4 Seattle Will Be Site For Sport Event Carnival Will Comprise Boxing,'Golf anil Ollier Games All Northerners Invited to Enter Com petition Tlio northern division of the Paci fic coast conference will hold a sports carnival at the University .of Washington, April 19-20. The carnival is ecflnposed of nine sports, part of which are minor sports in most conference colleges. Oregon is entered along with the other schools in the northern divi sion, and arrangements are now be ing made for the purpose of choos ing athletes to represent the Web foots, according to Virgil Earl, ath letic director. To Be Boxing Tourney Boxing is to be handled in tourna ment style at Seattle and regular intercollegiate rules will be enforced in wrestling. Squash racquets calls for a ——x4(> foot court. The rules for fencing have not been deter mined. Bolt' teams arc to bo composed of two men and will he played under regular intercollegiate rules. Six man teams will compete in volley ball under the American Amateur Athletic union rules. Tumbling Scheduled The tumbling event will consist of a five-minute display by each two-man team, individually and co operative. Judging will be on the difficulty of tricks, form displayed, and continuity. Gymnastics was sep arated from tumbling and listed as an independent sport at the request of Oregon and Washington State, and will have three divisions, hori zontal bar, parallel bars, and horse. Both singles and doubles are scheduled in the handball tourna ment on courts 22 feet wide, 4(i feet long, and 22 feet high. Scotty Milligan is in charge of the tourna ment for the selection of the two handball men who will represent Oregon at the carnival. Former Editor Plans Trip Through Europe Edward M. Miller, editor of the Oregon Emerald in 1925-20, and one of the students who began the agi niium ending in establishment of the honors system at the university, will make a trip to Europe soon. He intends to stay long enough to get in touch with the life anil ways of living there. Edgar Bohlman, w h o graduated from Oregon with Edward Miller Mm in New York, where Bohlman lias been living, and they will make the rest of the journey together. They will then go to Paris, where they expect to meet Sol Abramson, his wife, and two friends, Alfons Korn and Ted Ruch, the latter two being Ehodes scholars from Oregon. Honj; Writers Attention! A Vagabond song contest open to nil Oregon students will be con ducted under the supervision of Johnny Robinson's orchestra, an nouncement was made yesterday. Any kind of melody will be accept t able in the contest, according to present plans, and outstanding en tries will be featured at the C'ampa Shoppe on April 2(1. These probably ■will be incorporated also into “Oh Dear,” the Junior Vodvil. Entries will be received by Glare Hartman or Johnny Robinson. i I Four Knots in Bill s Pitching Staff Pictured above are four gentlemen who are expected to form the nucleus for Billy Reinhart’s pitching staff this year, which incidentally, looks like the strongest -‘stable” in the northwest conference. Left to right they are: Bill Baker, right-handed submarine ball artist; Curly Fuller, spccdball southpaw; Reynold McDonald, hefty right-hander; and Art Schoeni, curve-ball portsider. I | Men and Women I Can Team up in Tennis Tourney Donut Representatives to Meet Tuesday in Gym, Says Gil Hermance Mixed doubles in tennis, a new feature in intramural sports, will be introduced to the campus this term, according to Gilbert Ilerinance of lhc physical education depart ment, who has charge of donut sports. Men will be allowed to choose their own partners, and the eligi bility rules will be those governing men Js doubles. Only one person may represent each organization, and varsity tenuis men will not be eligible. A meeting of intramural sport representatives will be held Tues day afternoon, at 4 o’clock in the men's gymnasium, according to J Hermance. