Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 25, 1929, Image 1

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Chinese News
Is Distorted
Says Speaker
Sam Grathwell Tells About
• Conditions in China at
Thursday’s Assembly
Faulty Money System
Called Greatest Evil
Lack of Patriotism Given
As Hindrance to Nation
“T propose tn present China in a
realistic viewpoint,” Sam Orathwell,
famous lecturer and traveller, told
the University of Oregon students
at the assembly in the Woman’s
building Thursday morning.
‘‘Distance doesn't, lend enchant
ment,” Mr. Orathwell declared, “it
lends indifference.” This is the rea
^ son, he believes, that, foreigners
don’t, understand the Chinese people.
Much of the news of China also
is distorted, he pointed out, for
cables cost eighty-five cents a, word
and the few words sent, to news
papers are frequently changed to
suit, the publications.
Conditions Explained
Mr. Orathwell told tlie students
about some of 1be tilings that had
impressed him during the five
months he spent, in China and about
some of the conditions he had in
“You don’t, find as much foot
binding in China as you used to,”
lie said. “There is very little of it
practiced on the coast, although there
is still a good deal in the interior.”
Mr. Orathwell had very definite
ideas about the Chinese people’s re
gard for cleanliness.
“There is no nation as dirty as
the Chinese,” Mr. Orathwell de
clared. “Tlie Chinese laundry is a
myth—except in the United States.
Thousands of the Chinese have
4k trachoma of the eyes . . . the Ameri
cans have to separate themselves t.o
protect, their health.”
Avarice is Defect
“No Chinese and Dogs Admitted
Here,” the sign that the interna
tional Settlement group was sup
posed to have erected, was charac
terized by Mr. Oratlnvell as a myth.
Avarice was given by Mr. Clrntli
well as the greatest defect of the
Chinese people. This, lie declared
was due to tiioir “rotten” currency
system. The Chinese have two types
of money, the speaker explained,
little and big money. The various
tradesmen, especially those of trans
portation, take advantage of tho
stranger and instead of giving him
good money they give him bad.
Mr. Orathwell urged his audience
to face the facts as they really were.
He illustrated tlie difference be
tween China and the United States
by comparing them to a junk and
a steamship. The junks, he went
on to say, are rowed by women who
get only 25 cents a. day for their
labor. Tn China a family can live
on $T2 a year. The people sleep
r on stone beds in very crowded
quarters. T11 Pekin, lie added, there
are a million people, but there are
no sewer systems vet.
Understanding Needed
Some of the reasons why he be
lieved that China is where she is
were given by Mr. Orathwell. There
should be greater efforts for nations
to understand each other, in the
first place, he pointed out. China
thinks differently from the west
ern world still, he added, and al
though the Chinese have great fam
ily devotion they have no national
patriotism. The second reason he
gave was that there was too great
emphasis on ancestral worship and
thirdly that, the Chinese had too
low an estimation of womanhood.
The women are compelled to marry,
obey their mother-in-law, and the
man will even sell his wife for a
few pounds of rice, Mr. Orathwell
The Chinese need to learn the
American lesson of sacrifice, the
sperker declared. The last thing that
holds it back is tlie idea of fearing
to lose face.
Tenacity Characteristic
“The Chinese have great tenacity
and should be able to assume strong
position in the family of the world,”
Mr. Grathwell stated in conclusion.
“They have patience but lack the
American pep. The Chinese are in
dustrious.” If they had a higher es
timation of womanhood, had better
education, and did away with Bol
shevism, the Chinese would be one
of the leading nations,” Mr. Grath
well believes.
Rev. E. M. Whitesmith, pastor of
the Uuitarian church, gave the in
vocation, and Esther Saager, junior
in music, sang two solos.
