Beal O. S. C« It’s a Habit Beat O. S. C. Ifs a Habit VOLUME XXX UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1929 NUMBER 74 Senator Would Merge Oregon And O. S. C. As Aid To Finances f _ Bill Before Slat e Legislature Would But Single President and Board of Regents in Charge of Both Schools Measure Aimed to End Competition and Cut Down Expenses; University Leaders Silent on Move Tin1 combining of (Ik1 University of Oregon and Oregon Slato Agricultural college under one president and hoard of regents is llie substance of a bill introduced at. the stat< legis turo Thursday 1»v Senator .lolin 15. Bell of Eugene which will be considered by the commilte on education and returned to the senate probably nest week. The bill, according to Senator Belt, is designed as an econ omy measure and would result in the saving of some .+10.000 yearly on one president's salary and possibly some reduction of iidmimstral'ivo sui11. >L- As presented, the proposal would I pronto a hoard of 1.'! logouts olootod] l>v flip sfalo logislaluro. It was also (losignod to roinovo compel it Ion in propaganda and advortising of the two institutions. “My object is purely to art. for the good of tlio staff. Tlio state I tacks funds to tak^i earn, of compo-j tit ion wliioli lias dovidopod liotwoonj tlio. two institutions. Wlial wo now liavd is two univorsitios instead of a. university and an agricultural col lege. T believe that if this bill passes both institutions will func tion more adequately in their in-J tended purposes,” Senator Boll is quoted by a downtown paper as say-j ing. I Tt is also thought, that there is j considerable sentiment in 1hp senate j in favor of the measure. Referred to Committee The bill, following its introdne-j tion Thursday, was referred to the! committee on education of which Senator Edward F. Bailey of Junc tion City, an alumnus of the uni-j versify, is chairman. The board of Id regents, ns pro vided in the bill would be elected j^ by the legislature in joint session. The governor would be an ex-officio member. For a two-year term the bill names Charles IT. Carey and Frank M. Warren of Portland; A. C. Marsters of Rosoburg and E. V. Carter of Medford. For a four year term it names R. A. Booth of j Eugene; B. F. Irvine of Portland;! Mrs. Coorge Ocrlingor of Portland i and W. IT. Strayer of Baker. For j the six-year terms if. names Dr. Joel j C. Bootii of Lebanon; Clause In-1 galls of Corvallis; Ralph S. Ilamll- j ton of Bend and A. W. Norblad of. Astoria. The regents would elect* the president. 'I’he measure would become of-; fective July 1, this year. Tt pro-' vides that the expenses of the two | institutions during the next two j years would be paid out. of the mil irige tax allowed them by law un less otherwise provided by tlio leg islature. The Dorenbecher hospital and tlio Oregon medical college, con ducted in Portland under the direc tion of tlio university would be exempt from the provision relating to how maintenance money would lie raised. > Officials Are Mum University officials, when ques tioned relative to the measure, wore non-eommital on the subject. Dr, Arnold Bennett Hall could not be reached, Burt Brown Barker de clared that he had no opinion on the matter as it was in tlio hands of tlio state legislature and up to them to decide. Karl W. Ontliank, executive secretary, said he had as yet had no time to'think the matter over, but on the surface the bill looked as though it would affect only the regents. Student opinion was naturally against the proposal on first thought and considerable comment was heard against the merger, mainly on pat riotic grounds which scoffed at the idea of combining the two rival in stitutions under one head. .Toe McKeown, student body presi dent, said that lie had had little time to think over the planned mer ger and consequently had no opin ion for publication. y Scribe Honoraries Plan Meeting Sunday A joint mooting of Sigma Delta Chi and Theta Sigma Phi, men’s and women’s journalism honoraries, respectively, will be held at 2:.‘!0 on Sunday afternoon in the lounge room of the Woman’s building. S. Stephenson Smith, associate professor in the English department, will talk to the group on the sub ject, “We Need a Comedian.” This is an annual get-together meeting planned by the'two organi zations for the purpose of promot ing friendly cooperation and under standing between the groups. Mem bers may bring a guest if they wish. Refreshments have been arranged ^ for. Students to Seek ! Parental Aid for Legislative Bills ‘Oregon Dails’ lo Meel in Salem Wednesday Niglit For Coinniittee Meeting flans for a campus campaign in get. students to interest llieir par ents and friends in (lie seven ap propriation bills that the university is introducing this year before tlie state legislature at. Salem were dis cussed before a meeting of tlie heads of houses yesterday at 4 o'clock in the Administration build ing. .