Oregon Frosh Meet Rooks In First Game Yearlings Will Open Conference Schedule Al Corvallis on Friday Yotui" Beavers Have Good Team, Says Spike Leslie Tlin Oregon frosli basketball team ■will open 11m* 19L’9 fonfcrciico 1»:is ketbali season tomorrow afternoon at I o’clock against the Aggie rooks at. Corv.allis. I)ospite tin* fad 11i:i 1 from pre* season games Die frosli appear to have ri, stronger team Ilian they have had for three veins, dope gives the rooks ji slight edge, doing by this same dope the Oregon yearlings are placed near the bottom of the northern division conference teams. Rooks Strong Although the rooks defeated Franklin high, '.17 to 17, .and the frosli beat them .‘59 to l-’>, tin* rooks made a better showing against Med ford high. They ran up a greater margin of points on them than the frosli averaged in their three games, amt Spike Leslie, frosli coach, who scouted tlo* game, declares that, the young Reavers have a better team than they had hast season. The pjvof man of I heir percentage system is the center, Fagans. He is one of the best men at handling the ball to enter collegiate compe tition in this region iri years, is Spike’s opinion. Two of I heir men, Tom Duffy, guard, and Rill Lyman, forward, are well known to fid low ers of Oregon prep school basketball. Duffy played three years with Sa lem high ji ml was twice named Jill state forward, .and Lyman was the star of lie* La dramie team for two years. • Play Washington The rooks, entering their confer-I nice play earlier than the fresh, I have already played the Washington ’ yearlings. They lost, \\7 to i!b. 'Phi* personnel of the team that j Lakes the floor Friday .afternoon, jigainsf the rooks is still unsettled.! Vincent Dolp and Kermit Stevens are practically sure of holding down the guard positions, and Henry Levoff will undoubtedly be one of the forwards, Spike admits, but the other forward amt the center posi tion is uncertain. Coai'li Leslie has three centers. They are Don Ibagen, Steve Fletcher, and Ids till Filipps. K.agen seems to have I lie edge, now, but may not. have by game time tomorrow. 'I'lii* forward division was greatly strengthened when .Jesse Rradley was declared eligible yesterday. Ill* entered school fall term under con dition and has just worked it. off. He played .against the I9U.S f rosli "when they wont to Klamath Falls and met Tod (Jillenwaters ’ A in e ri - j can Legion team. Keenan High Man Hilly Keenan, who leads the frosli j in scoring, has been laid off since j tin* bast Medford g.amo to rest up. He played with the Portland Check erbojuals before coming to school .and has already I.a ken part in 10 games this season. Spike gave him 1 a light workout last night, but has not (budded whether to list* him or not. In case Keenan remains on the bench, Rradley will probably start at tlu* other forward, although one of the centers might In* shifted to licit position. Kdiling ("lass lo See Legislature. Session Dr:m Allen ;iiul Seniors lo Visit Slide ('iipitnl Soon — When tin4 legislators down nt 1 Halcm engage in their biennial bat - ! tics toward the end of the present session, the editing class of tin' school of journalism will sit in a body some Thursday in order to listen to the various types of ora tory that emanate on such questions as the state income tax, automobile licenses and other prominent topics ot interest to the legislators, it was indicated Tuesday by Kric \\ . Allen, dean of the school of journalism, ay ho has charge of the editing class. The class, which is comprised mostly of seniors, will journey to the state capital during the latter ! part of the legislative session as part of their class work. Juniors in the school of journalism have been advised also to make the trip to Salem, owing to the fact that the legislature meets every two | years, and that when the present 1 juniors take editing next \car, the\ 1 will be unable to set' the lawmakers I in action. (>ift Paintings firing Slunni at Ait Callery The Borland Kobiuson exhibit inn nf paintings lias been placed in the art gallerv of the art building and will be there for a week. Borland ifobinsen's