Freshmen Nome
Guests for Glee
Connie Fox Announces
Class Dance Patrons
Patrons mu! patronesses have beer
chosen for the Fresh Glee February
2, at the Igloo. Connie Fox am
her committee named the following
list: President and Mrs. Arnob
Bennett Hall, Vice-president, am
Mrs. Burt Brown Barker, Bean am
Mrs. Straub, Dean Hazel M. Pruts
man. Bean Hugh Biggs, Bean am
Mrs. George Rebec, Mr. and 'Mrs
Earl M. Pallett, Br. and Mrs. Ron
aid C. R.ornig, Mrs. Prince Luciar
Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Zane
Mr. Edward Resell, Mr. Charles How
The refreshment committee will:
Mildred Senniger ns chairman, i
still looking for an original punch
one that is not too sweet and not
too sour but "just right.”
Vernon McGee
Awarded Prize
For Best Paper
Murray Warner Pamphlet
Contest Won by Three
Students in Journalism
Vernon McGee, sophomore in the
school of journalism, has been un
animously awarded first prize in
the Murray Warner pamphlet con
test, it. was announced late yester
day. Leonard Delano, junior jour
nalism student, received second
prize, and Carl Gregory, senior in
journalism, won honorable mention.
The Murray Warner pamphlet
contest, is a forerunner of the Mur
ray Warner essay contest. The
prize pamphlet, explaining to high
school students the conditions of
the essay contest, is to be circu
lated throughout the state.
The essay contest itself has been
given for several years by Mrs. Mur
ray Warner in the interest of friend
ly relations between the United
States and the Orient. Since Mrs.
Warner wished to extend the con
test to high school students this
year, she felt that an explicit pam
phlet explaining the contest to these
students was necessary, and accord
ingly offered .a first and second
prize for the best pamphlets to be
written by members of the Adver
tising and Specialized Press classes.
McGee’s prize was $15, while the
second prize given to Delano was
$10. The prizes offered in the es
say contest are: to students at large,
a first prize of $150, a second of
$100, and a Third of $75; three
prizes of $100 each are given in
special classifications, one each to
Filipino, Chinese and Japanese or
Korean students; two prizes, one
of $50 and one of $25 are to be
given to freshmen.
Mrs. Warner is the donor of the
Murray Warner museum of Oriental
art to the University of Oregon, and
she is adding constantly to this col
lection. She is herself a student of
international relations, has traveled
extensively in the Far Enstr and is
intensively interested in this coun
try remaining on friendly terms
with the East.
Dr. Warren D. Smith and George
Godfrey, judges of the pamphlet
contest, expressed their highest
praises of McGee’s contribution, and
said there was no doubt a's to his
winning the first prize, which was
awarded by the unanimous consent
of tho committee!
All of the winners arc members
of Prof. E. IT. Ford’s class in spe
cialized press.
Mary Steinhauser •
And Jewel Ellis Taken
Into Sivimming Club
Mary Steinhauser and .Towel! Ellis
passed the prescribed tests and have
been pledged to Amphibians, an
nounces lone Garbe, president, and
I.ois Murfin, Mildred Gibson, Betty
Shipley and Alberta Rives, pledges,
have passed the final requirements
and are ready for initiation. An
other tryout for Amphibian mem
bership will be held next Tuesday
January 29, at 7:.T0 in the Woman’s
building pool; Miss Garbe urges ah
girls interested to come to practice
The requirements are posted on the
bulletin board near the tank.
The swimming tests that are usee
in the Oregon high school point sys
tern, were practiced byr the mem
bers of the swimming club. Thii
test was used to find out the rea
sonability of the requirements for i
high school girl, pointed out Misi
Miss Garbe also announced tha
the Amphibians are starting worl
on the annual demonstration hel(
spring term. The sophomore major
in physical education are writinj
papers on plans for water pageants
and thev will lie used as suggestion
for the’ setting of the demonstra
Fee Dodger
Bill Passed bv
State Senate
Legislature to Investigate
Residence of Students
At State Institutions
New Infirmary Asked
By Oregon Mothers
Hospital Accommodations
Declared Insufficient
SALEM, Ore., Jan. 21.—A resolu
tion palling upon tho presidents of
tlio Oregon Agricultural college and
the University of Oregon to submit
“complete lists of all resident stu
dents enrolled in the respective in
stitutions, showing the home ad
dress, parents' address, school of
preparation from which graduated,
and present class rating of each stu
dent,” was unanimously passed by
the state senate this morning.