[oe MrKomvn, student body president, explained that each stu dent must write at least, one letter asking his parents to use their in fluence in getting their local repre sentatives in (lie legislature to sup port the university’s needs. Extracts of the fills were distrib uted to the house representatives who are in turn expected to give (hem to their members. Every stu dent on the campus is expected tb send one with a letter to their par ents so that they may write legis lative members and Governor 1. L. Patterson of needs of the school. V check will be made Saturday noon by Helen Webster, student body secretary, to see if all stu dents have written home. By Sun day noon, the committee hopes tlie report may be complete. The nature and necessity of the bills were explained by Burt Brown Barker, vice-president of the uni versity. The first bill is called the retiring annuity fund bill and calls •for a continuing appropriation of . $7(i,d00 a year to provide a bonus fund for retired professors. Mr. Barker explained the difficulty j Oregon encounters in getting the professors it wants because it cam not promise them either high wages or a bonus. Tlie second bill calls for an np [ proprintion of $00,000 for tlie ex tension division. It jvill be impos sible to carry on extension work next year, according to Mr. Barker, unless the university is given more money. The money now used for extension work will have to be used for work in Eugene. The hist five bills are all for re search appropriations. The univer sity at present lias no research fund and in. order to compete with other institutions, it. must have money for this purpose. The appropriation asked for will provide for research on foreign trade, criminal questions, and business problems. The request, made by Ihe governor that the university do not ask for (Continued on l'uge Tiro) Oregon Faces Aggie Team In Water Today Ten Matches on Program For Swimming Meet; Special Events Listed Staters Build Spnud Around One Veteran Varsity Natators Selected By Coach Ahereromhie Ton ovonls ni'o on 1lro program for tlio Orogon Slnto-T'nivorsily of Ovogon swimming moot this aflor In ooli nt d :l!0 in t lio W n m n n ’ s liuililinj' p mil. Thoy nrp tlio I'cjx lilnlion eight jn iorcolli'ginl o ev ents, a medley linnilii'iip men he t \v o l' n t li v 0 o frosjimi'ii find an exhibit ion water polo game lie t.weeji the varsity Abercrombie .'mil t' r c s 1i m o n foams. Klcven varsity swimmers Imvc been solootoil by Coach lOdward F. Abororombio to roprosont Oregon* Four of thorn will swim in throe raoos each and tho remaining seven will compete in only one ovenl per m a n. Strength Unknown Actual strength of tho Oregon State' squad is not known hut as tho Staters have only one letter man hack, they will probably ho easy moat for tho Oregon squad, practically tho same group that last year won the northwest champion ship and defeated the University of California. Loo Hoover, captain of the Aggie mormon, is tho vet eran around which their team is built. He is a distance swimmer in the free style events. One of the most interesting fea tures of the afternoon should ho the 100-yard handicap medley race in which throe outstanding fresh man swimmers, Tommy Blanken burg, Frank Walton, and McGowan Miller, will perform. In order to fix tho handicap given for the men, the best time of each man was com pared with the others and the dif ference arranged to constitute the handicap. Blackenbnrg, in the breast stroke, will have a 12 second ond start over Miller, who \.vill start at scratch in the free style. Walton will follow Blankenburg with a nine-seeond start. Silverman to Swim Tho 220 free stylo has been sub stituted for the 440, optional in intercollegiate meets, in order to give Charles Silverman, holder of the Pacific northwest short course record, a chance to break the 220 'time. He has come within two sec onds of the shorter time in prac tice. In addition to this change the varsity will set new short course records in the 100-yard back stroke, the. 100-yard breast stroke and the .'100-yard msdloy relay, none exist ing at present. The varsity four-man relay team lias broken the coast 160-yard mark in practice and should sot a faster mark in the meet today. Members of the team, who will swim in two other events each, are: Johnny An derson, Chet Floyd, dim Sharp, and Hal Hatton. Lineup Listed Close upon the Aggie contest to day comes the varsity intersoction nl meet with Northwestern univer sity, of Chicago, next Tuesday evening. Student tickets are to bo 25 cents and will be sold at the door. The Oregon lineup is as follows: 160-yard relay —Floyd, Hatton, (Continued on 1‘ape Two) Paddling on Library Steps Wrong, Not Traditional, Say Faculty Members Don’t look a gift horse in the ! mouth. Don't go around and ask certain faculty members what they I think of library steps initiations! I cither, unless you want to grievously ! offend your collegiate ancestors. “The initiation on the library steps,” said Stephenson Smith, of | the English department, “is one of j the worst relies of barbarism. I refer to paddling. It is sub-human.” Mr. Smith is not opposed to ini tiations as initiations, but