Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 18, 1929, Image 1

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    Amendments Pass By Landslide Vote
Miss Bennett
Wins Contest
Prize of $150
Murray - Warner Essay
Awards Announced
At Banquet
Margaret Nungent
Recipient of $100
Four Other Divisions Merit
Firsts; Indian’s Paper
Praised Highly
Bontrico Bennett, sophomore in
journalism, was last night announc
ed as winner of the American divi
sion of the Murray-Warnor essay
contest, with her article on “A
Chain of Flowers.” The announce
ment was made at the International
Week banquet at Hendricks hall.
The first prize is .jiliiO.
The winning essay opened with
lines from Sir John Davis in China:
“As our gardens have already been
indebted to China for a few choice
flowers, who knows but our poetry
may some day lie under a similar
obligation?” Upon this quotation
she based her description of art,
literature and culture of China.
Margaret Nugent, of Portland,
won the second prize of $100. Her
subject was “Real Laughter and
Shining Tears,” and her essay dealt
with the youth movement and its
relationship to the progression of
China at homo and abroad. Third
prize was divided between Walter
Hempstead of Portland and John
Haldoiman of Astoria. Hempstead’s
subject was “NatiooftiUsm, En
throned” and that of Halderman was
“Ancient China in a Modern World.” I
Four Win Mention
Honorable mention in this divi
sion was given to a number of con
tributions, including “Importance of
Good Will in Economic Eolations
■with China,” by Morris Temple;
“American Horoscope in the Orient”
by William Haggerty; “China Yes
terday and Today,” by Helen Web
ster; “If We Understand” by Alice
Leonard C. .Tee won first prize of
$100 in the Chinese division. Hon
orable mention papers were “Rela
tions between the United States and
China” by Tunnie Lee and “The
United States and China, Their Re
lations” by Benjamin Lee.
In the Japanese division only
one prize was awarded, that going
to Frank Shimizu for his essay on
“Brief History of American and
Japanese Relations.” The prize
was $100.
Devaputra Scores High Place
“Ameriean-Indian Relations” by
I). Devaputra was awarded first
prize ip| its division, the award
amounting to $100. Devaputra’s
paper was spoken highly of by the
judges, who considered it an ex
ceptionally fine piece of work. It
was an expression of the desire of
an Indian student to receive an
education in America so that its
benefits might be transmuted to
liis native country. The paper was
summed up with the following quo
tation: “O land of liberty, allow
Indian students to touch the hem of
thy garment so that thy virtue may
flow into their veins and ultimately
in the veins of a divided country.”
Nieva Gets Philippine Prize
Pastor Nieva received first prize
in the Philippine class with- an
article on “Political, Educational,
and Economic Progress of the Phil
ippines tinder America.” Honjnr
able mention was granted to Luis
Puntnnilla on “Political, Commer
cial and Social Difference between
the United States and the Philip
pines” and to Eugenio Padilla on
“Economic Demands versus Nation
alism in America.”
Honors in the freshman division
went to David Wilson, who wrote
on “Twentieth Century Relations
of Japan and the United States.”
This prize was $50. Honorable men
tion went to Arthur S. Potwin,
writing on “Japan and Justice.”
His prize was $25.
Judges for the contest were Dr.
Warren D. Smith, Verne Blue, David
E. Faville, George II. Godfrey and
Kenneth Shumaker.
School Survey Underway
C. L. Huffaker, professor of edu
iation, has nearly completed a school
building survey for Wendling, a
lumber town 20 miles northeast of
Springfield. Professor N. L. Boss
ing has been collaborating with him
in this survey, and Professor Huf
faker is awaiting his return from
the east before finishing the survey.
International W eek Opens W ith Banquet
United States
In Peace Plan
Dr. K. Reinhardt Gives
Opinion on German
American Relations
(Note: This is the third in
series of articles on foreign
countries which the Emerald is
running during International
lias the United States an incon
sistent policy of international peace?
Dr. K. Reinhardt, assistant pro
fessor of German, explains Amer
ica’s position nicely and yet he
raises the question in telling of Ger
man’s interest in furthering that
spirit of “peace on earth; good will
to men.”
“The progressive element in Ger
many is very much impressed and
in favor of any effort that comes
from foreigners to establish an in
ternational brotherhood of nations,”!
he said yesterday, “this as regards
the Kellogg treaty especially.
