Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    University of Oregon, Eugene
W. E. IIcmpBtead Jr Assoc. Editor Leonard Hagstrom.Assoc. Editor
Joe Pigney.Assoc. Editor Wilfred Brown.Assoc. Editor
Arthur Schoeni.Managing Editor
Carl Gregory .
Donald Johnston
Riirpnii Madsen .
Asst. Managing sailor
.Feature Editor
.Literary Editor
Joe rijcney ...opurw
Lavina Hicks ...Society Editor
Leonard Delano ..P. I. P. Editor
Clarence craw .—.~ aiaaeuii eauvur
Jo Stoficl..Secretary
New* and Editor Phono 6B6
DAY EDITORS: Vinton Hall, Lawrence. Mitchclmore, Serena Madsen, Carl Gregory,
Mar,' !• ranees Dilday: Mary Klcmm and Harry Tonkon, assistants.
1’IjITOUS ' K< x TtiBnirur cnief; l' rcd Bccriill, Victor Kaufman* Charleo Bar/. ]
Thornton Shaw, Mildred Dobbins. . . . j
ANIGHT EDITORS: Max (Jarman, John Dodds, Evelyn Hartman. Beatrice I
""IsenneU, Jean German, Jo Harry, Ralph Ycrgen, Dave Totton, Gracemary
Riektnan, Eleanor Jane Ballanfcyrie.
(JEM ERA I, ASSIGNMENT REPORTERS: Wilfred Drown, (and Hurlburt, Bess j
SPORTS' STAFF: Delbert Addison, Alex Tamkln, Joe Brown, Fred Schultz, Harry
“■ Van Dine, Warren Tinker, Harold Fraundorf,
Jim YtTfiin.
RKPOKTFRS’ Mary Klcmm, ' Myron Griffin, Maryhclcn Koupnl, Clcta McKennon,
1 ' -,;id, Alice Gorman. T. Neil I aylor. Willis Dnniway. Dorothy Thomas.
i’hvliis VanKiinmeJ. David Wilson. Aiieen Barker. Elme Srhtwder, Osborne
Holland Merlin Blais, Mack Hall, Helen Cherry, Barney Miller. Boh Guild. Mary
Ellen Mason, Eeiiore Ely, Rath Campbell. Alyce Cook. Bernice Hamilton, Dorothy
Kiik Elizabeth Painton, Jean (Jarman, Kathetyn Feldman.
William H. Hammon'I ■ Associate Manager
Coorge Weber Jr.Foreign Adv. Manager
Dorothy Ann Warnick -.Asst. Foreign Mgr.
Phil Hammond...Service Dept.
Ruth Creager.Secretary-Cashier
Charles Keed__Advertising manager
Richard Horn .Asst. Adv. Manager
Harold Kenter .Asst. Adv. Manager
Ted Hewitt.-.Circulation Manager
Carry Jackson.Asst. Circulation Mgr.
Margaret I'oorinan.iMKr. vuw:nni*
Business Office Phone 1896
ADVERTISING SAI<ESMEN: Addison Brockman, Lucille Catlin, Emmalane Rorcr
Bernard Clappcrton, William Cruikshank, Elaine Henderson, Bob Holmes, Ina
Tremblay. Hetty Hagen. Margaret Underwood, Osborne Holland.
OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Harrv Hanson, Dorothy Jones, Cleota Cook, Kathryn Ferigo,
Julianne Benton, Guy Stoddard, Louise Gurney, Jane Gilbert, Fred Reid.
The Oregon Dally Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the
college year Member of the Pacific Inter-collegiate Press. Entered in the post office
at Eugene Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, 88.50 a year. Adver
tising rate’s upon application. Residence phone, manager, 9789. Jo Stofiel, secretary.
