conk lin, Dr. H. R. Crosland and Dr. B. .W. DeBusk. Burnham is on a short speaking tour through the northwest. Thurs day he addressed the teachers’ asso ciation of Portland, and tomorrow he will go to Monmouth to address Jhe students of the Normal school. Relay Contestants To Arrive Today Accommodation Plans Made for Preppers Plans have been made for the ac commodation of the 200 delegates as they arrive today and Saturday morning to take part in the track meet held Saturday at Hayward field at 2:.'!0 o’clock, for state cham pionships. Lyle Longhlin, chairman of accommodations, yesterday an nounced the committee to assist in taking care of the delegates when they arrive and report to the Igloo. It consists of John Ycrkovich, Jim Dezendorf, Irving Kincaid, Clar ence P.arton, Karl Miller, and Chuck Maginnis. The Oregon Knights also will help in the accommodation of the ath letes. They will be at the Igloo when the delegates arrive and will take charge,of the boys assigned to their respective houses and attend to the transportation. Saturday morning they will take the boys from their houses to the field. Women’s Rhythm Dancing Classes To Give Recital School of Physical Ed To Present Two Programs Lighting, Costumes More Elaborate Than Ever Tlpp advanced classes in rhythmic dancing at the. University of Oregon will be presented in a recital at the Woman’s building on the campus tonight and Saturday evening, April 2(i and 27. The recital will be sponsored by the school of physi cal education for women. Special music has been arranged for the affair, numbers ranging from those of Frescobaldi of the 17th century to the modern compo sitions of Prokofieff. The recital, the only one to be, given this year, will be more elabo rate in lighting and costuming than those given last year, according to Martha Hill, instructor in physical education who is directing the affair. A group of scenes from the life of Schumann which was presented last year will be repeated by re quest. A primitive dance to music by Cyril Scott and a renaissance sketch in the style of Botticelli to music by Frescobaldi will be two of the unusual numbers presented. “David and Goliath,” a sonata in eight parts, will embody all the charm of realistic music of that period, depicting the whole story of the fight between David and Goliath and the exultation of the Israelites at their victory. “Space Rhythm” is the name of an extremely modern number which will be danced entirely without music. Fifty women from the advanced classes in dancing will take part in * the program. Trio of Psychology Men Get Ioiva Posts Throe members of the psychology department will assume positions ir the University of Iowa next year. Frances Robinson, LaGrande, who graduates in June, will leave for Iowa City after commencement to attend the University of Iowa sum mer school. At the opening of the winter term he will assume the posi tion of graduate assistant in “per sonnel problems,” which has been especially created for the Oregon man. Robinson is a member of Phi Delta Kappa, educational honorary. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Jasper (Eleanor Cleaver) are both going to do work along psychological lines. Mrs. Jasper will do work in the child welfare research, which is con nected with the psychology depart ment. Mr. Jasper will have a grad uate assistantship with an addition al experimental field in a psycho pathic hospital. He will teach at the University of Oregon summer schSol this summer. Geology Department Purchases Sextant The geology department has just received a sextant, which will be used in the geography and aviation courses. A sextant is an instrument used by geographical explorers and navigators in determining their po sition. This particular instrument has an attachment called an “avia tion bubble” for use in aeroplanes. The instrument purchased by the geology department is of the kind used on the “Southern Cross” on its recent flight to Australia. It cost $12a and will be introduced to classes next fall. Prep School Track Meet Plans Ready More Than 200 Enter Relays Scheduled For Saturday Most Contestants Will Arrive Today Entertainment Committee Banquet at Dorm And Movie AH preparations for t lit* tfiirrt annual Oregon high aehool relay carnival-whirh is to be hehl Satur day have been completed and all is in readiness for the entertainment of the delegates, the majority of whom will arrive sometime today, according to lmwrence Ogle, general chairman of the affair. Of the nineteen high schools en tered in the meet all but Hillsboro and Forest Grove have sent in their complete entry lists. So far in these entry lists there are over 200 dele gates listed. Representatives Meet Representatives from the various houses met in Virgil Karl’s office yesterday afternoon to draw for delegates. In accordance with the drawing, the teams will be housed as follows: Benson Tech, of Port land, will be placed with Alpha Tail Omega and Kappa Sigma; Corvallis at Sherry Ross and Sigma Pi Tau; Bend at Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Grant high school, of Portland, at Theta Chi and Alpha Epsilon; Mill City and Albany at Delta Tail Delta; Silverton at Sigma Phi Epsljlon; Roosevelt at Chi Psi; Jefferson at Phi Delta Theta and Bachelordon; Vancouver, Wash., high school, at