“What. I, personally, and many
others, Americans as well, do not
understand is that, while this treaty
has been brought about and accept
ed by the United States government,
the Cruiser bill has at the same time
been brought about and accepted.
“I feel irreconcilable conflict be
tween the two motives, and it is
this that Germans, in looking over
the press, cannot harmonize.
“Personally I suppose that in this
ease, as in the case of other nations,
there are antagonistic forces in the
government; one side representing
a new spirit as regards international
relations and the other one repre
senting the old imperialistic spirit,”
so Dr. Reinhardt explained away
the inconsistency, and yet the ques
tion still remains: “Has the United
States a two-faced policy of inter
national peace?”
Dr. Reinhardt went on to speak j
of disarmament. “As you know,” i
lie explained, “Germany was the
only nation that has been obliged
by the Peace treaty to disarm. This
ins been accomplished so that now
die has a standing army of only
100,000 soldiers. This is only enough
to protect the peace of the interior
and the safety of the borders.
“Germany was supposed to take
Hie lead in the matter of disarma
ment, but it was laid down in the
treaty that the other nations would
follow as soon as Germany should
have fulfilled her agreements.
“This lead convinces us that the
(Continued on Page Two)
Nominations for
Editor of Emerald
To Be Considered
Editorial Staff to Call for
Candidates for Position
Today at 4 o’Cloek
The amendments to the constitu
tion of the associated students of
the University of Oregon will take
effect this afternoon at 4:00 a’clock
when nominations for next year’s
Emerald editor will be called for
by Arden X. Pangborn, present edi
tor. The nominations, under the
provisions of the revised constitu
tion, will be made by the editorial
Not more than four nominees can
be chosen from the editorial staff,
and further selections must come
upon petition of more than 100 eli
gible members of the student body.
Final appointment of the 1929-30
editor will be made within the next
few weeks by the publications com
Two members of the staff already
announced®their candidacy for the
editorship. They are Joe Pigney,
associate editor and sports editor,
Carl Gregory, chief day editor, and
Art-Sehoeni, managing editor.
The meeting will be held in the
library of the school of journalism.
Voting members of the staff in
clude the editorial staff, the re
porters, and day and night editors.
As soon as the nominations are
completed the publications commit
tee will be notified.
Fellowship Spirit,
Good-will Feature
Student Gathering
Lecture, Tea Will Be On
Today’s Events
“But there is neither East nor
• Border nor land nor breed,
When two strong men stand face
to face.
Though they come from the ends
of the earth.”
Tims, in the words of Kipling is
summed up the true spirit and tone
of international Week, proposed by
the Oregon Daily Emerald and spon
sored bv tin1 V. M. ('. A., Y. W.
(.!, A., and the Cosmopolitan and
International Relations clubs in the
interest of world fellowship.
More than a hundred students of
severed nationalities gathered to
gether last night at a banquet in
-Hendricks hall to mark the open
ing of the International Week pro
gram. The crowded hall hummed
with the intimate and friendly talk
of the guests. » Students from the
Philippines, China, Japan, India,
Russia, Spain, France, Germany,
Holland, and Korea, all were there,
each the guest of an American stu
dent, forming acquaintances and
entering into friendships that will
Five talks from foreign students
on the campus expressed gratitude
for an Ameircan education and the
gooil that this nation is doing in
world affairs. David Devaputra,
graduate student from India, spoke
on “What Oregon Means to Me.” He
summed up His beliefs by dividing
the word Oregon into six letters,
each one standing for a factor in
the furtherance of international re
lations. These factors are: oppor
tunity, responsibility, education,
good-will, originality, and nobility
of character.
Felix Legrand spoke on I lie J
French Student’s Immersion of In
tellectual and Social Life at Ore- !
gon;” Charles Yoshii, on “Amer-J
ica’s Part in International Friend-'
ship;” Eugenio Padilla, “Intellec
tual Mindedness;” and Leonard *lee,
“The Effect of American-educated
Chinese on China.” In all of the
talks by the foreign students there
was that note of sincerity and grat
itude expressing thanks for Amer
ica ’s work in education and world
Burt Brown Barker, vice-president
of the university, gave the principal
address of the evening on “Inter
national Friendship.” There is some
thing worth while in the study of
international friendship, Mr. Bar
ker pointed out, when we think of
what the ‘next war’ will be. The
possibility of pilotless, invisible,
noiseless airplanes swooping down on
non combatants, as they are predict
ed to do in the war of the future,
is enough to further the struggle
for world peace.
