Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 19, 1929, Image 1

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To Work With
U. Of Mexico
National University Writes
To Local Group Asking
For Aid, Cooperation
Institute Collecting
Documents for Study
American Problems Will
Receive Close Attention
- v
A program of close co-operation
hot worn ttio International Relations
clnh of the University of Oregon
and the newly established Inter
American Institute of the National
University of Mexico is expected to
lie approved at the next meeting of
the campus organization, it is an
nounced by George Verne Blue, ns
A sistanf professor of history, who is
chairman of the faculty committee
for the club. A communication from
Alfonso Brunada, rector of the Na
tional University and president of
the Institute has been received in
which the work is outlined.
Institute Procures Papers
The Institute lias been established
to procure all documents necessary
for the study of the problems of
America which may be followed out
later, to strengthen the cultural
relations between all countries of
America, to form a library and
archive for the use of those study
ing issues before America, and to
call meetings of members to discuss
subjects which may bo brought up,
the letter states.
The session for last year was held
August 1.1 to IS at the National Uni
versity of Mexico, during which the
following subjects were discussed:
Subjects Discussed
Pan-Americanism, Latin-American -
ism, Spnnish-Amcrieanism—which is
the slogan most appropriate to Span
ish America?
The problem of Inter-American
^ communication.
Definition of imperialism in its
various aspects—namely, economic,
political, cultural, etc.
What type of culture is most ap
propriate to Spanish America?
Arbitration as a means of settl
ing difficulties that can arise be
tween the different countries of
What means can be put in practice
to encourage intellectual relations
between the nations of America ?
To Establish Centers
The National University of Mexico
also proposes that a similar institute
be established in each country on
the American continent, and that
centers of study along this line bo
established wherever possible.
Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, president
of the University of Oregon, has
written to Senor Prunafla offering
. the utmost co-operation, and keen
interest in the work is expected to
be shown by the International Re
lations club here.
Sigma Xi To Hear
± Lecture by Sears
Dr. II. ,T. Sears of the medical
school in Portland will give a lec
ture on the Bacteriopliase at the
next meeting of Sigma Xi, national
honorary science fraternity, which
will be held in Eugene January 25
for both the Portland and local
On February 8, the meeting will
convene at Corvallis, where Dr. II.
B. Yocom, professor of zoology, will
give the main speech. His topic is
as yet undecided.
Another popular lecture is to be
sponsored by Sigma Xi towards the
last of February.
Increase in Number of College Men
In Legislature in Past Decade Shown
One of the topics of the day that
hobs up constantly is tlie question
► of the qualifications of our state’s
solons to make our laws.
The query arises as to whether
they are any better qualified by ex
perience or by education than were
their predecessors of the sessions of
five, ten or twenty years ago.
The answer seems to be that the
present legislature is better pre
pared, in the imrtter of educational
qualifications,' than any previous
one. In legislative experience, that
is, in the average number of years
actually devoted to lawmaking by
the members of the legislature now
in session in Salem, the present
group of legislators appear to be as
well qualified as any other in the
history of the state. These facts
are revealed in information con
tained in the "Who’s Who edition of
Ik the Oregon Voter for 1929.
. During the past ten years the
number of representatives with col
lege educations has increased 12
per cent. Of the total number of (50
representatives 44 of them are grad
uates of colleges. This means that
73 per cent of the representatives
are college graduates.
- While information regarding the
educational acquirements of legisla
tures earlier than ten years ago is
not available, it is known that the
present number of college men in
the house is much greater than was
found 30 or 40 years ago.
In the senate there has been n6
material increase in the number of
college trained men during the past
decade. Of the 30 senators, 20 of
them, or (57 per cent, are graduates
: of colleges or universities. This is
the same as the number with college
training in the 1919 senate. Due to
(Continued on rage Two)
Bill Admitting Oregon Law Graduates
To Bar Without Exam, Norblad’s Idea
Stale Senator Will Introduce Measure in Salem
Legislature; Dean Carpenter Mum on Issues
SALEM, Ore., Jan. 19.—(Special
to the Emerald).—Senator A. \V.
Xorhlad of Clatsop county, presi
dent of the upper house, announced
today that next week he would in
troduce a bill to permit graduates
of the University of Oregon law
school to practice in the courts of
the state without taking the state
bar examination. Senator Xorhlad
J pointed out that Michigan and some
other states grant similar privilege
* to graduates of their state univer
j sity law schools, even when exam
I illations aro required of graduates
of famous institutions outside tlio
Dean Charles H. Carpenter of the
law school, when asked last night to
make a statement on tlio proposed
hill of Senator Norblad, stated that
he had nothing to say on the subject
at present, hut expected to issue one
next week.
