«3§OCIETYs» By Lavina Hicks The past few weeks have shown a lull in social activities partly lie cause they have been closed to social events and partly due to the short spring vacation. However a number of informal bridge parties, luncheon : ml engagements have been annum rod during the vacation week, (tnt landing of these was the engagen ’lit of Miss Klina Inman to Donald Martin and the shower for Mias Katherine Winchell given by Miss Margaret Kdmunson. The formal founders day banquet of I ’hi Mu was another interesting event. The coming spring term holds many delightful picnics and informals to look forward to and which will take the place of the usual winter term formula, although a few formats still remain. The Miami Triad given each year bv Sigma Chi, Dili Delta Theta and Met a Theta I'i, was the only large dance given at the end of winter term just before spring vacation. Annual Dance Given By Miama Triad Is Colorful Affair Members of Sigma Chi, Phi Delta" Theta and Beta Theta Pi fraterni ties entertained at the annual cele bration of their founders at Miami university,'Oxford, Ohio. The dance, which was a costume affair, was held at the Campa Shoppe, Saturday evening, March Hi. Jack Jones, Fd ward Winter and James Swindells had charge of tile dunce. TholUas Handley and Marshall Brownell furnished the feature with a tew tap dances. Those acting as patrons and pa tronesses were Mr. and Mrs. Hubert denning son, Dr. and Mrs. K. ('. Komig. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whine hart, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Urey, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton K. Spencer, Mr. Hoy Bryson, Mr. A. Holmes Baldridge. Mr. Verne Blue and Mr. S. Stephenson Smith. Phi Mu Sorority Celebrates Annual bounders Day ' Active iiiiil :ilumni un-in iters of Kt.i (ianiimi chapter of Phi Mu soreriI v- eelebnit'ed t lie 77th mini viusnvy of their founding at a for > Ilia I dill Her ul t lie chapfi'r Iiouho, ■ Monday, LMiirrli I. The sorority was founded lit Wesleyan college, Ma con, Ueorgia, in INTiL’. TIio I'olors of tlio sorority were I ill i ini out in t lio tahle 'decora! ions * of rose mi I whit e carnations mol niso colored tapers. Miss ,,\an (Vary, president of t lie chapter, , acted us I oast mist i ess, and toasts wore given 1 iv the following during the course of the dinner: Miss Hue h. Badullet, Miss Nan ('ran, Miss Amelia Kililan, Miss Marian howry, M iss 1 >orol liy Hoffman. and Miss ' Until Campbell. • Inman - Martin Engagament 1 old Miss Klma Inman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. I’. Inman, of Kit i gene, announced her engagiuiieiit to ’ Donald •lames Martin, son of Mrs. A. K. Hartley, of Olympia, Wash i iugtnii The announcenienl was made at a dinner at the Delta /eta it house, Monday evening, March The taldo decorations were car i, ril'd out in the colors of pink and " green, with pink candles and Kit ' I,'iinv rosebuds. The engagement ii was told on tiny plaeoeards a hunt " the talde. Miss Inman and Mr. Martin at tended the University of Oregon last year, hul are non attending I lie University of Washington whore ‘ Mr. Martin is a memher of Alpha sigma I’hi fraternity and Miss In limn tif Delta /eta sorority. , No date has been definitely sol for the wedding. " Kiigtne University (tills’ club ‘’gate all interesting dancing parly for all students in town ovci tIn* vacation week. The affair was ..given at the Craftsman clubhouse. Miss I .o v a I mic ha n.a u was general '‘chairman tor the dance. Former Students Announce Engagement '" Miss ('at In' ia lie .Martin and A'le\ gander Sargent, both former students in of tlie University of Oregon, an "nomiced their eugagi'iiu'iit during „the past week end, in Portland. •" Miss Martin is a meiuber of |[Kappa Nlpiia Theta sorority and "•Mr. Sargent is affiliated with t'lii “'I’m fraternity. The wedding is t' ,,l)e in June. ) Members of Mplia \i Delta m erity eateilained a group of promi no lit people at dinner, Saturday o\e ning, March !>, at the chapter house. | (tiiests included Iticli.ud llallihiii toil, autlioi and ndicntirer; Judge Hen I.imlsev, Mr. W.itlei Kick.