Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 07, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    University of Oregon, Eugene
W. E. Hempstead Jr.Assoc. Editor Leonard Hagstrom.Assoe. Editor
Joe Pigncy.Assoc. Editor Arthur Schoeni.Managing Editor
Carl Gregory .Asat. Managing j&auor
Donald Johnston ......~.^...—...f,’cature Editor
Prf>r(>nA Ma<1m>d ...Literary Editor
«#oe rigney .......
Lavina Hicks _
Leonard Delano
....oyvri* oumii
. Society Editor
.P. I. P. Editor
Clarence Craw .Makeup Editor
Jo Stofiel..Secretary
News and Editor Phone 666
DAY EDITORS: Vinton Hall, Lawrence Mitchclmore, Serena Madsen, Carl Gregory.
Harry Tonlcon; Mary Klemm and Mary Frances Dilday, assistants.
NIGHT EDITORS: Rex Tub aim; cmef; Fred BectilU, Victor Kaufman, Charles Ban.
Thornton Shaw, Mildred Dobbins.
ASST. NIGHT EDITORS: Max Carman, John Dodds, Evelyn Hartman, Beatrice
Dennett, Jean Carman, .Jo Harry, Ralph Yergen, Dave Totton, Graccmary
Rickman, Eleanor Jane Ballantyne.
GENERAL ASSIGNMENT REPORTERS: Margaret Clark, Wilfred Brown, Carol
Hurlburt, Audrey Henriksen.
SPORTS STAFF: Delbert Addison, Alex Tamkin, Joe Brown, Fred Schultz, Harry
Van Dine, Warren Tinker, Harold Fraandorf.
REPORTERS: Mary Klemm, Myron Griffin, Maryhelen Koupal, Clcta McKennon,
Margaret Reid, Alice Gorman, T. Neil Taylor, Willis Duniway, Lois Nelson,
Dorothy Thomas, Phyllis VanKimmel, David Wilson, Ailcen Barker, Elise Schroeder,
Osborne Holland, Henry Lumpec, Merlin Blais, Rex Tussing, Mack Hall, Helen
Cherry, Barney Miller. Bob Guild, Mary Ellen Mason, Ruth Gaunt, Lcnore Ely, j
Ruth Campbell, Alyee Cook, Bernice Hamilton, Virginia Smith.
•* tr_i a_a_ __ OL_l_ Tt_1 a J__
George Weber Jr.Foreign Adv, Manager
Dorothy Ann Warnick....As8t. Foreign Mgr.
Phil Hammond.Service Dept.
Ruth C re&ger..~.....~....~~.- - ■ Secretary -Cashier
Margaret Poorraan...
Richard Horn-Ant Adv. Manager j
Harold Kester__Aaat. Adv. Manager
Ted Hcvitt-.Circulation Manager
Larry Jackson.Asst. Circulation Mgr.
.Mgr. Checking Dept.
Business uttice rnone iay&
ADVERTISING SALESMEN: Addison Brockman, Lucille Gatlin, Emmajane Rorer
Bernard Clapperton, William Cruikshank, Elaine Henderson, Bob Holmes, Ina
Tremblay. Betty Hagen. Margaret Underwood, Osborne Holland.
OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Harry Hanson, Dorothy Jones, Cloots Cook, Kathryn Perigo,
Julianne Benton, Guy Stoddard, Louise Gurney, Jane Gilbert, Fred Reid.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the
college year. Member of the Pacific Inter-collegiate Press. Entered in the post office
at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year. Adver
tising rates up?n application. Residence phone, manager, 2790. Jo Stefiel, secretary.
Day Editor This tnnuf— Serena Madsen
Night Editor This Charles H. Barr
Asst. Night Editors—Jo Barry
John Dodds
Cigarettes for the Audience
If there is any truth in advertis
ing, the audience that listened to
Tito Kcliipa at McArthur court last
night should go ill a lunly to the
nearest cigar store and purchase a
large supply of a certain brand of
eve 11 -ad vert i see ciga ret tes.
