Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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in Review
Cal to Be Out of Job;
Lindy and Mate Pull
Smash-up in Mexico
CAIi ( uOLIDOb, llie honorary
In■ Ii:in hunter, cowboy, farmer,
commander n-ehief president, will
doff his figurative robes of office
Monday and let Herbert Hoover,
another member of the House of
Taciturn, slip his arms in the con
stricting sleeves.
Three hundred invitations will be
sent, free of eliargo through the
mails, requesting the presence of the
dOO addressees at the inauguration
ceremonies at Washington, I). C.
After six years filled with cruiser
bills, Boulder dam bills, flood relief
problems, not to mention farm relief
and large tax reductions, Coolidgo
is ready to hand over the presiden
tial reins and occupy his time wi4>h
writing. #
Hcarst’s Cosmopolitan is reported
to have been the successful bidder
for Coolidgp manuscripts after
March d.
JUST A FEW of tlie problems star
ing into Hoover’a round face as
lie becomes the thirty-first president
of the United States include:
1. Kami relief.
”. Flood control.
•i, Freedom of the scan and a pos
sible naval parley with Great llri
■I. Disposal of the Muscle Shoals
power plant.
5. Consolidation of railroads.
(i. Reapportioiinient, of House of?
Representatives to suit shifts of
7. Prohibition enforcement and
the proposed appropriations.
THE YOUNG man who flies
like a homing pigeon, with a
sort of compass inside his head,
“Ducky” Lindbergh—Col. Charles
A. Lindbergh if von please—
swooped down out of the Mexico
City with his fiancee, his plane
minus one wheel, and experience,)!
his first piece of major bad luck.
He smashed up his plane, dislocated,,
his shoulder, and seared more than'
hurt his newly-aeipiired object of
affection, Miss Morrow.
Li inly’h skill in handling the
crippled ship kept the. accident from
being tragedy when it taxied down
to land.
“The Lone Eagle” is a member
of the Caterpillar dub, having made
four forced jumps in a parachute
from a disabled plane. Lie is the
only mail who has -Join; this and
lived to tell the tale. •SyKethei' he is
still lucky or is unlucky is a teaser.
rpi» PAY or not to pay is no longer
*- the question. The problem, is
how is Germ*Ay going to pay her
repa rat ions debts!
The .latest proposal being taken
up at the council of experts and
diplomats at l’aris is that a bond
Who Ki’lrd
T rask—
and Why?
. It III.IV hr very MU,ill hut
; if it is unique ami elever
! it will ii'o strain;lit to tilt*
■ heart of the one u ho re
[ ei'iVes t ill' j^il'l just a lit
, t le thin;:' to keep \ oil in
1 < lie ll|r IIIOI'V of \ on r
[ friends.
' ' Hen t lie \\ orkl 11 in I ,
• Non"
i Gift Shop
Next to V. M. 0. A.
^ r i»~. *
issue of some sort should be floated
and the bits of paper sold all over
j the world.
Buillion barons are in tfaror of
selling three-quarters of them to
European concerns and one-quarter
to Creditor Uncle Ham. The sug
gested size of the bond was quoted
at a billion dollars, at which rate
it would take 30 or 3d years for
a mortizat ion.
# * *
Tabloid hits from the choice
stories of the “(lay: Ohio flood
j losses to total million. . . . When
Sharkey got a decision over Strib
ling, Promoter Jack Dempsey
smiled on $380,000 gate receipts.
... In spite of its gang wars, Chi
cago will keep the most of its city
government, i lie 1 u d i n g Mayor
Thompson. . . . Victor talking ma
.chine corporation and Radio Cor
poration of America merge. . . .
I’ope now lives in “Vatican City”
instead of Rome. . . . Marshal Fer
dinand Koch, Prance’s war hero,
lies on his death bed, with slight
hope for recovery. . . . Says Ger
man press: Reparations take funds
away from our railroads’ upkeep,
the tracks deteriorate, and disas
trous train wrecks follow.
If you cut the brain of the man
you admire most in this world into
15,000 pieces and study each one
with a microscope, could you learn
the secret of his greatness? Rus
sians think it may be possible. So
they have taken the brain of their
saint, Nicolai Lenin, and pulverized
it into approximately 15,000 pieces.
Because of the red loader's va
riety of ideas and agility in solving
complicated problems scientists be
lieve lie had great development of
pyramided cells and are out to
study what brain structure Lenin
Hoop Coaches to
Discuss Officials
(Continued from P«<jc One)
the northwest where as many as 30
free throws were made. Most of
these were for 'almost unnotieeable
infraction of the rules.
The Oregoii-Washington game at j
Kugeue was the most flagrant ease \
of over officiating seen this season, j
Gordon, Ridings was banished late
in tlie firsi half, uud it took a long
consult at ion, on, the part of the of
ficials to dot ('inline whether Ridings
bad charged or' his opponent had
bloc Med.
The eodelies have had enough, and
now they probably will subordinate
t lie referge.