-, Mi hud Mis. U. I . ('Ii imlici s, Mr. and Mis D K Hrysun amt M . and Mrs. Crank Jenkins * * « Shower Given For Bride Elect Miss Kn the line W m- ii Ii w.is m Urtaiucd at the home of Miss Alar gnret Edmonson with ;i miscellan eous kitchen shower, Friday0 after noon, March 2:2. Guests for the nftrrnoon included Miss Katherine Winehell, Miss .Jes sie Winrhell, -Miss Mary Klemni, Miss Jennie Klemni, Miss Gwen dolyn Shepherd,°Miss Ruth Johnson, Miss MargFiret Fraser, Miss Ruth Jackson, Mrs. Alildred (’rakes, Miss I/onise Kick,aliaugh, Miss Mary Fin ley, .Miss Lois Baker, Miss Larisa \ tilings, Miss Lucy Norton, Miss Elizabeth Htlghes, Miss Juanita Ilines, Mrs. Ella T. Edmuiison. * * * l>r. Oscar At. Voorhees, secretary of the united chapters of I’lii Beta Kappa, national scholastic honorary, was honored at a diniter at the Col lege Side Inn, Monday evening, March 2d, bv the local members of the society. Miss Sue Badollct, housemother of the I’hi Mu house, returned to Eugene, Monday evening, after spending the campus vacation week in Cottage Grove as the guest of Mrs. I>. It. Ilamanf. Double Wedding Soon Miss Pauline and Katherine Win ched, daughters of Dr. and Mrs. George P. Winched, are to be mar ried at a double wedding ceremony to be held on June 2X. Miss Pauline Winehell, who is attending the University of Michi gan, is to wed Dale II. Moore of Ann Arlior, Michigan. Miss Kath erine Winched of the University of Oregon, is to marry James I). Stew art, who is finishing work in the University of Oregon medical school in Portland. A group of university ' friends were enle'daineil by Miss . Mary Elina Knndlett and Miss Bella Itrog den at a small informal liimheon al the lion.. Miss Knndlett, on Wed nesday, Mareli 20. Yellow daffodils and greenery were used for the liiiieheon talde centerpiece and carried out tin) school colors of yellow and green. I Covers were laid for Miss Amy Por ter, Miss Iris Roadman. Miss Marian j Keep, Miss Louise Bniartt, Miss Dolly Horner and Miss Civile Cobs. Birthdays Celebrated \V. !'\ G. Timelier and Mrs. Dean j II. Walker were honored on occu- I sion of their birthday anniversaries on 8,pt urday .evening, March 22, at aft informal dancing party given by Mrs. Timelier. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Dean II. Walker, Dr. and Mrs. .1. M- ’ Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell j Church, ,lr., Mr. and Mrs. Campbell i Church, Mr. and Mrs. Claude D. Rarer, Mr. and Mrs. N„ 15. Zane, Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Ross, Mr. and Af1 -. Kenneth C. Abies, Mr. and Mrs. George I’. Hitchcock, Hugh Biggs j and Dean David Faville. * * >* .■ , I An informal afternoon of bridge I was enjoyed al the Delta Delta! Delta house, Thursday, March 21. Mrs. J. M. {Singleton acted as host- i ess. Those invited included Mrs.! Elizabeth Scaiefe, Airs. .1. .1. Lange, Mrs. Alberta Powell, Mrs. D. ,J. Mc Kinnon, Mrs. F. W. Hamilton, Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. K. B; Parks, Mrs. j II. K. Adams, Mrs, Cassius Peek of j Portland, Mrs. Kneeland, Miss. Daisy Plant, Mrs. Gale' II. Camp-' bell, Mrs. Frank Carl I, Mrs. Walter j O. Swan and Mrs. T. H. Mehl of Mabel. Stude’s Progress By Wilfred Brown (Continued from Vage One) side toward the faraway pass. At. length he turned and sayeth to the hoary-headed Sage: STFDENT: Sire, I shall set out on the pilgrimage to the Golden City of Education, situated in the Happy Land of Collegia. Pleasant as is this pathway which I now travel, and difficult as seems the oilier, nevertheless will I follow it,! (lull I may escape the Fiver of. For- j getfulness, the dank Valley of i Mediocml..v, and the City of HHt-l eruey, where dwell the Morons and the Submerged Tenth. AMBITION: Fare thee well, sweet youth. Forget not the stun! j staff which is culled Credentials, I the change of raiment, .and least of gpj3Mc!)clMSJSn3iSEJSJSEMSJSIE®MrnU2E!SJ@lSiSIc!J3MSIE!MS®/SJSJS]BM3EEiBJE[SJc:'^ JUST ARRIVED & 39 A Splendid Assortmeld <>4’ Smart Spring Frocks, ; v\ ig for ('olloae Women I if! ‘i r« 1 Floor, I\l I1HT I'lld;: . Margarei M. Coldren 1 Alterations i! a Specialty y. Students Clothing % We ran supph your rlotliiiijj; needs for I e Come. Iiere for those new duds. i> f\. • Sleeveless Sweaters $2,95 Caps $1.45 up Silk Rayon trunks and shirts 79c also Auto robe-, blankets, shoes, ramp equipment raineoats, ete. ARMY AND NAVY GOODS STORE 710 Willamette St. Slabwood assures an even o cozy heat Booth-kelly Lbr. Co. Phone 452 all the scrip, for only the Athletes may enter into the Lau<* of Collegia without these three. And in uiy dream I saw Student forsa.rc the Pathway of Pleasure and slowly begin to follow the other which led over the mountain pass into the Land of Collegia. For a time his way lay parallel to the one which he had just quitted, and often did he look longingly back toward it, but in his mind there rose up the vision of the dank Val ley bf Mediocrity which lay at the end of that pathway, and again lie turned his face stead fastly toward the pass which led into the Land of Collegia.