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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1929)
VOLUME XXX UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1929 _~~ ~ NUMBER 61 Telegrams Urged for Defeated Team Oregon Must Win From Vandal Five Tonight To Retain Title Hopes Coast Conference Standings Northern Section W. L. Pet. Washington State .... 3 0 1.000 Washington . 1 0 1.000 Idaho . 1 1 .000 Oregon State . 1 1 .500 Montana. 0 2 .000 ! Oregon . 0 2 .000 j By JOE PIONEY The Welrfoots alreailv have lost flip maximum number of eonferonef games to still retain a elinnee for the chnmnionshii Billy Reinhart "! of flie northern division of the Pacific const con foreneo. Tlie Ore gomfeam can still i tlie basket liall title, Inii there must lie ■ s o m e a psets am on ft the other . members of the conference. The problem at _ present is not to "'in the champion ship, but. to rallv a disheartened team. Tonight tho ~\\ ebfoots moot tin* University of T'lalio at Moscow. To lose moans to relinquish all hopes of capturing tho leadership of tho northern sec tion. To win means to put the Oregonians hack into the power they are capable of displaying, and to give them the necessary confi dence to win the remainder of the games scheduled. When a team doped ns a cham pionship contender loses two con ference games in succession, there is little encouragement in playing on foreign floors. What the Oregon team needs tonight, before taking the floor against the Vandals, is a host of telegrams from Eugene re minding them that the Oregon stu dent body is behind them. There are definite factors in Ore gon ’s losses to both Washington and Washington State. First, how ever, the strengths of the Husky and Cougar teams must be recog nized, for they now, instead of Ore gon, are tlie potential champions for 1929. The Webfoots experienced the dullest pre-season training program in years. Injuries, sickness and lack of equal competition kept the team from top form at the time of the opening of the conference. Neither Joe Hallv nor Scott Milli gan played in the first two practice games of the year. Bally had the flu and Milligan was just recover ing from an infected arm. Their practice was delayed nearly two weeks, and consequently the whole first string combination is at least ten days behind in its work. Last fall, when the team first be gan training, Mervvn Ch*itniii threw his shoulder out in practice. He was forced out for a few days and when he returned he had to wear a brace across his shoulders. This noticeably hindered his effect iveness, particularly on tho of fensive. Chastain was about back in shape at the time of tho Gonzaga game, but a badly sprained ankle against the Bulldogs has put him on the bench probably for the entire eeason. Then Gordon Ridings, Don Mc Cormick, and Ray Edwards spent a (Continued on 1'age Three) Warner Essay Contest Offers $700 Awards Three Divisions Cive All Students C li a 11 e e for Competition, Says Smith 5000 Word Papers/ Due Before April 1 Friendly Relation Between East and West Desired Loss (linn two months nml a half remain before Oregon students, in terested in making a study of , American relations with the Orient and in getting a share of the .t700 in prizes offered, mintf. have their essays entered in the, annual Murray Warner essay contest. Attention to this fail, was drawn yesterday by members of the contest, committee "hen it was pointed out that many students who plan to enter the con test have not yet started work. This fact, according to Dr. War ren D. Smith, chairman of the com mittee, also indicates that students ! who have not heretofore planned to | enter the contest still have an op j portunity to do so, without being I handicapped by getting a late start. Dr. Smith emphasized that any stn- I dent in the university has an oppor- | tunity to win one of the prizes, and | that fear id' having “no chance” should not keep anyone from on-, toring. To Promote Friendliness The Murray Warner essay eon tests, sponsored by Mrs. Murray Warner, have as their purpose the promotion of interest in friendly relations between the Occident and the Orient. The essays are not to exceed 5000 words, and are due not later than April 1. ■ In order to provide for a fair distribution of the prizes, Iho con test includes three divisions. The first is for competition between American upperclassmen, with a first prize of $150; second of $100, and third of $75. The second is for Japanese, Chinese or Filipino stu dents, and prizes of $100 will be given for the best essays entered by students in each of these classi fications. The third division is for freshman' students, with a first prize of $50 and second of $25. Essays to Serve as Term Papers Contestants in division No. 1 can write on any phase of the general subject of relations between the Occident: and tile Orient. Such topics as foreign trade, religion, social problems, and education may be treated in these essays, with the relationship always brought into the discourse. Also, there arc spe cial classes, such as the survey course in “Man and His Environ ment,” which may write an essay for the contest and use it also as a term theme in class provided it. is on a subject gonna in to the