Dan Editor This Issue—Mary Frances Dilday
Nifilit Editor- Thin home -Max Carman
Amt. Niyhl Editor Thin Issue—Jean Garmuu
Student Automobiles
In the Springtime
ONCE upon a time not so
very long ago the Uni
versity of Oregon deans
of men were in the habit of
agitating vociferously against
the use of automobiles by the
students on the campus. Evi
dently the suggested restric
tions on the use of student Cars
was not received with popular
favor so the requests of former
deans went by the boards. The
number of ears on the campus
is as great as ever and increas
Spring is the time when a
young man's fancy turns to
thoughts of Automobiles. So
do thoughts of young college
women. The result is, judging
from personal observation,
there are more cars down here
this spring term than during
either of the other quarters
this year.
March, going out like a lamb,
witnesses gigantic calvacades
of motor cars parading up and
down Thirteenth street. The
ears fill the byways as well
as the highways of Eugene.
Students every spring direct
their attention to the pleasure
of joy riding.
flow to account for the in
creased number of ears and
the never ending processions
of student driven automobiles?
The good weather, following
six months of typical Oregon
cold and rain, induces the stu
dents to bring their ears hack
from home wit h them a Her 1 he
spring vacation. As for the
driving well, what else is
there to do? Something must
In- done \\ ill: these automobiles.
WliaI is 11n- fun id- an nutoino
bile that one does not drive,
anyhow? And besides that
there is no place to park these
eu rs.
This brings us to the purpose,
finally, of lids editorial. The
parking space around the ad
ministration building is decid
edly too small lo accommodate
the present herds of vehicles.
And the city of Eugene has
prohibited all parking on Thir
teenth street to avoid conges
More parking space or more
joy riding or both? Which
shall it be? Complex are the
problems of springtime.
The Popular
Mr. Elliott
T1IE struggle between di
rectors of tin* campus
movie and the Junior
Vodvil for (lie person of Mr.
1011 io(1. leading man tie luxe,
Juts in it somethin;' of comedy
ami somethin}' of tragedy. .Mr.
Elliott was, it will he remem
bered, chosen some time ago i>\
the movie heads to play the
role of a dashing hero. Then
the Vodvil directors, casting
about for campus talent, fas
tened their eyes upon the
.Harrymore profile of .Mr. El
liott, went into a huddle anil
emerged with the following de
cision; “He s the oulv man for
It was not Mr. Elliott's pur
pose to cause a row between
the two organizations, for evi
deut]v\ he was puk tly villinj
to bow to the plaudits ot' the
crowd over the footlights as
well as to flash his teeth from
the silver screen. However,
others objected; time enough
for Mr. Elliott to appear “him
self in person” after acquiring
fame—like Doug Fairbanks or
Duster Keaton. The matter was
finally straightened out when
Mr. Elliott decided to grace the
screen and to give up his other
That’s where the comedy
comes in. The head of the
Vodvil took the decision ser
iously. To him the loss of Mr.
Elliott was not only a great
blow, but caused in addition
great damage to the Vodvil asi
a whole, it was largely the
Emerald’s fault for publishing j
the information (Column 1,
page 1, Friday) and certainly J
the rest of the cast will work!
under I lie st igma, of not having j
the best that Oregon affords in.
its production. That’s real
comedy. And like most comedy
is has a touch of 1 lie sad.
'flic Vodvil chairman be
lieves that when a new lead for
his production is chosen, said
lead will consider himself sec
ond choice. That’s what is
pathetic — that anyone can
think that there is only one
Mr. Elliott on the campus. Is
no one rise's nose so straight
or eyes so flashing? We ven
ture to suggest that if the Jun
ior Vodvil should double the
present si/.e of its already ex
travagant production il would
perhaps touch not half the tal
ent on the campus.
Ram or Shine
For Easter Hats?
\ IL limes are in stun* for
Kastcr bonnets and dresses
on (lie co-eds, iL' the
weather ot‘ the past week or so
is any criteria. Sunday morning
when all womankind loves to
blossom out in the newest and
flowcriest of spring creations,
is likely to be ushered in by
showers according to weather
Several church clubs on the
campus plan special programs
in commemoration of Christ’s
resurrection and doubtless a
large number of students will
attend services in Eugene
The observance of the Len
ten season which ends Sun
day after a forty-day period
of fast has its roots running
back into the life of humanity
for many hundred years. To
day millions of people all over
the world are united in its ob
Although college students
have been branded “irrelig
ious" at times in the recent
past by strict moralists tomor
row s services over the I'nited
States w ill see a good represen
tation of the youth of today as
sisting in the commemoration
of Christ's resurrection from
the dead after crucifixion.
