Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 25, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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    Dean lo List
Activities of
Girl Students
Women Must File Cards
With Miss Prutsman
F or Permanent Reeoril
Reeomniemlalion for Jobs
To Re Rased on System
A permanent record of flip activi
ties of every }>iel in school will lie
set nred by Ilio new activities cards
wbioh tlie offiee of 11ip dean of
women is filling ouf. Activities
are classified under Ilie following
beads: at lilel ins, commit! ees, fra
ternity or dormitory honors, hon
oraries, scholastic, honors, student
offices, and miscellaneous. J'larh
girl is lianded a list, of activities
showing what is classed in each of
the divisions to assist her in mailing
up her card.
This record is filled out, for four
years and forms a complete record
of all of the girl’s activities during
her college career.
To Aid Students
These cards will become a part of
the permanent records of the dean
of women's office. They will be
used as a, basis for recommending
students fiy positions after gradua
In consideration of scholarship
records it. will be a simple matter
to check over a, student's card to
decide whether she has been neg
lecting her studying for her extra
curricular interests.
National inspectors of sororities
want complete records of members,
which they will be able to secure
through examination of the activity
*ca ids.
Cards to Be Complete
ftirls noV iii school.are filling out
their records up to date for all the
lime they have been on the campus.
As soon ns this work is completed
and the cards have been filed, they
will be kept up lo date by llie of
fice of the dean of women, through
niiiiouiieements of elections to of
fices or lionoruries made in. the
Kmernld. At. the end of each term
the girls will be ashed to cheek
over their cards and see if any cor
rections should be made.
This system for recording activi
ties is believed lo be the. first, one
of ils kind in the country. Some
schools have complete systems, bill
none have the same arrangement as
the University of Oregon, according
to Miss Hazel I’rutsman, acting
dean of women, who lias worked
out the scheme.
Sick List Hits I\ew Low
Mark With Three Left
Willi Hu* roloiiso of lliroo move
1 in t ii'ii I s, 11n* ,sirl< list ill Hie iiifinii
nry liil ;i now low mil He yost onlay.
Tim I lii'oo |in I i<■ nIs loft nro: Abimr
Hlopor anil llowanl UirUs, snfforino
from oolila, ninl Clmrlos IVIorson,
who liiia I lio mumps.
We Repair
Make Keys
Just Phone
My First Job
Professors Relate Rout
First Money Earned
A little brown-haired boy wad
dled along a dry path bet worn two
bouses, lie bad a pa per bag on bis
sboidder filled with the afternoon’s
edition of (be latest news. On bis
feet, was a. pair of gum boots, heavy
and awkward. Hut be was proud of
these boots even though the weather
was warm and there was no water
anywhere around to make them
The paper-carrier is now Professor
.folia It. Mueller of the school of
sociology. His boots be had earned
himself by delivering papers at $1
a. week, lie didn’t need them the
day he bought them, but wore them
anyway and they came in handy
later when the thermometer read L’O
degrees below in St. Charles, Mo.,
and the four-mile route was knee
deep in mud.
That was Prof. Mueller’s first job.
He was 11 years old then, lie spent
a penny each Sunday for licorice,
which lie divided with his sister.
He bought no books with these dol
lar bills he earned weekly. Now
he is a professor and buys lots of
Newman Club Officers
Name Social Chairman
A chairman of social nativities
will trike enre of this function, here
nfter, tlie officers of the Newmnn
clnli devilled nt a luncheon held nt
the Anchorage yesterday at noon.
Florence McNerney, junior in Eng
lish, was chosen to fill this new
The, club officers discussed with
Rev. Francis I*. Leipzig, chaplain of
the group, the general policy for
fhe Newman club. An extensive
program to get more members to
attend fhe meetings was planned. It
was suggested with approval that
I he club hold its meetings at Sunday
evening luncheons, but. more defi
nite plans have yet to be made. No
dues, if. was decided, will he col
lected this year.