course, such as, iu this instance, “The ef fect of western science on the Orient,” nr “What has been ob tained in the way of science from the Orient.” History, geography, political science, and other courses could easily fit into such a program. Eules to be Out Soon The Filipino contestants should write on American and Philippine relations, the Japanese on America’s relations with Japan, and the Chi nese on America’s relations with the Chinese. Freshmen may take general phases of the subject. Mimeographed copies of rules of the contest, and other information regarding it. will be available in a day or two, Hr. Smith announced. Underwoods Entertain Full House With Recital of Melodious Rythms By ALICE GORMAN To have one musician in a family is usually considered the highest honor of the benevolent gods, but when you find two such gifted off spring of separate promt families uniting themselves under the holy bonds of matrimony—it certainly is a treat! T?ox Underwood, violinist, and Aurora Potter Underwood, pian ist, last night gave a house full of people, tired of the humdrum, a trip to the fairy-land of melody, rhythm, and dance. The recital opened with Grcig’s Sonata in G Major (the first move ment) by both Mr. and Mrs. I nder wood, which was read with a clear cut delicacy and satisfying climaxes, displaying the excellent technique of both artists. The second group was given by Mrs. Underwood, who play ed Carpenter’s “Polonaise Ameri caine” deliberately and forcefully, with strong and assured accents. Liszt’s “Sonnet 12.1, de Petrarque” was a direct contrast, moving slowly and smoothly in legato, and working up to a climax; and running through it was a singing melody. The third number of the group was similar to the first and afforded an excellent display of technique. When Mr. Underwood began to play last night, everyone knew that they were listening to a mail who was a lover—a lover of music and a sweetheart to his violin. Uncon scious of his audience, absorbed in his art, he plays because he must. He completely won his house with “May-Niglit” of Palmgren-Engel. Its poignant hushes were startlingly descriptive of the spell and beauty of a May night, and it wondrously showed the delicate skill and fine tones of which Mr. Underwood is | master. Mrs. Underwood chose her second group from Chopin, the first number i being “Nocturne—Op. 27, No. 2,” I but it was the “Sonata—Op. 58” ! which drew the enthusiastic and in (Continued on Pai/e Two) Co-ed’s Privilege Meets Restriction Material Will Be Filed Concerning Absentees A now system of checking girl? signing out. for over night which will 1)0 uniform for the whole cam pus lias been instituted by the dean of women’s office. flirts who are leaving town must sign out with their house mother, who will make out duplicate slips, one of which she will keep, while the other is filed at the office of the dean of women. Information on the sign out slip must include the destination, name of people the girl is staying with, the telephone number, how long the girl is to be gone, her home address, and must be signed by the house mother or chaperon. By means of this system the of fice knows at any time exactly where a girl is to be found, so that they can reach her in case of an emergency. They also use these slips to find a correlation between ab sences and grades, and between absences and activities. Six Men Chosen In Tryouts for Oratorical Work New Method Planned for ‘Extemp Contest'; Only One-hour Notiee Given Six members of tbe oratory squad and the two men who will repre sent Oregon in the state wide and E. Jachetta tlio Pacific Por | ensic league’s cx | tempore contests | were chosen vos I t e r d a v by A. I Holmes Baldridge, coach. Tlie o r a t o r'y squad is made up of: James B. Sharp, junior in law, Portland; John W. Nelson, senior in business a d m ini strut,ion, Oakland, Oalifor ma; i.tauue 1j. iinn, junior in pre law, La Grande; Harvey Wright, .junior in pre-law, Eugene; Avery Thompson, junior in economics, Sal em; Joe MeKcKown, senior in eco nomics, Marshfield. Contestants who will represent Oregon in the district meet for the oration on the constitution, as well as the Pacific forensic, league and the State Old Line contests, will lie chosen later from this group of six. Errol B. Sloan, senior in English, from Coquille, will represent Ore gon in the Pacific Forensic league’s extempore contest, and Ernest Jachetta, senior in law, Portland, will take part in the state-wide ex tempore meet. “A new method will lie used in (he Pacific league’s ‘extemp’ con test,” Mr. Baldridge said. “One hour before the contest the. speakers will he assigned a topic, on some event of national political, social or eco nomic interest. The reason for the new plan is that in the past speak ers have anticipated the subdivi sions of the broad, general topic as signed and have outlined or even written and learned speeches to be delivered as extemporaneous. The effort is to make it a real extem poraneous contest.” The state wide “extemp” contest will bo conducted on the old plan, Mr. Baldridge said. The general topic, is vet to be announced. Twenty-third ‘Bust’ For Art Folk Tonight New Features on Program; ‘Kampus Togs’ in Or<ler The twenty-third Art