“The United States is the fresh
man nation of the world,” Mr. Bar
ker said, “and we sometimes forget
the senior benches and tradi
tions of the rest of the world. We
Americans are ignorant of many of
the nations with which we come
in contact. If we are going to be
friendly, we must first know their
feelings. ’ ’
Misunderstanding comes from lack
of knowledge of the other fellow,
Mr. Barker stated. “The univer
sity,” he said, “is the best place
to make for a common understand
ing of each other.”
A program of addresses gnd a tea
lias been arranged today. Frances
Warnecke, a junior in tho Univer
sity of California who returned to
the United Slates from an eight
months trip around the world; Dr.
Roy Akagi, Japanese educator and
historian, and John Garvan, author
and explorer, will talk, while the
tea will be given by the Y. W. C, A.
in honor of Miss Warnecke, who is
the guest of the local association.
Dr. Akagi will come to the campus
under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A.
and the Y. W., while Mr. Garvan’s
lecture will be sponsored by the as
sociated students.
Dr. Akagi was described yester
day by Christine Holt, general
chairman of International Week, and
Dorothy Thomas, Y. W. secretary,
as a “very charming person who
speaks English fluently. One of
the Japanese delegates to the second
general session of the Institute of
(Continued on Page Twol
16tli Anniversary
Banquet Held by
Simula Delta Chi
Fre<l Loekley, Veteran
Oregon Journalist,
Gives Talk
Hislory of Group Reviewed
By Karl W. Onlliank
Tito Oregon chapter of Sigma
Delta, Chi colohrntcil its sixteenth
nnniversnry anil the twentieth an
niversary of tin' national organiza
tion last night at a liampict held at
the Anchorage. Sigma Delta Chi is
a national professional journalism
fraternity, and the speakers on the
program spoke of journalism and
the organization.
Fred Lock ley, feature writer on
the Oregon Journal and well-known
in journalistic circles throughout
the Pacific, northwest, told of his
experiences, emphasizing the point
that the journalist must have a gen
uine interest and enthusiasm in his
work. He illustrated with a number
of little stories that good news
paper articles may be found in the
most unexpected persons with whom
one comes in daily contact.
The group was founded ns a jour
nalism honorary, Dean Eric Allen,
of the school of journalism, said in
discussing Sigma Delta Chi, past,
present and future, but since then
it has become a professional frater
nity with the improvement of all
journalism as its aim. Accuracy,
energy and skill are the keywords
of the group, he said.
Karl Ontliank, one of the charter
members of the fraternity, spoke of
its foundation, and the conditions
under which the campus paper of
the time worked. The paper was
then published three times a week
and was put out in a down town
press, the only one in Eugene, and
the mode of transit was bfcycles.
The ten charter members were Karl
Onthank, Frank Allen, Carlton
Spencer, Andrew Oollier, Harold
Young, Don nice, Henry Fowler,
Fendel S. Waite, Sam Michael and
Lei,and Hendricks. Nearly all now
hold places of prominence in their
line of work, Onthank pointed out.
Baseball Opener
Against Willamette
Here Tomorrow
Veteran Team Ready for
Bearcats; Freshmen
Seek Places *
Oregon’s 1029 baseball season
will start tomorrow afternoon at
3:30 when the varsity will meet
Willamette university in the first
of a three game series on Reinhart
field. The second and third games
will be played Saturday, one in the
morning and the other in the after
Oregon will be able to start the
game with a complete northwest
championship team if it is necessary.
Eleven men of the squad that won
the northern section title last year
arc back in uniform.
Several freshmen of promise will
get their chance to displace veter
ans in the Willamette games.
Frannie Andrews, shortstop, is the
only sophomore who has been hold
ing a position regularly in practice,
lie moved in when Ken Robie was
moved to second and (lord Ridings
quit the second base job for a
catching position.
Independent Men’s
Smoker Well Attended
One hundred and fifty men at
tended the annual smoker given by
independent men Saturday night in
the men’s gymnasium. Boxing
wrestling, tumbling, and a Filipino
string quartet entertained the crowd.
Peanuts and hot dogs were distri
Joe Blackwell, Eugene profession
al, and Jimmie Lee, Oregon student,
boxed three exhibition rounds. The
bout was fast and interesting.
Clair ileisel and Louis Feves
wrestled one seven minute period
and one of five minutes to a draw,
Meisel will represent Oregon at
the minor sports carniva1, at Seattle
this week-end.
