Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 08, 1929, Page 10, Image 10

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    Debate Fund
To Be Started
By J.K. Horner
Burden on Student Body
Would Be Relieved in
Several Years’ Time
Former Debater Promises
$50 to Proposed Project
An endow ment fund for debate
to put that activity on an inile i
pendent basis will bo started this
ikm*, (lobule coach,
has a a a ii ii n cod.
Washington State
college lias start
ed a like fund, lie
said, and the Uni
versity of South
ern California has
$5fi,00() for debate
alone. “That’s
why Southern Cal
ifornia can offer
subsidies to tour
ing schools, why
their schedule is
J. K. Horner large, and why
their e o a c li e 8
travel with the teams.”
An effort will be made to start
the fund this year, Mr. Horner
raid. One former debater has al
lcady promised .+!»<) toward it.
“The student body would not be
relieved of the support of debate
for a number of years. The inter
est would be added to the fund each
year for a while. Then as the
alumni become more prominent and
influential they will feel more like
contributing to the fund.
A. S. U. O. Charitable
“The student body has dealt very
charitably with us this year and
in former years, allowing us .+ l,‘J(iti
this time. But even that doesn’t
permit us to have the largest pos
sible schedule. Neither does it per
mit, coaches to travel with their
teams. Now if we had a fund
of forty or fifty thousand dollars,
the interest of twenty-five hundred
or three thousand dollars on that
amount would provide for our for
ensic needs.
“In a number of years wo might
make some progress. la 10 years
or so we might have thirty or forty
thousand dollars, if contributions
come in steadily.”
“You may say,” commented Vic
tor l*. Morris, assistant professor of
'economies, “that I am heartily in
favor of debate, that it 's worth the
effort put into if, that it is worth
financial support.”
“This endowment fund, if insti
tuted under provisions permitting
flexibility ill its Use to meet chang
ing conditions in the general field of
public speaking, would be an excel
lent thing,” said Hugh Rosson, sec
retary of the law school, in discus
sing the proposed fund “Debate is
worth while and ought to lie per
Mr. Itosson was reluctant lo com
ment on the future of debate. "We
might abandon il in “0 years. I
don’t know, no one knows. We hear
much derision against oratory. Then
radio, for instance, is bringing into
speaking an entirely different tpial
ity; this last political campaign
demonstrated I hat.
Funds Often Inflexible
"An endowment fund is often in
flexible. The purpose for which an
institution or a project is endowed
may seem vital today, but looking
to the tuture, changed conditions
may make il ineffective.” Mr.
Ilosson cited the example of the
trust Iliad created in St. Louis in
the ait ;> or tin’s to relieve suffering
among immigrants "going west.”
The fund still exists with a skeleton
organization, blit is ineffective. The
same is true, he said, of several
orphanage endowments.
" Yes,” he reiterated, " if the fund
is instituted under provisions lo
meet the changing conditions of the
future, it would lie an excellent
Close Contact With Foreign
People Vital to University
(Continued from I'age Nine)
tion and pleasure, because this is a
very important phase. The students
Library for Loafers Proposed;
“Defense de Travailler” Slogan
ITHACA, N .Y.—IF)—.A “library
for loafers” to take the place of
the present book shelves in colleges
was urged by Professor K. 0. Fay
in an article written for the Cor
nell Daily Sun recently.
“Such a library,” Professor Fay
said, “would claim distinction
through its total absence of formal
ity. The librarian’s only duty would
consist in replenishing the open fire.
“Instead of wooden stools and
bench-like tables with partitions,
the Loafer’s Library would boast j
such chairs as one might fall asleep,
in when the book was done. Anil j
all around the room, in tiers that i
towered out of sight among the
shadows under the ceiling, would be
hundreds of volumes, fatly bound,!
in leather stamped L. L.—poetry,
drama, fiction, travel, and biog
raphy—ancient and modern, in Lug
ish, in French, in German, and in
Italian (N.B. — Translations tu
“No student would be allowed to
■ncumber the room with note books,
naps, or slide-rules; and the only
dgn, in the absence of such annoy
injr |ejrends as ‘Silence Please’ and
No Smoking’ would read ‘Defense
le Travailler. ’
“But in view of the leisurely at
titude towards life which might be
incouraged by such a library, it
nay be better left unfounded after
ill. Instead of a citizenry inspired
by the gospel of ‘Do it (^uick ’ one
might produce a generation of in
lifferent nil admirarists who gos
sipped for a half hour after meals,
wrote letters instead of sending tel
■granis, and waited for motor cars
to pass instead of bounding across
the street in front of them.”
of the first floating universities
were of both sexes and attracted
much unfavorable criticism because
of their “larking” while on shore.