Bust will ho held in the Woman’s building from 7:1’.O to 10:]!) tonight. It will be a regular get-together and get - ac quainted party for all art majors. Heads of houses are urged to have all their art. majors attend. “It is strictly informal a,n.d ‘ kampun klothes’ will be in order,” says Carl Heilborn, who is in charge of the dance plans, “and bring ten cents.” Kenton Hamaker is in charge of features and he promises to disclose some big secrets. It lias leaked out that Jack Morrison and Bob Smith will feature in a “bevy of banjo agitations” but that is only one of the numerous good features to an ticipate. The committees for the Art Bust include: music, Carl ITeilborn; re freshments, Hilda Wanker; features, Carl Heilborn; clean up, Dorothy Chapman; publicity, Glenn Gardiner. Patrons and patronesses for the dance are Mr. and Mrs. Nowland B. Zane, Mr. and Mrs. Eyler Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hudson, and John Walquist. Student Once Fled From Russia; Now Major in Geology at Oregon Scion of Aristocracy Now Sorority Dish Washer; Education Seen Merely as Family Tradition By CAROL HURLBURT This is t!u> story of a man who es caped from Russia, wlio lived in Manchuria, whoso fatlior is of the Russian aristocracy—and who is washing dishes in a sorority house to put himself through college. It is the story of a man who has green eyes, who has a stern look and who is going to college, not because he is especially interested in learn ling anything, but simply because jit is the tradition of his family. llis name is Andrei isotoff. He is a senior in geology. “Why did you flee from Russia?” asked the reporter and then shivered at the word flee; because Mr. Iso toff has steady eyes, steady hands; he looks as if if would take Heaven and Hell to move him. Rut he replied with the slightest shrug of liis shoulders, “People were being killed. Bread was running low. My father was of the privi leged elasses. I was too young to join 1 >10 army, and the Bolshevies did not favor men of the privi leged elass,” hi> smiled slightly. Mr. Isotoff left Manchuria be cause there was no university there, and because the Bolshevies would have made him fight in their army. Mr Isotoff, however, had no con victions as to the right or wrong of the revolution. Now, ho does not know what, he will do when he finishes his education; or, if he does know, he will not tell. He looks as if he never told anything, as if he would never talk. “If I were a man,” said the re (Continued on Pape Two) Sam Grathwell Will Lecture at Next Assembly Speaker Has Had Colorful Career as a Boot-black, Newspaper Boy, Waiter Sam (Irathwell, who will he the speaker at. tlio assembly in the Wo man’s building Thursday morning at 11 o’clock, lias had a career that reads like a popular novel. He was horn in the tenements and left, fatherless at seven. In order to help support, his mother and tlie two younger children in the family lie sold newspapers and shin ed shoes. Before he seriously con sidered going to school he spent many years as factory hand, barrel painter, ditch digger, saloon porter, bar-room waiter, elevator hoy and salesman. A chance word of appreciation started him to school. Later lie entered the sixth grade of the night school. While he was there he ma<l£ a brief presentation speech which called attention to his gift for speaking, and led later, when lie was 21, to entering Berea college, Berea, Ky. He made his own way, and nine years later received his A. B. degree at Leland Stanford Jr. university. Here in his senior year ho won highest forensic honors. irevious to ttiis, wane at the laei fic university, lie won three state and one inter-state oratorical con tests. He holds membership in three honorary debating fraternities, Delta Sigma Rho, Pi Kappa Delta, and Phi Alpha Tau. Mr. Grathwell will speak on “China—A Vision or Nightmare.” He recently spent five months in the Orient making a careful, first hand study of political, soc.ihl and economic, conditions in China, Japan, Formosa and Korea. He was in Shanghai when the Southern Army was mobilizing in preparation for the early summer offensive against the Northern troops. While there he met. and talked with many of the Chinese leaders. Rev. E. M. Whitesmith, pastor of the Unitarian church, will deliver the opening invocation. Esther Saager, junior in music, will entertain with a vocal solo pre ceding the lecture. Mathematicians Play at DeCou Home Tonight Tiddley-winks, Intellectual Recreation on Program The Mathematics club will hold its annual party at the homo of Edgar E. DeCou, head of the mathe matics department, at 923 Hilvard street, tonight at 8 o’clock. “Chess, checkers, bridge, tiddley winks, poker, and similar intellect ual pastimes will serve to entertain the guests,” Dob Jackson, president of the club, says. “The crowning event of the evening’s fun will be a game of Kriegspiel between Pro fessor DeCou and David Roy Davis, of the mathematics department. For the benefit of the uninitiates let it be said that Kriegspiel is a cross between three-man chess and blind man’s buff.” Sick List at Infirmary Swelled by New Cases The list of patients in the infirm ary is now swelled to five, three of whom, Kenneth Curry, Abner Doper and