Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 31, 1929, Image 1

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Oregon Team
Prepares F or
Aggie Combat
Stale College Jubilant Over
Showing Made in First
Gaines of Conference
Contest Twenty-sixth
College Engagement
Web foot Lineup Uncertain
Ridings in Infirmary
Coneh Billy Reinhart is putting
his Web foot basketball charges
through some long practice sessions
in preparation for the first Oregon
Aggie game scheduled to be played
in Corvallis Saturday night. Rein
hart is eminent rating on perfecting
the defensive play of the Oregon
five, as the team lias shown a noted
k weakness in tiiis department, this
season. Last night the super-var
sity quintet was, used against the
regulars and played on the offensive
throughout practice. Reinhart eoach
ed the first string on their play.
The reserves used Hie Aggie style
of play and it proved to bo an easy
system for the veterans to stop.
Aggies Pleased
The Aggies ore .iululant over their
showing in the race for conference
honors. Doomed to lose, they suc
rfoiled in breaking oven on their
road trip. They lost to Washington
mid Washington State hut won from
Idaho and Montana. The locals lost
to all of these teams so comparative
dope favors the Corvallis team over
the loeals. Slats C!ill, in his first
year as coach at Oregon State, has
made a very creditable showing and
is confident of taking the Webfoots
into camp.
The game Saturday will inaugu
rate the twenty-sixth year of basket
ball rivalry between the two insti
tutions and in this time twenty
, series have been played. Oregon
State had the decided edge in vic
tories until recent years and the
records show that the Corvallis
school has captured 11 of these series
while the Webfoots have only man
aged to win five. Four years the
schools split, each winning# two
games. To the actual games played
the Aggies won 40 while the locals
have been victors in 20. The grand
total points scored reads 1001! for
Oregon State and 1.103 for Oregon.
Perhaps the most bitter fought series
of all time was staged in 1925, when
the Orangemen won the northwest
championship. Both schools won two
games during their regular season
and Ihe final standings placed them
in a tie for the championship. In
the play-off, staged on the Willam
(tte university floor in Salem, the
Aggies nosed out a one point, vic
Ridings Sick
Coach Reinhart has not selected
his men yet and, with Gordon Rid
ings in the infirmary, lie is striving
to find the right combination in
ease the star forward is unable to
Ridings is leading the conference
scoring with 35 points but Frank
McMillin, of Idaho, and Rod Bal
lard, of Oregon State, are close be
hind with 3,3 and 31 respectively.
The Oregon State coaeli has shift
ed his regular lineup around again
and the Aggies will probably start
Torson, a guard last year, at a for
ward position, and Patterson and
Wascher at guards. Whitlock has
first call at center with the other
forward position in doubt, although
Ballard mav start.
Old Oregon Plans
Stories of Parents
Sons and Daughters of
Grads to Be Featured
Arp you a son or (laughter of ail
Oregon grad ? All the Oregon alumni
wh" are sending a second generation
to the University of Oregon are to
he featured in the February issue of
Old Oregon, which is being publish
ed by members of the school of
Every student whose father or
mother attended (he university is to
be personally interviewed and to
that end they are all ashed to co
operate by railing at room lot
Journalism building from 1 to Fri
day, and from 10 to on Saturday.
Eater a group picture of these stu
dents will In' taken for publication
in the magazine. Those who cannot
call during these hours are asked to
send word and an interview will lie
If your father or mother attended
the University of Oregon,,don’t let
them get the next copy of Old Ore
gon and find their name missing.
Frosli Mermen
Set Coast Mark;
Record Unofficial
Miller, Walton, Beat Times
Of Swim Stars; To Seek
A. A. A. II. Meet Timing
Two Oregon freshman swimmers
established their right to const-wide
reputations yesterday afternoon by
performances at time tryouts in tlie
men’s gymnasium pool. McGowan*
Miller was timed by three watches
at 1-5 of a second better than
Johnny Anderson’s Pacific coast
record in the 100 yard short course
record. The time was 55:4-5. Frank
Walton’s time of 24:2-5 in the 50
yard backstroke tops by 1-5 second
the long course time set by Harrison
of Stanford in 102S. Both time
marks are unofficial and will not
stand, but reveal something of the
potentialities of future varsity ma
terial, according to Coach Edward
Both Miller and Walton will swim
in the freslnnan-varsity meet. Sat
urday afternoon. Students will see
them swim tlie events in which they
star. In the Woman’s building pool
better time is expected, according
to Coach Abercrombie. Special aids
in making the turns at the end of
the pool are to be arranged which
should increase facility in turning.
