Examinations for Winter Term Set By Faculty Vote The schedule: Saturday, March 9 7 9 p. in.—Personal Hygiene for Wdini'n, Tuesday, March 12 8 10—Eight o'clock clumps meet ing Monday, Wednpsday, Friday, or any two of these days, and four and five hour classes at eight. 10-12—Eight o’clock classes meet lag Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, or any two of these days. 1-8 First and Second oYenr French, all sections. Third Year French Literature, all sections. 8-5—Report Writing", I’nsinoss English, and Exposition classes, all sections. Wednesday, March 18 8-10 Nine o’clock classes meet ing Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or any two of these days, and four and five hour classes at nine. 10-12—Nine o'clock classes meet ing Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, or nay two of these days. 1-8- Man and Hits Environment, both sections. Psychology Ealinra. tory, all sections. 8-5—First and Second Year Span ish, all sections. Third Year Span ish Literature, nil sections. Thursday. March 14 8-10—Ten o’clock classes meeting Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or any two. of these days, and four mid five hour classes at ten. 10-12- Ten o'clock classes meet ing Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday,1 or any two of theso days. —Three o’clock classes meet ing Tuesday, Thursday. 8-5—Constructivo Accounting, nil sections. Friday, March 15 8 10—Eleven o’clock classes meet ing Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or any two of these days, and four hour classes at eleven. 10-12 Eleven o’clock classes meeting Tuesday, Saturday. 1- 5—Two o’clock classes meeting Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or any two of these days, and four arid five hour classes at, two. 2- 5 Two o’clock classes meeting Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday, March 1G 8-10-—One o’clock classes meeting Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or any two of these days, and four and five hour classes at one. 10-12 One o’clock classes meet ing Tuesday, Thursday, .Saturday, or any two of these days. 1-5—Three o’clock classes meet ing Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or any two of these days, and four and five hour classes at three. Examinations am hold in the reg ular classrooms unless otherwise ar ranged by the instructor. (Masses not, arranged above take irregular status, and are scheduled by I he instructor in consultation with the secretary of the schedule committee, Miss Stephenson, Tele phone 703. y. W. C. A. Croups Plan Conference For April 12-14 The Oregon Cabinet Training Conforeiftc, wlych is held annually bv the V. \V. C. A. orgtinizal ion of the state,-is to lake place April IM, l;{ and I I, according to Miss Itorn thv Thomas, secretary of the local V. \V. The place has rod Vet been select tol. The purpose of the conference is in instruct the new cabinet workers in the meaning underlying V. \V. C. A, activities and to show how the work is conducted. All cabinet members may attend this conference and usually there is a big delegation sent from Oregon. East year i!0 university women went, to the conference which was held at Corvallis. Miss Murcia Heiber, traveling secretary from the Sea bock division, is to be one of the leaders at the meet. Martha Fisher, V. W. C. A. presi dent at (). S. C., is chairman of the conference. Plans of Religious Pducatiim School to Re Worked Out Soon Further plans for the school of religious tioti, now being or ganized 1»y representati ves from various religious groups, the univer sity anil interested Oregonians, will bo made at a meeting liero Mon day, Mnreli 18, Dean II. i>. Sheldon announced yesterday. Directors met for the first time last month in Portland, Dean John F. Hovnrd being chairman. Dean Sheldon is acting as temporary chairman and will preside at the directorial mocf ing. Old Oregon Coes to Press on Saturday Miss Jeannette Calkins, editor of Old Oregon, stated yesterday that the Old Oregon March number would probably go to press Saturday. She is very anxious to have some good'jokes submitted for the Lemon Punch, page of humor. She is of fering a prize of one silver dollar for th(> best joke turned in to the (Mil Oregon office. Your studying lags . . . . You just can’t get going —ll always happens iiltnul I'xam time. Il's soiik' drag, we ;ill know i(, lint just try routing down lo I lie Eugene lor dinner and see how yonr attitude ehanges. (let away from Hie gang, and I lie Idali about exams, and all that, studying yon have piled up. The atmosphere and food here will pep you up, and you'll go home “rariu’ to go.” The Eugene Hotel Open an account And pot vnur now spring ap parel now—pay as you pot your allowance. W’o Jhnvo a complete stock of distinctive clothes for spring. To sny they’re “up-to-the minute" is trite, to say they’re “chic” is—well, come in and let us show them to you. And don’t fail to use your credit. Kay’s Coat and Dress Shop “Creditable Clothes Sold on Credit’' 829 Willamette Cigarette Smokers on Campus Consume 100-Mile Fag; Tobacco Cost Would Run Car 104 Times Over Globe I - i Bcnefiel Could Purchase Thousands of Baseballs (By A. L. 8.) How would you 1 ik<• to smoko a eigaretto 100 milos long? Fow of I ho smoktrrs ori tho ram pus would taekle tho job, ounfidont | in their ability to consuino eigar ott«® 0 But mathomal ieally figurod out, ! the ,'1,000 students on tho earnpns | puffed away 0!t. I miles of eigarettes blast, year, [irovided that they are°a | true eross-seet ioh of the nation. Figures of the internal revenue j bureau show that IO.”,Oir>,l(i:i,OI4 eigarettes were sold last year. There are approximately 120,000,000 peo ple in the United .States, of whieh Oregon’s ,1,000 students are one 40,000th. That means that men smoked in 1 their rooms, on the law sehool curb : or in restaurants 2,647,870 eigar | ettes. Each cigarette fifing two and three-fourths inches long, if laid end to end they would reach nearly 100 miles. Hontinuing, comma, wo find Mint 2,047,870 fags malic 1 pack ages. At Id cents per puck, taking it for granted Hint few of 1 ti<• smokers lionglit high-priced ones, students spent $20,000.85 for tobac co rolled in white paper. Are you paving attention? .Tack Benefiol could loiy I4,404 baseballs for Keinhart’s ball players with t|ps tobacco money. If you ownedoa car you could buy lOil.dd-l gallops of gas :it go cents a gal. If you got 2d miles out of a gnddnn a person could travel around the world 101 times on the cigar ette money, figuratively speaking. Each student spent. $ti.