Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 12, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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    14 Teams To
In Golf Meet
Intramural Matehrs4^ill
Bet»in Next/Week;
EmHIay 25
Trophy Will Be Awarded
To Play-off Winners
Fourteen tenuis, composing two
leagues, have entered the intramural
golf tournament which will lie
played over flic course of the Kn
gone Country dub Htarting next
week, A trophy, probably a silver
cup, will lie awarded the winner,
according to Carl Nelson, who is in
charge of intramural golf mdivities
League A is composed of the fed
lowing teams, listed as paired in the
first round of play: I ’hi (lamina
Delta vs. Alpha Tati Omega, Delta
Tail Delta vs. Theta Chi, Phi Delta
Theta vs. Friendly hall. Bachelor
don drew a live.
League I!, as paired in the first
round: Alpha hall vs. T’lii Fsi
Beta Theta I*i vs. Kappa Sigma
Sigma Nu vs. Chi Psi, Phi Sigma
Kappa drawing a live.
The winners of the initial matches
will be entered in the right division
ainl the losers in the left division
Then, by straight elimination, tin
champions of the two divisions will
lie determined and will meet in tin
play-off to decide the cliampionshi|
of tlic league. The filial match lie
tween league winners will deeidi
the winner of the tournament.
Tlic Nassau system of scoring
will lie used. By t his system mu
point is awarded the winner of each
separate nine holes, mailing twi
points in the ordinary eighteen hoh
match. One point goes to the win
ner of the greatest, niinilicr of holes
out. of the eighteen, making a total
number of three points for each
single game. The number of points
which each of the four men wins
will be added to constitute the total
All of the first round games must
lie played next, week so that tin
lime schedule which closes the four
nament by Alav lib may he followed.
A match schedule will he main
lained on the hulloUn hoard nl the
men’s gymnasium for the eonveni
once of the team captains, and
after each match, the results should
lie posled there or telephoned to
Carl Nelson, Delta Tan Delta.
Kadi team is composed of four
men. No varsity players are al
lowed til compete.
French Club Officers
Chosen for Next Year
TVlix TjP£i*ninlt»f of - 11m ronmnoo
l/i ngufigo depart mctit, was elected
president, Marini rn. Hedges, junior in
Knglicli, wfiH cbompn vice-president,
!(•'/■ 1 Ivohortson, sophomore in Kng
lisli, wan ohvted secret;irv»! r<*:isur<*»*,
and Kli/nhct li Pniuton, freshman in
journalism, \v: i s named Kmorald re
porter, /it tin* first spring form moot
ing of 1li«' I'lenrh i* 1 ill) hold Wcdnes
ilny night nt the V. W. A. Hun-'
gaJow. These officers will hold their
positions for the coining year.
A short French play, “ l.e Dame
d ’Kspnnouillnc,” hy Charles Foley,'
with I’ierre Thomas, of the romance
language depa ft merit, a ml Lucy Nor
ton, freshman in languages, taking
he two parts, was given, and Helen
Williams, senior in music played a
■ pin lyiosolo, selections from Jhdiussey.
. *•“ Le Moduli it Malgre Lul,” a
. rVi ■ u c1 comedy hy Moliere, the 17th
••elifuidi-playwirght, which is to he
given in (luihl hall theater on April
lit, will he the next activity of the
French ( lull.
Books, Artext Prints
Received by Library
“Hound Tp,” Ring Lordlier’* re
cent novel, li.'is recently been added
to t lie librtiry rent shelf. A not lief
lately ac(|Uire(l book is “Ktll'Openil
Skytvnys,” by Lowell Tliomas. Felix,
Count Liteknor, rend it and said,
•‘By .foeI VVliat a thriller; it kept
my up all night tor the first time
lince I lie war.”
Other new books are; “The Span !
.sli Lady,” including two other stor
es from (V'rva ntes, and “The Heroic
Life of Saint Vincent do 1’aul,” by
llenri Lavidor.
Forty artext prints, reproductions
from pniniings by famous artists, of
•vhoin many are Americans, were
received at the library yesterday.
They are being mounted and will lie I
accessible to those interested this
aft crnnnn.
- I'ictures from old masters, por
traits by Van Dyke and Leonardo
le Vinci are included in the eollec
I ion.
Tennis Aspirants Must
Be Signed Up Monday
Women who wish to enter the ten
ds tournament wliicli is lo lie played
next week Imvo until Monday to
rign tip on the bulletin Hoard at the
entrance of the VVoninn ’s building,
iccomling lo Nnoini Moshberger, who
■ s in charge of the tournament.