Should such a law he passed
through the state legislature, it
would mean the saving of countless
(Continued nil Page Vonr)
i February Eight
Is New Date Set
For B.A.S.A. Hop
Rutherford Promises Wax
For Floor, Good Musie,
Punch, Low Admission
Confliction in the dating of dances
for January Hd, lias made it neces
sary that the business administration
student body association dance be
moved ahead to Friday, February 8,
it was announced today' by William
Rutherford, general chairman of the
Flans for the dance include all
things, stated the chairman, that go
to make a good dance better.
Jimmy Purcell’s Percolators will
furnish the clatter—piping hot—
syncopation—enough to lighten the
heaviest of the light fantastic toes.
“Admission,” continued Mr. Ruth
erford, “is only six bits a couple.
You can see we don’t intend to have
any student committees investigat
ing our dance for profiteering, poorly
waxed floor, lack of light, nor abun
dance of dirt. Seventy-five cents
a couple, good punch and every
The dance will take place in the
Woman’s building Friday, February
8. The general chairman states pos
itively that the floor will be fixed
if lie has to get down on his hands
and knees to do it.
Members of the business adminis
tration student body association and
their friends are privileged to at
tend this dance. “But,” added Mr.
Rutherford, “we consider that every
one on the campus is a friend.”
Tickets are new and a novelty.
They are in the form of a balance
sheet with the copy entered as debit
and credit items.
Decorations are being planned,
and Mr. Rutherford hopes to have
a surprise for the campus in the way
of something new.
Representatives for the selling of
tickets to the dance are as follows:
Grace Griggs, Roma Whisnant, Har
vey Robertson, Ronald MeCreight,
Ralph Geyer, Delbert Richmond, and
Margaret Barratt.
The library in the commerce build
ing will also have tickets for sale.
Miss Pauline Guthrie
Will Sing at Vespers
j\Iiss Pauline Guthrie, mezzo
soprano and sophomore in the school
of music, will sing “There Is a Land
Mine Eye Hath Seen” as a solo
number at the Sunday afternoon
vesper service scheduled for 4:30
o ’clock, January 20, at the music
The service will be read by Rev.
t Franklin J. Haas, D.D., pastor of
j the First Methodist Episcopal church
of Eugene.
John Stark Evans will be at the
organ, playing music yet to be
Teaching Jobs
For Next Year
To Be Filled Soon
Many Positions Offered
Qualified Students by
Appointment Bureau
The busy son son for the place
ment of teachers will begin soon,
reaching its height in March and
'April, according to Professor P. L.
Stetson, director of the appointment
“All university students who ex
pect to be rpialified and available
for teaching, positions next fail
Should register in the appointment
bureau within the next month in
order that their credentials may be
prepared, properly,” said Mr. Stet
son yesterday afternoon.
The appointment bureau is now
located in commodious new quarters
in room 1 of the Education build
ing and is well equipped to take
care of the many calls for teachers
and administrators that come from
Oregon and surrounding states, ac
cording to Mr. Stetson.
Last year the bureau assisted in
the placement of nearly 300 teach
ers, including 147 of the 11)28 senior
class and gra-duatc school.
“The registration fee is one dol
lar. I do not, know of any similar
investment which insures anything
near the same amount of personal
attention and service. This charge
is especially low when compared
with the five per cent of the first
year’s salary which is charged for
placement by commercial agencies,”
continued Mr. Stetson.
A meeting of all prospective can
didates for teaching positions is
called for Tuesday, January 22, at
4 o’clock in the Education building
when the work of the bureau and
the process of registration and ap
plication will he explained.
Flood Problem Studied
By Environment Class
Situation Between Eugene,
Springfield Surveyed
The 9:00 o’clock “Man anc( ITis
Environment” class, taught by Dr.
Warren ]). Smith, has been assigned
a survey of the flood situation exist
ing between Eugene and Springfield.
Tliis problem, which presents a real
menace, has been discussed in the
local papers for some time.
“Although many of the students
do not consider it so, this is in
reality a geological problem,” stated
Dr. Smith. “Its importance may be
illustrated by the fact that the
Union Pacific, the Southern Pacific,
and tlie U. S. reclamation bureau
have experts at work attempting to
solve it. It shows that, we do not
have to go afield for our research,
but that we have problems to be
solved at our very door—problems
which are vitally connected with
the daily life of the community.”