* A) length he eanie unto a very narrow place in the pathway, where stood an mined sentry, blocking the way and menacing him. Student lifteth his staff and would have smote tile sentry, but that one raised his arm. (SENTRY: Desist, I beseech thee. ! perceive that thou art properly armed with the Staff called Creden tials, and that thou dost carry the change of raiment and tile serip, ! which is of most vital importance [ in tlie Land of Collegia. Take this : and continue on thv way. And he gave unto Student a great 1 hook, and a pen to write therein. And in my dream I saw Student sit himself down by the wayside and open the great book. The vol ume was filled with pages, contain ing blanks to be filled in with the pen which the sentry had given unto him. Some of the pages were perforated in three places, some in two, and some only in one. Some pages were marked “Tear out,” and others “Leave in.” Some were la belled “To be Retained by Student,” some “File with Adviser,” some “File with Dean of Men,” ami some “FiK* with Registrar.” On some of the pages of the great book were to be written one thing, and on other pages another thing, hut on each and every one was to appear Student’s name, the name .of the Village of Ignorance, wherein he had dwelt before setting out on the pilgrimage to the City of education, the name of his sire, Spring Shoes Of Authentic Smartness, Temptingly Low-Priced! x These styles are so smart this Spring! And there are so many from which to choose* At this store, they are priced so low that you can easily afford to have several new pairs at once! CLOSE OUT PRICES On all Oregon seal ,j,ewelvy sneh as rings, tolls, ash trays, paper <-u 11<• is, Oregon pins, It. of pins in monogram form, “O’s” ami numerals, pearl set or plain, :n green, yellow or white gold. Tlie pins may have eliaiim attaeheil «o that they ran be used as guards fgm-ptilej' jpiius. A drug store that carries drugs You have heard nothing lint “fountain ami Kistwieh sandwiches’’ for so long now that maybe yon have forgotten we arc at heart a drug store. We hamlh' everyt lung a good drug si(>iv handles and that moans everything. • Lemon ‘O’ Pharmacy , lath & Alder A new term means a Clean Start So make it just that much eleanev by sending your clothes lo the New Ser \ iee Laitiulry. Also, our dry cleaning and pressing service is unexcelled. Phone 825 New Service Laundry Sd9 High Phone S25 and of his grandsire, and of his great grandsire, and many more things, which did set my head whirling, even in my dream, stu dent buried his head in his hands and sighed. STUDENT: O woe is me. Why did X ever set out on so arduous a journey? I have climbed the steep mountain to the pass, and here I find this gTeat book, which must needs be filled out before I may enter into the Happy Land of Collegia. He arose and 'would have turned back, but before his eyes arose the vision of the d^nk Valley of Mediocrity, together with the City of Illiteracy and the Morons and the Submerged Tenth, the dwellers therein. Whereupon he sat himself down again anc\ began to write. AInd it was about the noon hour. The sun sank slowly down the heavens and vanished behind the mountain peaks in the west, but still Student wrote, as in a frenzy, until it grew too dark for him to see the pages of the great book. PLEDGING ANNOUNCEMENT Sigma Phi Epsilon announces the pledging of Lester Hanks of Eugene. =*■ t ■» •*■*■ -r~e *'V --For Easter Tft appropriately convey your Easter sentiments ainl thrill the lioart of the one you wish to remember at this, joyous season—we suggest an attractively packed box of Wulora’s,delicious chocolates. Chocolate eggs or bunnies in individual box or basket. These, too, are made in our own shop with our delicious coating. Place your orders early—names on eggs Fit EE. We wrap for mailing < - Walora Candies 851 15th Avc. East Opportunity Sale Every item cut in Price - - For the clever things that you have seen and perhaps couldn’t afford. i Here you can find just the right thing,to add charm and color to the dull study room. You’ll appreciate a new picture, vase, or any other decora tive novelty that will bring brightness and a new object at which to look in your room. : It is easier to study in an attractive room—and of course study to some extent is inevitable. At id don t forget this week is your last chance _ to buy at reduced prices—for the sale will last until Saturday. • — j “Here the World Greets You” NEXT TO Y. M. C. A. Wire by “Florist Telegraph Delivery” for Easter Alothit is as much a pal as your girl, fellows—she loves flowers ami would appreciate a beautilul plant the same as your best "biddie” does. m (ini' till1 folks soitii' jov bv wiring an Paster plant or out flowers Uardi'iiia. Lily of the Valley, Sweet Peas. Poses, Violets. Men: Your Girl Would Fall for an Easter Corsage CHASE GARDENS. FLORISTS Plume 1950 Just on \N ilia uict te—Lust -Broutiwuvyy