Joint Concert Will Be
Given at Igloo Soon
(Continued from 1‘uge One)
•stnrr, Sil!:i times, Itutw (ledge.
first* nlte Katheiiiie Itlctnl, \g
nes IVt/.olil, Helen Peters, Marjorie
M'turh, titual'eth Strain. Mildred
| Oil's.>u, Lnuiubell \\ joJv ortii.
Mathilda Tuercfc, Betty Higgins,
Virginia Vaugliu, Anne Maler,
Nanny Thielsen, Ooraldine Gardi
Second alto—Louise Storla, Jo
Ralston, Stella Fishburne, Ruth
Helms, Bess Andrews, Florence Me
Monagle, Velma Garoutto, Iiae
Stevens, Margaret Slusher, Mildred
Clark, Lucile Lyon, Rose Simmons,
Alice Gorman, Katherine l’erigo,
Juanita Wilkinson.
Orchestra Personnel
The orchestra includes:
First violins—Edward Bust, Ken
neth Brown, Carolyn Cooper, Beulah
Wynd, Bertha Aim, Juanita Oskins,
Roy Ford, Josephine Howard, Helen
Althaus, Esther Wicks.
Second violins—Mabel Hollander,
Roma Gross, Estelle Johnson, Anne
Dolph, Thelma Lund, Douglas Orme,
Ella Garrick, Martha Moore.
Violas--Clarence Veal, Martha
Patterson, Gifford Nash.
Cellos—Miriam Little, Roberta
Spicer, Miriam Stafford, William
Boot h.
Flutes—Maxine Moore, Robert
Oboe—Vernon Wisearson.
Clarinets—Marcus Woods, Kenton
Trombones—Eliot Wright, Dorr
Hoffman, Roy Hardman.
Horns — Toby Burris, Charles
Basses—Ruth van Schoonhoven,
Corinne Combs.
Tympani—Martin Geary.
Drums—Kenitcth Proctor.
Harp—Doris Helen Patterson.
A Satire : By Wilfred Brown
(Of the curious traditions of
the Btappy Land of Collegia.
Of the Sacred Ceremony in
. which Student participates, and
of the gladiatorial combats
which follow. How Student is
punished for violation of tra
And in my dream 1 saw Student
progress slowly down (lie pathway
through the green meadows of the
Happy Land of Collegia in the di
rection of the Golden City of Edu
cation, whose spires showed up
faintly, far away in the distance.
Around (lie turn of the road he
came unto a stone bench beneath a
pleasant tree, and, being weary, he
sat himself down to rest. And as
soon as ho did sit himself down
upon tiie bench there came running
unto him oae Knight, clad in soiled
breeches and a wrathful eountcu
a nee.
KNIGHT: Avaunt, Frosh! (For
such is tin1 term used to designate
newly-arrived pilgrims in the Laud
of Collegia). Avaunt.- And so say
ing Ire smote Student with a great
stave which he carried.
STUDENT: How now, good sir?
1 am hut a pilgrim newlv-arrived in
the Happy Land of Collegia, and I
fain would sit me down and rest mo
from the weariness of the road.
KNIGHT: Avaunt! Get hence!
Da rest thou desecrate the sacred
throne whereon none may sit save
those who have long been pilgrims
here, and are called Seniors. Avaunt,
I say, avaunt!
And he struck Student once again
with great force.
STUDENT': But, good sir, 1 fail
to see what harm it may he for me
to sit myself upon the bench when
nobody else wisheth to sit thereon.
It would be a great boon to travel
ers. like unto me.