Dr. Smith said that while he did
not expect a final solution to this
assignment, he did expect it to give
the students experience, and to get
them interested in the problems
which confront the community.
Freshmen in R.O.T.C.
Take First Aid Course
A short first aid course lias been
■given to the freshmen taking mili
tary training by the K. O. T. C. de
partment this week and will be eon
eluded today. A quiz covering the
work will be given Monday.
The work was aimed to give the
students a general knowledge of
what to do in ease of accident or
other eases in which victims need
immediate attention. Snake bites,
| insect stings, broken bones, wounds,
fainting, shock, burns, poisoning, and
i others have been taken up and steps
for relief have been named. The
. men were also told how to care for
the feet while hiking or marching,
and how simple precautions may be
taken to ward oft' disease.
Swim Meets
With Three
Schools Sure
Anderson and Silverman
Furnish Main Strength;
Twelve Will Go South
Stanford, O.S.C., U.S.C.
Sign for Competition
Freshman Team Promises
Powerful Agregation
Announcement. of a tentative
schedule for the Oregon varsity
swimming team was made vesterdav
by .lack Renofiel,
igraduato manager.
Two moots with
O. S. 0., amt ono
each with Stan
£ o r d university
a ml I ho University
of Southern Cali
fornia are definite.
Other moots will
probably bo sched
uled before the
opening of t h 0
season in .Febru
Stanford Listed
After meeting tlie. Oregon State
swimmers on February t) at Eugene,
Ihe Oregon team will entrain for
California to contest with Stanford
and U. S. C. Two other opponents
will probably be selected, the Uni
versity of California and the Uni
versity of California at Eos Angeles
if negotiations now under way are
completed. If these schools are not
signed up, one or more California
club teams will be met.
The second O. S. C. meet will be
March 4 at Corvallis, and unless
Washington State college arranges
meets with O. S. C. and Oregon, this
will complete the Wobfoot season.
Anderson Leader
Foremost among the men expected
to show up well against the well
trained southern swimmers is John
ny Anderson, holder of. several Pa
cific coast records. Charles “Chuck”
Silverman, distance swimmer, is ex
pected to win his event at least once
in the California meets. Twelve
men selected from the squad of 20
now out will make Ihe southern trip.
Wobfoot freshman swimmers will
participate in a meet, with O. S. C.
and enter the Oregon state cham
pionships at Portland. One of the
strongest freshman teams in the
history of Oregon swimming is a
likelihood for this year. Three per
formers of note, from California,
Tommy Blankenburg, Frank Walton,
and Frank Mooney, entered the
university the winter term and will
be eligible for the varsity in 1!K>0.
Oregon Rifle Team
Schedules Matches
With Many Schools
The Oregon rifle team will have
a schedule including matches with
teams in almost every part of the
country, according to Capt. 0. II.
Bragg, rifle coach.
The schedule includes the follow
ing: February 9, University of
Washington, University of Dayton,
Ohio; February 10, Washington
State college, University of Illinois,
Kimper Military school, Missouri;
February 2;!, Agricultural and Me
chanics college, Texas, North Dakota
university, University of Cincin
nati; March 2, Culver Military ac
ademy, Rhode Island State college,
Lafayette college, Pennsylvania;
March 9, Washington university, St.
Louis, O. S. C., Corvallis.
The team members have not been
chosen but the squad will consist of
10 men. The (Contesting teams shoot
on their home ranges, then send the
scores to the college with which the
match was being held. A national
contest for the William Randolph
Ilearst trophy will take place from
February 15 to April 10.
Moran Breaks Record
With 1B7 P. A. Points
A new high point score of 187
was piled up in tlie last physical
ability tests held at the men’s
gymnasium last Saturday, January
12, by Thomas Moran, freshman in
architecture. Gilbert French, fresh
man in pre-law, made the next high
est score of 177 points. Moran’s
and French’s scores both broke the
previous record of 175 points made
in tho fall term by Tyrell Lowery.
Frank Walton, freshman in jour
nalism, broke the swim record of
5!)..‘! seconds for the 100 yards swim
—wjiich, by the way, is his own—
by 1..'! seconds, thereby establish
ing a new record of 5.8 seconds.
The average of the scores in all the
events and of the total scores for
the contest was considerably higher
than the scores of the fall term.