The Newman club officers attend
ing were Richard Burke, president;
Harold Davidson, vice-president;
Hilary Dunlap, secretary; Irene
Moore, treasurer; Merlin Blais, pub
licity manager.
Without nerve - racking, heart
breaking scales and exercises. You
are taught to play by note in regu
lar professional chord style. In your
very first lesson yon will be able
to play a popular number by note.
The “Hallmark Self-Instructor,”
is the title of this method. Eight
years were required to perfect this
great work. The entire course with
the necessary examination sheets, is
bound in one volume. The first les
son is unsealed which the student
mav examine and be his owen
“j'lUXlE and JURY.” The later
part of the “Hallmark Self-Instruc
tor,” is sealed.
Upon the student returning any
copy of the “llallnurk Self-Instruc
tor,” with the seal no broken, we will
refund in full all money paid.
'Ibis amazing Self-lnsfructor will
be sent anywhere. You do not need
to send any money. When you re
ceive this new method of teaching
music. Deposit with the Postman the
sum of ten dollars. If you are not
entirely satisfied, the money will be
returned in full, upon written re
quest. The Publishers are anxious
lo place this "Self Instructor” in
the hands of music lovers all over
the country, and is in a position to
make an attractive proposition to
igents. Send for your copy today.
Address The “Hallmark Self-Instruc
tor” Station (1, Postoffice, Box 111,
New York. N. Y.
A Dinner at Home
Don’t dispuir at tho fact that you
can’t go home week ends. The Eugene
Hotel offers you that home-like atmos
phere in its distinctive dining room ser
vice and excellent food.
Dinner mentis at $1.00 per plate are
prepared especially for students on Fri
day and Saturday evenings. A dinner
deluxe is served for on Sunday.
The Eugene Hotel
! ----
Dean Young’s
Death Subject
Of Resolution
I Honorary Sociology Group
Expresses Deep Regret
For Department Hea«l
A resolution of condolence nt, the
death of Dean TVicrick fl. Young
of the school of sociology was adopt
ed and plans for an open meeting
were rnn.de at the meeting of Alpha
Kappa Delta, national honorary
sociology fraternity, last night.
The open meeting for all students
on the campus, which will lie held
next Thursday evening, will hear
an address by P. A. Parsons, dean
of the school of sociology, on “Some
Highlights of Sociology.” Christine
Holt, senior in sociology, is in
charge of the program.
The resolution adopted b.v the
organization reads:
“Alpha Kappa Delta regrets sin
eerelv the passing of Frederick fl.
Young, dean of the school of sociol
ogy. For his consistent, interest, in
the advancement of the fraternity;
for his loyalty and energy in fur
thering Hie interests of the school;
and for his personal modesty and
unassuming demeanor in serving the
cause of the commonwealth, (.hereby
promoting its social welfare and
conserving both its economic re
sources and historical treasures, he
was esteemed by the fraternity and
respected by his colleagues. So re
tiring was he, that it was given
only to his close associates to est.i
‘matc 1 tie full measure of his valu
able contribution. The fraternity
| can best, manifest its appreciation
of such a rich life by resolving in
j dividually to emulate the qualities
| so sincerely displayed bv its late
I dean and faculty advisor.”
Milne to Teach Math
At Summer Session
Professor W. K. Milne, who lias
| hern teaching in Hie mathematics
in good repair—size 29
Scrogg Bros., Tailors
Upstairs 760 Willamette
You Find
Perfect Detail
Inspect an elaborate |>lnte of
Imfia brass—notice -the de
sign on our Australian leather.
Keel it—look closely—for here
is perfect detail.
“The Shop That’s Different”
. Gift Shop
Next to Y. M. C. A.
Dancing Classes
Advanced Class— Monday 8 p. m. |
Beginners Class -Friday 7:30
Private lessons by appointment. !