What They Say
Tabloid Bits Taken From
News of the Day
IN FIVE years the silent movie
and tlio legitimate stage drama
will be forced out of business by
the t :■ 1 king movie. I am going to
revive “The Birth of the Nation,”
“Intolerance,” and “Hearts of the j
World,” and turn them into sound j
pictures and put them in circulation
again.—David Walk Griffith, pie- i
tare director, in Chicago Daily
Bootlegging has hu<i a won
derful effect toward jioIihIiin^f
the bootlegger. The sudden acqui
sition of wealth in this class has
brought with it a desire for social
graces. Bootlegging, despite much
evidence to the contrary, has a def
inite effect on cultural uplift be
cause he is now interested in good
books on the order of college pro
fessors and bank presidents.—Jos
eph Kreloff, Chicago bookseller, in
the Chicago Daily News.
Smoker SU,S
Awaiting j
Loved One
Jamesburg, N. J.,
December 2, 1927
Jest a-sittin’, smokin’ Edgeworth
An’ a- thinkin’, clear of you;
An’ a candle’s burnin’ brightly,
An’ it says your love is true.
For the days are long, of waitin’.
An’ the nights are longer still,
An’ sometimes (always smokin')
I pick up this old quill—
An’ try to write some poetry
To tell you of my love.
As poetry it ain’t much good,
But—holy clays above —
It’s jest the best I can, an’ so
You’ll find me, when I’m through.'
Jest a-sittin’, smokin’ Edgeworth,
An’ a-thinkin’, dear, of you.
Extra High Grado
Smoking Tobacco
After hours of
cramming— *
you will w ant somol hiiij' good to eat at a place where • <
you fitii forget‘exams for the time beinpf. 1
Anytime you want something to “pep" you up. 1
drop in at the— '
Imperial Lunch
Wo Never Sloop
Same Location 16 Years There's a Reason ]
7:tl Willamette I'RED 013ROT. Prop. Phono 570
The March Lion
IS ALSO a lVh'ml ot‘ ('allege
Ire (.'ream. No matter j
what the season, College let1 ij
Cream ran he trutlit'ullv railed
. * °
the ideal desert tor an\ area
O.o. •
sum. o
o j
Compart easy to dish oup o
a11ft tiOOD. !
Our Specials for
this Week
Tulti Kniiti Nut
lee (,'iram
Tutti l’Yuiti NhI
Ire Cream
Walnut Malt Uv Cream
Oranyr Cartuit In* Cream
Eugene Fruit Growers
Phone 1480
J. L. Clymer to Sjteuk
At Secretaries9 Meet
John L. Clymer, secretary of the
Retail Merchants association of >San
Francisco, lias wired his acceptance
of an invitation to the chamber of
commerce secretaries conference to
be belli at the University of Oregon
during spring vacation, announced
Dean David E. Faville, of the
school of business administration.
Clymer is prominent oft the coast
for bis studies on the problems con
fronting the retail trades at the
present time, the dean stated.
Complete plans for the short
course for chamber of commerce
secretaries will be announced nest
Monday, according to Dean Jfavillc.
Power, Virility Subject of
Talk by Dr. S. Gilman
(Continued from I’urje One)
Francisco from here to deliver a
series of lectures.
Dr. James H. Gilbert, dean of the
school of literature, science and the
arts, introduced the speaker at the
assembly. Juanita Oskius, music
student, played a violin selection,
and Bov. A. H. Saunders of the
Half-Soles or Shoestrings
We are prepaieel to fill your shoe repair needs in the quiekest
time while you wait.
Jim the Shoe Doctor
Next to the Peter Pan
Need Money for
Spring T erm F ees?
I his concerns students who care
to do some selling
in spare time
Spring :
Vacation Is
Almost Here
WJn'ii you go liumc y ou will want
to look your very best. You do
not need to buy a now bat—send
it to ns l'or refoloeking ami cleaning. Wo have roocntly
installed the best of modern hat cleaners and will give
you the same unexcelled service as always.
NU-WAY Cleaners
is in MARCH
H j -7
Make this birthday .
another link in your memory chain_
WITH each of your passing birth
days* Mother is carried back to
your childhood days by tender mem
ories. Think how happy she will be
on this birthday anniversary—with
your gift of flowers!
13th and r.uterson • Phone 664
Presbyterian church gave the invo
cation. The meeting was presided
over by Dean John Straub.
Bachelordon announces the pledg
ing of Delbert Addison of Eugene.
A Gallon In Time
Waves ;i Loii£ Walk With a Can of Gas
Tank lTp at Home at—
The Oregon Service Station
llth and Hilyard
New Models
for Easter Wear
at .
3rd Floor Miner Bldg.
Clean Milk Is Not Always
‘'Safe” Milk
Ami furthermore no! all milk bacteria are
essentially harmful, but the greater safety lies
in the exclusion of dangerous micro-organisms
by effective pasturizatiou. *
l’asturizetl milk is not boiled milk. It
means that the milk has been brought to a
"temperature of 142 degrees and kept there
for 30 minutes. Such bacteria as cause diph
theria are killed at 131 degrees, sore throat
at 134 degrees, typhoid at 137 degrees, and
tuberculosis at 139 degrees. Thus pasturiza
tion insures the safety of milk through the
destroying of dangerous bacteria that contam
inates milk.
Independence Creamery
51 East Seventh Aye.
----- .."-4-—
Serve Yourself and Save
And wear size 6, 6/2, 7, or l/i—we have
a large assortment of shoes just received
to show you—
$3.98 and $4.98
And wear size 3*/2, 4, or 4]/2—we have an
exceptional buy in store for you. Beautiful
samples just received in all heels and pat
terns. All at— •
Come in and try them on
Self Service Store
77 E. Broadway
Serve'Yourself and Save