The WORLD In Review Hoover Wards Off 800 Callers; Mexico Is in Midst of Revolution -By ART SCHOENI ThRESIDENT HOOVER is now cx pcricndng trials similar to those ot' a managing edWor pf a college daily at the start of school. After being duly5 installed in the White House that has been Cool idge’s for the past six years, the high sachem sat down and started to ward off job-hunters. They came in hordes and droves, his first-day visitors numbering 800. Hoover took on the role of a har vest hand in between his medita tions about the evils of rebels and -Mexican revolutions and mowed a swath in the ranks of those who wanted a “hand-out” job for the votes they polled for liiyn last No vember. UN 8 ARE HOPPING again from behind the Mexican cac tus gardens. Revolts started the first of *the month for t#ie under stood purpose of unseating President Portes Gil and putting in his rival for the presidential job in the re mit campaign, Gilberto Valenzuela, ex-minister of Mexico to Great Pritain. 'Idle rebels had the advantage of surprise during the first part of the uprising and raptured several strong vantage cities, but with the arming of government troops, the news col umns are full of loyalist victories. American interests in Mexieo amounting to two billion dollars, have nbt been touched by the revo lutionaries, who are smart enough to keep from roiling Uncle Sam, who last mouth signed a pact to abolish war. THE WEDDING of Colonel Olias. A. Lindbergh and his fiancee, Miss Anne Morrow, who al most got theirs in an airplane wreck last week, will probably take place in the next week, friends of the pair having divulged that they have received invitations to attend the affair. Probably no marriage iit recent history has attracted the notice of the world as the coming nuptials-of the famed flier and his bride will bring. The plane wreck in which Lindy injured his shoulder did not seem to. daunt him or Miss Morrow very much. Before many hours they were flitting across tho sky again one hand. « ® * TRUE TO HIS promise ill his in augural speech, Hoover is-turn ing his eyes toward a solution of Die prohibition problem of the na tion. During his campaign, lie expressed himself as favoring an investigation with Lindy steering his plane with into today’s burning opus entitled “Why Americans Break Laws and Drink Hootch.” When Senator Harris of Georgia proposed spend ing $24,000,000 to try to enforce prohibition, Hoover took the stand along with Treasury Keeper Mellon that lie would liko to find out what was the matter with the liquor aboi- j ishment forces before spending mil- I lions without knowing where it was j going. He will appoint a probing board soon, says late press dispatches. * * • ^TVABLOID BITS from the press: A John D. Rockefeller Jr. ’« friends I have ousted Colonel liobt. W. Stewart as head of Standard Oil i-uinpaiic of Indiana . . . Elihu Root to investigate United States chances to join world court . . . Seventieth congress spent new high mark of more than nine billions during its' two years in session . . . David Buick, founder of ear, dies penniless For Paint . • j j. • Service Come (o our new store. We ran give you helpful information reg a r el i n {J your painting problems. Waterspar I f Quick Drying Enamels j and varnishes are just the thing for quick, good work. Waldorf Paint Company “The Store for Paint-’ 51) 101 h Avenue West S A Funny Little, Sunny-Tempered Truck Comes Gathering-—Girls By LOIS NELSON A funny little truck, a sunnv-tem pered one that doesn’t go very fast \ or very slow, cftmes gathering at the University of Oregon every day. Its driver’s name is Sam Manerud, but you always call him Sam be | cause everyone else does. Sam stops at a corner every day and rings a funny little bell. The bell—it really does sound like a eowbell—brings forth, not laundry nor milk bottles, but college women, trimly attired in riding Jiajoits, who call “Hello Sam—sorry I 'm late.” ° They hop in and perch themselves on one of two little benches in the “lumpity” little truck. When enough habit-clad girls have piled in, away goes Sam out to Bangs’ Riding academy, of which he is owner, for the day’s classes. Eighty-five university women are signed up for horseback riding this year, taking it for credit as their physical education requirement. This is, Sam declares, one of the largest riding classes the university has ever had, and to him it is a demonstration that the popularity of the sport is growing, rather than languishing as it did from about 1910 to 1920. Worni n students ride two hours an aftt n a each week, making up the thir ' required hour if physical educate . n some other sport. Sam Manerud, v.i has made his j mine in Eugene for udv 30 years md has been com. .led with the icademy more than 1 wo, says that icing in charge of <■!.■. s has taught lim one tiling—"g d are-game.” “A girl who is a id and shows i, is about as ran r ; a blue moon, oine of them coma nit here, and I anow they haven't ridden much be fore and are nervous, but they just smile and stick to it,” the veteran rider related. “Sometimes they fall . . . Utah senate votes to enter seven-state part to construct Bould er dam . . . Senate challenges Hoov er’s choice of Mellon for secretary of state. off, but not often. The most serious injury any girl ever has had in this group was a broken foot,” he con tinued. “Biding horses makes good sports out of people.” Sam thinks, too, that riding is one of the best recreations, because it develops muscles Usually ncifl lceted. “And then you get out in the fresh air and the country and get to see nature,” he added. The owner hopes to build a riding 1 hall, about 200 by 180 feet next year “if things go right.” This, he declared, will make pos sible mose thorough evening rid ing performances. He has about 18 horses this yea -. “You might mention that Lady is the girl's favorite horse—everyoi. ■ wants to ride Lady,” Sam sai “Bess is the second choice and tin n lots of girls like trt ride No Foolin . Skeet, Cling and Helen. “But for the real treat- we a ways give the girls Snowball,” Sa. i laughed, explaining that poor Snov ball, because of a deliberate gai , is the academy joke. “Satisfyin ■ riders in assigning horses at ever class isn't always so easy,” th equestrian said. “But 1 just te 'eni, ‘No, you don't want to rid lady today; here’s Bess, she’s good horse, ’ and that fixes it.” Girls make good riders and learn M;; kv’> believes the academ; owner. *: ;si9Riimi OUR NESTLE PERMANENT WAVE Water Wave, 50e Finger Wave, 50e Marcel, 75e Manicure, 50c I 1 S i i i H ■ fcj ■ i i' ll i & R. BEAUTY SHOP * Next to Kounell-Ellis , SiiliimiiuiiniiiiniiiMiiiiniiiiHiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiinr FREE FREE 10 lb. Sack of Sugar Saturday Only With any $3.00 purchase you get a 10 lb. sack of sugar free. With any $3.00 purchase you get a 10 lb. sack' of sugar for only 19c. Callahan Furniture Store Wow .Located in Bias’ Building oil West 7tn— Just Off Willamette Street A DRESS EVENT 100 Different New, Spring Styles and Models A collection of Dresses that represent every desirable New Spring color, fabric and trim ming. The most enclmnting array you ever saw, which will surprise you at this low price. BEARD’S Phone 1986 850 Willamette ! Woman, New Element, Discovered at Cornell | Department of Chemistry Announces Its Findings General announcement of the Cor nell department of chemistry com* cerning the discovery of woman, a new element: Symbol: Wo. A member of tlie human family. Occurrence; Can be found wher ever man exists. Quality depend# upon the state in which it is found. 1'sualiy the united state is pre ferred. Physical properties: All colors and sizes. Always appears in dis guised condition; surface seldom ifu protectcd by a coat of pajnt or film of powder. Boils at nothing and may freeze at any moment. How ever, it melts when properly treated. Very bitter if not used properly^® Chemical properties: Very active. I sesses a great affinity for gold, 1 ’inuni, and precious stones of all k ds. Has great ability to absorb : kind of expensive foods at any t o. Undissolved by liquids, but a i.vity is greatly increased when s nrated with spirit ' solutions. 