Sigma Nu and Psi Kappa; Hill Mil itary Academy at Alpha and Zeta halls; Franklin high, Portland, at Phi Sigma Kappa, Beta Theta Pi, and Phi Kappa Psi; St. Helens at Phi Kappa Psi; Hillsboro at Sigma hall, and Forest Grove at Omega ha’ll. Sharp to Assign Houses Jim Sharp, chairman of the hous ing committee, lias announced that the delegates are to make the place where they are assigned their head quarters, and no houses, under any •ircumstances are to swap delegates without the consent of the housing f committee. The various fraternities and halls will be expected to have a repre sentative at the Igloo in order to meet the delegates when they ar rive and to conduct them to -the place at which they are to stay. Features Scheduled Entertainment will include a ban quet given at the new dorm by the Order of the “O” at (i o’clock Sat urday, and a free show at the Me dona Id Saturday night. Hal Pad dock, chairman of the entertain ment committee, has announced that there will be several features, con sisting of campus talent, added to the McDonald program. Seven relay events and five in lividual events are to be run off during the meet. The relay events ire the quarter mile, the two mile, the half mile, one mile, sprint med ley, and shuttle low hurdles. The individual events will be the pole vaii^t, 100-yard dash, broad jump, high jump and shot put. These events will be held at Hayward field tomorrow. Two More Leap Week Events ■ On Calendar Koffee at Kappa House Ami Barroom Bust Wind up Affair Now that the roller skating mara thon, one of the features of Senior Leap Weak, has been inscribed on history’s pages, eyes of senior men and women are turned on the final events on the callendar—the Kappa Koffee from 4 to (i today and the Barroom Bust tonight from 9 to 12 p. m. Dates will be in order for both affairs with the senior co-eds doing the asking and the men the accept ing. Apache costumes will be in order for the Bust at Hendricks hall to night and varied forms of Parisian whoopie will be on tap for the four year reveler*. The Koffee will be held at the Kappa house with cam pus togs a la mode. Thespians Entertain The Thespians, freshman women’s honorary, entertained at a tea in the Woman’s building yesterday afternoon from .'{ to 5. The women of the gampus were their guests. Campus Activity Essays Pour In H obi-Emerald Contest Offers Plane Ride Entries in the IIobi-Emerald cam pus activity essay rnntest announced mi Wednesday by ttie Emerald be gun to pour in yesterday. The first bn tell of returns in the contest, the winner of which will be given :i free airplane ride, gave promise of a large number of essays to choose from. To date the most popular subject seems to be the Junior Vodvil. It is expected that a large number will write articles on some phase of campus activities during their spare time over the week-end, and hat by the time the contest closes at ■"> o’clock May 1, the number already received will have trebled. A free airplane ride will be awarded the best article turned in before the closing date. This con test is the first of a series to be sponsored by the Oregon Daily Em erald and the Hold Airways of Eugene, for which free rides in llobi (Continued on Page. Four) East-West Game With University Of Miami Is Plan Contest Will Be Played At Night in Prize fight Arena Florida Team Rated as One Of Strongest in South An interscctional football game between the University of Oregon and University of Miami, Florida, to be played at night under flood lights in the arena in which the Sti ibling-Sharkey fight took ]daee, are the tentative plans of John J. McKwan, Oregon’s head football coach. “We are waiting for the final word from Florida,” said MeEwan “Imt it looks like the plan will be a go. rf the game is arranged we will probably play St. Mary's col lege in California for the first of the big post-conference games and then move on across the country to Florida.” The game, if plans go through, will be played on December 7 in the big reconstructed arena that Tex Rickard and .lack Dempsey built for the big fight last Febru ary. A football game at night is some thing different, and, according to MeEwan, lias certain advantages over the game in the daytime. A night game is assured of a larger crowd, and in Florida,, will assure the Oregon team of cool weather. Miami university produced, lust year, one of the strong title ecu tenders of the southern football teams. And authorities say that next year's-team will eqiial if not better lust year’s record. The Oregon team, although it’s record at the beginning of the sea son was not of championship calibre, came out. along at the last with enough strength to win most of its closing games. Among these games was the contest in which Oregon de feated the O. 8. 