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss intra-organizational athletics. Entries will be received at the meeting Tuesday into the intra fraternal leagues of intercollegiate, or soft ball water polo. This will be the initial appearance of this phase of the game as an intramural sport here. Mimeographed rules for water polo will be sent to the various i competing houses, according to Ed ward F. Abercrombie, who will be in charge of this activity and of tennis. Managers of the other sports will be: baseball, Merrill Hagan; golf, Carl Nelson; handball, Scott Mil ligan. Enrollment Open For Co-ed Sports At Women’s Gym Baseball Practice Already Under Way With Tennis Starting Monday Entry lists for baseball, tennis, archery and hockey for women lur e been opened at the women’s gym nasium and co-eds interested in .any of these sports may enroil tlierc now, announcement was made yes terday by Mahalali Kurtz, who will head all sports. Fifty-six women have already | signed for baseball, and practice began on Wednesday. Sessions will i be held daily at 5 under .May Moore. Intramural tennis tournament prac tice will begin at o’clock on .Mon day and will be held at that time every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Naomi Moshberger is in charge. For the first two weeks Miss Ernestine Troemel, of Jlie physical education department, will give instruction in technique. This will be followed by a ladder tour nament and toward the end of the i term teams will be chosen for the intramural meet. First archery practice will not be i held until April S when prospective jsLaraway’sS NEW RECORDS — Victor — “Let's Sit and Talk About You” Ben Bollock's Orchestra “When Summer Is Gone” Or'ran Solo—Jesse Crawford “Jericho”—Fox Trot Waring "s Pennsylvanians — Brunswick - — “Avalon Town”—Song, Burnett's Trio “ Broadway Melody”—Burnett's Orchestra “All A-Twitter” Fox Trot—Jess Stafford Laraway’s EUGENE'S OLDEST MUSIC HOUSE Victor Portables, $25 and $35 U'(.-hers will meet Harriet Thomson in the individual gymnasium. Mar jorie Kelly, head of archery, de clared that no experience is neces sary to turn out for this sport, since Miss Thomson will teach the funda mentals to those who are not fa miliar with them. Practice will be held from 4 to (i o’clock on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Ruth Burcham, head of hockey, has not yet announced the date on which practice for this sport will start. Washington State To Install Chapter Of Phi Beta Kappa * Presddrnt Coleman of Reed College lo Deliver llie Formal Address WASHINGTON' STATU COL LHGIO, Pullman, March 27.—(PIP) —Phi Beta Kappa, national schol astic fraternity, will install a chap ter at the state college on Saturday, April ,! and several other 1 star Oregon golfers, including George Will and Happy licitUemper, may compete at the state tourney. Moe, although a sophomore, is cap tain of the university golf team. Hockey Fans Slate Meeting Next Week Organisation meetings for women interested in hockey will he held at , the women gymnasium next week, I Ruth Burcham, hockey chairman an nounced last night. Freshman wo- ^ men will organize on Monday, senior women on Wednesday, junior wo men on Thursday and sophomore j women on Friday. All meetings to he at 5 o’clock. On the following week regular 1 practice will start with the fresh- . men and juniors reporting Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday from 5 to t> and seniors and sophomores on .Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the same hour. ‘Ingot Iron’ Produced A three-reel motion picture, “In got Iron,” was shown at Villard hall yesterday afternoon through the courtesy of the U. S. bureau of mines. SUNDAY ONLY Continuous Showing 2 p. m. to 11 p. m. FIRST SHOWING IN EUGENE Columbia Pictures prc«n:i Viol® H?aesa V/Hh RaJpSa iiirv Mclittc-iis . raves ,t;as Iiel*a*iJSs Humorous adventures' of a cigar counter girl who thought she was a .gold-digger aud the idle son of-a chain restaurant mag nate, who didn’t know how to work. Comedy ‘Wlio’a Lying’ Kinograms ADMISSION Adults, 25c Children, 10c New Grille Dance FRI. & SAT. NIGHTS College Side Inn $1.50 per couple BILLY SILVERS AND HIS FIVE PIECE CAMPUS CHORDS Reservations limited to 40 couples Make Reservations Early m 1 1 1 I 1 | 1 nil m [?