he thinks ; students should use discretion. “It might be funnier,” he says, “if mon keys instead of human beings were made to perform on the steps.” “The fact that students enjoy the initiations on the library sjeps,” said Howard Taylor, of the psycliol 1 ogy department, “shows that they are not above cruelty when it is institutionalized. And for another thing, the fact that the performance takes place on the library steps in stead of somewhere else suggests to me that the students who carry on these activities have little knowl edge of or respect for the real pur poses of the library.” Dean Goqrge Rebec, of the school of philosophy, is not opposed to tra ditions as he defines them, but he does not' consider the library steps initiations as being a tradition at all. “If this were an old-fashioned country academy,” he said, “I would still be adverse to that form of ini tiation, because I doubt the real fun or sportsmanship of it. If this is supposed to be a university, the least said to the world about the procedure, the wiser it will be.” “Tell them I said it’s kid stuff,” said Dr. Warren D. Smith, head of (Continued on Page Turn) Phillip J. Sinn oil To Speak Monday ‘Syndication' Is Topic: Movie Foot tires Affair ‘‘Syndication” will 1 »o flip topic of a talk given .'it I p. in. M'omlnv hy Phillip J. Sinnott, head of the West (heist bureau of the NUA service, whose offices are in San HYnneiseo. The speech will he given in Villard hall. Mr. Kin not t will go into the de tails* of syndication, taking up all of the functions of syndicates in gathering and disseminating news feature material. 'The lecture will he illustrated hy a one-reel movie of the working of n telephoto, which is a telegraphed photograph. Sinnott was formerly in charge of the Portland bureau of the Unit ed Press. The affair is sponsored hy Sigma I'elta (’hi, national honorary jour nalism fraternity, and the organiza tion invites anyone who is interest ed, especially journalism majors, to listen to t lie talk. There will he no clmrgo. Shine Day Nets $118 for Annual Junior Benefit Miss Edwina (.rebel Sells Most Tickets; Radio for Infirmary to Be Given Another Junior Shim? tiny has passed and judging from the money received, n total of $ I 70, it wns a siiccos-!. Willi ’ a siilit rnrt ion of approximately $1S for expense's tlie s event earned for | the junior class a I total of $11 S.70. Miss Kdwina s C! rebel, with 1711 | tickets, won first | prize for gelling. 1 She will get two § p^jses to the llei | lig theatre, donat oil by the nianage Geno Laird men!. In add'; tinn to 1 his Miss G rebel "'ill bo given the opportunity lo take a free screen lost- for the campus'1 movie. Murdina Medlar placed second in (lie selling contest, winning two passes to llio llcilig theater. The person holding the number .1.11505 will get- the McMorran and Washburne leather-enclosed shoo shining outfit. Arrangements for securing this prize can be made with Eugene Laird by presenting the stub bearing the number. Eugene Laird, head of the Junior Shine day, believes that the event was highly Successful in considera tion of the disagreeable weather. The highest number of campus boots and shoes ever shined was around the 1500 mark in compari son with yesterday’s total of about 11160. Hovfover, the weather is us ually more suitable for the occa sion. Managers of Junior Shine day this year announce that, the returns from this affair, of which students so heartily supported and which is so negligible an expense, wil(l go toward the purchase of a radio for the infirmary. Eleven Women Tryout For Y.W. Cabinet Work Interview of Candidates to Continue All M o n I li Eleven women have had inter views to date with Miss Dorothy Thomas, V. W. C. A. secretary, re garding possible appointments on the association’s cabinet next; year. Many new ideas have been offered for an improvement in (lie organi/.a (ion’s work, Miss Thomas reports. She lias asked that women interest ed in V. \V. work make their ap pointments for talks with her this week, if possible. A series of three talks with the secretary, in which the prospective candidate gives her conception of the work of the association and any new ideas she has font a new office on tlie cabinet or ways of improv ing the work, complete the tryout. With a smaller cabinet upon which whole committees will sit as occasion demands, the Y. \V. hopes to function better next year, Miss Thomas says. Interviews with candidates will continue until the last week in Feb ruary, when elections will be held for president, vice-president, who is also membership chairman; secre tary, who will handle publicity in addition; and treasurer, who is fi nance chairman as well. The new president will choose her own cab inet from among those trying-out. Oregon Seeks Second Victory Over Beavers Religious School May Be Formed At Meet Friday Directors Plan lo Convene In Portland in Week, Says Dean H. S. Sheldon Stops toward organization of a school of religious education at Kugene, such as tins lioen proposed by educators and interested groups over the stale for more than two years, will lie taken next Friday in Portland when a board of .