Any woninn, student or family,
.nay enter this tournainent. Draw
ings will he iinnoiineeil Wednesday;
mil matches, which are to lie played
at the convenience of the contes
tants, will begin at once.
Orator Was Coached by
Former Oregon Debater
William Dougherty, Medford high J
school student. w'lii) recently won the
Soulhern Oregon district champion
ship in 11n* National Oratorical con
test recently held in Roseliurg, was
coached by Ralph Hailey, former
Oregon debater. Hailey is fiov a
public speaking instructor at Med
ford lli. “Our Work Is Not Yet
Done” was the title of Dougherty’s
oration. He triumphed over high
school orators from Grants I’ass,
Marshfield, Port Ort'ord, Reselling
and Powers.
Angleworms Dumb!
Fail to Cet Wise
UNCOI.N, NVhr. (IP and No
biMiskii Diiily)- If,Mbits ennnot. be
ricvcIoptMl in earthworms, according
to Roth Dorothy Hvvartz, whose nr*
—This is a well used adage, blit stands to
reason with your cords.
— Get them cleaned lor spring term at the
Eugene Steam Laundry
“Try the
Drug Store First”
You seldom not'd go farther. You can find nearly
all vonr school needs at the l.emon O, and most of your
personal needs. Tost out the Lemon 0 on the slogan,
“Try the drug store first.”
Lemon ‘O’ Pharmacy
The following men are in
structed to report on the library
steps this, morning (Friday) at
It):."0 sliarp:
No lid: Paul Forsvtlie, How
ard Null, Art Adams, Nick Kk
lund, Graham Covington, Manuel
Schnitzel-, Al Naslund, Keulien
Lnckitch, Art Nansen, Mac Mil
ler, Hunt Clark, Bud Mourton,
Marry Stevens, Carl Gerlinger,
H. W. K. Smith, Don Rva, Marry
Schenk, .lack Rhine, Shirley Car
ter, Ai'aille Ragsdale, Don Abner,
Morgan Hartford, George Mc
Farland, Fred Shultz, Gordon
Jason, Mill (Irneper, F.llis Thomp
son, Mill Keenan, Neil Whisnant,
Fred Smith, Dick Wilson, Wavnc
Mason, Klwood Marrigan, Lewis
Stevens, and Francis Moon.
| tide on “Modification of Behavior
i in Kart h worms” appeared in the last
issue of the Journal of Comparative
Psychology. The decision was leased
on experimentation carried on in
Bessev hall at the University of
Previous experiments at Columbia
university arid in Oermany indicat
ed that habits could bo developed
in these animals. Miss Swartz,
however, carried out the project far
j more extensively than anyone else,
| making 5,400 trials. The animals
were placed in glass tubes and stim
ulated in an attempt to teach them
to go one place and not another.
Some of them were found to mod
infy their behavior, and learned
rapidly, but there were manv who
learned nothing. This led to the
conclusion that while one can mod
ify their behavior somewhat, it
seems impossible to develop habits
in earthworms as in higher animals.
Profs Agile Against
Whiles of Co-ed Vamp
MEMPHIS, Tonn.—(IP)—Accord
ing to the Sou’wester, official stu
dent publication of the Southwes
tern college campus, professors in
that institution have classed them
selves us being immune to the wiles
of pretty co-eds who use other
methods than study tp get good
grades. One professor said that
"all Southwestern co-eds are beauti
ful, so no one has a better chance
than the others.” Mow this af
fects the boys is not mentioned..
Seniors Giving
2 Best Orations
To Receive Prize
$150 First Award Gift of
Failing; Second of
$100 by Beckinan
- . J
Speeches to Be Delivered
Without Manuscripts
Tlw* senior who :i t tlio graduation
exercises can give tlie best orig
inal oration will win a prize of
$150 and tile one who can give the
second host a prize of $100.
The first of these prizes, a Fail
ing prize, is the income from a
gift of $2500 made to the univer
sity by Henry Failing of Portland.!
The second is the income from a’
gift of $1000 made hy < ('. Ileek
man of Jacksonville.
These prizes should lie easy money
for some of the graduating class,
according to .1. h". Horner, debate j
coach, for at the last three contests
not more than five persons have)
tried out.
The speeches are to he limited to ^
1500 words. They will he judged !
on originality (,f ,subject matter,;
style of treatlnenT, rhetorical excel
lence and .1 lie manner of delivery,
and no oration will he considered
unless delivered without the aid of
man use ript.
Any member of Hie senior class in
the classical, the scientific, or the
literary schools of the university
will lie elligihle to compete.
The judges will he chosen hy the
facility of the university.