Mrs. Beck knows that recreation is
necessary, but it must be of the
right kind. The type of .recreation
chosen by the first fleeting univer
sities in the Orient was very unwise,
and it was severely criticized in the
countries they visited.
“There should be some pleasure
provided for the trips, particularly
plenty of exercise aboard ship, to
take care of the health of the stu
dents. Of course, it is highly es
sential that the Voyage be happy,
but contentment should not have to
come from being entertained con
stantly. K.ach individual should be
independent enough to regulate his
own welfare and happiness, to make
the trip enjoyable for the rest of the
students. Movies, games, and quiet
social pleasures which would be in
cidental rather than eventful should
be chosen. If a student can’t lin
quisli things that seem to be socially
necessary, lie should go on a regular
vacation liner, for he would be of
no benefit on a student tour.”
Pacific Holds Interest
Mrs. Beck believes the tours
should be financed so that the tui
tion and living costs would be com
parable to those of an ordinary uni
versity. Of course, it would not
be a money.making proposition, but
there should be fees which would
exclude those going merely for
When asked whether students
could learn more from the Occident
than the Orient,. Mrs. Beck replied
that she was particularly interested
ill China, Japan, Java, the Mouth
Hea Islands—in fact, all Pacific
countries, because they will mean so
much, both for their commercial
possibilities and their relationships,
to our own Pacific coast states.
“The people of the Orient are
very hospitable. The Japanese are
exceptionally charming, and they
welcome strangers. They are exceed
ingly progressive, an'd many in the
cities speak English. They arc eager
to learn western civilization, par
ticularly American.
“Strangers are safe in Japan,”
she stated from a characteristically
feminine viewpoint. “Probably more
so than in our own country. The
Japanese are courtesy itself, and are
cleanly, honest and hospitable. What
more can one say of them? They
are very sincere. At least 1 have
no reason to believe they aren't.
They are wonderfully artistic, and
are models of politeness, far more
than we are.
“It is a matter of pride with them
to In; progressive. They are fast
living down customs that do not
conform with ours. For instance,
merchants in the Orient have pre
viously been considered on a level
with coolies and rick shaw men, but
they are now being elevated to a
social position comparable to that
of European and American shop
“Another example of their pro
gressiveness is the speed with which
they are adopting western clothing.
In a generation, the beautiful pic
lurescpie dress of the Japanese will
be replaced by European styles.”
Respect for Art Needed
Mrs. lleek is confident that stu
Plus a university education adds much to your earning
Eugene Business College
A. E. Roberts, President Miner Bldg.
Tclophono 660 Eugene, Oro
Clean Up
Before you go home.
You want to look your
best. Let us clean your
suit, overcoat and hat.
We will please you.
NU-WAY Cleaners
(lentil can learn much, if they study ]
the Oriental races, and she places [
foremost, respect for their art. In j
the past, they have taken great j
pride in products of their hands, i
They have even subordinated their
commercial instinct to this love for
handmade objects of art. .However,
with the coming of the tourists, Mrs. j
Beck is afraid that this condition
will not exist very long. The tour
ists are willing to buy anything, as
long as it is Oriental, and the people
are beginning to forsake the hand
work for quantity production by
machines. This establishes commer
cial relations, and Mrs. Beck hopes
that friendly understanding of the
people will follow, thus furthering
universal brotherhood.
“The only way to accomplish any
thing lasting in the way of friendly
relations is to go about it in a dig
nified, serious way. All trivial tilings
mifct be sacrificed. Of course, there
will be many pleasurable events,
such as excursions and visits to col
leges ashore, but they must be car
ried out in such a way that only
good will result. The students must
be ‘hand-picked,’ and of a type that
will realize their responsibility in
establishing and maintaining friend
ship and understanding with the
countries they visit.”
Mrs. Beck believes that floating
universities have a great future,
if the problem of finances can be
solved. She hopes that business
firms will become interested from
a commercial standpoint, so that
they will provide the necessary cap
ita! for the tours.
Senator Bell Stan3s By
And Approves Merger
(Continued from Page A'ine)
to be an undue number of non
resident students in the iiistituions.
And hat was costing the state a lot
of money. I think myself it’s de
sirable to encourage out-of-state
students to a certain extent.” He
tapped on the table and said em- |
idiotically, “But there shouldn’t be
an excess over what other states arc
educating. We arc educating more
out-of-state students than other
states are doing for us.”