KNIGHT: Argue not, Frosh. The
law was writ by the first pilgrim
who ever entered into the Happy
Land of Collegia, and hath been
since enforced, from generation to
generation. It is not for such as
thee to question, so avaunt!
Whereupon Student rose wearily
to his feet and once again betook
himself along the dusty road, pull
ing his hat low over his face to
shield his eyes from the blinding
rays of the sun.
(To be continued)
WHAT.. .
They Say
Unit debutant sloucli.
■U Take no pride in an nkloi'
manic facade. Tin1 schoolboy’s
pouter pigeon pose is also all wrong,
balance is the tiling if yon would
he most efficient . . . .Men and wom
en cannot add a year to their lives
liv exercise, but they can add to
their efficiency by correct posture.”
Norman \V. I'radd, physical educat
or, in the Brooklyn Ragle.
* * *
<<QOM K critics call words swear
iug. They think they imply
vulgarity ..and filthiness. They are
.just ordinary Americium, so-called
cuss words and their use does not
in any way indicate vulgarity in the |
speaker's attitude of uiind. The j
stage can use ‘cuss words,’ but the]
talkies with their large and differ
entiated audiences will fear to use!
swear words.”—Kichard Bennett,
actor, ju the Chicago lkiily News.
Sol Nch Record
A new circulation record was cs- ■
tablished at the Commerce reserve |
library Thursday when bill books i
were issued in the course of the
day. according to lialplt Beyer, li- !
This is an iiv lease of Id per cent I
over the previous record put out.)
which was dtid set last term. The
nxerage daily circulatiou is about
.'jO books, 1
The McDonald theater offers an
unusually pood program this week
with “The Wolf of Wall Street,”
George Bancroft’s first talking pic
ture. Bancroft is irresistible even
as a rogue and steals the -whole
show with his famed laughter and
excellent voice. He completely out
shines the beautiful Bifclanovu and
the handsunfe Haul Lucas. How
ever, Baclanova partially redeems
herself with her charming singing
voice and reveals h r talent in sev
i oral delightful selections, reminis
J cent of her early career in the light
I opera.
The plot of “ The Wolf of Wall
I Street” is rather unusual and has
for its background Wall "street and
the stock exchange where the
“Wolf” carries on his activities. Of
rbnrsc their are a few weak spots
ill the picture, but the director lias
skillfully hidden them under the
cloak of Bancroft’s personality. Al
though the action is mostly verbal,
there is plenty of entertainment of
other brands to satisfy the major
ity of theater goers.
“The Red Dance,” now playing
at the Colonial, was evidently in
tended to be a thrilling, heart throb
bing drama of the Russian revolu
tion, but the director got his wires
twisted uhiI turned it into more or
less of a comedy. Dolores Del Rio
has another of her pet roles in
the picture and portrays the cliar
i acter of a poor peasant girl who
I gains fame as a dancer and marries
no other than the Grand Duke him
self, played by Charles Harrell.
Ivan Limin', a new find for the
screen, saves the picture from be
ing just an ordinary film, for lie
takes high honors right out of Har
iri’s hands and creates a new type
of good comedy, with his slapstick
If “The Red Dance” had been
handled differently, it might have
been a great picture, but there is a
limit to what even theater audi
ences will believe. Anyone with
a good sense of humor is sure to’
enjoy the film and forgive the
director for liis carelessness. The
crowning moment comes when a
I DILlS model all steel airplane sweeps
down into 1017 Russia and carries
' off hero and heroine for a much
! needed rest.
McDONALD — Ceorge B:m croft
mihI Baleanova in ‘‘Tlic Wolf of
VVmII (Street.” Also tlic Brox sis
ters in “At the Night Club” Mild
Edward Everett Horton in “Ask
COLONIAL—u The Rod Dance,”
featuring Dolores Del Rio and
Charles Farrell. A picture of Rus
sia. Also a Cameo comedy and news
HEILIG-—The Taylor Players pre
sent "Nut Tonight Dearie,” a
REX "The Million Dollar Col
lar,” starring Riu Tin Tin. Also
the Manhattan players in a new
Novel-T, “Poor Relations.”