The concert of Tito Kcliipa eva.s a
rare treat for the campus and for
1'jUgene, and although the audience
was highly appreciative, it was at
the same time most impolite. A con
stant succession of coughs rattled
over the huge crowd from the be
ginning of the first song to the
end of the last encore. The noise
at times became so obtrigdvo that
it seemed the audience believed its
self at a basketball game. It was
a wonder that Kcliipa could have
been so gracious through it all.
My First^Job
Professors Relate How
First Money Eqrned
" My firs! jolt wan as president of
1 lio First National bauk in Now
York city. My very first,” admit
t oil John .1. Laudsbury, dona of t ho
school of music, with a Jiuw.lt.ly mod
ost air.
"I hitvo other jobs now,” Doan
lam Isbnry was serious, “One is
keeping the I’hi Dolts and Kappa
Sigs out of jail.
"1 have boon only niodorntoly
successful in that,” ho said.
Doan lumdsbury rather contra
dicted himself in his statements,
as ho also told the Kmorald that
his first position was given him at
the agi of 1(1, when ho acted more
or loss as an ornament at one of
the banks at boadvillc, Colorado,
which had gone into bankruptcy.
" I used In drag mil musty records
exert once in a while, whenever
they wanted them,” he explained.
" I was supposed lo work for loui
or fixe weeks, but I got bored and
left after one week.
‘•My next job xxas lo find money
to buy a pair of shoes while I was
in college. That was a real job.”
Dean l indsbury’s third position
was as a teaching fellow in the
school of music.
“ You will be surprised at my next
one," he exclaimed. “It was help
ing to lay out the water system of
my home town."
Salesmen for Halliburton
Lecture Are Listed
(Vimlhivt'tl from I’niie (%i<;)
Kappa, Jack I'irdloy; Sliorix lioss
hall, John IVnlund: Sigma hall, Tom
Johns: Sigma Vlpltu Kpsilmi. Ken
noth Curry; Sigma Chi, Charles
I ;iird; Sigma Nu, Kric Forsla; sig.
mu L’tii Lpsilon, Joe Frock; .Sigma
Pi Tuu, Sanford Whiting; Theta
Chi, Kviinvt h Haley; Zeta hull,
Walter Durgan. .
Alpha Chi Omega, Helen Winsor;.
Alpha Delta Pi, Mildred Swafford;
Alpha Gamma Delta, Marguerite
Looney; Alpha Omieron Pi, Virginia
Grono; Alpha Phi, Lueile Murphy;
Alpha -\i Delta, .lean Smith; Chi
Omega, Kli/.abeth Kaser; Tri llelt,
Hit Blue; Delta Qamtua, Connie
Pox; Delta Zeta, Ucadriee Dennett.
Gamma Nu, Ruth Jaynea; Gamma
Phi Meta, Marianne Speer; Kappa
Alpha Theta, Marian Camp;
Kappa Delta, Madol.vn Snider;
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Bernice Ham
ilton; Phi Mu, Ruth Campbell; Pi
Beta Phi, Alice Carter; Sigma
Kappa, Alice Rutherford; Girls’
Oregon club, Florence Woughter;
Three Art club, Albertina Harkov;
Hendricks hall, Harriet Kibbee;
Susan Campbell, Klaiue Williams.
MCDONALD “ .Manhattan (Vk
tail,” starring Nancy Carrol, Rich
ard Ark'n anil Paul Lukas. Spark
[ 1 i11comedy. Also (ho Croon;iders
in “Crooning Alojig” and "Oswald”
in his second sound oarloon.
COLONIAL “Four Hons," star
ring Mai caret Mann, Francis X.
’ lliishinan and .lime Cidlycr. One of
I the "Big Ton.” Also "Shooting
Wild,” comedy, and Pa the news.
HEILIG -The Taylor Players in
“The Cat and the Canary," a mur
der mystery. Also short subjects
on the screen.
REX "The Wreck,” featuring
Shirley .Mason and Malcolm Mae
gregor. Also a Universal comedy
and International news.
Tito Schipa Pays Visit
To Eugene's Airfield
(Coniunit'll from l'aye One)
lido. In fact, he is even beginning
to make very definite plans. If
things turn out right, Schipa vv'dl
journey from Nan Francisco to Salt
Lake in a pi.me.