‘til directors, now almost complete, will hold its first meeting, Dean 11. D. Sheldon, of the school of education, who is acting chairman of the pro ject, announced yesterday after noon. The dean expects to have the complete list of I lie board ready for announcement Monday, though ns yet he has not had definite re plies from a few of those invited lo membership. lie will preside at ttie meeting pending selection of of ficors. The school, as it. is being considered, will In- maintained apart from the university but will open lo students opportunities to study religious subjects under instructors wtiose requirements for teaching compare to I hose of a regular uni versity. The will be non-sectarian. Order of ‘O’ Initiation W ill Entertain Crowd Five lo Co Through Pares Between Halves Tonight Five neophyte* will lie initiated into the Order of the “O,” varsity lettermen’s organization, between the halves at the Oregon-O. S. 0. game tonight. The initiates who will participate are: Harold Kelley, Hill I'emler grast, Dick Schroeder, Johnny Kitz miller,- and Wade Ncwlicgin. The exact, nature of the entertainment, they will provide for the crowd has not been announced. Between halves at the Montana game last Tuesday night, six pledges participated in a bicycle derby and entertained the audience with songs and remarks. They were all dressed in women’s clothes of the vin tage of DUO. Another group will be initiated later in the year. Oregon Sigma Xi Club Honored by (). S. C. The Sigma Xi club of Oregon State college was host to members of the Sigma Xi society of the Uni versity' of Oregon at the joint meet ing which was held at Corvallis Friday evening. Dr.. H. B. Yoconi, of the department of animal biol ogy, of the university was the speaker, his topic, being “Some Stu dies on the Thyroid of Two Faces of Feromyscus.” Among other faculty members from the campus attending were: Dr. Williams, Dr. Friedman, and Dr. Stafford, of the chemistry de partment; I)r. Seashore and Dr. Oroslnnd, of the psychology depart ment ; Dr. McAlister and Dr. Cas well, of the physics department; Dr. Sanborn, Miss Vogel and Mr. Henderson, of the botany depart ment; Mr. Main, of the biology de partment, and Dr. Packard of the geology department. Preceding the mending a dinner was held in the Memorial Union building at Corvallis. Date for Dime C.rawl Set for Next Tuesday . i Women's League Plans Tea For Miss Prutsmau on Thursday, February I I Tlio sidling of the dales of several iniporl;mt, events characterized Itio Women’s league council meeting Thursday night in 1 ho Woman’s building. The Dime Crawl! given every term for the benefit of Ihe foreign scholar, is to be Tuesday night, bast term more than two hundred dollars was made from the dimes that men paid to visit and dance at different houses and halls. The foreign student this year is buiso U ills), from (lermany. Martha Swafford, chairman of the Crawl, will announce representatives some time soon, she stated. The second event will follow two days later, on Thursday, when a formal tea is to be given for Den.n Hazel Prutsmau in Alumni hall. This is open fo all university wom en. Members of Kwama, sopho more honorary organization will serve. Kditli Dodge, president of the league, announced that a. mass moot ing will be bold hero T’obruary US. She hinted the possibility of some very interesting speakers for the affair. Lou Ann Chase has been appoint ed the chairman of a, committee which will go to the fraternity houses and solicit old clothes for the rummage sale planned for the benefit of the league fund. Oraeia Haggerty, historian, is compiling a history of Women’s league, and promised that it would be ready for the next meeting. University Pays Last Respects to Late Dean Faculty Passes Resolution Eulogizing Dean Young A resolution concerning (lip death of Denit I'1. Or. Young of the sellout . of sociology was passed :if the lust faculty meeting. It is ns follows: Whereas the university faculty, through the recent death of Kred-| eric (ieorgo Young, A.I!., Lft.D., 1 dean of the school of sociology, has | lost one of its veteran instructors ami one of our highly esteemed col leagues, and Whereas Dean Young, during his ';:t years of continuous .activity as head of social science departments, dean of the graduate school, and later as dean of sociology, by his fine scholarly interests, his gentle manly bearing, his far reaching zeal I | for investigation, his constructive efforts toward the upbuilding of graduate htudy, his active promotion of public service movements for the | betterment of the commonwealth of j Oregon in all its social relations, has rendered a lifetime of service to the cause of higher education and social advancement. Be it resolved, that the Univer sity of Oregon faculty express its recognition of his cooperation, his counsel and his constructive efforts while associated with us as colleague and friend and that we, through this resolution, convey our '"’ofound sym pathy to the bereaved family and the many friends formed by Dean Young throughout a lifetime so full of vital contacts and dominated by the ideal of social service. Hounds, Pioneer, Campus Cop, /!