Sanction of the National Amateur
Athletic association is being sought
(Continued on Pape Three)
Conklin W'ill Address
Psychology Meeting
Hr. Edmund S. Conklin, head of
the psychology department, will give
a review of some books on the psy
chology of religion at the regular
meeting of the psychology club to
night at the homo of Hr. Howard
Taylor, associate professor in the de
The psychology club was organized
at the beginning of last year and its
membership includes faculty mem
bers in the psychology department,
graduate assistants, and major stu
dents. Hiscussion of research going
on in the department, reviews of re
cent books on psychology, and the
discussion of current research in the
field of psychology elsewhere, is the
purpose of the group.
The club meets every two weeks,
and outside speakers are asked as
ofteu as possible. Herbert Jasper,
graduate student, will preside at the
meet ing.
Vasily Kniasiff \ Gentleman, Chemist,
Leaves Trials In Russid Behind Him
Vasily Kniasiff lms seen the flags
of two revolutions fly red above
He has seen the soldiers of the
ezar shoot a man down on the
streets of Petrograd. He has been
a part of a mob beaten with leaded
knouts by mounted eossneks.
One of his friends was hanged—
because he was van officer in the
army of the emperor of Russia, and
the rest, of his friends have been I
scattered to the four corners of the
Yet Vasily Kniasiff is a gentle
man, little and kindly. He is an
earnest chemist and is devoting his '
life to science.
The worries and trials of Russia 1
are behind him. Before him is the j
field of science. Last June he ob
tained his master's degree from the
university and is now doing research
work, studying the principles of |
surface! tension from a biological
Mr. Kniasiff’s story is pieced to
gether front different sources. “I
am too bashful to talk about my
self,” he said. The reporter has
spent Iwo weeks delving and dig
ging and prying to get the following
Mr. Kniasiff has bribed her with
long pink stieks of candy from out
of Russia, a plump caramel, tea in
the research laboratory, and tips
for other items so that she will not
tell his story, but the reporter has
not kept faith.
Mr. Kniasiff’s friends have
talked. Orie is a handsome Amer
ican with a blond mustache and the
other a Russian with Tartar eyes.
Then yesterday Mr. Kniasiff talked,
but all he told was of the revolu
‘•I remember,” he said, “that one
(Continued on Page Three)
Student Store
| Well Managed
Says Herndon
[ Student Committee Favors
Abolishing Rebate Plan
Redueing Some Priees
Conditions and Poliey
Of Co-op Made Study
Similar Business Houses
Used for Comparison
I _
“The Co-operative store is effi
ciently managed. It lias shown a
i consistent and healthy growth since
jits beginning,” _
th.it in essence
wns the report
wliich the Co-op
committee., consist
ing of Hoy Hern
don, and Hnlplt
Gevor, made at
last night's stu
dent council meet
ing. They pro
posed two recom
mendations f o r
possir>io improve- jssssm
mput: tliat, tho
present rebate sys- Roy Herndon
tem be abolished and a price re
duction on goods be installed anil
that the management work toward
the departmentalization of the store
so that it may be, easier to determine
.just, where the profits or losses are
being made.
Rebates Unsatisfactory
The committee asserted that, the
rebate is not considered to be of any
importance by the student body at
large. Students do not bother to
save tlie tickets from their smaller
purchases. The greater percentage
of the discount tickets presented are
those given on larger sales, such ns
those of expensive textbooks, on
which no profit can be made by
the Co-op because of tho high price
lists of publishers, and tho cost of
rail transportation.