Phi Mu Epsilon
Sponsors Candy Sale
A candy, sale the proceeds of
which go into a scholarship for
some deserving music student will
Re spun ored throughout spring
term by Mu Phi Epsilon, women's!
music hen nary. All music major.;
are permitted to try for the award,
which will take the form of free
music lessons in a designated field
and under a designated instructor.
Airplane Will Be Given
To Class of Student Pilots
(Co nt in nut from Page One)
back because of financial reasons,
Delano points out. The price for a
ten-hour course with part ownership
in the plane in the club will be
about or possibly less. Ltround
instruction will be included. Ten
hours is lhi' required time for a
pilot's license. Those who have
some instruction to their credit at
the present time can finish their
ten hours and sell their surplus
equity to some other member of the
club, if they do not wish to take
advantage of it themselves. Part
ownership in the plane will be in
valuable to those who wish addi
tional flying time. Further infor
mation may be obtained from Major
Eekerson or Delano.
The Eekerson Flying Service will
probably locate at the flying field
in Springfield, as the latter is closer
to the campus than the Eugene air
port and a large number of improve
ments are planned for it as soon as
weather permits.
Death of Former
Student Caused
By Heart Trouble
Pan! Farrington, Reporter
On Salem Paper, Once
Emerald Worker
Paul Farrington, ISO, reporter on
the Salem t'apitol Journal, who was
found dead Thursday afternoon in
his room at the Salem Y. M. 0. A.,
was a, former university student.
IIis .death was caused by heart
disease, according to the report of
the coroner.
Farrington attended the Univer
sity of Oregon in IPlfS, l!)lt>, and
the first term in 1 Olio, during which
he was on tlie Emerald staff, lie
wrote features for the paper and
also wrote a number of short stories.
For a year he was on the news
staff of the Journal, and held posi
tions with ‘.newspapers in Salem,
Eugene, Albany, and Klamath Falls
at various times after that. Later
he went east, where he wrote sev
eral articles for the Dearborn In
dependent at Detroit, Michigan, and
was employed by the Times of
Brooklyn, X. V., where he made a
reputation for himself as a feature
writer and covered several stories
of national importance.
Funeral services will be held at
2 o’clock this afternoon at Voatcli's
Funeral Home. Hev. Franklin Haas
will officiate.
Drippings From
The Keg Spigot
Julia Petcrkin
Instead of going into a lung dis
sertation on negro novels in general
and “Scarlet Sister Mary” in par
ticular, 1 ’in enumerating points for
and agin the book. The dissection
would have to be long, for there is
a lot to be said for and against it.
Xot so much for it, though, at that.
Agin it:
1. It is by the author of “Black
April” and therefore should be good
and isn’t at all, but merely a medi
ocre negro novel.
-. There are lots and lots of negro
novels now.
3. It gets monotonous—the hero
ine has nine illegitimate children
and one grandchild of the same ilk.
4. The heroine isn’t convincing
enough. She isn’t well drawn, in
spite of the verbosity with which
she is pictured.
f>. One important character, the
other figure in the triangle, simply
drops out of existence.
(i. And lots of interesting things
could tie done with hint ....
7. There :s no plot Interest until
you get so far along in the book
that any sane person will never get
that far. (I finished it).
5. Its spiritual theme i; over
worked. Nobody wants to Income
morally purged b> a motel any
b. i didn’t like it. (Please note
that the most important criticism
is last).
Now we’ll give Mrs. Pelerkiu a
Per it:
1. The dialogue is good.
“. The heroine has nine illegiti
mate children .and one grandchild
of the same ilk. •
It has a beautiful black cover,
it has red letters on it.
High Schools Prepare
for Relay Meet
(Continued from Vuyv One)
dividual athletes. The relay races
are the quarter-mile, the two-mile,
half-mile, one-mile, sprint medley,
distance medley, and shuttle low
hurdles. The individual events are
the pole vault, 100-yard dash, broad
Eugene Steam Laundry
—makes it a point to insure the maxi
mum of cleanliness.