Freshman Mentor
This is Spike Leslie, himself, fo*
the last three years freshman bas
ketball and baseball coach and assis
tant freshman football tutor. Spike
fis a former all-coast guard from
Oregon and started in tho Harvard
game at Pasadena New Year’s day,
Frosh Win Game
In Last Minute
Of Play 21-24
Free Toss b Ragen, Field
Goal by Keenan, Give
Victory to Oregon
MEDFORD, Ore., Jan. 18.—(Spe
cial)—Oregon frosh won their bas
ketball opener here tonight by de
feating Medford high school 21-21
in a game so close that the score
was tied one minuto before the
final whistle.
A free throw by Ragen, closely
followed by a field goal by Keenan,
gave the frosh their victory. Med
ford had a chance to come out
ahead but threw it. away when
Dowerman and MacDonald each
missed tosses from clear positions.
Keenan, with- 11 counters, was
high point man for tho frosli. Dolp
and Stevens both played a flashy
Gain in Enrollment
Reaches 4 Per Cent
3,164 Are Registered This
Term; 3,044 Last Year
There arc 120 more, students regis
tered iu the university this winter
term than there were at this time
last year, according to tho statistics
of the registrar’s office. The total
enrollment for this term is 3,164
while last winter term it was 3,044.
Thin shows an increase of four per
Mon outnumber the women by 376.
There are 1770 men registered in
the university and 1394 women. The
graduate students number 140.
The four per cent increase in en
rollment i.s larger than the increase
usually shown in colleges and uni
versities, according to the registrar’s
office. Wednesday, January 16, was
the last day to enter the university.
'Desert Street’ Flower
Found by L. E. Delting
A pale yellow flower with exquis
ite narrow leaves and an odor as of
dried rose petals only pungent am\
spicy—something from Arabia, has
been found in the Paulinas moun
tains of Oregon by Leroy Ellsworth
Detling, instructor in romance lan
This flower is known as “Desert
Sweet,” because it grows only in
extremely arid lands. It has never
before been found in Oregon, but
was discovered in the Modoc lava
beds of California.
Mr. Detling’s hobby is plant biol
ogy, and all last summer he spent
camping by himself, with only the
company of foresters, studying the
flora of the Paulinas mountains.
These mountains have been studied
before, but Mr. Detlitig brought in
the most complete collection of flow
ers and the only seasonal one there
A set of these belongs to the
t herbarium of the university.
Husky Battle Seen
As Crucial Game Of
Basketball Season
Play-by-play Reports for Opening Tilt
To Be Staged at McArthur Court at
7:45; Dope in Favor of Seattle Men
Championship of Northern Section May Hinge
On Outcome of Battle With W ashington Team
Tonight at Seattle the basketball teams of.Oregon and
Washington begin their drives toward the championship of the
northern section of the Pacific coast, conference. Because either
one of these teams is generally conceded the title for 1929, the
game is the most important on schedule for today.
As Oregon battles the Huskies in the University of Wash
ington athletic pavilion, eager students at Eugene will hear the
results of the game at McArthur court. The first news of the
game will start coming over the wires at 7:45 o’clock.
The game at Seattle will not be broadcast and to satisfv the
John B. Siefert
May Not Return
To Music School
Breakdown Is Suffered by
Professor Since Going
To California on Friday
Possibility that John B. Sicfort.,
head of the voice department of the
school of music, may not return to
the campus to resume instruction
work was made known Friday by
Karl W. Onthank, executive secre
tary of the university, who received
a telegram from Mr. Siefert's father
in Atascaredo, California, where the
university music teacher is seriously
ill at the home of his parents.
The telegram stated that Mr. Sie
fert had suffered a nervous break
down since he left with Mrs. Siefert
last 'Friday for tho California city.
Dr. John J. Lnndsbury, dean of
the school of music, declared yes
terday. “Mr Siefert has suffered
a nervous breakdown, and he will
not be back. II is pupils will be
taken over by other members of
the voice faculty as they soo fit,
and carried on a cooperative basis,
until after the spring term.”
It was indicated bv Dean Lnnds
bury that no successor to Mr. Siefert
would be named before the spring
Mr. Siefert has been with the Uni
versity of Oregon for nearly eight
years as a teacher of vioce. lie was
a pupil of Ellsworth Giles, Pitts
burgh, Pa.; of Mine. Carl Alves, Leip
zig and New York; of Mine. Jeanne
Joniolli, San Francisco, and Theodore
Schroeder, Boston. Ho was soloist
with the Russian Symphony orches
tra for some time before coming to
Eugene and with both the Pitts
burgh Festival orchestra and the San
Francisco Symphony orchestra for
considerable periods.
