Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 07, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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    Poetry ^ Book Reviews
Literary Section {□] Edited by Serena Madsen
I am the master;
1 shall make the soil
Yield vast rows
Of yellow corn,
Of wheat,
Anil barley too.
The fruits of my labor
yhall increase ten-fold.
The earth is mine,
Said man.
I am the Master;
I shall drop huge kuolls
Of arid waste;
Half-grown mountains .
Covered with sage-brush .
Can you remove
• These bad-lands
With your hoe and your rake
And force the soil
To yield against my pleasure?
We shall see,
Said God.
Tap . . . tap . . . the rain beats
down upon the roof;
A sudden restlessness seizes the
brooding air;
The leaves begin to tremble at the
touch of the silvery wands;
They salaam to God, and again
raise their heads
To catch the kiss of the rain.
Louder . . . harder ... it falls in
churning sheets.
Everything’s a-bustle, seeking shel
ter here and there.
The drops against the window-pane
sound like sea-kissed pebbles;
The leaves, now falling rapidly,
make a dappled carpet,
And earth is drenched to a swift
Then drop . . . drop ... in an un
certain patter;
Slower . . . and fast; heavy . . . then
light the big drops come
Until the last thin sound is gone,
And through a film of eloud the
sun’s red smile
Touches with glistening freshness
valley and hill.
I had a gown
Made of the shimmering fragile
That must have clothed the fairies.
It was faintly pink,
Sprinkled with little glistening
And lasted scarce a season.
There’s nothing left—
Except the beads.
1 had a love
Made of the shimmering fragile
That must have clothed my youth
The color of early roses,
Sprinkled with little glistening tears.
There’s nothing left—
Except the tears.
By Uu Bose Heyward
Here is a deeply satisfying book
about racial relations between the
negroes and white people of Charles
ton, South Carolina.
The. satisfaction is derived from
more than one source. Aside from
any sociological aspects the book is,
entertaining to a rare degree. It
is a story about real people. With
a ripe characterization that silt-:
passes his splendid achievement in
“Porgy,” his last novel of ncgn
life which won nation-wide acclaim
Mr. Heyward lias created a lonj
bookful of men and women whc
move through the tale without the
pallid smear of typewriter ink
I about them which makes so main
of the modern novelists’ characters
fall so short of convincingness.
The characters have a touch of
the earth, a sure agreement in theii
action with the inevitable condition*
of life, and a vital spirit that makes
them live in the mind as actual
But even greater cause for satis
faction comes from the fine swing
ing manner of the narrative. It is
a spurious story. The reader lias
time to get acquainted with the
characters. The tale extends over
three generations, and the action is
not confined to a limited area. From
the sordid decay of Catfish Alley
on the Charleston waterfront, where
lives the great mass of the city’s
negro population, the scenes shift to
the decks of river boats, to the
phosphate mines in the back coun
try, to the elemental, throbbing folk
I life surcharged with a thousand
i emotions found in country dances,
and to a great finale on the stage
of the New Metropolitan opera of
New York City.
I think the greatest source of
satisfaction to me in "Mamba’s
Daughters” is the fairness with
which Mr. Heyward presents his
broad picture of the existing condi
tions of race interrelationship in
He does not flare off at a radical
tangent with some proposal for
quick- solution of what is a great,
tragic condition of racial malad
justment. He views the whole
scene, recognizes the component
parts, the black man's viewpoint
and the viewpoint and outlook of
the whites, and proceeds to paint a;
great panorama in which the actual,
existing conditions are presented.
He points out the hopeful factors
which are slowly ameliorating the
unfortunate social puzzle presented
by this transplanted race of dark
skinned people. He has looked long
and understandingly at human na
ture and his judgments are sound..
Reaching into liis long, intimate ex
perience with the poo pies of whom
he writes, he selects the highlights
which bring proper emphasis to the
social problem, and yet with a rich
artistry in every scene that illu
mines the book with a clear, strong
light of sympathetic understanding.
It is a fair tale and a brave one.
By Boa Howe
Situation: William, a handsome
young moth-collector, proposes to
and is accepted by Evelina, who has
green eyes, an imaginative nature,
and fancies that she has a triple
personality. In this elfish mood
she calls her third self Evelina
There seems to be some question
for 200 pages jis to whether William
and Evelina really love each other.