0. team which overwhelmed New York university in an intersectional game. I I Campus Movie Dance ■H4 To Be Saturday at 1 The campus movie dance on Fail mount Heights Saturday will lie a cord dance*, Jim Raley announced last evening. Men. will wear cords and women regular campus spring clothing. This will lie a chance for all who have had their screen tests taken to appear before the camera, and oth ers as well. For those wlio do not have means of transportation, cars will be provided, leaving the admin istration building at 1 Saturday for Will Jewett’s tennis court. All who plan -to participate must see Francis Mullins at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house. The Varsity Vaga bonds will furnish music for the occasion. Former Oregon Student Is Featured in Article An article about a former Uni versity of Oregon student has ap peared in the house organ of the Seripps-Howard newspapers, pub lished in New York City. John E. Finneran is now general manager of the 8cripps-Howard national ad vertising department. While attend ing college lie served as advertis ing manager for the Eugene Guard, later working on the staff of the Western Farmer, Portland Journal, and joining the Gardner Advertis ing company. Second Hour Of Broadcast Tonight, 8:30 Emerald Will Feature Sports Talk, News Review, Music Reinhart to Give B. B. Prospects ! Sidelights of Orc.-O. S. C. Game This Afternoon May Be Dope By WILLIS DUNIWAY The second Emerald Hour broad oast will go on tlio air nt S:.'!(> to night over radio station KORE with a sports talk, a news review, and imisie being featured. Bill Reinhart, varsity baseball roaeli, will talk on Oregon’s pros pects for the coming season. As Oregon will play O. S. this after noon at .'1:110, Reinhart will no doubt he able to give many sidelights on the game, as well as np-to-t lie-min ute inside dope .«i the work of the nine. News Review on Program A short news review of general campus events of the last few days will follow Reinhart’s baseball talk, dack Hempstead, associate editor of the Emerald, will give the news re view, which will be written by Art Sehocni, managing editor. Tonight's program will close with musical numbers, as yet unan nounced. Inaugurated Tuesday The Emerald Hour broadcast was inaugurated over KORR station last Tuesday with a program of talks and music. The special programs are sponsored by the Emerald in the interest of the university and will be a feature from KORE every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday nights for the rest of the term. In the future, professors will be asked to give short talks on subjects along their Hues of study, and campus or ganizations will lie urged to co operate by offering comedy sketches, talks, or music for the broadcasts. The campus news review will be given on each program by some member of the editorial board of the Emerald and will summarize all the latest campus events. French Section In Latin Quarter Setting for Ball Sewers Part of Decorations Of Biggest Costume Dane's of Year A "French boulevard in n Latin quarter surrounded by sewers and slums will be the setting for the Beaux Arts ball, to be held at the Cain pa Slmppe at 9 o’clock tonight, Clarence Lidberg, chairman of the decorations committee, announced yesterday. Sufficient tables will be scattered among the decorations for those who care to use them. * “The plans of all o.tiier commit tees have been completed, and all is in readiness for the biggest cos tume ball of the year, ’’stated Glenn Gardiner, general chairman of the affair. The unusual refreshments of rye-bread, cheese, and beer, will be in accordance with the French atmos phere, according to Amy Porter, chairman of the eats committee. This term the traditional slope in the floor at the Cam pa Shoppe has been removed. Meridith Landaker, junior in architecture, is chairman of the floor committee. The poster committee lias been kept busy mak ing new posters for the last few days, due to the popularity of the first set. The busts, grouped with the pioneer, made by Verne' Larson and Phil Hajiynond, freshmen sculp j torsi attracted so much attention that they disappeared. Students may purchase tickets to day at the booth in front of the library or at the door this evening for one dollar. — Gabriel, Oregon Grad At Cornell, Praised Orin Stafford, professor of chem istry, Iras received a letter from Cornell university giving a good re port of the work of Holton (ialn-iel, who left here as a graduate student last year. Since then lie has been a teaching felltnv at Cornell. Hr. Clyde Mason, who wrote the letter to Professor Stafford, is him self a graduate of Oregon. He grad uated after a four years’ course in chemistry here ten years ago. After that he was given a teaching fellow ship at Cornell and is now a member of the staff. Student Nominations For A. S. U. O. Offices Proposed at Assembly Anderson and Stoddard Will Vic for President; Three-cornered Race For Secondary Job Looms Elections to Come on May 1; Amendments Slated To Be Voted on at Annual Spring; Polls By CLETA McKENNON No great surprises resulted from yesterday’s regular stu dent body meeeting. as one after another the speakers monin ated eandidates as already lined up. John Anderson and Tom Stoddard will head the two liekets for presidency, while Hick Horn. Harold Kelley, and Walt Norblad will vie for the vice presideney. The office of secretary attracted LaWanda Fenlason and Beatrice Mi!