A desire of the senate to deter
mine how closely the two institu
tions were following the law passed
at. the last, session of the Oregon
legislature, providing that out-of
state students attending Oregon
state institutions pay $50 a term
tuition. The investigation of the
two lists will serve as a basis for
any action which the legislature
may deem necessary regarding the
university and the college.
Kerr Resolution Beaten
A substitute resolution, drafted
by President W. J. Kerr of the
Oregon Agricultural college, was
submitted to the resolutions com
mittee by Senator Elliott, a member
of the board of regents of the col
lege, but was defeated after a
stormy debate between Elliot and
Senator Bell. The defeated resolu
tion suggested that the examinations
into the records of the two institu
tions be made on the campuses, in
stead of through the lists to be
A fervent demand for a new in
firmary for the university was
made before the ways and means
committee last night by a commit
tee of mothers of Oregon students,
headed by Mrs. W. B. Crane. Mrs.
Crane described the present, infirm
ary of the Oregon campus as a
“small frame building known as
‘the shack,’ which has room for
only 1.1 students, while the popula
tion of the campus is .1200.” It. was
also stated that students with fev
erish temperatures were compelled
to walk about, the campus because
of the lack of hospital accommoda
tions, and that when they were ad
mitted to the infirmary, their lives
were menaced by fire because of the
flimsy construction of the building.
Agreement Scored
Regarding the agreement made
between President Arnold Bennett
Hall and Governor I. L. Patterson
that no appropriations would be
asked for new buildings, Mrs. Crane
said: “No two individuals have the
right to make an agreement involv
ing the life of a child.”
The Oregon mothers are demand
ing that, the legislature appropriate
$50,000, to be matched by a like
amount raised by private subscrip
tion. This sum, it is claimed, will
build a modern fireproof hospital
with accommodations entirely ample
i for the students of the university
! campus.
Intramural Sport
Managers Appointed
Girls Urged to Show More
Interest in Athletics
Class managers for intramural
basketball have been appointed by
Miss Louise Hodges, eoaeh of bas
ketball and instructor in the physi
cal education department, and Mally
Kurtz, head of the intramural bas
ketball. Those selected are: seniors,
Hilda Top; juniors, Edna Dunbar;
sophomores, Orpha Ager; freshmen,
Lucile Murphy.
Miss Kurtz reports that as the
season progresses, the games are
becoming more interesting and com
petition is becoming keener. “The
girls show lots of speed and stamina,
even though the season is young. I
wish that all girls who are interest
ed in basketball would come out and
play, because there is a place for
everyone on some team and enjoy
ment guaranteed,” assures Mally.
Betty Summers and Miss Hodges
have also selected the managers for
intramural lacrosse. Freshmen, Ella
1 Redkev; sophomores, Jesse Pluck
i ett; juniors, Leone Swangel; and
i seniors, Jeanette Hermanee. 'With
, the addition of a star of the varsity
i football team and his playmates,
■ says Miss Hodges, more interest
has been stimulated in the game.
Old and New
J. W. Hamilton, (aiiove) of Rose
burg, who resigned recently from
his post as president of the univer
sity board of regents. He has
served 28 years on the board. Suc
ceeding him as president is Fred
Fisk (below), of Eugene. Tho va
cancy left in the board will be filled
by appointment by Governor Patter
Ralph Millsap
Wins Place in
Poetry Contest
Fourth Prize Given Honor
Student in Competition
Throughout Northwest
Ralph Millsap, junior in journal
ism and an honor student in Eng
lish, 13 the winner of tho fourth
prize in the northwest poetry con
test sponsored by the Spokane Daily
Chronicle, according to word re
ceived here by Mrs. Alice Henson
Ernst, instructor in versification
and play-writing. Mr. Millsap is
enrolled in tho versification class.
The contest was open to all poets
in the northwest and called “for
lyrical verse, and also for verse
suitable for a norm west anthem, to
be set to music. Mr. Millsap sub
mitted two poems, “The Green
Land,” and “Thunderstorms.”