'J ns green when placed near a bet tor looking specimen. Fresh variety has greater attraction. Highly dan gerous and explosive when in in experienced hands. iVeer and Long Annex Doubles Handball Title Tlit> free lance doubles champion- I i ship of the university in handball ! went to Henry Noer and Wil Loup; yesterday by virtue of their defeat | of Dave Bauman and Fred Deuel. ! Near and Long won two straight j games to eineh the title which has j been the object of a tournament car- 'j ried on for the past two months. The first game was tied three ! times before the champions finally f won, 21-lS. ,In the second game. > Bauman and Deue0l broke away tt , i> four jioint lead before Ncer and Lon^ could score. The count was tied almost immediately at six all and then the champions started a Plain "Silk Dresses Cleaned, $1.25 Suits, Dresses and Overcoats Dvcd, $3.50 EASTSIDE CLEANERS Phone 4X6 Tram 32 to Portland now leaves AT 11.50 A. M. making convenient connections at Portland .with trains to the Nofth and East. Ollier daily trains to Portland leave at 3:25, 4:15 A. M., 12:40 (extra tare), 4:25, 7 :00 P. M. Same Tickets for Stage or Train Railroad tickets reading via South ern Pacific may now be used either on the Silver Gray or Red Top stages. Also tickets of the Red Tops may be used on the Silver Grays and vice versa—but stage tickets are not good on trains. Take advantage of litis co-ordin ated service and save time, money and nervous energy. Thru Silver Gray to San Francisco A fleet of specially designed Sil ver Gray stages are now in daily service between Portland und San Francisco. One way fare $13.50. Use this deluxe equipment on your next stage trip south. Leaves "here 1:50 P. M. Phone or Call on Us for Any Travel Information Southern Pacific Phone 2200 F. s. Lewis, Ticket Agent Step mil of the usual because their smart lilies are Tailored In, not merely pressed iif, and with extra knickers Spring suits at so small a price for real-quality are unusual, ask to see—yours! . . . it’s the style rally which enrried them through tie rest of the game and the match o the title, their opponents taking >ut two points after (lie first tie score. CANADIANS BUILD NEW GYM KINGSTON, Ont.—(II*)—Queen V university is to have a new $125,000 gymnasium, half of the cost of which may be undertaken by tiro university itself and tiro other half bv tiro Athletic Board of Control. Students voted to help pay for tho building by contributing a an nual fee cacii. POIM’liAR SHOES AT PO NMiAK PRICE sf $ —is a serviceable price I<>■ our slims—nicely accom modated l»y your pocketlmok ami not too inexpen sive for quality. For college women—we mi rurally stock the most pleasing models—designed for campus comfort and formal wear. Kenny & McCargar On the Balcony at Johnson’s Popular Price Store __ . _. -.1 AN APPEAL TO REASON i We All Like To Buy In An Attractive Store • But after all, low prices on standard merchandise have the appeal. We’ll admit that our fixtures aren’t classy, that" our service isn't the step-right-up kind. Here you can look around, pick things up, i try them on—the self service principle. Possibly your have overlooked us before now and as 1 yet don’t know of the unusual values we have. For I example— Just inside the front door you'll find an attractive group of brightly oolorcd I Broadcloth Sateen Cretonne Smocks at $1.89 All Si/,es A front table dCpluvs dainty little House Dresses at a Special Price of $1.19 \ Others 98c to $2.98 In our window you'll see Id dil'ferenl styles of Colored Footwear ineludiny red, blue, jrreen, blonde nnd sunburnt biege. Pumps, Strap Slippers and Oxfords—spike, enban and low heels, $2.98 to $4.98 v... Inside You'll Find Them All Out bio That j You Can Try Them On Yourself \ Other items in the store include pure silk hosiery at 98c, $1.48 and $1.79; silk underwear from 98e up; beautiful new triangle scarfs, slip-on sweaters and many other articles. We Invite You to Come in. Look Around—Try oil the Shoes, Smocks, etc., and in General Make Yourself at Home WILLIAM’S Self Service Store 77 East Broadway Serve Yourself and Save