VOLUME XXX UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1929 _NUMBER 93 Commerce Secretaries’ Course Full Program for This Years Session Best Yet, Says Dean David E. Faville Saturday Noon, March 23, To See Closing Meeting Commencing Tuesday afternoon, March 10, and running until Satnr day noon, March 20, the ninth an nual short course for chamber of commerce secretaries, offered by the school of business administration of the University of Oregon, will be in session. Many prominent men are included in the program, which is the most complete, and one of the best pro grams yet arranged for the annual conference, said David E. Fsville, dean of the school of business ad ministration. Flippin to Speak Tuesday afternoon, 2 to 4 o'clock, Tom Flippin, secretary of the Eu gene chamber of commerce, and chairman of the conference, will open the session with a short ad dress on the work to be covered. A get-together dinner will be held at t! o’clock in the men’s new dormi tory, at which the reports of the various committees will be heard. George Godfrey, publicity director for the University of Oregon, will open the conference on the second day. Wednesday at !) o’clock ho will address the assembly on pub licitv. At 10 o’clock, the meeting wifi be thrown open for discussion of publicity led by Lynn Sabin, assistant manager of the Portland chamber of commerce; Christy Thomas, manager of the Seattle chamber; and G. II. Mosser, secre tary of the Ashland body. Freight Tariffs to be Talked ‘‘The Construction and Applica tion of Freight Tariffs” will be the subject of an address at 11 o’clock by the Portland traffic manager for the Southern Pacific company. Discussion will be led by Tom Flip pin. At noon the conference will as semble at a forum luncheon. Pro fessor Victor P. Morris of the economics department will speak on “Geography and Its Bearing on ('ommunity Development.” On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 2 o ’clock, Christy Thomas, manager of the Seattle chamber of commerce, will lead discussion on (Continued on Page Eleven) Picnic Supplies— During exam work and spring vacation there will be many op portunities for picnics. Drop in and get your lunch sup plies here—near the campus. University Grocery 700 E. 11th St. Candies and Salted Nuts Our Candies and Salted Nuts are not only delicious but healthful and easily digested—just the proper food during the exams— good brain food. Walora Candies 851 E. 13th Ave. Chamber Secretaries to Gather mammas,-. ..J2S rians are complete for the annual short course for Oregon chamber of commerce secretaries to be held at the Univesity of Oregon, March ID to 23. On the left is Ted Baker, Medford secretary, president of th« association; in the center is Dean David Fatille, school of business admb.i istration, University of Oregon, in charge of the meeting; George .Godfiey, news director, University of Oregon, will lead a forum ou community publicity. Aspiring Actors To Receive Film Proof Saturday Committee Will Distribute Screen Tests at Villard; Ticket Will Be Needed Now that the lug sereen tost showing is ovor and all t ho movie aspirants have gone homo, most, ol them with a lot-down fooling and a few with a more or loss exalted hope in the hack of their minds, the directing staff of the campus movie, consisting of Jim Haley, Carvel Nel son, and Rea Milligan, is ready to give them their film if they want it. Five feet, of film will he given to each person who tried out, so that he may keep it and see it again if he wishes. The strips of film will he given away Saturday afternoon from i! to i> in Villard hall, after which the remainder will he destroyed. “It, is very necessary,” said Mar jorie Chester, who is in charge of the distribution of the film, “that everyone tiling his screen test ticket in order to got his film. If the ticket lias been lost it, will be pos sible to get the film, but it may necessitate (piite a. bit of red tape.” Tiie girls who are to assist Miss Chester in the distribution of the films are: In a Tremblay, Eleanor Ton hey, Virginia drone, Mary Lou Bodine, Harriet Kane, Gwendolyn Foss, Ivn Curtis, and Mary Ken nedy. Newest Guild Hall Play Promises To Be Interesting Sophisticated Co-eds Show Surprising Skill Taking Little Children's Roles By F. V. K. • “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” promises to he one of the most charming productions liiat has yet pome rrom the reaims of the university drama department. They were rehearsing yesterday on the little stage in the Ad build ing, under the coaching of their di rector, Constance Roth. Perhaps it is a little early to predict a suc cess—the play will he given the first weekend of spring term at the Rex theatre—but the actors have shown most admirable technique. It is not an easy thing for university women to assume again the manner isms of little girls, the tenor of their voices, their movements and ex pressions. Snow White Convincing Yet this has been done with a surprising degree of authenticity. The little friends of -Princess Snow White are convincing in their parts. They talk excitedly, spontaneously, enthusiastically. Their gestures are the gestures of little girls. They put their arms around each other, hug each other when delighted over something, just as one has seen little party. girls do on a school-ground or at a The magic of the wicked Queen (Continued on Page Ten) USED CARS with an O. K. that counts 'We have some very attractive buys in used cars at this time. 100 per cent value for your dollar in low priced transportation. 