*igan. Florence McNerney and Naomi Moshberger will compete for senior woman and James IV/.endort' and Hex Tussing for junior man on the executive council. Either Chuck CANDIDATES FOR STUDENT BODY OFFICES For President: John Anderson Tom Stoddard For Vice-president: Dirk Horn Harold Kelley Walt Norldad For Secretary: La Wanda Fenlnson Beatrice Milligan For Senior Woman on Executive Council:' Florence M cXernev Naomi Mosliherger For Junior Man on Executive Council: James Dezendorf Rex Tugging For Yell Leader: Chuck Reed James Swindells Phi Psi Pacldlers Win Over Betas, 2-], in Water Polo Kappa Sigma Edges Out Alpha Tau Omega By One Point Intramural Contests Fast; Good Defense Shown A goal by Prod Smith six seconds before the end of the game broke n tie and gave the Phi Phis n victory over the Betas in the most spectacu lar of the two hardball water polo contests ployed yesterday. The bat tle waged on even terms during most of tlio contest with fast swim ming and skillful defense work by both teams. Late in tin* first half, Jim Raley slammed one past, the Beta goal tender for the first score. Pratt balanced the count soon after the second period began, and both teams used everything they had in au ef fort to connect with the net. Just us the time-keeper drew a deep breath for the closing whistle, Prod Smith plunked it in to clinch the game. Bill Pittman was instrumental in the Kappa Sigs’ 4 to win over the Alpha Tan Omega splashers. I After the A. T. O. ’.s amassed a 11 to 1 lead, mainly by two pot shots at the beginning of the second half, Lloyd Magee and Pittman each shot | one, bringing Kappa Sigma up on ; even terms. Pittman repeated, and I the Kappa Sig squad held their one point lead safe the remaining few ! minutes. ;4Oh Dear’ Cast Plans KORE Entertainment Excerpts from the Junior Vodvil will lio broadcast over Radio KORE for a lialf lion r beginning at K o’clock tonight, according to Ralph Hill, manager of KORE. This pro gram y/ill immediately precede tlio regularly scheduled Emerald radio hour, scheduled at S:30.' Leads from the cast of “Oh Dear,” musical comedy by Don Johnston and Boone Hendricks, will contribute to the program. A girls’ trio, Jo Ralston, Louise Storla and Marjorie Clark, will par ticipate, as will Maxine (Hover and George Weber, the last two present ing a piano selection. Another pro gram will be given next Tuesday in which practically the whole cast I will appear. Phi Beles to Elect The spring elections of members into 1’hi Beta Kappa, scholastic honorary, will be held in Johnson hall on Thursday, May 2, it was announced yesterday by M. II. Douglass, secretary of the organi zation. Kml or .Inn MvmdHIs will no the student body’s next yell leader. Ail amendment was rend by .Tno McKeown, student body president, to bo voted on nt the regular elee tion, May 1, proposing an additional fee of 25 cents per term for lecture series, the amount to be expended by a budget drawn up by the lec ture series committee and passed on by the executive committee. The by-laws to the constitution giv ing the publications committee, subject to the executive council, power of making awards for work of Kmerald and Oregana editors, managers and staff, passed without a dissenting vote. Stoddard Nominated Stoddard, nominated by J?oy Herndon, was on the Homecoming directorate this year, is assistant chairman of the Junior revue, and served on the constitutional revi sions committee. Walt Durgnn, in nominating Anderson, to run against Stoddard for the presidency, gave Anderson’s varied contacts with campus life, both in athTetics as a swimmer, and in politics ns chair man of the finance committee on tin1 executive council. Norblad, candidate for vice-presi dency, was nominated by Eugene Laird; Kelley by Merrill Hagan; Horn by Bob llvnd. Norblad was junior representative on the student council, and is present assistant chairman and business manager of Junior Week-end. Kelley is an Oregon Knight and was treasurer and assistant chairman of the high school conference directorate. Horn served on the Greater Oregon com mittee for three years, was junior man on the student council and is chairman of the Junior Prom. Fenlason Nominated The position of secretary will bo filled by either LaWanda Fenlason, nominated by Paul Clark, or Bea trice Milligan, proposed by Paul Hunt. Beatrice Milligan has been active in the Women’s league, and was junior woman on the student council. As a student LaWanda Fenlason has made a 1.4 average, and has worked on both the Oregaim and Emerald. Keith Hall, in nominating Flor (Continued on Page Three) Wm. Knight Wins Jewett Prize in Oratory Contest Padilla and Leland Fryer Receive Second and Third Awards William Knight, sophomore, won first place in the .Jewett oratorical contest helil in Friendly hall last night. 'I’lie subject of his speech was “The Sling of Justice.” Tie based his oration on the Biblical narrative of David and Goliath. Mr. Knight described the habitual crime situation in the United States as being a Goliath and the law, which is trying to down it, as David. The people, according to Mr. Knight, must take the task in hand and see to it that the situation is done away with. First place carried a prize of $25. Second prize went to B. X. S, Padilla, sophomore, who in his ora tion, “The Philippine Question,” gave a most appealing demand for independence ill behalf of his coun trymen. This prize was $15. The third prize was won by Leland Fryer, also a sophomore, from Yam hill. His speech was “Holy Hokum.” Ten dollars was the amount for the third prize. Judges for the contest were: George Turnbull of the school of journalism, Verne Blue, history de partment, and Charles Howard of the school of law.