// Imbued With New Cinema Craze Tt’s in the nir. If yon see “Doe” j Robnett’s pernicious little lilliputian : ])ot bound doing u Ktronghcart grin, chalk it down that lie’s got it. If you see the Pioneer preening his whiskers with a suave Adolph Men jon gesture while he executes a Noah Beery frown, lie’s got it too. Or if the campus cop blossoms forth some spritely morning, registering Milton Kill’s sternest and swinging a billiken, lie’s fallen too. And then you may even bump into Clara or Gary *>r Greta or Zasu any time, but don’t let; that start you worrying about “where-, the - dickens - was - I - last - night - and - what - did - 1 - have - to - drink.” Yon will only be seeing Joe College or Hue Sorority, getting in trim for this thing they call the “ Movie.” It's the thing that is cutting into the usual patter at bullfests and after-dinner conversations amj be tneen-class chats. It’s tho thing tliat. is making .Too ask the guy in tho next seat, “Are you gonna gotta screen test?” And it’s the tiling that’s got Sue going when, just be fore she dashes to her 8 o’clock she stops to dab a bit of powder on her nose and assures herself that her nose isn’t really so puggish after all, and anyway, lots of movie stars have pugs. Now that Carvel Nelson, Bea Mil ligan, and Jim Raley have definite ly announced that screen tests will begin a week from today, February 1 C>, spring and the Campus Movie days—when Oregon is going to have all the magic and glamor of Holly wood don’t sound so far away. Fifteen students had preliminary (Continued on I'atie Three) Last Game Of Aggie Series Set For Igloo Rill Reinhart Plans no Changes in Wehfoots" Starling Five Tonight Varsity Came Preceded by Fresh man Tilt at 6:30 THE LINEUPS Oregon State Oregon Torson F Ridings Patterson F Milligan Whitlock C J. Eberhart Ballard G Horner Wa'sclier .G. Epps By JOE PIGNEY Oregon’s basketball learn is on edge tonight to defeat Oregon State for tin* second time this season. The w Wehfnots won the tll'St gitlUP of till ; traditional sorias l>y ilofoat ing I lie Boavors, DO lo 21, last wooU a I (’(>r | vallis. Tonight’s varsity contpst at M <- A i t lmr c o n r t will lir proi'Piloil, by a pro I i m i na rv bat worn tin1 frosli anil rooks, begin ning at 0:00, Tlio Wobfoots’ Reinhart sensational recov . cry after losing all four conference gnmos on the northern road t rip has boosted the team’s chances of victory to more than par. The Webt'oots were a disheartened lot. when they returned from Missoula, where they were trounced by Montana, but. the vic tory at Corvallis put the team into the form it was expected to show at the first of the season. Toam at Top Form The win from Montana last Tues day restored the confidence which has been absent most of the season. Tonight the Webt’oots should be in better form than they have been at. any other time this season. At the first, Oregon was handicapped by injuries and an epidemic of flu among the players, but that is over and the team is in nearly perfect condition. The fusion of new material with the veterans of last year has brought consistency both offensive ly and defensively. Competition for positions is more keen, and each player must go at top form if he is to stay in the lineup. Hope to Repeat What Oregon did to the Reavers last Nainrduy, Rill Reinhart, tin' coach, believes can be done again tonight. In the first, game the Webfoots went inti' the lead at the start, and were never headed. The two sophomores, .Jean Kberhart, center, and Cliff Horner, guard, speeded up the play of the team to such an extent, that the Aggies scarcely threatened. The Reaver team is by no means a weak one. Slats (Till, in his first year as varsity coach, has organized a team which already has won three games. At the first of the season, the strength of the Oregon State team was considered only or dinary, since then, however, the im provement has been rapid. Gill System Swift Although Slats (Jill has not com pletely thrown over the Hager “percentage” system, according to Reinhart, he has incorporated a number of new features into it which make it a much more diffi cult system to provide a defense (Continued on I'uge Two) South American Status Subject of Luncheon — Edward Tomlinson, lecturer and author, was the guest of Pan Xenia, foreign trade fraternity, at a lunch eon held at the Anchorage immedi ately after the assembly hour Thursday. The South American sit uation was informally discussed during and after the luncheon. Others present were: David E. Faville, dean of the school of busi ness administration; William Fow ler, professor of foreign trade; James Brown, assistant professor of business administration; Malcolm Epley, of the bureau of public rela tions; Harold Guide, Ralph Geyer, Mervyn Belinke, Glen Carter, Wayne Veatch, Arne Rtrommer, all students.