Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 18, 1929, Image 1

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    Oregon Team
Leaves For
Seattle Today
Huskies Favored To Win
From Webfoot Players
In Opening Hoop Mateh
Biggest Development
Shown by Roy Hughes
Ten Expected To Make
Journey to Washington
Tbe University of Oregon basket
ball squad, ten strong, will entrain
for Seattle this morning to open
imp I’.itty conter
tnco hoop, season
tgainst the Fni
sity of Washing
ton Huskies. This
nill he the first of
1 series of six
games tire Web
foots will play be
fore returning to
Eugene. Five of
I hose contests will
lie against confer
ence teams anj
the sixth will be H. Eberhart
played with Gonzaga, at Spokane, as
a return game. The Bulldogs defeat
ed the Webfoots here last week.
Huskies Favored
The TTuskies are generally favored
over Oregon in Saturday’s game.
The northern squad has made a clean
sweep in all of the pre-season games
while the Oregonians have played
only mediocre ball. Coach Rein
hart thinks his men will come out
of their slump against Washington.
The Oregon team is expected to fight
it out with the Huskies for the north
west championship. Reinhart has
worked his men in long practice
sessions of late in an endeavor to
whip them into shape for the open
ing game. After trying several
combinations he has about decided
to start five of last year’s letter
men Saturday It is probable that
Gordon Ridings and Scott Milligan
will line up at forwards, Ray Ed
wards at center, and Hon McCor
mick and Have Epps at guards.
Snider Best Bet
Washington's best bets include
two former Portland high school
stars, Milton Berensen, center, and
Stanley Jaloff, forward. Monte
Snider is again picked as the key
man of the Washington attack. He
is a veteran player and a dangerous
man in any game.
One of the outstanding develop
, ments of the hoop season thus far
is the rise of Roy Hughes, a new
comer to the. Oregon ranks. This
young man has almost won a regu
lar job over the veterans on hand
and is expected to see much service
on the road trip. Hon McCormick
and Have Epps have also shown
marked improvement in recent
games and the team worfT! well to
gether on the defense. McCormick
has also found his shooting eye of
late. Scott Milligan has been shift
ed to a forward berth from guard
because of his scoring ability. He
has played the most consistent game
of any man on the squad. Ridings
k came through in the last Willamette
game to lead in the scoring. He
has been bothered with the flu and
recently has been nursing an infect
ed elbow. He is in better shape at
present than at any time this season.
Among the men expected to make
the trip are Gordon Ridings, • Scott
Milligan, Keith Emmons, and Roy
Hughes, forwards; Ray Edwards and
Howard Eberhart, centers; and Hon
McCormick, Have Epps, Marvyn
Chastain, and .Toe Bally, guards.
Lost and Found Shelf
At University Depot
Filled With Articles
By flip looks of flip lost anti found
department at the University Depot
not many students know just where
to look for their lost, strayed or
stolen. Over at the depot there are
two cupboards full of articles rang
ing from pens to umbrellas, tagged
and arranged waiting for their
The depot serves as a home for
these lost ones until they are claim
ed. If they remain ownerless they
are auctioned for the Women’s
league scholarship fund.
Harriett Hodgin To Be
Assistant Secretary
Miss Harriett Hodgin has accept
ed a position as assistant secretary
in the appointment bureau of the
school of education, Miss Ida M.
Pope, secretary, announced yester
day afternoon. Miss Hodgin came
to Eugene at the beginning of this
year. She is a graduate of Pacific
Women’s League
Tea Draws Many
Alphn Omirron Pi Hosts
To .300 Co-ed Guests
More* than .".00 women attended
the tea given, by the Women's league
yesterday afternoon in the Woman’s
building, when members of Alpha
Omirron Pi acted ns hostesses.
Music during the afternoon was
furnished by Pal Boyd on the piano,
and vocal numbers by Rae Stevens.
Theresa Young was in charge of the
social affair. The teas are uyder
the general charge of Florence Mi
x'erney, who is assisted by Eleanor
Flanagan and Marjorie Chester.