The Failing prise lust year was
won hy Dudley Clark, major in eco
nomies, with tlie subject: “College
and My Future.” The Beckman
prize was won by Frances Cherry,
major in journalism, with a speech
on the subject: “Race Prejudice.” j
Friday Evening Sivifhs
Available to Students
Every Eriday nifilit in tile tank of
the Woman’s buildino any man or j
woman who is connected with the
University can enjoy an hour and a
half of fun that is fun. This term
there has been an average crowd of
forty-live people at the social swim
PHONE 2700
Just Arrived—
Smart, New
A lovely assortment of blouses for the sport costume—
Ginghams, Piques, Dimities and Broadcloths. The Broad
cloth models have Peter Pan collars in checked gingham
with cuffs to match. Diinjties are of floral design and
are tailored with pleated ruffle down the front—also
other styles. Some are tuck-ins, others finished 'with belt
Second Floor
2 P. M.
mas ter p i ccc
A sensational drnnjn <1<
eternal conflict of pun
with (-very indication that there will
be more when the weather becomes
It is .an opportunity to get in a lit
tle swimming practice an the side
before swimming in the mill race
becomes popular with warmer
went her.
New Mortar Boards
Proposed by Juniors
Junior women met yesterday af
ternoon at" 110 Villard to vote on
members of their class who are pros
pective members of Mortar Board,
lasts containing the names of all
third year women were handed out
and the names were checked accord-1
ing to the way the writers consul- j
Close to the
Tlic Varsity Servin' Sia
ti»n, situated on tin' cor
nrr of 1:5th and Ililvard,
is 11K' closest service sta
tion t'o the campus,
licit' you receive only
courteous serviet' and only
the finest of oils and jj'iis.
You can depend on ^et
tin«>' the best service that
money can buy.
Varsity Service
* Station
ItlMillillllMlIlilllllilllimilli :
At Laraway’s
The Best Portable
Ever Made— the
New Victor
Orthophonic reproduction
with tremendous volume
when you want it. Non-set
automatic stop; new’style,
more convenient windin'*:
crank, all steel ease, extra,
larc'e motor and the whole
instrument finished bcau
t if ill ly in I )upont Lent her
Portable Time
Get yours today. You can
pay by the month if you
Victor and Brunswick
This Is
ore 1 thorn most prominent. Thesf
records will lie used by Mortar
; Hoard in selection of new member*,
who will be pledged nt the eninputs
luncheon of dunior Week-end, wh it'll
Will In- Ml:IV 10.
Favor Qurirters
ATLANTA, (In.—(II’)— Stiide'ntp
:if Georgia Tech, interviewed" on tine
question of instituting the quarter
system nt the institution, have given
preference to such n plan hv a large i
Marion Zurcher Dies
At Milwaukee, April 9
Malion Zurcher, former T'niver
sitv of Oregon student, died Tues
day, April ft, at tlie Milwaukee san
atarium, near Portland. Zurcher was
• a music -major land was prominent in0
that tine of hot Dittos" while on the
campus. During the past two years
he lias been employed as organist
at the Ilex and McDonald theaters.
Ilis body has been shipped to En
terprise, his former home, for burial.
With an O. K. That Counts
Morris Chevrolet Co.
942 Olive St.
7th and Oak
Satisfaction Guaranteed
The Smartest Jlrrap-A rounds* Made
For all
' Figures
At all
If you want your figure
to be fashionably slend
er, and at the same time
comfortable, wear a
Wrap-Around* de
signed by
HE side opening Wrap-Around* sketched abov*
brings long, slender lines to average figures. Skil
fully boned to give a lovely straight line, back
and front. Broad panels of Rayon knitted elastic
over the hips and a V gore- at top of the back
ensure the utmost freedom.
Many other Warner Wrap-Arounds* in stoc\, a style
/or every figure—very moderately priced.
Dr. Harry W. Titus
Dentistry - Oral Surgery
Special attention to ex
traction of teeth.
Plione 919 C23 Miner Bids.
General Dentistry
1209 Pearl Street
Eugene Oregon
Phone 2929
Wm. H. Dale, M. D.
A. F. Sether, M. D.
Phone 43
0. R. Gullion, M. D.
D. C. Stanard, M. D.
Gaven C. Dyott, M. D.
I. O. O. F. Bldg.
Phono 133
Dr. J. E. Richmond
Praetiee limited to
Oi't hodontia
522 Miner Bldg. Phone 1313
Phone 224 Miner Bldg.
Eugene, Oregon
Dr. Ella C. Meade
11 W. 8th Ave.
Phone 2315J
218-19 I. O. O. F. Bldg.
Phone 237 Res. 1335J
Osteopathic Physician
and Surgeon
Special attention to foot tj#ubles
820 Miner Bldg. Tel. 456