“It is interesting to me to notice
that students in versification are
evidently approximating the stand
ard set by magazines and other pub
lications over the country,” Mrs.
Ernst said. She went on to men
tion other students of the class who
have been successful in placing
verse with magazines.
Mary McKinney, freshman in
English, has won several poetry con
tests sponsored by the Spokesman
Review of Spokane, Washington.
Serena Madsen, junior in journal
ism, lias had verse accepted by the
American Poetry Magazine, Good
Housekeeping, and the Troubadour,
a magazine of verse published in
San Diego.
Margaret Ormandy, freshman in
English, has a lyric, “Silver Songs,”
in the January number of tlm Trou
.John Hcherrer, graduate siuueni
in English, lias line! two poems ac
cepted for publication in Iho March
issue of Troubadour, which is to be
an all Oregon issue, featuring poets
from the state of Oregon.
Walter Evans Kidd, former as
sistant instructor i-> English, who
is now doing creative writing in
Eugene, was one of the first uni
versity students at Oregon to win
recognition with his verse while he
was an undergraduate.
The sonnet, “Ranch Mother,”
which was printed by American
Mercury, was written by Mr. Kidd
while he was in the versification
class. Since then lie has placed
verse with many of the poetry jour
nals in the country, including Poet
ry, a magazine of verse. -
Plans Made
To Organize
New School
Religions Department May
Be Established Soon,
According to Sheldon
Board of Faculty ami
(diurcli Men Appointed
Dr. Foster Is Luncheon
Speaker at Meeting
Looking to the realization of a
movement that has been under the
consideration of a group of faculty
members and interested persons for
two years, active steps in the direc
tion of organizing a religious school
here, outside the university, will
likely begin in three weeks with the
initial meeting of a board of ."12 in
structors and church representa
tives, now being appointed.
Announcement of the anticipated
action on the movement was made
yesterday afternoon by Dean II. It.
Sheldon, of the school of education,
chairman of a committee that has
been working on the project for
about a year, following a luncheon
meeting at which Pr. O. P. Poster,
representing cooperating American
church boards which aro advocating
the religious school, was the speak
er. A group of faculty members
and representatives of Eugene
churches attended the luncheon at.
the men’s dormitory.
All Faiths to Attend
A religious school such ns was
generally outlined at the meeting
would aim to bring together stu
dents of all faiths, Catholic, Protes
tant and Jewish, for religious study'
under instructors, qualified both as
scholars and capable teachers, un
der standard requirements similar
to those for university instructors,
Dean Sheldon explained.
Such a religious school must come
from outside promotion because laws
provide that no tax appropriations
to state universities can be used to
provide religious instruction, said
the dean.
Iowa System Explained
Pr. Poster, in his discussion at
yesterday's meeting, described the
systems employed in religious
schools at the state University of
Iowa and at the University of Cali
fornia at Los Angeles, and touched
more generally upon those religious
schools at. universities in the Missis
sippi valley regions. Under some
of the systems, provisions are made
for earning credits that count, in the
university, explained Dean Sheldon.
“.fust, what, system the proposed
Oregon religious'school would adopt
will not bo known until the board
has met, which I am confident will
be within throe weeks,” said the
dean. “I expect to lx* able to an
nounce the board, which will be
made up of church representatives,
members of the faculty and from
persons from the state at large, in a
week,” he went on.
Movement General
The committee has expressed it
self as convinced that the movement
is very general. “I think there is
considerable demand on the campus
for such training, if capable in
structors are provided,” was the
opinion of Dean Sheldon.
“Nothing has been fully deter
mined on this thing,” he added. “It
is still ‘up in the air,’ but it. is get
ting serious consideration and, with
the organization of the board so
nearly complete, is becoming in
creasingly significant.”
Intramural Handball
Starts for Winter Term
Singles and Doubles to Be
Run on Elimination Plan
The first, round of flic winter
intramural handball tournament
started yesterday, and all matches
must be played before Wednesday
of next week, according to Kay
Jost, in charge of the tourney. T’lay
will start in both the single and
double matches, and the events can
be run off at any time during the
day. The tourney will be run on
the free lance elimination plan, and
the finals are to be played as soon
as possible, according to Jost. It is
planned to run all the matches off
on schedule with as little delay as
The first round drawings in the
singles tourney are as follows: W.