These teas, sponsored by the
league, are given to promote closer
friendship among the women of the
campus, and are usually given twice
a month. Owing to a conflict of so
cial events during the past term,
there were fewer teas than cus
Shaw Appoints
Executives for
Coming Dance
Committees for Senior
Ball Selected; -Meeting:
To Be Held on Saturday
Plans for the Senior Ball, Febru
ary definitely swung into ac
tion last night with the announce
ment of the committee cthainnen
and assistants who will direct the
dance. The committees, announced
by Lawrence Shaw, chairman of
the ball, and Francis McKenna,
senior class president, follow:
Executive committee: Lawrence
Shaw, chairman; Robert Sergeant,
assistant chairman; Margaret Lee
Slasher, secretary; Florence Grebe,
treasurer. Other members of the
committee are Beau Gilbert, Francis
McKenna, Ron Hubbs, and Ed Win
Heilborn Heads Decorations
Decorations committee: Carl Ueil
born, chairman; Ted Pope, assistant
chairman; Clarence Ljdberg, Hilda
Wanker, Camille Harris, Dorothy
Lighting: Hhil Holmes.
Cnrpenterv: Ralph Fisher.
Marion Leach Leads Women
Women’s committee: Marion
Properties: Betty Higgins, Gordon
Programs: Adalia Everts, .Timmy
Johnson. ,
Refreshments: Alice Gorman,
Charlotte. Carll.
Patrons and Patronesses: Grace
Gardner, Mary Lou Dutton.
Publicity: Bob Bvington.
Music: Jack Jones, Burt McEl- 1
rov, Elsie Goddard.
Features: Madge Normile, Clare
Floor: Bus Sullivan.
Clean-up: Burr Abner.
“All committee members,” Shaw
said, “must be at Room 110, John
son hall, Saturday at one o’clock.
The meeting is very important and
everyone must come.”
Women To Contest
For Debate Teams
Entrance Exams Subject
Of Argument Tomorrow
All women on the campus, whether
seniors, juniors, freshmen, or sopho
mores, will be given a chance to
demonstrate their forensic ability
when the women’s varsity and fresli
■uan tryouts are held in Villarrt nail
Vi morrow afternoon at '2:.T0. Coach
Horner says emphatically that every
woman is eligible.
The question to be used in the
tryouts is: “Resolved, that American
colleges should admit students only
upon examination.” Contestants will
elect a side of the question and pre
pare a five minute speech on it.
The freshmen will not compete
with the varsity aspirants, though
they will try out at the same time.
Plant Biology Student
Has Article Published
After spending a summer eamping
in the wilds of Crater lake park
studying the flora, F. Lyle Wynd,
graduate student in plant biology,
has just had :ui article on the “Ferns
of Crater Lake Bark,” accepted by
the American Fern Journal.
While Mr. Wynd was in the Cra
ter lake region he found a plant,
hitherto undiscovered in Oregon,
which has been named by Professor
F. L. Henderson, curator of the
herbaiium of the University of Ore
gon, as Cilia C’ongesta varieii
Wv.idijj. Also, Air. Wynd found
in the dry woods of the park an
other flower unknown as native to
i Oregon, Eriogonum Spergulinun,
New Hospital
Called For By
Facilities Now Used Said
Inadequate for Proper
Fighting of Epidemics
Purpose Explained
Bv Co-op Committee
Golf, Swimming to Remain
Minor, Says Order of ‘O'
A meeting of the Co-op investiga
tion committee was hold yesterday
afternoon. ‘'Tliis investigation was
prompted, not l>v the belief that
the Co-op is being misrnn, blit that
there is an insufficient, understand
ing of its policies,” said Roy Hern
don, chairman, “We think that
possibly our investigation may re
veal certain ways in which it may
be improved and the students given
greater benefit.”
The Order of the “O” went on
record today as not favoring the
resolution to make swimming and
golf a major sport at the present
time, because the matter lias not,
been thoroughly investigated and it
is believed there is insufficient com
petition in the two sports, especially
here on the eoast. Some favorable
comments were made in favor of
giving a letter to any athlete gain
ing national recognition.
Equipment Inadequate
Believing that, as a whole, the
present equipment, of the infirmary
and dispensary is inadequate for
taking pare of emergencies and cases
or ordinary illness, the infirmary
investigation committee yesterday
recommended that a student hospi
tal should lie established. The hos
pital would be sufficiently equipped
and large enough to take care of
cases, which now, should another
like tlie previous flu epidemic arise,
would have to bo treated in differ
ent. parts of tlie campus.