Judge Potter’s stand that the bill
was hasty Mr. Bell met with the
fact that he had introduced it on
the fifth of February. It was im
peded and then treated with indif
ference, Mr. Bell said. He declared
himself independent of partisan in
The three normal schools of Ore
gon, he pointed out, had been run
ning satisfactorily under one board
of regents. “Yes, the merger will
be a benefit to higher education in
Oregon,” he repeated.
Newest Guild Hall Play
Promises To Be Interesting
(Continued from Page Nine)
Brangomar impresses them deeply.
(Who of us at some time or another
has not shuddered at the thought of
witchery and black magic?) Their
expressions are terror-stricken. And
from this they change to sheer hap
piness in a little dance or song, ex
treme contempt for an old dignitary
of the court, or utmost devotion for
their little princess.
Acting Difficult.
This play promises not only some
thing quite different from the usual
repertoire of plays that come from
Guild hall, but also a line of diffi
cult acting which is made easy and
lovely bv those drama students who
will participate.
The cast will be announced at the
beginning of next term. The play
will be given by the class in dra
Why We Carry
a Large Stock
It is only natural that students expect
to find a wide range of stock at the
S Lemon “O” Pharmacy. They can’t be
continually running down town for
everything, so we like to be able to
supply them right up here. And we
usually are.
Lemon ‘O’ Pharmacy
loth & Alder
A paramount get together and ear
nival dance for students and friends
in Portland for the holidays.
.Friday-March 22
Greater Oregonians
Direction of Trent Gross '
Spanish Ballroom
Geo. McMnrphy, Mgr.
itli and Main Sts.
matic interpretation, under tile di
rection of Constance Roth.
League Has Successful
Activities Year So Far
(Continued from Cage Nine)
sou. The sale of tickets for the
lecture series on the campus has
also been sponsored, with Margaret
Cummins in charge.
“With these accomplishments now
behind us,” Miss Dodge said, “the
Women’s league is looking forward
to an equally successful spring
term. The first activity will prob
ably be the annual auction sale on
t’lie library steps.”
Dr. Bossing Leaves
Campus for Meeting
Dr. X. F. Bossing, of the school
of education, spent Wednesday and
Thursday away from the campus,
speaking at a meeting of Salem
public school teachers the first day
and going ou to Portland the second.
Dr. Bossing’s trip to Portland was
his regular Thudsday visit in the
' interests of the extension work.
Just a Line About
Wo will have delicious Chocolate I*fggs—and l»iin
nies— the eggs will be filled witli delicious yolk
center, cocoaimt or nut cream—yes we make them.
Also novelty decorations for our Easter boxes.
851 East 13th
l • • t I I..L.L
tho Japanese have the pleasant custom of bringing
gifts—omiagfr—when they return home after an
a bsence.
Don’t forget Mother, Sister, the Home Folk this
vacation—and let us help you with your gift shop
ping .
The Oriental Art Shop
“Where You’ll Find the Hard to Find”
On the Balcony 1026 Willamette St.
Short cut - -
For tiro exam week menus, it is much easier to phone
us to send out ice cream than to take the time to
plan a different dessert. For a sweet that the exam
harrassed members of the house will approve of is
a difficult one to find, but ice cream usually hits
the mark.
Boston Cocoanut Ice Cream
Banana Ice Cream >
4 Black Walnut lee Cream
’ Black Walnut lee Cream
Phone 1480 for
Prompt Delivery
Eugene Fruit Growers’
If Crisp Cold *'
Weather Comes
A;>aiii in tin' middle of the spriutf term and catches
ns w 1! limit ;i11\ w ood in tlir basi'ini'iit. we'll be ill a
li of a fix.
Manerud-Jluuthiyjtou have a stock of Idylt-grade
slab wood wliicli is selling ;it a ivmarkabh low
price. Ordei now enough to last you through the
stormy days of spring term.
Corner 10th and Oak
i m m m m m m m m m m « m m m s. m ■ m a a m ■ ■
Brings Thoughts
Nut only of a young man’s fancy but of Spring
houserleaniug as well. WV can help you make this
work loss irksome by supplying you with the proper
You will find everything you will need in 1'aiuts,
C'ulsontiue, Wall Paper, in fact we earry a complete
stock of Decorators’ Supplies.
Remember we do Picture Framing.
• * *
Paint Wall Paper—Art Goods
55 West Broadway Phone 749
Exam Week Ennui
“Well. 1 just flopped another ex.’’
’'Forget it! Let's yo down to the Peter Pan ami “craw”'
—but leave your books at home.”
f * * ■» -
Tenth and Willamette