Tho committee, therefore, suggest
ed that greater benefit will accrue
to the student body if a noticeable
reduction is made upon articles such
as notebook paper and ink, which
every student must. buy. Just what
articles ought to lie reduced would
bo decided by the Board of Direc
tors, consisting of five students and
two faculty members, chosen at reg
ular election in May of each year.
History Studied
The report, in part:
“In order to secure a more
thorough understanding of 1 ho con
dition and the policies of the store,
a study of its organization and his
tory has been made. All tiie quarter
ly and annual financial statements,
audits and- reports which have been
rendered by the management and
verified by a certified public ac
countant have been examineil and
analyzed. To further satisfy our
selves as to the financial soundness
of the store, we have consulted Mr.
Spencer 1?. Collins, certified public
accountant, who Ins for a number of
years audited tho books of the Co-op
Other Stores Compared
“Information of other similarly
operated stores lias been secured and
comparisons made; meetings with
the Co-op board and tho manager
have been held where the policies
and methods of the management
have hocn fully explained and dis
cussed. A study of prices lias been
carried on and comparisons made
with prices quoted by competing
stores. Finally, a largo number of
representative students have been
questioned to determine the student
viewpoint upon matters of Co-op
service and policy. By these varied
methods we have secured the infor
mation which serves as tho basis for
our findings and recommendations.”
Makes Steady Growth
Tho committee found that “the
total net earnings since the founda
tion of tiie Co-op have been slightly
over $.".7,000. Of this $12,700 has
hern returned to students in tiie form
of refunds. In 1928 the amount of
the rebates was $2070. Tiie remain
ing $2-1,000 in earnings represents
tiie present net worth of the store
and takes the form of a more com
plete and extensive stock. The
growth of the store lias been con
tent and is especially commendable
considering that the stoic was be
gun with borrowed capital only.
“It has been the policy of the
Co-op to sell at current retail prices,
gi\ing the students all possible bene
fits in the form of free services,
refunds and a uniform standard of
quality. The committe chose a rep-,
resentativo list of items and com
pared the Co-op prices with those
of its competitors. It was found
that prices were substantially the
same on merchandise carried by all,
with but few variations and those
not unfavorable to the Co-op.”
“This committee after its survey
(Continued on Page Two)
Hubbs Names Staff
for Campus Movie
Hal Leonard Chosen Aid
To Business Manager
Naming Hal I.eonnrrt assistant
business mantager amf assigning
.major ppsts to Avion McCarty,
[‘•fluK'k” Rotnl anil Marjorie Ches
ter, Ron ITubbs, business manager,
yesterday afternoon announoed the
business staff of the campus movie.
Leonard is a junior in pre law ami is
a transfer from Reed college in Port
land where he has had managerial
McCarty, a junior, will be in
charge of the screei.i tests, with
Frank Leonard, senior in economics,
and Peau Creatli, a sophomore, as as
Reed was named exhibitor with
Joshua Alexander, sophomore in pre
law, helping him. Reed is a junior
in journalism and advertising man
ager of the Emerald.
As secretary Miss Chester, a jun
ior, will handle the correspondence
of the production directors; Beatrice
(Continued on Page Vivo)
North western
Swimmers Meet
Webfoots Feb. 12
Wildcats Leave Thursday
For Pacific Coast; Three
National Champs Along
EVANSTON, III, .Tan. .10.—(Spe
cial) — Northwestern university’s
strong swimming team, which will
leave here February 7 on a two
weeks' trip to California, will en
gage in meets with ten universities
ami .athletic clubs along the route.
The first meet is with the Oregon
Aggies at Corvallis, Ore., on Feb
ruary 11. The remainder of the
itinerary follows: February 12, Uni
versity of Oregoil, Eugene, Ore.;
February 14, T,eland Stanford uni
versity, Palo Alto, Cal; February
l.T, Los Angeles Athletic, club.