Father O’Hara
Faculty Cuest
Father O’Hara, priest of the local
Catholic, church for the past 15
years, and who is leaving shortly
for Washington, D. ('., was the
guest of honor at a luncheon given
by several members of the univer
sity faculty at the new dormitory
Father O’Hara is the brother of
John O’Hara who is well known on
the campus, having formerly taught
history here.
Father Leipsig, who has been
transferred from Corvallis, will fill
the position left vacant bv Father
demand tor a narrative report of
the game the Oregon Professional
sport writers have made special nr
)■ :i n g o m o n t a t o
bring a play-by
play description
to M o A r t h u r
coil rt.
A direct hook
up between lOu
gene and Seattle
lias been complet
ed and as soon as
a play is made in
t li e Washington
pavilion it will bo
announced at the
,, _ igloo. A appoint
Ray Edwards nm,)lifvins spt of
megaphones has boon set up in Mc
Arthur court, and the reproduction
of what may be the championship
game of the north will be heard
under the most favorable conditions.
Three announcers, all having a
thorough knowledge of basketball,
have been selected by the Writers’
association, to announce the tilt.
They are'Charles dost, W. T. Flet
cher, and Sam Wildorman. These
three will alternate in tolling the
story of the game. .Tost is assis
tant coach, Fletcher is trainer, and
Wildorman is the sports publicity
director. IToc Robnett, assistant
graduate manager, has charge of the
Special features have been arrang
ed for before the game and between
halves There will be a full pro
gram of orchestral dance music, and
the sport writers predict the best
combined entertainment, athletics
and dancing, of the year.
Huskies Doped to Win
Washington, on the basis of its
championship last year and its ex
ceptional pre-season record of this
year, is favored to win from Oregon
tonight. Tho Wobfpot team has
been developing slowly, hampered
practically all season by numerous
injuries. Streaks of brilliance in
pre-season contests give promise of
power in the Oregon basketball com
bination. Tl" tho Oregonians are
“on” tonight, 'Washington will find
a tough team to beat.
Bill Reinhart, with his customary
wariness, refuses to announce a
starting line-up for tho game. Tho
combination which won from tho
Checkerboards last Tuesday and the
one which has been working to
gether in practice since then, un
doubtedly will get the first call.
Line-up Announced
The most probable line-up in
cludes Gordon Ridings and Scott
Milligan, forwards; Ray Edwards,
center; and Don McCormick and
Dave Epps, guards. This is a vet
eran outfit, and all five of the play
ers were in the two Washington
games last year.
In the last three years Oregon
has not lost a basketball game at
(Continued on l'age Three)
Style Revue Peacock in Splendor;
Lounging Robes, Sports Togs Shown
Al] dressed up and nowhere to go! j
The atmosphere was of jewels. There
were dresses that sparkled with
them—dresses that shone with them
—and a dress that ran silver with
satin. There were small foot shod
with gold and many with silver
Had you elosed your eyes, you
would have dreamed you were in
heaven, listening to a perfect sere
“ I ’ll marry you tomorrow
And I’ll die if you say no.”
Thus sang the 8. A. E. quartet,
members of which were Billy Sievers,
Don Eva, Chovvn Phillips and Art
Hansen. Other music, was furnished
by Roma and Martha Gross on the
violin and piano, and Jack Dennis
played the saxophone.
The style show lust night outdid
the last one by its magnificence—
and the mannequins were dressed
for the eye of man. An attempt was
wado to improve tho show. Tlio
lights, instead of living deepened,
were brighter and too harsh for most
of the models, although, through reg
ulation, they were better at the end
of the show than at the beginning.
The picture of the fashion revue
was peacock in its pride, splendor,
and futuristic scenery. The exhibi
tion of fashions repeated for the
public was sponsored by the
Women’s league for the benefit of
the fund for tho new infirmary.
Elsie Goddard was general chair
man, and wis assisted by Martha
Stevens, Mao Tobin, Carl Heilborn,
Floyd Hunk, and Dorothy Kirk.
The clothes for sports and school
wear were mostly of the trim, tail
ored kind. The afternoon creations
were either deep tones of claret
rod, wood brown or else vivid blues,
and lounging robes were luxurious.
And then a small girl ready for bed,
‘ all comfy with an alarm clock.
Time for the sandman!