The singer is most enthusiastic
lever the courses being given to
I Oregon students in conjunction with
| I he air serv ice here. Oregon, he
says, is an outstanding university
. . . . "oh yes, very, very, outstaud
lie was fascinated with every
thing in connection with the air
planes and examined them carefully,
lit* also expressed his ideas on the
Hold field, saving it vv.is "excel
"Nome day 1 shall liaveoa plane
myself," he said, looking his man
igei straight in tlu eyes, "and then,
lust wait and see ... I shall ride,
if the wind is blowing 01 if she is
not. ”
l.mriiiM K<lil< trials?
Do you waul editorials in the Kiuerald?
Do you want them whether tIn*\ are read or not ?
Win :
What per rtuit ot the editorials do you read.'
Name Class
Ballot must be made out in Cull to lie counted.
Hey hey. The hamlet of Holly
wood doubtless will be happy to 1
learn that all the Oregon stndents 1
who tried out for campus movie 1
screen tests have definitely given ] 1
up their ambitions to become mo- ! I
lion picture stars. The rush for the j
cinema capital is off. •] !
Duck Soup, tis man to man, did 1
you ever see a more dissipated look- 1
ing crew in your life than the males '
of the Webfoot flickering photos'
And as for the women—compared
with them a battered old stovepipe
hat is a thing of beauty.
ADOLPH Menjou was
PASSING through Eugene
WHEN the tests were
BEING made and was
ASKED to come u|> and
HAVE a screen test
MADE incognito.
HE gave the name
AND address of a student
AND the other day lie
WAS informed that all
THE mob scene characters
HAD been chosen.
You blithering, jaundiced, furfur
accous, indigent, catachrcstical, rep
ercussive, insalubrious, mellifluous,
pantopliagous, gulp, phantasmagori
cal, defalcators. Keep my name out
of your columns!
A. L. S.
P. S. May all your cliildrcu have
HE All A. L. S.
We resent your postscript that
our progeny have hives. That \s mi
Then there’s the Scotchman who’s
so tight lie hates to pay anyone a
(A rare sample of the headline
writers’ art):
To encourage contributions to
Duck Soup we offer a choice of the
following prizes to bo given to those
who turn in not less titan 999.9 ac
ceptable jokes daily during the
"Ntil'fy " Harnett: his l*l;n U string
t ic.
s. t . Smith: his fur lined rout.
Doe O: limin’: her sorin'; skirt.
\. Holmes Haldriilgt’: his foveloi'k.
I>r. lioweii: his mnustaiho.
Prof. Wjllvox: his flowing rape.1
Miss Hurgoss: her blank link
\ alfiit ini' Boyer: Itis middle
.lullii H. -\Ji’iiIU-r: his u ifeless
Prof. Shumaker: Ins dog troupe.
Pint’. Krust: his i-outh (hr doesn't
u..i' it any wav').
'Irtliur f links: his elitoks likv
I'lii’ t \v o d 'cam's; their lin ks.
XiiiirtMv Pish: his aest it illations.
Kurnost MoH: his pipe and eol
lection of curses.
tioorgo \\ 111 m iiii'i»ii: his green sack.
\V. p. t.. riiaihir: a few of hi
Han.' lumtlen: his statin' for tin'
court'.aril of the blind school.
What They Say
Tabloid Bits Taken From
News of the Day
‘IVT0 SUCH MAN ;is >oah exist
* cd, nor was any voyage
nadc in the Ark. Noah was not a
nan. Tire word Noah in Hebrew
ncans ‘nature’s rest,’ and it was
ised to signify an expression of a
diase of universal man’s existence. ,
Ark’ means vessel in the sense of
i thing destined to contain and pre
erve something, and here refers to ^
he shelter for the principles of gen
erative nature.”—Diy William K.
Serkson, dentist and Bible studVnt,
n Brooklyn Daily Eagle.
‘ * 1V^" ^ K IAD IX general is suf
fining from a feebleness of
nind. In America there are 100,- •
100,000 people, but only 10(1 are
tsing their brains to the fullest ex
eat and those 100 cannot make!
nuch headway in a nation of volun- I
ar.v morons.”—A. T. Orage, editor, i
n the Brooklyn Daily Eagle.