Adams vs. B. Sergeant; F. Deuel vs.
L. Wagner; B. Bauman vs. II. Ben
son; J. Edlefson vs. A. Kiston; II.
Shaw vs. H. Ncer; Long vs. C'alis
tro; J. Rhine, bye.
Doubles drawings arc: Peterson
Davis vs. Hermance-McGee; Deuel
Bauman vs. Rhine-Edlefson; Riston
Calistro vs. Shaw-Sergeant; Cobb
Jennings vs. Wagner-Schroeder; Mc
Donald-Burke vs. Long -Neer.
Bea Mason Only
Girl Physics Ma jor
Second Woman to Get
Desiree, Says Caswell
Minis Beatrice Mason, graduate
stuilont in physics, is I lie only girl
on the campus who is majoring in
Also, in flip memory of T>r. A. E.
Caswell, who has hoen at the uni
versity for l(i years, she is only the
second girl 1n the history of the
school to he graduated in physics.
The other girl is Miss Helen Withy
combo, who is now teaching at the
Klamath Falls high school. Miss
Withyeomhc received her bachelor’s
degree in BUS.
Miss Mason received her bache
lor’s degree last spring, and plans
to get. her master's degree at. the
end of summer session.
After that she expects to teach
physics in a junior college.
It is a reputed fact that men re
sent having women in courses that
traditionally belong to men alone,
but Miss Mason says, “.Personally,
1 haven’t had any trouble like that.
A purely business like altitude is
the only one you can have.”
Frosli to Meet
Medford Team
Tonight at 7:30
Spike Leslie’s Team Makes
First Home Appearance
Against Fast Preppers
Ttie Oregon frosli basketball tram
will piny Iho Medford high team at
7:.">0 o’clock this evening on the Mc
Arthur court floor.
This will lie the third meeting of
the teams this year. The frosli won
the first, game 12+ to 21. and the
second 2t) to 17. Both of these
games were played in Medford lust
week-end. They were the first
games on the frosli schedule.
The Medford five, which is
coached by Brink Onllisoii, one time
Oregon football star, is considered
one of the strongest prep teams in
the state. It is made up of men
who have played together since
their grammar school days. Every
man on their first team and the
first substitutes played on Med
ford’s state champion football team
this year also.
Winner Doubtful
The freshmen beat (hem at Med
ford bf making a larger percentage
of their shots, and the winner to
night will likely be the team that
has made the most improvement
siaee their last meeting.
Spike Leslie, frosli eoaeli, has
been working the men to correct
faults evident in their first games,
and the yearlings played a game
with the super-varsity team Wed
nesday. The yearlings have made
decided progress in their team work,
and now the. biggest obstacle ill
their way is the condition of the
The forwards are in the best con
dition, and are getting used to
working together by now. It, is
practically certain that Ilonry
Levoff and Billy Keenan will start
Friday’s game. Both are Portland
ers, Levoff coming from Lincoln
high and tlio A. Z. A. team, and
Keenan from the Checkerboards.
Center Uncertain
The center position is moro un
certain. Don Bagen is the most
likely to start, although Spike had
not decided last night. Steve
Fletcher is the other man likely to
start in the tip-off position. He is
a bigger man than Ragen but not
as fast.
Estill Phipps, who was the first
choice for the last games, 1ms been
laid up since with a bad eold. He
reported for practice two days this
week, but didn’t get in any bard
•practice. He was the only member
of tlio Medford team to graduate
tiiis year.
Kermit Stevens, ex - university
high player, is sure of starting as
one of the guards. He was the
player that guarded A1 Melvin.
Medford seoring aco and the only
member of their team who is under
six feet.
Dolp May Play
Vine Dolp is tlio other first
string guard, but there is some
doubt of his starting the game be
cause of his poor physical condition.