But one night William, while he fa
out hunting moths, finds a fairy ami
take it Iconic. The fairy compli
cates matters some way, one is very
vague as to how, and Evelina gives
bac'k William his ring. But Wil
liam, after deciding that he cannot
be happy without Evelina, calls her
up one morning some time later and
Fresh Fr©in the Sea
Vary your moat diet occa
sionally by serving fish. The
chiii*nt will be a welcome ono
when voti select your favorite
sea food here. Fresh-caught
fish of all hinds are always
in our stock. You'll find many
suggestions in our present of
ferings. o
Wholesale Retail
Phone 2309 Free Delivery
Crammers must eat
A light 1 midi will do wonders for you after a.
eoupie of hour's of cramming. I’hone ‘295&W and
we will send the order right up.
Electrical Repairing
With a guarantee that counts—No job .too big and
nuue too small
Phone 234
Bailey Electric Co.
640 Willamette
everything is settled to tlx* satisfac
tion of the two concerned. One
docs not know what becomes of the
I fairy.
This book sounds like a first
novel. Whether.if is I do not know,
but it 1ms a suspiciously flowery
and twitterv quality that usually
marks the productions of young
writers. It is a bit incoherently
written. Sometimes one has diffi
culties in following Evelina’s rapid
ly flitting thoughts. Whimsy, to be
effective, must be lucid and natural,
and done with the greatest delicacy.
The author’s touch here is a little
—K. M.
All the romance in college docs
not live among the students alone;
it develops occasionally among fac
ulty members.
Last Saturday evening at a bridge
| party, the engagement of Miss Mar
! joric Wescott, grailuafe assistant in
the English department, and a sis
ter of Grlennory Wescott, novelist,
was announced to Fletcher Burrows,
also a graduate English assistant.
Miss Wescott graduated from
Ripon college, Wisconsin. Mr. Bar
rows, after studying at Brown uni
versity, completed his work at Har
vard, receiving his M.A. degree in
February of this year.
Both members of the engaged
couple instruct classes in report
The announcement was made in a
novel way. A box of chocolates was
brought, in with flags sticking out
from each chocolate; a few words
were written on eaeh flag. When
all messages wctc pieced together
they said:
“If von asked me the latest scan
dal, I would say that Miss Marjorie
Wescott is engaged to Mr. Fletcher
Discussion Groups
To Complete Work;
Prove Successful
Two of the three discussion groups
which have been held for the past
five weeks under the auspices of the
Y. W. C. A. will bo completed this
Dr. Osborne's group was unable
to meet Tuesday night because of
the Y. W. membership banquet, and
it will hold the last meeting next
week. The subject for discussion in
this group has been “The Relations
of Men and Women.,r
There has been very fine attend
anee all Ihe time for these discus
sions, according to Miss Dorothy
Thomas, wfrotary of the V. W. who
led one of the discussions. Kcv.
Clay E. Palmer led the other group.
The new system of having several
groups of interested students carjy
a certain subject straight through
the six weeks has proved very suc
cessful, says Miss Thomas.
One new discussion group was
started this year which has never
been held before, an intercliurch
group composed of one girl from
each denomination represented on
the campus. This group, which was
organized by Eva Davis, is to con
tinue its meetings until the end of
spring term.
Each week, one girl gives a ‘talk
on the service of her own church,
explaining the ritual and the sym
bolism. These talks are given in
alphabetical order, and the meetings
are held every Thursday afternoon
from 4:15 to 5:45.
This afternoon, Janet Osborne is
to give a taUt on the Episcopal
church. •
Hermian Initiates
Quartet of Women
To Membership Roll
Four physical education members
—Betty Beam. Edith,•! Barthol, Mar
garet Marian Price and Grace Cald
well—were initiated into Hermian,
honorary women’s physical educa-i
tion organization, last night at 5!
o’clock at a molding that was fol
lowed by a banquet at the Anchor
Initiation was in charge of Mar
jorie Landru, president of the or
ganization, and Beth Ager, Doro
thea Lonseh and Dorothy Goss. Miss
Landru presided at the banquet
which was attended by about 30
members. A skit by the four new
members was a feature of the even
Sigma Kappa announces the pledg
ing of Helen Wilderman, Eugene. j
FOR RENT — Clean housekeeping
rooms, girl students. P li o n e
243(3-W, 3-6-7-*
Plain Silk Dresses Cleaned,
Suits, Dresses and Overcoats !
Dyed, $3.50
Phone 416
with an O. K. that counts
Wo have some very attractive buys in usetl curs at this time.
100 per cent value lor your dollar iu low priced transportation.