—send your wash here for this sat
Phone 123
jump, high jump, aiul shot put.
At present the Portland high
schools have a monopoly on the rec
ords. In the seven relay events,
only one record is held by a high
school outside of Portland. The
Portlanders hold four of the five
individual championships.
The 1,'! high schools which have
entered the tourney are Mijl City,
Bend, Myrtle Point, Corvallis, Eu
gene, Hill Military academy, Port
land; Benson Tech, Portland; Com
merce, Portland; Grant, Portland;
Jefferson, Portland; Washington,
Portland; Roosevelt, Portland; and
Hood River.
Cam pa Shoppe Damage
Fixed; Heady Tonight
The Cam pa Shoppe, duimg 1 to
:lie- e.stiiiiab d amount of A".'!'") from
a tire .which started about 1 o’clock
on the morning of March 17, will
lie completely renovated, according
ty llershel Taylor, manager. The I
floor will be refinished, a n< iv ceil
[ ing will be constructed, the walls
will be worked over and new chairs
will be provided. The work wilt bo
completed before the dance tonight.
The fire, Taylor believes, was
caused from a cigarette thrown into
a heap of serpentine. It started
about an hour after the annual
Miami triad. Loss was covered by
McClung Appointed
The appointment of Frank II.
Mi-Clung of La Gramie, as graduate
assistant in the school of business
administration, was announced yes
terday by Dean Faville.
McClung will do research work in
i foreign trade, Dean Faville said,
i lie will take the place of 'William
Rutherford, who recently accepted
a position with the Pacific Tide
phone. and Telegraph company at
LOST—Square-faced man’s wrist
watch, green gold with initials
J. C. L. on back. Reward. Call
Jerry Lillie, 127. 3-30-4-2
LOST—Glasses, without case, dur
ing exam week. Gall Elizabeth
McCord, 125.
FOUND — Man’s suitcase, Sunday
evening. Call at university depot.
MR. SHUMAKER found a fur
choker yesterday between Yillard
and the Sociology building. It is ;
not very valuable. He lias it. j
o-20-.JO !
LOST—Brown fur neckpiece, two
heads. Lost between Yillard and
r Friendly, Wednesday. Reward.
Call 1502-W. " 3-29-80
DELTA V. FT A Mothers’ Bazaar
March 29 and 30 at 29 E. 8th St.
Serving Frigidairu ice cream and
wafers. 3-29-30
WANTED—Gij| to work for board
and room or boy to work for room.
Call 2522-J or seo Dr. Yocum,
Deady hall. 3-28-21-30
FOUND—Man’s green gold wrist
watch Monday, near 15th and
Kincaid. Call 1521. 3-28-20
Tennis practice for women will
start Monday, April 1. Everyone
report at gym. Practices Mon
day, Wednesday, and Friday from
o to (>.
The Fins Arts league council will
hold a meeting in the art school,
Mop day at 4 o’clock. Important
announcements to be made.
■Spanish conversation hour will be
held Monday at 4 o’clock in 1 he
V. V.'. <A. bungalow. Only
Spanish will be spoken. Mr. Leav
itt A\ right will discuss Spanish
books. Notice with details on
bulletin board in Oregon building.
p resent
sUli. - MON. • TUES. ;|
j! Hair-raising! lleart
. i, thrilling! Sonl-stirriaig!
• V Action. Drama. Ro
; nianee and danger where
,i men tight for love!
Pumps as well as straps are
exceediin.vly smart wit 11 the
“feminine’'' type of spring cos
Many models of these wanted
shoes are presented her-' in (lie
fashionable leathers and colors.
perfects the
> Easter ensemble . . .
li may lie had of orchids, gardenias, roses,
sweet peas, or any spring flower. She
will appreciate its coming from you.
Wire ha ter flowers home. T. h. I).
membership is a guarantee of good ser
UT E. Broadway
Phone 1950