paintings were made a gift to the university several years ago by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Itobinson *of Jacksonville, Oregon, when their daughter died. These paintings are exhibited I once a year nnrl are temporarily I stored in (lie gallery until a place shall lie provided for them in the new Fine Arts museum, which is being planned. ; The “. Smith, head of tho geology department, attended a meeting of the Portland branch of the American Society of Civil Engi neers last Saturday, which was call ed to get advice of engineers and geologists on the revision of an ex isting act of the legislature having to do with the construction of dams. The present act provides for the inspection of only irrigation dams by the state engineer, and the revi sion has been proposed to make the act apply to the inspection of all dams by that officer, having con sulting engineers and geologists call ed in to make sure there'is no danger to the public. The St. Francis dam disaster at Los Angeles last year prompted the calling of the meeting. - - WE RENT - - FLOOD LIGHTS VACUUM CLELANERS and FLOOR WAXERS BAILEY ELECTRIC CO 640 Willamette Phone 234 aiimHiiniHBiiiimiMtiHiimwii Speaking Croup Picks ‘Congress’ For Final Name Club Debates Jury System; Barton, Pfoff to Talk On Insanity Crime Plea “TIip Congress” is the name by which i lie newly formed campus public speaking club will bo known hereafter, following the final choice of this name by members of the chili, according to 0. Allan Rclloni, presid put. The question, “Resolved, that the jury system be abolished,” was dis cussed for th(> major part of the meeting, which was held in the College Side inn, Wednesday eve ning. behind Fryer, sophomore in prelaw, debated the affirmative, and Eugene Laird, junior in jour nalism, upheld the negative, each speaking for eight minutes and pre senting rebuttals for four minutes. Civilization has outgrown the jury system; jurymen are expected to do something of which they have no knowledge; we have experts In every field in our economic world except in this otic field, that, of jus tice; why not overthrow the jury and establish a panel of justice. Thus argued the affirmative, using the Vestris, the Remus cases and many others to emphasize their point. But a few notorious cases 'are not enough, for an attempt to abolish Fill your car willl Richfield Gas and onjoy this weather. We are handy here for you— near the campus - and we do complete ear servicing. OREGON Service Station llth and Hilyard / A CYCLONE OF LOVE AND LAUGHS HAS HIT EUGENE Ijjj HEAR and SEE ? R E G I N A L D DENNY . tfedWtJMMU HEAR DENNY SPEEDING UTS .WAY AROUND THE (TRVES IN Ills FIRST TALKING PICTURE HIT PREVIEW TONITE AISO 2 New V1TAPHONE Acts “IN A MUSIC SHOPPE ’ A Musical Treat VITAPHONE REVUE Songs ami Steps the jury system Is n. chnlleugo reef of I ngainst democracy itself, the negative replied. The common mrm, tho man who serves on our juries, is best qualified to serve for he has the knowledge of human nature. The jury system is 8.'i ppr eent per fect. Wlmt human institution ean be made more perfect than this system? asked the negative. The jury system will he the sub ject. for several of the varsity and freshman debates this year, and as a result many of the team members were present to enter into the dis cussion which took place after the scheduled debate. ‘•Resolved, that insanity should not be allowed as a defense for murder,” will be the topic for dis cussion at next week’s meeting, with tire subject being introduced by Clarence Barton, sophomore in pre-law, on the affirmative, -and on the negative. Roger Pfoff, freshman in pre-law, E.C. Meade Optometrist 14 8th Avp. W. Phono :tno !H3E13E®3i3®e,ISEi 1 PRESSED THE I TAILORWAY fi Your suit is made to Tit |j you so have it pressed I lie [|j same way. i| THE EASTINf! PRESS I University Tailor [i-j 1128 Alder 1 i=i id —Taffy— Not, 1he sticky kind that pulls the filling from your teeth. Taffy that' is chewy—that’s the kind we make— Old Fashioned Molasses, French Vanilla and that won derful chewing Toffee. 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