February 1(1, University of Cali
fornia, Southern Branch, water
polo; February 1(1, Long Reach Ath
letic club; February 18, University
of. Southern California; February
19, Brigham Young university,
Provo, Utah; February 20, Univer
sity of Utah, Sail Lake City, Utah;
and February 22, Washington uni
versity, St. Lon is, Mo.
Coach Tom Robinson, veteran
swimming mentor at Northwestern,
will have charge of the team. Four
years ago Coach Robinson conducted
a similar jaunt to the west coast in
which his team met and defeated a
number of the outstanding teams of
that section of the country. He
will be assisted on the present trip
by Max llayford, ticket manager of
the university, who during his col
lege days was captain and star
swimmer at Northwestern.
Eight swimmers will comprise the
Wildcat team. They are: Captain
Wally Colbath, national intercol
legiate diving champion; Dick
Hindi, national intercollegiate back
stroke champion; A1 Schwartz, hold
er of the national intercollegiate
100 yard crawl record; Eddie Len
nox, former national interscholastic
breaststroke champion; Don Peter
sen, crawl; Omar Miller, backstroke;
Mark Wicks, crawl, and Bill Covodo,
These eight swimmers also comprise
the strong Northwestern water polo
team which has not been defeated
in three years of Big Ten competi
tion. The team tied with Leland
Stanford university last year for
the national intercollegiate cham
Law Bill Dropped
By State Congress;
Causes Criticism
Because of objection from the
university law school faculty and
officials of the State Bar associa
tion, the proposed bill admitting
graduates of the Oregon law school
to the bar without an examination
will not be introduced at the state
legislature this year, it was learned
by the Emerald yesterday.
A. W. Norblad, president of the
state senate, was sponsor of a bill
recently which would allow gradu
ates to join the bar upon production
of their diplomas. ^Adverse criti
cism from both parties involved by
the proposed bill, the law school and
the bar associations, has caused him
to decide against introducing the
It is possible that Senator Nor
blad will but a bill before the legis
lature which will stiffen the re
quirements for admission to the
bar, requiring applicants to have at
least two years of college before
lreing an applicant for the examina
tion, it was also learned.
Barker Sees
Early Start
On Building
Final $25,000 Is Expected
To Be Raised in Town
For Campbell Memorial
Fine Arts Structure
To Be Started Soon
Kinenid Field Is Selected
By Committee ns Site
Confidence that tlip campaign for
$21,000 from Eugene to assure im
mpiliatp construction of the Camp
bell Memorial Fine Arts Imihling
on the university campus will lie
pushed through to early success was
expressed last night bv Burt. Brown
Barker, vice-president of the uni
At a mooting Into yesterday aftor
nnon t ho campaign plana worn
shaped and stops taken toward for
mation of a largo oommittoo to rush
through the drive in as short a time
as possible. That it will take only
a few days is Mr. Barker’s belief,
following the expressions of cooper
ation and good will which came as
a result of a banquet of 200 Eugene
business men Tuesday night.
Once Eugene has raised this $25,
000, work can start on the first
unit of the memorial building. A
local man has agreed to lend the
building fund $80,000 without in
terest, and this with what cash* is
in from the subscription campaign
throughout the state will assure im
mediate construction of the building.
15 Men Subscribe
Announcement yesterday morning
that Id Eugene business men had
pledged $100,000, closing all obliga
tions under last year’s drive, and
another 15 had pledged $25,000, to
put the campaign on a sound foot
ing, came as a surprise to the city
in general. It was the first public
announcement of the results of Mr.
Barker’s work since his coming to
the university a year ago. The peo
ple of Oregon have subscribed in
pledges and cash $175,000 for the
building fund.
When the people of Eugene raise
their pledge of $25,000, the promised
$80,000 will be lent, and work on
the first unit will begin immediate
ly. Mrs. Murray Warner, donor of
the Oriental art collection which is
to be placed in the new museum,
,?ias promised to bear the expense
of housing the exhibits herself, pro
vided the building is constructed
Court to Be Included
The Campbell memorial court will
lie between the wings of the museum
building, according to the archi
tect ’s plans. The court will be en
tered through the main entry of the
museum building. A pool in the
open center of the area will be
filled with floating lilies and sur
rounded by small architectural
pieces. The birds and flowers of
Oregon will be represented on the
series of collonades which will ex
tend about the sides of the court,
and figures representing literature,
law, and religion will be placed
about the court. Lights and shad
ows will reflect day and night on
the bust of President Campbell to
be placed at the end of the court
behind a quiet fountain and pool.