- - due
■ ——
Today’s Question: Judging by the
screen tests, do you think men or
.vomen are more vain?
Fie I d a Wigging, .junior in Eng
isli: “I think men are, because they
took more interest in the screen
tests. Girls are used to the paint,
uit it was unusual for the men, and
they felt like they had ‘it’.”
Lester Fait, junior in business ad
ministration: “I believe the reason
for more male screen tests is the
more care-free attitude on the part
jf the men and their spirit of bra-'
cado. A woman is likely to wonder
ivliat her friends will think, wherc
;is the men don't care.”
Alberta Graves, freshman in his
tory: “There has always been an
argument concerning this, and since
more men had their screen test
taken, it would seem that men are
more vain.”
Bruce Titus, junior in pre-medics:
‘It might be said that men consider
themselves better looking, but J be
lieve they wished to support the j
campus movie.”
Judith Blom, graduate student in
German: “Why of course not. It
just goes to prove that there are a
lot of good looking men on the
Tito’s Liquid Tones, Ease
Ot Execution, Color Recital
(Continued f(pm Page One)
last pianissimo nuance. And what
ail Avc Alaiia hi' gave us, with a
new consecration. There was but
little fortissimo in the program, but
tlio Harlequin’s (Serenade from
“Pngliacei” and the “Chi se nne
seorda eehiu” (Da rthelemy) were
tlie nearest of the regular program.
That last number was a universal
favorite for the bravado and care- j
less abandon in it. The Padilla I
“ITincesta” was powerful with j
feeling too, and Scliipa's voice al
most sobbed. There was only one
number in English on his program,
and that was the song that (leral
dine Farrar has made famous, "At
Parting” (fingers), and to hear Tito
Schipa sing it is to love it all over
again and to love Scliipa for the
way'in which he sang it. But Mr.
Scliipa sang another song in English
for an encore that many named
their favorite, and that was one of
Scliipa’s own compositions, “I Shall
Ketiirn.” It was supremo as song,
sentiment and pofrm,-—it was Tito
Scliipa personified. Altogether Mr. ’
•Scliipa sang seven i m ores. La Far
follcttn (Cesti-Sehipn), 1 Shall fie
turn (Scliipa), Kl Oaucllo (Schipal, i
A ilia pol: i (Lacalle), April Pool, <)
Sole Mio (Capua e, and La domic
mobile from fiigoh.tto (Verdi). The!
house almost went wild with ap
plause over these last two numbers, i
"The best that has ever come to
Oregon’s campus!" So said most
people, and rightly!
Frederick Longas was an accom
panist of merit, and his solos were
vigorously encored. The Ledoff
"Music Bov” which he played for
an encore, was more perfectly done
than 1 have ever heard it before.
Tito Scliipa’s recital was’ a mile
stone in Oregon's musical history
never to lie forgotten.
Billy Reinhart Named Head
Backfield Grid Coach
H'ontimud from I'nije Out')
prominently successful with his
I *;» sf l*n 11 teams. Last year’the Ore
gonians captured the western <Ii\ i
Mon of tlie eonfcreure rare and
then defeated Washington State
college in a three fime series for
the northwest title.
In receiving the appointment as
1i;h kfield euaeh, Keiuhart perhaps
is the only euaeh on the eoast to
hold three major athletie coaching
At the - itoe meetiug of the execu
tive hoard) a resolution was passed,
preventing ineligible athletes from
competing under Oregon colors in
athletic meets. This includes all
sports, hut it was particularly di
reefed toward the swimmers and
boxers who sent in applications ior
.... ...t.. . Laurf’sac.''.
’here will be no more meetings of
the university Girl Scout troop
this term.
•hysical education for men—Final
grades will be posted on the bul
letin board in the men’s gymnas
ium at 9 a. m. Monday, March 11.
No grades will be changed after
Thursday noon, March 14.
Women’s ieague council meeting to
night at 7:15 in the Woman’s
*i Lambda Theta—There will be no
meeting today. •
Up ha Kappa Delta will meet .to
night at Delta Gamma, at 8. Dr.