1922 Ford Touring, with Uccu.se . $40.00
19215 Ford Touring, with license . 50.00
1923 Chevrolet Coupe . 85.00
1923 Chevrolet Coupe . 75.00
1928 Ford Touring . 195.00
1928 Ford Touring. 185.00
1924 Maxwell Touring . 165.00
1924 Ford Coupe . 125.00
Sold by a permanent dependable organization
Mata Store 912 Olive Used Car Lot 7tli and Oak
See Our Window
Athletic Pictures
It would be mighty nice to turn over
the pages of your Oregon album some
years hence and see grinning or glow
ering up at you a picture of one of the
school’s outstanding athletes or a gang
of your former teammates.
Get these pictures here—two prices
30c and 50c
Pictures of groups uud singles —swimming,
golf, track, football, and teuni s—enough for all
of you.
U niversity Pharmacy
The Students’ Drug Store
Ruling* Lead* Varsity
In Total,Playing Time
Star Has 543 Minutes;
Milligan Gathers in 494
Gordou Ridings, member of the
all-northwest basketball team seleet
ed by Hee Edmundaon. eonch of
me i mversity or
Washington team,
led the Oregon
players in the
I number of min
ntes played in the
season just com
pleted. Hidings
also led the Web
1 foots 1 a s t year,
but his min
utes this year was
considerable less
Gord Ridings than the 680 in
Scott Milligan, forward, who was
second to Ridings last yen’!, was
listed second again this year with
404 minutes. Roth Milligan and>
Rid!ugs were handicapped this year
by injuries and illness which forced
them out of several contests.
•.Fifteen Oregon basketball players
were in action in the 15 games
■ 1
About tlio bounty and pleasure ,
of “dining by the Waterside.” •
Better come over some time <
played. Of these l.", nine were
awarded letters. Number of min
utes played by Webfoots this year:
Gordon Ridings, 543; Scott Milli
gan, 494; Pave Epps, 365'i; Don
McCormick, 048; doe Pally, 203;
Ray Edwards, 20:',V.; Mervvn Chas
tain, 182; .lean Ebevhart, 100; Cliff
Horner, 133; Roy Hughes, 132%;
[Inward Eberhart, 10.1; Keith Em
mons, 14; Harold Ollinger, 5; Wil- '
Ham Hanley, 1; and Jaek Dowsett, 2.
Sigma F“hi Epsilon announces the
pledging of Ivan Skyrman of Cen
tral. Point, Oregon.
Waffles -
Ties and Cakes
Colonial Theatre Bldg.
786 E. 11th
Special 25c Plate Lunch
Ilome-made Pastry
Milk Shakes
Chess Pies
Good Coffee
Store Closed Thursday
Yes, Tod-ay, Thursday, Ragan A 14owiii.ni will be CLOSED ALL DAV
—To mark down every item of merchandise in the store, to rearrange
stocks—Beginning Friday nt !> a. m. and cojitinning Friday* and Satur
day and into next w*ek we wiU hold oTir SECOND ANNUAL CLEAR
A.M’lijpAl.Jv- Tliis SALE is being held with Easter just ahead because
of the conditions beyond our control—we are overstocked with New,
Seasonable Merchandise—Such famous lines as “Fashion ljprk” and
“tiriffon” Clothes—Afrow and Cluett and K. A W. Shirts, and in fjict
nothing is reserved—The Sale is on every* single item in the store—
Every item purchased during* the Sale will be a genuine value of the
finest meichndise—-Your money cheerfully refunded it you are not ab
solutely satisfied—So come Friday at !> a. in., tiring your friends—Tell
your neighbors about this Sale- We want to thank all our friends who
came to our last Sale—They remember the values; we invite them to
come again, and we want new friends to ionic too.
Ragan & Bowman
825 Willamette
New Show Tonight
“THE CAT and the CANARY”
An orgy of thrills*—-morn exciting 1 ban “The Bat '—the creepiest mystery
play ever written. A solid evening of starts, thrills and creeps, set off by
hysterical laughter.
Bargain Matinees
Saturday and Sunday
WA KNINU—Regardless of what oe
ein'H dining aid two of this play, do
not Ionvo your seat Positively no dan
ger to. you.
Nancy Carroll •Richard Arlen*Paul Lukas
/ ^ m. mdimAIIuT Dt^TllOC
* TJ.a’
,»•' "'*
“ 8^^
^ ;j*r
" .oU"4
Q! Course,^ But Game car!j
to civil'd sturtdmg^ inline / t