1922 Ford Touring, with license . $40.00 1923 Ford Touring, with license. 50.00 1923 Chevrolet Coupe . 85.00 1923 Chevrolet Coupe . 75.00 192G Ford Touring . 195.00 1926 Ford Touring. 185.00 1924 Maxwell Touring . 165.00 1924 Ford Coupe . 125.00 Sold by a permanent dependable organization GANNET MOTOR CO. Main Store 912 Olive Used Car Lot 7th and Oak League Has Successful Year So Far History Compiled, Teas Held, '‘Little Sisters' j Cared for on Campus Auction on Library Steps To Open Spring Term With tin* closing of win tor term Ike executive council of the Wom en’s league of the university is looking back on practically six months of varied and extensive ac tivity. The year of 1928-20 has so far been one of great success, ac cording to Edith Dodge, league president. The president told of the big sis ter work which has proceeded in a very systematic and satisfactory manner this year. Helen Peters, head of the big sister committee, \s now gathering in written, reports from the big sister captains which will show how each little sister has been cared for. This work will con tinue next term also. The foreign scholar who is brought here each year by the W’oman's league is helped along bv such acti- > vities as the Christmas College ball in Portland during the holidays and the Dime Crawl given once each term on the campus. Toddy Swaf ford is in charge of the foreign scholar fund. The regular league teas have con tinued throughout winter term. There was also a formal tea honor ing Hazel Prillsnuln, dean of women. “Attendance at the teas has been larger this year than ever before, 1 believe,” Edith Dodge said. The league’s annual mass meeting was held February 28 with Katherine Rogers Adams, dean of women at Mills college, as the featured speaker. Dean Adams is a well known figure in A. A. P. W. work. She was entertained with a formal banquet before her return to Cali fornia. A history of tile organization has been compiled by Graeia Haggerty, a thing which Iocs heretofore not been attempted. A scrjip book of all the printed news of the league is also being kept by Dorothy Kirk which will show by newspaper stories the importance of the activi ties of the organization. Envelopes Sold The sale of grade envelopes—the proceeds of which will go to furnish ing a room in the new infirmary— has been sponsored b.y the league under the direction of Joan Patter (Continuod on Page Ten) Senator Bell Stands By His Guns; Heartily Approves Merger Bill Senator .T. TV Tt«»ll. who introduced the recent hill passed hv tho legis lature merging tho Im.aVds of regents of :ill Oregon’s institutions of high or learning, in nn interview yoster ilnv dptdared himsolf still heartily in favor of tho inonsuro. lie tliinUs it will lion ilooiiloil honofit to higher education in Oregon. “Tlio funds can now In1 placed whom most liood od,” ho said. ‘ A surplus in olio in stitution onn ho nlloontod whom it will do good. "I think Judge Pot tor’s view point is that tho linivorsity will suffer through tin' merger. But there’s no reason to believe that this hoard would bo any more radi eal or that it would do anything to the detriment of the sellouts that tin1 single hoards would not do. “My theory is that the mucli tnlkod-of abuses of duplication of courses :iini 1 ho 1 nrj»o number of non-resident students will be cur tailed nnil eliminated lo :i safe margin. I am satisfied that the board named is impartial. ‘•We have been trying for years to arrange a survey of the univer sity and college that could be anal yzed together; th.nl is, that were alike enough to be compared. But the two schools could reach no agreement as to the wav it should t>e done. The matter hung in the air and would have tiling in the air indefinitely. Kven the reports that we did get from the two insti tutions were hard to analyze lie cause tho information in them and the bases of compilation were dif ferent. “We found what we considered (Continued oil Page Ten) Merger Will Work, Believes Dean of Education School Pointing out tluit tho merger of tlio boards of regents in Oregon’s higher schools, effectoil at the just completed legislative session, should tend to develop, without interfer ence from other institutions, the particular field of each school, Dean 11. T). Sheldon, when asked what he thought of the plan, expressed the belief that “it will probably Work out all right.” “The chance is, in the average individual board of regents plan, that each one goes its own way and absorbs as much as it can of the other institution's field. The new plan should confine each school to its own proper field. “It is greatly, to the interest of the state that each type of institu tion should do its particular work. Of course it depends on its being worked out in a large and states manlike way, but I think there is good reason to think it will be,” concluded the dean. Ancient Flapper, 65, Disapproves Co-eds'1 Smoking Cigarettes LINCOLN, Neb. (IP and Daily Nebraskan)—Kdna Wallace Hopper, (id-year-old flapper actress, is strong for the younger generation but sho dos not like to See women smoke. “Aside from the moral standpoint, which I do not preach, and aside from the health standpoint, which I do not preach, I think that, women should give up smoking because it detracts from their charm, beauty and personality,” she declared. Spring