■! 1 ft E [■’ !■-. i 1 (I (5 B E E 1 E ■ Boots iftid Spurs Selects Fifteen F or Membership Plan Paper Chases lo Be Run Against O. S. C. And Portlanders Fifteen members wore elected at a meeting this week of tlie univer sity rilling club, "Boots and Spurs.’ Tentative plant. nonie and home paper eliusoa wi. S. were made, and a chase with the Portland Hunt club arranged for either April -7 or May 4. Members wilt engage their own horses, an I eaeli week will take a cross country ride of about- six miles, and every other week a two and a half mile paper chase with maximum hurdles of three feet, and water jumps. Throughout the term special features will be arranged, sueli as before breakfast rides. The girls will begin fancy riding within the next week. William lledlund was elected pres ident of the club; Dan McDonald, vice-president; Marion Jones, sec retary and treasurer; lledlund and McDonald, managers of the chase; Cleta McKennon, publicity mana ger. Anyone with a fair knowledge of riding may join the club, until the maximum number of .45 members is reached. At present the group con sists of Margaret Mien Douty, -Mar ion Jones, John Nelson, Dan McDon LAST DAY .Matinee at 2 p. in. FIRST and ONLY" Showing in Eugene y? ''WILLIAM FOX preatnu D(fct€CEf CEL C2© tilth CH.4I3B.F-/ FARRELL and IVAN LI NOW Mod Kotin of Loro for /Prime and Peasant 83ACLL WAUI Production Comedy Pathe News aid, Wright Eshelmau, Allen Braeh er, Janet l’limpton, Margaret Cur tiee, William Hedlund, Alvrtlc Ate* Daniels, Janiee Hedges, Bob llynd, Spencer Raynor, Roberta Doutv, (Hay Joy, ('lota AtcKenuon. Easter Vespers Feature Eugene Oratorio Group “llalfflujali” from Ifamlel’s ••.Messiah” will lie presented Sun day afternoon at the regular ves per service held in the music audi torium at 4:J0 o’clock when the Eugene Oratorio, eomposftd of 200 voices, will offer the program un dot' the direction of Jolin Stark Evans. Frances Pierce will piny the Organ numbers for the services. Madame Hose McGrow will sing ■I Know that My Redeemer I.iveth” also from the “Messiah,” and Rev. Fro lerick .leanings of the Episcopal church will read. The doors will he closed prompt* ly at_J-'ln o'clock. Members of Kwama, sophomore honorary for girls, will usher. PLEDGING ANNOUNCEMENT Kappa Delta washes to anmmiit'O. the pledging of Rose Conroy, Elk gone; llansina and Etolin Campin, Juneau, Alaska, and Eunice Daniels, McKenzie Bridge. i rrt rr m m m m ra rn rn m ra n? irro rsi rsi fTHTT fSTTTn GHfEl fffl [S’. i itj izj izj uj o izj irj uu y FURNITURE REPAIRING Have your repairs, upholstering and refinishinjr work done hero. Special cabinet work and designing Eugene Furniture Hospital 491 West Eighth Aver,Me Call 102 SUNDAY IT COMES A MIGHTY DRAMA OF THE SEA STARRING JACK HOST ruM DOROTHY REVIEft.,^ RALPH GRAVES Entertainment De Luxe furnished in an entirely new setting. £ Drama enacted l)y a superb cast at tlie bottom of tho sea. Contains everything you like to see;— passionate love se-, riuor,-ecs - spectacular scenes— and mighty thrills. The Great Picture of the year! I. OVER A YEAR TO MAKE last “The Wolf of Wall Street” with GEORGE BANCROFT A 1000 PER CENT TALKIE HIT Starting a New “College Side” Spirit 35c Business Lunch 50c Dinner - 'Cw’W-* Ask Pat about Pastry and Punch for that Spring Dance From now on— The best foods and drinks with the best service in the cleanest place. Also— ' The big dance every Friday and Saturday night featuring “The College Band.” NEW BANOUET ROOM FOR SPECIAL LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS ^ College Side Inn Pat Scott, new manager