He and Phipps are neither in con
dition to play, Spike Leslie states,
but Dolp is in better condition than
In case Dolp does not play guard,
either Paul Bale or Steve Fletcher
will be the man. Bale is a better
guard than Fletcher, but doesn’t
handle the ball as well.
Three men have been showing up
well among the second stringers
and will be included among the re
serves. They are Ken Edick, for
ward; John Rollwage, forward; and
John Londahl, guard, i
Oregon Wins
36 to 23 from
Gonzaga Men
Bulldogs Given Hardest
Fight of Season; Boys
Showed Fine Teamwork
! McCormick Finishes
High Scoring Player
Quintet on Way to Battle.
Montana Congregation
j SPOKANE, Wash., .Tan. D-!.- Tak
ing an 8 to 0 loa<l in the first few
miniites of play Oregon defeated
Oonzaga .!»! to 12:’. here tonight. Ore
gon was playing exceptionally well
and displayed the best style of ball
ol any opponent the Bulldogs have
met here this season. Oonzaga was
not up to ordinary form and was
completely’ outplayed during ttie
first half. Score at half time was
Oregon 2l>, Oonzaga Id. During the
second half each team made lit
Oregon played faster ball than
Oonzaga and showed good team
work. Oonzaga missed several tries
for the basket when the ball almost
balanced on edge of the hoop but
circled around and rolled off for no
count. Murphy, tall Bulldog center,
got tip-off most of the time. Oregon
took ball from the backboard time
after time and by short snappy
passes worked toward their goal
for counts. Several personal fouls
were made by both teams. Epps
was removed from game in last,
minute for roughness with Murphy.
About 1000 attended .game. Ore
gon team left here tonight for Mon
tana. McCormick was high point
man of game with lti and Murphy
was high for Oonzaga with 7 which
were all fn e throws and no field
Summary lineup:
Ridings .F. Smith
McCormick .E. Schoenecker
Milligan.C. Murphy
Epps.ft. I.eveaux
Bally .O. Kennedy
Substitutions: Chastain for Mc
Cormick, Hughes for Milligan, Ed
wards for Epps; Oonzaga: O’Connor
for Schoenecker, Berilln for Smith,
Waller for O’Connor.
Free throws: Ridings ft, McCor
mick 4, Epps 1, Bally 2; Oonzaga:
Murphy 7, Berilln 2, Levenux I,
Kennedy 1.
First Snow Witnessed
By Californians in
Battle at Dormitory
The white mantle that covered
Eugene Wednesday night may have
been just another little snowfall to
most university students, but to
Alan Ames, Henry Dietz and Dick
Stevenson, all from balmy Califor
nia, it was something new and dif
None of the three has ever seen a
real snowfall before, according to
other residents of the Sherry l?oss
hall in the new men’s dormitory.
But just looking at the snow
wasn’t all the Californians did. They
found out exactly what snowballs
were, too, in a snowball battle that
raged with frigid fury between
Sherry Boss and Omega units and
Alpha and Gamma units. According
to a Sherry Boss resident the 8. Br
Omega force came out on the strong
end of the fight. The only casualty
reported was suffered by Charles
Yoshii who emerged from the con
flict with a black eye.
Honorary Groups to
Have Pictures Taken
Three honorary groups will have
,their pictures taken for the Ore
gon a this morning on the library
steps. Duo to a misunderstanding
with the photographer, the pictures
could not bo taken yesterday when
they were originally scheduled.
All members are asked to cooper
ate by being prompt. A rumor that
the pictures would not be taken to
day was entirely discredited by Mar
garet Clark, who is in charge of
arranging for the pictures. The
schedule is as follows: Y. \V. C. A.
cabinet, 11:50; I’hi Beta, 11:55; Phi
Theta Upsilon, 12.
Condon club, which was also
scheduled for Thursday, will have
its group picture taken Saturday
'morning at 11:30.
Dr. Parsons Leaves
For Welfare Meeting
Ilr. P. A. Parsons, recently ap
pointed dean of the school of sociol
ogy, left for Salem last night where
as chairman he will represent the
State Child Welfare commission at
a meeting of the ways and means
committee of the state legislature.