Clair Coe, are suffering from colds. Charles Peterson is also confined with a case of the mumps, and Thelma Burton has appendicitis. It has now been seven days since there has been a case of influenza in the infirmary, clearly showing that the epidemic is broken. Woman’s Frolic Scheduled for Middle of April Men Scorned at Annual Affair for Rnsliees; Preppers Are Welcomed The “April Frolic,’’ which is »n nniuinl affair given for the enter tainment. of women rnsliees, is scheduled for April 20, according to •lane Cochrane, socinl chairman of the Women's league. A certain week-end is set aside during the month of April at which time women’s living organizations may entertain high school students, and the “April Frolic” is an eve ning’s program that is put on by members of the various classes. A prize is awarded for the class pre senting the best, stunt, it being won by the freshmen last year. Only women are allowed at the affair, and all attend in as original ami (Mover costumes as can bo found. Pan-Hellenic ruling is that rushees can bo entertained at houses only twice a year—the April Frolic being included as one of these times, and a formal dance or other social event as the other. Committees for making plans will bo announced, within a short time. Jane Cochrane will act as general chairman. I, Breakfast Club Hears Talk by Coach McEwan Hawaii Trip Related Over Radio by Grid Mentor How the -University of Oregon football team enjoyed its stay in Hawaii during the Christmas vaca tion period was related (o tlio Port land Breakfast club Tuesday inorn ing by Captain John J. McEwan, eoaeh of the Webfoot eleven. Captain MeEwan’s remarks were at the same time broadcast over radio station KOW, which sends out to radio listeners all that is said and done at the Portland Breakfast club, which meets every Tuesday morning for ham and eggs in the Portland hotel. Humorous side remarks on the trip to Hawaii were inserted in Captain MeEwan’s talk from time to time by George L. Baker, mayor of Port land, who also had recently visited the Islands. Captain McEwan related how it was necessary for the referee to hold the ball between plays during the first game because a 50-mile gale was blowing at the time of the game. Educators Discourage Low Average Students Students whose work in college is decidedly below the average are to bo discouraged from taking edu cation courses qualifying them for high school certificates, it was agreed at a recent conference of representatives from the University of Oregon, Oregon State college and other state colleges with C. A. How ard, state superintendent of public instruction in Salem, according to Dean H. S. Sheldon, who represent ed the university at the meeting. Dean Faville Speaks To Portland Buyers Dean David E. Faville, of the school of business administration, spoke to the Albany Ad club yes terday on “Modern Trends in Ite tailing.” On Saturday, February 2, Dean Faville is scheduled to speak on the same topic to the managers and buyers of Lipman, Wolfe & Co., a large Portland department store. He expects to return from Al bany the same day. Juniors to Meet This Afternoon Discussion of Pictures in Oregana Coming Up Several important matters are to tie taken up at a meeting of tiro .junior class lliis afternoon at in Yillanl hall, according to George Moorail, president. A committee on plans for junior shine day will he heard and a dale fixed for the event. A new arrangement of junior class pictures in the Oregano is to he taken up at the meeting, as well as advance discussion id' junior vodvil plans. Parents Sponsor New Infirmary For University Influenza Epidemic Brings Request That State Help Puy for Needed Hospital SAT.KM, Ore., ,l!in. 22.—(Special) —Parents of stmleiits at tlio ITni versify of Oregon, alarmed over eon ditions prevailing there during (lie influenza epidemic last fall, when young men and women were crowded into temporary quarters, are spon soring a bill asking for the con struction of an infirmary at the university, according to advices re ceived Tiere. Agreements of the officials of the university and the Oregon Agricfll tural college to request no appropria tions for new buildings will not pre vent the introduction of the bill, members of the ways and means committee have been advised. The co-operative plan, which calls for an appropriation of $50,000 to build the infirmary, conditional upon the raising of a like amount by pri vate subscription, was furthered greatly when it was heard that the amount to be subscribed had already been pledged by friends of the uni versity and members of the “Ore gon Pads,” a statewide organiza tion of fathers of university stu dents. Members of the legislature, al though admitting that Bueh a co operative [dan may pass 1 ho body, am fearful that it would not sur vivo tho governor’s veto, in view of his stand on capital outlays outside of those recommended in tiie budget. A resolution by mothers of the students, which reached here in the lawmakers’ mail Tuesday, states that the investigation leading up to tho appropriation request “lias been made and this action taken without the knowledge of the governing au thorities of the University of Oregon and wholly upon (lie volition of the mothers of