Vacation Is Kodak Time Before you start, on your spring vacation, don’t forget to purchase an Eastman. Keep a permanent record of your good times while at college and on vacations. Tn years 1o come you will, he well repaid for the original f»rice of the Kodak. * # * Carl R. Baker Kodak Shop 7 West 7th St. I Tuttle to Head South For Teachers' Meets, Roseburg, Coquille Just ns soon as exam week is over, 1 In mill S. Tuttle, professor in education, is “(join’ South.” But his exodus will not take him on a vacation trip, as it will many others. Professor Tuttle will speak on Saturday, March 1(1, at the Doug las county teachers’ institute at Roselmrg on the subject “Character Kducation in the Schools.” Ho will address the Coos county insti tute' at Coquille March on “Mor al (luidance in the Schools.” The instructor plans to spend the rest of the spring vacation in Kuigeue, devoting his time to his writing and school work. All other members of the teach ing staff at thi> education build ing, among them Dean II. I). Shel don and Dr. C. h, Iluffakor, con fessed that they were going to spend their vacation with “their nose in hooks” and would remain on the campus. Chinese Student at Ohio State Becomes R.O.T.C. Unit Officer COLUMBUS, Ohio. — (IP) — The only foreign student at Ohio State university ever to become an R. O. T. C. officer is the distinction held oy Mo Chun Li, a junior in the school of commerce. Li is taking advanced military by special permission outside of his regular curriculum, with the hope that his work if satisfactory, will lead to the securing of a, commission with the Chinese nationalist gov ernment. Close Contact With Foreign PeopleVital • -. F1 o a t i n g Universities Aid in Understanding, Says Mrs. A. L.» Berk Serious - inimled Students Should Go on 'Fours •• L'olitieal relationships, particu larly with tho countries til’ tin1 l’aci fic, are tho purpose of tho floating univorsiteis,” stated Anno Uands bnrv Hook, iioatl of tho dopartmont of public school music at tho Univer sity of Oregon, when she was asked for her ideas ahont tho still io n t tours. “Visiting tho oountrios, thorn selves, is conducive to an under? standing of those rotations. Of course, some subjects will In' more desirable than others, to study whilt* on board the ships, such as study ing I lie races, geological conditions, or language of the countries to bo visited those arc vital things. “Friendship and understanding are attained through personal visits, and it is important that tho stu dents of today, who are the legis, lators of tomorrow, have an oppor" tunitv to cultivate these qualities in. connection with other countries and races. Von know, of course, that tho cause of wars is misunderstanding —particularly racial misunderstand ing.” Experience First-hand Mrs. Heck has many carefully founded ideas on the almost entire ly new subject of “floating univer sities,” and these,ideas are backed by personal contact with former student tours, gained while she was in the Orient.’ When asked what types of students should be included in the tours, she answered without hesitut ion: “Upperclassmen only — serious minded types, who will subordinate pleasure-seeking to the main pur pose of tho trip, education. They must consider that they are getting far more than they are giving up. It would probably be better to in clude men students only, because mixing sexes inevitably brings social’interests to detract from tho educational program. The major in terest of the students makes no dif ference, but they surely must have mature minds, capable of applying themselves whole-heartedly to tho purpose of the tour.” Wise Selections Needed Mrs. Heck was very anxious to make sure that she wouldnT be mis understood on the subjet of recroiv (Uoijtiuued on Huge Ten) Keeping a Trim Appearance is 1 lie wish of every man or woman—yet tliis desire is often neglected due to overwork.. The point is—do yon realize how quickly and adequately your wash may be returned to you? We can assist your “busy-negligence” by rapid delivery of well-cleaned clothes. Eugene Steam Laundry 178 West Eighth St. Phone 123 MAKE the “CO-OP” YOUR TENNIS HEADQUARTERS Wright & Ditson Racquets Those are our loaders: Gold Star (strung by jis) . $16.00 Top-flite frame . 8.50 Columbia (strung) .... 6.00 Select the gut you want the Spaulding Racquets We have the very best in tli is group— ('robot frame . $8.50 Spaulding Top - flite frame .. $8.50 Mary K. Browne, Top flite frame . $8.50 Tennis Oxfords Men’s and women’s in all sizes—$2.75, $2.05 and $5.50. Restringing • is our SPECIALTY We are sure that the service we offer you in repairing, string ing and restringing your racquets is the best and most efficient on t lie Pacific Coast. We give 24-hour service and most times less. cresses and covers This (lie time of year when a shower can sneak up on you. Don’t be caught with out a cover for your racquet. Prices - 50c and $1.00 And no racquet can give you tiie best service unless you keep it in a press. We carry one to meet your de mand for $1.00. Exercise Sox Heavy pure wool sox that save your feet in tlio hardest game—per pair. tennis Dans Wo carry S p a u 1 d i n g , Wright & l)ifson and Penn sylvania. The Wright & Ditson in the now red Viscose cover assures you of a live ball, no matter the age, when you start to use it. Our prices on these are for you. Remember a new ball makes your game 100 per cent better. UNIVERSITY “CO-OP”