Pee us about features for forma Is. j
861 Willamette Phone 2843
department. at Stanford university
this year while on a leave of ab
sence from this university, will be
bark on the campus this summer
and will teach full time during the
^summer vacation, according to Pro
fessor E. E. 1 tef'on of the mathe
matics department.
Professor fleC'nu will tench part
time during the summer session.
He and Professor .Milne will decide
in a short time what courses to offer
in mathematics during tlie session.
California Dentistry
School Makes Record
CALIFORNIA, Jan. 22. -(P.T.P.)—
Free dental service <vas rendered to
2.1,000 people bv the college of den
tistry of tho University of Southern
(California during 1028.
Four years ago the S. >/'.• college
of dentistry established its out
patient, clinic department, and since I
that time free dental service has
been continually rendered to seven
orphanages in Los Angeles, Juvenile
hall, and other institutions main
taining a dental clinic for children
under 12 years of age.
National Exhibit
Displays Oregon
Students’ Work!
Mrs. F. T. Hodge and Anna
Keeney Have Statuary
Exhibited in Bay City
ITarrv Camden, associate professor j
of sculpture, nurt Mrs. E. T. Hodge,
wlio with Miss Anna Keeney are
students in the school, had the dis
tinction of having work accepted,
for the display by the National
Sculptors’ exhibition in San Fran
Mrs. TTodge lias been in the de
partment for several years, and has
done a bust of Dugald Campbell,
Shine ’em up
Aeross from the new
Sigma Chi house
Mrs. Lila Ley
Personal Representative of
will be here
Today and Saturday
Her Advice and j
Helps are FREE.
These golashes are
just that — exactly
right—for this sort of
weather. The pat
terns we are showing
are the season’s best
—and the prices are very reasonable. They
are now reduced to—
T’Bone Steaks—
Something you don’t get
at your house. We know
this by the number of stu
dents who always order
T-bone steaks with their
lunch or dinner order.
| 832 Willamette
College Dags are the Happiest!
Preserve a lasting memory of your college life
with a continuous series of pictures. They
cost so little now and become so priceless to
you later.
Carl R, Baker
7 WEST 7th
which is being cast in bronze. It
is an interesting study, rugged, pow
erful mid full of personality.
Miss Anna Keener has made as
lier first piece of original work the i
head of a young girl, in marble, j
She started in pottery at O. S. f'.,
but transferred lo 1 he T’niversily ot
Oregon, and although she has studied
in this department for five years
this is her first piece of original de
sign that she has considered note
The statuary will be on display
in San Francisco for six months
beginning with April, this exhibi
tion being the first of its kind ever
attempted in America and is a
■great advance in artistic develop
(Ipneral Dcntts/try
1209 Pearl .Street
Eugene, Oregon
Phone 2929
Eugene, Oregon.
Toasted Sandwiches
Waffles and
hot syrup
The Moroni Olsen
will prosont
Autumn Fires
A play in three acts
By T. ('. Murray
at 1 lio
Heilig Theatre
011 1
Monday, January 28
$2.00 - $1.50 - $1.00
Curtain at 9 o’clock
Style and Beauty
Fine Feathers pure
silk hosiery.... 98c
Nevermend pure silk
hose, regular $1.00
value, all colors. 89c
Diamond Point silk
to-the-top, full fash
ioned, regular $1.95
value. $1.79
Patent leather, slen
der spike heel, clever
narrow strap suggest
ing lightness.. $4.98
,Spike heel pump, pat
ent leather, short
dressy vamp . $4.48
Cuban heel, brown
calf skin street shoe,
priced at .... $4.98
Patent leather, one
strap slipper with
high heel.... $3.98
A clever black sude,
high heel pattern
with gunmetal trim,
seven eyelet lace,
short vamp. (A simi
lar pattern in brown
kid, also in blue kid
with' cuban heel.)
Self Service Store
The Place where you Serve Yourself and Save
77 East Broadway