J John Garvan
Will Speak
On 'Pygmies’
Author a n d Lecturer
To Describe Life
With Savages
Slides of Natives
Feature of Talk
Last A. S. U. O. Address
In Woman’s Building
Tonight at 8
“And so it wont for seven years
. . . from place to place and from
tribe to tribe. Rumors of my cap
ture, demise, or murder would
reach the Bureau of Science. The
constabulary would hunt for mo or
my remains, but 1 am still among
those present.” This is what John
AT. Garvan, author, lecturer and ex
plorer, wrote recently in summing
up his life among the pygmies.
Garvan will speak tonight on “Our
Philippine Pygmies” at the Worn
inn’s building at 8 o’clock under the
auspices of the associated students,
i Reserve seats may be had for seventy
five cents, and general admission
for townsfolk for fifty cents. This
will lie the last A. S. U. O. speaker
this year.
Garvan will have 50 slides of the
Philippine pygmies, and another 30
of the African, New Guinea, Malay
Pensinula and Andaman Island
pygmies. lie has spent a quarter
of a century gathering material for
the book he is now writing, entitled
“Our Philippine Pygmies.” Hr.
Warren 1). Smith, bead of the geol
ogy department, said yesterday of
the work, “It will probably be the
most exhaustive treatise ever writ
ten on the pygmy.”
Experiences Dangerous
Some of Garvan’s most dangerous
experiences were with the Mnnabos
and Kalagan Maqdayas. He has
published an account of an exper
ience in 1904, his first “brush with
the untutored savage,” when he, one
Spaniard, pnd a small groulp of
Christian Filipinos “poled them
selves for two days in a (logout to a
Manabo village in the Primeval for
est.” There they were met by a
group of 20 savages armed with
spears, shields, and long side-knives,
They informed the Mnnabos they
wished to settle in their country.
The Mnnabos first offered them a
meal. Garvan write, “After we had
finished our woodland meal, four of
the most stalwart of the group ap
proached the Spaniard and myself
and offered us quids of betclnut—a
token of friendship, as I learned not
long after. I begged to be excused
on the ground that 1 had never
chewed betclnut.
“Our warriors withdrew a little
space and again held converse,
whereupon the whole group ap
proached us with rolling eyes and
threatening mien. The leader, a
bagani or warrior-chief, who had
eight lives to his credit, stepped
up to me and said: ‘Americano, the
hinterland is for Manabos; the sea
shore is for Americans, Spaniards
and Bisayas. One of your kith
fold me years ago that we Manabos
live like wild boars. If that be so,
then we have tusks. Go back to
the seashore’.” Which shows the
kind of humor the pygmies in gen
eral have.
“Better Be a Coward”
They approached Garvan, who did
came rapid calculating. “Better bo
a coward for five minutes than a
dead man all your life,” he decided,
“and simultaneously X threw for
ward my unpraised, outspread
arms, with palms toward the front
ing foe. With a sudden burst of
amity and good-will, 1 said: ‘ Friends,
1 have not come up here to be your
enemy but to be your friend and
your brother. ’
“ ‘Ah!’ replied the principal war
rior-chief, a weazened old curmud
geon who bore me a Satanic look,
•Good, good, but if you want to be
a brother of ours you must give
tokens of your brotherhood, aiivl
then we will let you put in your
school and give you all the land
(Continued on I’age Two)
Band Leader
Captain Prevost, leader of the
symphonic band of the Royal Bel
gian Guards, consisting of 81 se
lected musicians, which will appear
here at the Igloo on May 2.
Bowman to Speak
Before Assembly
On Modern Morals
Portland Pastor Is Guest
Of Westminster House
For Two Days
Is Prominent in Religions
Education’ Circles
“Morality—Whence and Whith
er?” will bo the topic of the as
sembly address to be given by Dr.
Harold Leonard Bowman, pastor of
the First Presbyterian church of
Portland, Oregon, at the Woman’s
building today at 11 o’clock.
Dr. Bowman is chairman of the
committee of education of religion
in Oregon and one of the trustees
of the San Francisco theological
seminary. He is president of the
Westminster foundation, which
maintains n house at Corvallis and
another at Eugene.
Dr. Bowman graduated from the
McCormick theological seminary,
Chicago, Illinois, lie taught English
in Beirut, Syria, following his
graduation. He also was assistant
minister of the Second Presbyterian
church in Chicago, Illinois.