the students at the uni versity.” The resolution further points out. that the present infirmary is housed in a one and one-half story building in a bad state of repair, and that it provides beds for only 1.1 students. It further points out that of 3200 resident students at tho university 300 were down during the recent flu epidemic. “I had heard intimations for some time that there was to be such a bill as this,” said ]>r. Fred N. Mil ler, head of the university health service last night, “but had not paid much attention to them, so 1 was greatly surprised when I learned of this action. I understand that most i of the backers of the idea are Port-! land people, but further than what | has been heard from Salem nothing! definite is known of the affair in ' university health circles.” Council Says Cooperation Agreed Upon Dance Committee To Work ilh Herscliel Taylor O n Recommendations Many Improvements Suggested at Meeting Plans for Campa Shoppe Repairs Cet Under Way Hearty cooperation between tlir* dance commit tpp of the student, council and Herschel Taylor, man ager of (lie Onmpa Shoppe, was agreed to at a meeting of the com mittee with Taylor in the office of .Toe McKeown, president of the as sociated students, yesterday. The meeting brought to an end one of the student council’s several 11 probes,” others of which have been concerned with the' infirmary and University Co-op. The committer made an examina tion of t lie ('a in pa Shoppe on Sat urday and completed its report yes terday. The report included eight recommendations, which Taylor agreed to fulfill, provided he could count, upon the cooperation of the committee. This, in turn, was promised. Three Suggestions Made Principal among the recommenda tions was that the entrance he re paired, that the decorations he re arranged in neater fashion, that a. idoak room lie furnished and that the shop he thoroughly cleaned and dusted before each dance. In addi tion to the recommendations the committee reported three findings as the result, of the investigation: 1. The punch served was found to he satisfactory and the glasses were found to lie clean and kept in a sanitary place. 2. The floor, although in not the best of condition, cannot be further remedied. The warmth of the Shoppe has been improved by the addition of gas heaters. Improvements Planned <®Tn,vlor pointed out at. the meet ing that he had already made ar rangements for the replacement of broken glass in the front windows of the Campa Shoppe by painted beaver hoard. A row of booths in the center of the front portion of the Shoppe will he removed imme diately, according to plans made some time ago, and suggested yes terday again by the committee, Taylor said. Present plans for cleaning call for the hiring of threo students to take the responsibility of sweeping 'and dusting, so that dust at Ilia time of each dance will be reduced to a minimum. The committee agreed to aid Tay lor in any way it could in providing the maximum of comfort at the weekly dances. McKeown Gives Report Following yesterday’s meeting, •Toe McKeown, chairman of the stu dent council and president of the associated students, made the fol io wing announcement: “The Campa Shoppe committee on January 10, 1929, went over con ditions with Hersehel Taylor. The committee found Mr. Taylor willing to cooperate with them in eliminat ing some of the former complaints, and work along this line had al ready been started. The following recommendations were made by the (Continued on Page Three) Ts Sloppiness Collegiate? Dean Asks Questions on Sox, Necking Pops the typical collegian have socks hut no gaiters? Are his shirt and collar rumpled and is his soil habitually wrinkled? Is there any connection between the attempt to be “collegiate” and such problems as drinking, “necking” and neglect of class work? Henry Grattan Doyle, dean of men at George Washington university, told the Associated Press the an swer to the questions is “No,” but he wants information on the sub ject, and to that end he has sent questionnaires to the deans of 400 leading colleges. He plans to pre sent his survey before the annual convention of the Association of Deans and Advisers of Men in Washington, April 11, 12 and 13. Tn his letter Dean Doyle said that he was sure college authorities had felt concern and sometimes chagrin “over the mental picture of the ‘collegiate’ boy and girl which the general public has apparently cre ated during recent years.” He de dared that lie was sending his ques tionnaire in an effort to contribute something toward the correction of what he believed an erroneous pub lie opinion. Among the questions asked by Dean Doyle are: ‘‘ Is the typical 'collegiate' of the humorous press and the vaudeville stage the typical student of your college? Is Collegian Sloppy? “Is a slouehy appearance, as evi denced by garterless socks, rumpled shirt and collar, sloppy shoes and wrinkled suits of clothing, typical of your student body; “Is there any connection, in your opinion, between the attempt to be collegiate and such problems as (a) drinking, (b) necking, (c) neglect of class work, (d) dishonesty in examinations, (e) other ethical prob lems? “In your opinion, is the ‘collegi ate’ type diminishing or increas ing?”