Heustis will speak.
Swama meeting tonight at 7:40 in
Woman’s building. Very import
?i Sigma will meet tonight at 8
o’clock in the Y. W. C. A. bun
galow. Dr. Smertenko will speak.
Big Sister captains must hand in
reports for the term to Helen
Peters or Bea Milligan by end of
Iregon Knight meeting at 11 o’clock
in 110 Johnson. All members are
requested to be present.
Mu Phi Epsilon will hold their reg
uler meeting at 4:00 today in the
lounge of the Music building.
Readers Influenced by
Gay Titles, Large Type
(Continued from Page One")
hey don’t belong. But of course
hat isn’t for print. (This hastily.)
“What do professors read? Well,
roil ’ll be surprised. Lots of them,
larticulnrly those who teach sub
jects requiring intensely heavy daily
ending, like to pick up something
for recreation. Why, today a pro
fessor took out something of Sax
Itohmcr’s mystery stuff, for ex
uu pie.
(Just then another customer
nmbled up the stairway and stop
led to greet him: “Hello, Larry,
what’s on your mind todfty f ' WlSat
vas on Daq-y’s mind wasu ’fc just that
iay on the book shelf, so the conver
sation went on.)
“Of course, more consistent read
ers know their authors and they
keep in touch with new things,
Then, too, they follow book review
columns and know the kind of thing
they want to read.
“Yes, I think the student tasli
in reading on the whole is vert
good. (Bob was glancing througl
a copy of Huxley’s Point (Jountei
Point for which lie says there! ha:
been a great demand lately.)
“Poets? Well, I’m not so mud
iii touch with traders of poetry as
of prose but one thing, certainly
more women are interested in Sara
Teasdale, than men,” ho smiled.
“And, oil yes, more women read
Halliburton, too—that ought to in
terest you.
“Men apparently read stuff with
more action, on the average.”
Just then a bevy of co-eds, mak
ing their High Hat pilgrimage, ap
peared — so the chat — it really
wasn’t an interview — was over.
“Come again,” said Bob.
Alpha Chi Omega announces the
pledging of Margaret Gierhart of
Former Pupil to Give
Piano Recital Tonight
John Clifton Emmcl, who, when
attending the university, was a pupil
of Jane Timelier and who is now
studying piano under Frances S.
Burke and Jacques Gershkovitch, of
Portland, will present a recital in
the music auditorium tonight at 8
There will bo no charge for this
program, and Dean John Bands
liurv, of the school of music, is de
sirous of making it a homecoming
affair for all former students of
the music department.
Train and Stage
Fbr your greater convenience on trips in Western
Oregon a new ticket arrangement has been put into
effect whereby the same tickets may be used on the
stages of tlie Southern Pacific Motor Transport Co.,
Oregon Stages, Inc., and the Pacific Stages.
For example, you can leave here on the stages of
one line and return on the other, using the same
Schedules of those companies have been coordi
nated, too, giving v^u better service than ever
Rail tickets good on these lines
Southern Pacific rail tickets also are good for use
on the “Hed Tops” and “Silver Grays,” and, with
few exceptions, on the Pacific Stage line. If you
wish, you can go by train and return by stage.
Stages Call at Oregon Hotel
F. G. Lewis, Ticket Agent
Phone ““00
Phone or call on us at any time
for all travel information
Southern Pacific
but a mosquito blocked the way
• • •
THE Panama Canal diggers had
engineering brains and money
aplenty. But they were blocked by the
malaria and vellow-fever bearing mosqui
toes, which killed men by thousands.
Th£n Gorgas stamped out the mos
quito. The fever was conquered. The
Canal was completed.
The importance of little things is rec
ognized in the telephone industry too.
Effective service to the public is possible
only when every step from purchase of
raw material to the operator s “Number,
please” has been cared for.
This is work for men who can sense
the relations between seeminglv unre
lated factors, men with the vision to see
a possible mountain-barrier in a mole
hill—and with the resourcefulness
to surmount it
t / niUscH-tvuie system ef mter-tonnccting t'iefhont,
“ o u R r i p v E £ R ! N G W ORE H A S