Max Adams, student pastor of
Westminster house, will give the in
vocation at today’s assembly. Adams
has also arranged a program for Dr.
and Mrs. Bowman for their stay on
the campus.
Students who desire to arrange a
conference with Dr. Bowman may
do so through Max Adams at the
Westminster house. Dr. Bowman
will be guest at a luncheon of the
directors of religion Thursday noon.
He will be able to receive students
Thursday afternoon and Friday
Beaux Arts Ball
Tickets to Drop
From Hobi Plane
Students Are to Be Given
Chance at Duckets
After Assembly
Students will have an opportun
ity to pick tickets for the forth
coming Beaux Arts ball right out
of the air this morning just after
assembly, it is announced by Glenn
Gardiner, general chairman. A
Travel-air biplane from the Hobi
Airways will hover over the area
between the Woman's building and
the Administration building at this
tipie, and Esther Taylor, secretary
of the air company, will cast out
several envelopes containing free
tickets to this gala event.
The plane will be piloted by
“Ihnty” Moore, pilot for the Hobi
film, and will be the same machine
whi'-h recently took the campus
movie stars aloft. Students are urg
ed to he on the watch for the en
velopes, for the ticket will admit
Hie ticket will admit the lucky re
ceiver to what is regarded as the
outstanding terpsichorean event of
the season. The dance will be held
April id at the C’unipa Shoppe.
Few Students Go
To Foils to Cast
Ballots on Bills
Measure lo Appoint
Emerald, Oregana
Editors Passes
Council Group Is Given
Walking Papers
Abolish council—
For .490
Against . 48
Appoint editors—
For .497
Against . 49
Regent on council—•
Yes . 22
No .510
Reduce council meetings to two—
Yes .507
No . 20
By Cleta McKennon
Five amendments, one abolishing
the student council nnd another pro
viding for appointment of editors
of the Emerald and Oregana by tho
publications committee, were made
to the constitution of the associated
students of the University of Ore
gon when all five were voted into
effect by a landslide at a special
elections held at Villard hall yester
day. From a student body of more
than 2500 only 5-18 voters—two
more men than women—went to the
polls. Of these 400 decided that a
progressive step would be taken by
doing away with the student council
and . substituting a committee of
student affairs subsidiary to tho
executive council. Since all amend
ments will go into effect at once,
there will be no more student coun
cil meetings. Only 48 voters favored
retention of the present govern
mental system.
Forty-three ballots were cast
against the amendment concerning
appointment of editors of the Emer
ald and Oregana, but 497 favorable
ballots completely overbalanced this
number. According to this altera
tion in the constitution, editors
hereafter will be nominated by the
staffs of the respective publications
and will he passed upon by the exec
utive council upon recommendation
of the publications committee. The
staffs will be at liberty to nominate
not more than four candidates. A
fifth or more candidates may bo
added to this list through petitions
signed by more than 100 students.
Little Opposition Shown
Even less opposition was shown
by voters to the other amendments,
none of which will be of as far
reaching effect. The amendment
necessitated by recent merging of
the board of regents, to cut tho
clause calling for a member of the
board on the executive council,
brought 22 nayes to 510 yeas. Five
hundred and thirteen favored, while
22 disapproved, of making class
treasurers business managers, and
requiring budgets from them to en
velop all expenditures. Five hun
dred and seven, of 527, saw tho
advisability of decreasing the num
ber of student body meetings from
five to two per year. Some stu
dents diil not vote on all amend
McKeovm Happy
When informed of the outcome of
the elections, Joe McKeown, stu
dent body president, said, “I am
surely happy that all five amend
ments passed by such a fine ma
jority. The students exercised
sound judgment on sound measures
and showed they were anxious to
promote a more efficient student
Art Anderson, student body vice
president, agreed with McKeown,
that “the amendments ns passed
form an aggressive step in student
Alyco Cook Gets Honor
In Nation-wide Contest
Miss Alvce Cook, freshman in
journalism from La° Grande, won
honorable mention in a national
elsay contest sponsored by Carl
T.aemrnle, Universal movie head, on
“The Ideals of Life I Find in Victor
Hugo’s ‘ Les Miserables’.”
Two thousand papers were turned
in, and Miss Cook is one of three
receiving honorable mention. The
first prize was 11000. The object
of the contest was to create an in
terest in the movie “Les Miser
ables,” which he was filming. Miss
Cook is a reporter and night editor
on the Oregon Daily Emerald.