Lawrence Draws Plans
Plan if for the court and for the
museum arc flic work of I)can E. E.
Lawrence of the university school
of architecture and allied arts, and
the firm of Lawrence and Ilolfortd
of Portland. The building is to be
erected in the Kincaid field section
of (tie campus on a site selected
some time ago by a committee and
dedicated upon the arrival of Dr.
Arnold Bennelt Hall to accept the
presidency of 1 ho university.
Lab Equipment Helps
Study of Sea Urchins
The University of Oregon is tiie
only college on the Pacific coast
which offers facilities for dissecting
and studying the development of
sea urchins, according to Dr. A. It.
Moore, professor of animal biology.
Every year Dr. Moore goes to
Newport and at low tide wades out
onto the rocks to get them. He us
ually brings back two buckets full.
The students watch the fertiliza
tion of the eggs and the young sea
urchins develop.
The class in which this work is
carried on is the freshman course in
biology. The first part of tlie year
it was under the instruction of Prof.
A. It. Sweetser, professor of plant
biology. Next week Dr. Moore takes
charge of the class for the rest of
the term.
Burt Brown Barke*-. vice president
of tlie university, is confident that
construction on the new Fine Aits
Memorial building; on the campus
will start soon. Eugene is expected
to raise the final $25,000 before the
building can be erected on Kincaid
Assembly Today
Features Music;
Oreliestra Plays
Campus Opinion Favors
Change; Majority Tired
Of Lectures, Speakers
The University of Oregon orelios-1
tea’s concert at the assembly this
morning at 11 in the Woman’s
building will bo well attended and
greatly appreciated if the, opinion
of a group of students selected at
random represents the feelings of the
whole student body.
George Weber, dr., who is a jun
ior in business administration, when
asked what he thought of having
the orchestra play at, tho assembly
instead of having a. lecture, as is
generally done, said: “From my
standpoint 1 think that. it. is a very
good idea. It, provides more enter- j
j tainment for the students and they
enjoy it more than they would
Freshman Likes Idea
Ruth Campbell', freshman in sociol
ogy, was very enthusiastic a I "out. the
idea. “Ilooray!” slur said. “I
think flint, it would be good. I think
that we’ve had enough speeches.
They get,' rather monotonous after
a while.”
“I think that’s a marvelous idea,”
Osborne Holland declared, when
asked his opinion. “It will keep I lie
boys awake. I think they ought to
plav jazz, though.”
Ronald ILubbs also voiced his ap
proval of having (lie orchestra play
instead of asking someone to speak.
“If they would have the orchestra,
I’d go to the assembly,” he said.
“Yon listen to lectures all day long
and you like te hear something else
for a change.”
“I’d rather hear speeches,” Ver
non "McGee, sophomore in journalism,
declared. “They at least have edu
cational value. I can get aesthetic,
enjoyment somewhere else—over the
Art Student Favors Plan
Ralph Hapner, who is a freshman
and is majoring in art, said, “I
think it would be a good idea my
self. I’d like it because I’m inter
ested in music. I think it would pro
vide more variation than a speech.”
-Miriam Shepard, senior in journal
ism, also voiced her approval of the
plan. “Oh, fine,” she said. “I think
everybody gets tired of hearing
speakers. Students around the cam
pus, unless they are music majors,
hear very little good music, and 1
(Continued on Page Two)
Report Shows
School Needs
Legislative Committeemen
Find Several Buildings
Materially Inadequate
Work Said Hampered
Deady Antiquated; Library
Too Small, Says Smith
SALEM1, On1., .Tan. .'10.—(Special)
—That 1 toady hall, I ho oldest build
ing on the campus, is antiquated
and being used' more than is advis
able, that the present library build
ing is large enough lo house only
one of the departmental libra ies,
let alone the 1100,0(10 general books,
that the hospital and infirmary fa
cilities are inadequate, and the large
ly self-supporting extension division
is housed in a frame shack, was the
report to the ways and means com
mit.lee of the state legislature by
Hr. \V. (I.arlton Smith of Marion
county, chairman of the Eniversity
of Oregon suh-onmmittfe. The com
mittee visited the campus last Sat
Enrollment in the university has
increased 85 per cent since 1920, the
report pointed out, while resources
of the institution in the same period
increased only thirteen and one-lialf
per cent.