(i(i for cigarettes last year, it can be shown by dividing 5,000 students into $20, 0!l0, or if the girl friend likes shows you could take her 40,180 times and Coo Collogo Band Plays at Inaugural CEDAR RAPIDS, Town—(TP) — The Coo college linml pari if ipaled i n Dio inaugural core man ies for President Herbert Hoover Monday. The students and officials of Hie college raised $2,500 to send 1 lie undergradnale musicians to Wash iiigton, whom Ihey worn led in march by Idoyd Barber, drum major of tho University of Iowa band. LEHIGH TO PRODUCE MOVIE liKTII liKH KM, I’a.—(U’j— Mem bers of I be M ustard and Cheese dub, Lehigh university dramatic organization, are planning to pro duce a university moving picture, to be shewn before alumni dubs. The Last Grille Dance of the Term Campa Shoppe Saturday Only For choice of tables phone “Hersh” at 1849J. “You can cut loose at this one.” A Rare Opportunity GIFTS FOR THE HOME, EASTER, BIRTHDAY, WEDDING, GRADUATION * $ & Friday the Aladdin Gift Shop Will be Closed All Day —fo rearrange ami mark down every item in the shop. Beginning Saturday, the 9th, at 9 A. M. and con tinuing into next week, one stock reducing sale will include Costume Jewelry. Pexsean Prints, Blocks, Imported and Domestic Patterns, Candles, Brasses, Leather Novelties, Embroideries, etc. Every item purchased in the sale will be a genuine value. “Where the World Greets You” ALADDIN LI ext to Y. M. C. A. Would You Like lo See a Movie Lasting 10 Years sit watching the flickering films for 80,:',fin hours, which, boiled down, gives you a movie almost 10 years long. o And all that oji the money spent, figured per capita in Die universe tv, • .. o' on cigarettes in one year. o The figures for the nation were so large that they have attracted unusual attention and experts have been asked to give their opinions on the remarkable growth in the use of cigarettes. They say the important factor is the improved taste of the cigarettes through the use of milder and bet ter tobacco and mechanical features which remove undesirable elements in the cigarette. Mining Fellowships Now Open to Holders Of Science Degrees Pour research fellowships for the year HtL’fKiO in Ihe school of mines, University of Alabama, are being offered by that, institution to all graduate students who have their ,\r.S. degrees or who will be come candidates for them (Septem ber 1, lit'-’h, when these fellowships, rained at $67,' par year of nine nonths, begin. These fellowship" f,rR open to graduates of universities and en gineering schools wlio have had proper qualifications to undertake rsearch investigation. . Those graduates who are inter ested should see Dean Reh'ee for in formation in regard to applying for the seholarships. Applications for them are due not. later than June lj 1929. SUITS AND OVERCOATS Cleaned and Pressed, $1.00 Pressed Only $.50 We Call for and Deliver THE BEST CLEANERS 12.r>6 Kincaid Sermons to Hear Clay E. Palmer is preaching a Lenten series of ser mons Sunday mornings at the Congregational Church on fundamental questions that thinking people everywhere are asking about God. These sermons are actually fusing real science and real religion. Two sermons of the series have already been preached, and, we think, so important that we are justified in calling the attention of the students and faculty to the remaining four. The men whose names appear below, in an interview expressed themselves as follows: Dr. Warren D. Smith, Geology Reverend Palmer speaks and understands the language of the modern scientist. Those, who, through ignorance of science, have feared the findings of modern science, will have their fears dispelled by listening to this able preacher. I expect to hear! as many of this series as I can. Dean Chas. E. Carpenter, Law Reverend Palmer is doing that which is so much needed and is so rarely done for the modern student. This young prophet, of modernism interprets the best philosophic and scientific thought of today in a way to vitalize religion. His fearless, un compromising and fertile search for truth may help you to solve your own problems and give you a new freedom. His deep re ligious convictions may aid you to deepen your religious life and give you a God, at the same time you preserve your intellectual honesty and self respect. Dr. Howard Taylor, Psychology If you like to think, hut are fed up with the “blah” that often passes for religion, you would probably enjoy the intel lectual breadth of these sermons, their sincerity and challenge to clear thinking. Dr. Roger J. Williams, Chemistry I have heard eloquent sermons from Harry Emerson Fosdick of New York and Charles Gilkey of Chicago, but none that were intellectually more satisfying than Mr. Palmer’s discussion of the topic, “What is God?” Mr. Palmer’s scientific broadmindedness and insight into intellectual problems is indeed rare and students are fortunate who have a chance to hear him. March 1 0—What is God’s Will? March 1 7—God and World’s Pain. March 24—God and Prayer. March 3 1 —God and Immortality. (Advertisement, by friends interested in students) We’ll See You After Spring Vacation - - —‘Hid when you pot back, drop into the store and look at our new and complete line of merchandise. We are carrying young men’s and women’s clothes in styles which will de . light you. We Thank You Students —for your patronage this past term and we hope to keep our service and merchandise up to a high standard to merit your trade in the future. Drop in any time you are down town and we can show you new goods which will suit your fancy.