A hospital with a bed for every
100 persons would provide the ser
vice necessary for the population of
the size of the present, university
enrollment, the report says. The
hospital could be built at. a cost of
from $1000 to $1500 a,bed. The re
port suggests that contagions cases
lie taken care of in university resi
dences and that the infirmary give
only “first, aid” services.
Casey to Help Select
Best University Weekly
Wisconsin Committee Has
Oregon Man for Judge
Tito oommittoo of awards of the
Wisconsin Press association lias ap
pointed Prof. Ralph T). Casey of tlih
University of Oregon journalism
faculty, who is on leave of absence
at Madison, Wis., as a member of
the jury to select the best, weekly
newspapers in Wisconsin in various
classes of competition. The com*'
petition, which will include awards
for the best, make-up, best, editorial
page, and so on, will be held at the
annual association convention to bn
held in Madison, February 14, 1.1,
and 1(1.
Professor Casey is at present en
rolled in the University of Wiscon
sin as a candidate for the Ph. P.
degree and has been teaching part
time in the school of journalism.
Recently, lie was the principal
speaker at a meeting of flic Madi
son Advertising club. His subject
was, “Publicity and Propaganda.”
Alpha Phi Hostesses
For League Tea Today
Women’s league will have its bi
weekly tea today' at the Woman’s
building, with Alpha Phi in charge,
from .'! until 5.
Eleanor Flanagan, chairman, of
entertainment., promises a varied
program with some piano selections
by Carolyn Ilaberlaeh, and violin
solos by Dorothy Tongue. Marian
Camp and Marion Hubbard will give
a novelty clog dance with Mary
Cray accompanying them at the
pia no.
Speeches, Stunts, Will Be Featured
By Sigma Delta Chi on Lihe Steps
Tlio library steps—hooting, flap
ping, jeering crowds—five speeches,
, with attempts at humor, something
really tragic—five neophytes, with
knees shaking and hearts in mouth,
attempting to give the speeches—
such will be the scene of action
when the pledges to Sigma Delta
Chi, international professional jour
nalism fraternity, put on their pre
initiation stunt for the benefit of
the bewildered public at 11 o’clock
this morning.
Carrying out a custom long ob
served on the campus at Oregon the
five pledges, Clarence Craw, Leon
ard Delano, Joe Brown, and Cecil
Snyder, all juniors in journalism,
and Scott Milligan, senior in jour
nalism, will tramp a weary day
around the campus arrayed in silk
top-hats, “soup and fish,” and
canes, covering their “beats” and
getting their news “a de luxe.”
The stunts, which will begin just
after the close of the 10 o’clock
classes, will lust about 10 minutes
and will be finished in plenty of
time to allow all of the spectators
to attend the assembly. After
promptly 10:50 tho five victims
will come up the street, in a—how
ever, the secret of the affair must
still remain a secret.
The five students who were elect
ed to this fraternity were all elect
ed on the basis of their activities
on the campus and in their chosen
line of work. Clarence Craw is
make-up editor of the Emerald and
a member of the general assignment
staff, Scott Milligan has been a
member of the sport staff of tho
Emerald for some time, Joe Brown
is n member of tho sport staff of
tlie Emerald, and is sport editor of
the 1929 Oregana. Leonard Delano
is Pacific Intercollegiate Press edi
tor of the Emerald and photo editor
of the Oregana, and Cecil Snyder is
active in both tho advertising and
;the uews end of campus journalism.