Tlie report, as drawn up by the
committee consisting of .Toe Me
Kcown, president of the associated
student body, Art Anderson, vice
president, Helen Webster, Edith
Dodge, and Bonn Alin, is as follows:
Report Made
“After investigating thoroughly
the case of George Glenn, tlie case
which aroused so much comment,
tlie committee wishes to make the
following report:
“(A). George Glenn was given
adequate medical attention by the
health service of the university.
“(B). The consulting physicians
in Portland were unable to deter
mine tlie cause of Glenn’s injury.
“(0). A detailed report of this
ease is available in tlie student
“If. As shown by tlie recent, in
fluenza epidemic on tlie campus flic
facilities of tlie health service are
inadequate, and the equipment is
not sufficient to care for the in
creasing numbers of university stu
dents who go there for treatment.
Tlie staff, under these handicaps,
renders tlie best, service possible.
“Tir. The committee recommends
that the only solution to the prob
lem is a student hospital in which
equipment is available, to meet, all
emergencies as well as ordinary ill
Campus Hears
Music Program
By Plii Mu Alpha
Jack Dennis Heads Bill at
Regular Student Meet;
Barron Plays Two Solos
Members of Psi chapter of Phi
Mu Alpha, men’s honorary musical
fraternity, presented their annual
concert, at the assembly in the Wom
an’s building Thursday morning
at 11.
George Barron opened the pro
gram with two piano solos, “Ro
mance in F Sharp” by Schumann
and “Finale of Sonata, Opus 58” by
Chopin. Jack Dennis, tenor, sang
“Where My Caravan Has Rested”
by Lohr and “A Wanderer’s Song”
by Rasbacli. Harold Ayres played
“Minuet a 1’Antique” by Seobeck
and “Ecoecaises” by Beethoven on
the piano. Ernest McKinney, tenor,
sang “Why?” by Wells and “Her
Rose” by Coombs, and Kenneth
Brown, violinist, played “Two Rus
sian Folk Songs” by Kreisler and
“Menuet” by Bneh-Winternitz.
Jack Dennis was in ehaggo of the
assembly program. Edward Best,
instructor of violin in the school of
music, is president of Phi Mu Alpha
this year.
Episcopal Students
To Sponsor Dance
St. Mary's Church Scour
Of Informal Affair
8t. Mary's chapter of the Nation
al student Council will lie host to
the whole campus tomorrow night
iat S:.‘JO with an informal dance.
Bennett Xwanton, president of the
organization, extends a cordial invi
tation to every student, whether he
has a date or not. Several features
are promised, and campus clothes
will lie in order.
Assisting Bennett Xwanton in
planning the affair are Rita Harri
man, vice-president of the council,
and Janet Osborne. Patrons and
patronesses will include Mr, and
Airs. Nowland R. Zone, of the school
of architecture and allied arts, Rev.
and Airs. Frederick 0. Jennings,
pastor of the church, and Aliss
Juliette Gibson and Frank .1. Palm
er, both teachers in a Eugene high
The dance will be held in the par
ish hall to the rear of the church,
Xeventli and Olive streets.
Ratification of
Kellogg Treaty
Cheers DeCou
Professor of Mathematics
Has World Peaee for
Hobby Several Years
After having had world peace as
a hobby for several years, tho re
cent ratification of the Kellogg anti
war treaty by the United States
senate appears to Professor Edgar
E. DeCou, professor of mathematics,
as a “dream come true.” Professor
DeCou is president of the Eugene
chapter of the Council for the Pre
vention of War. The local council
has been organized for over a year
and is composed of professors, stu
dents, and townspeople.
As far as professor DeCou knows,
he was the first man to give a talk
on world peace in the state of Ore
gon. This speech was given in 11)07
before the Oregon Xtate Teachers’
association in Salem. “At that
time,” Professor DeCou says, “world
peaee looked like a far-away dream.
Few people were interested in the
question or were giving it. any
thought. However, since the World
War, great impetus has been given
the movement, by the founding of
the League of Nations, the World
Court, and finally the ratification
of the Kellogg Treaty. .World peace
may be realized in this generation.”
Since his speech in 1907, Pro
fessor DeCou has talked on world
peace many times, often making it
the subject of commencement ad
dresses. While the question has
been before the senate, he lias sent
resolutions from the Council for the
Prevention of War, the Federation
of Women’s clubs, and the various
granges to the senators asking them
to support; the treaty and oppose
the cruiser bill. Many replies have
been received from the senators
promising their support,
“It seems like a great progress
to me,” says Professor DeCou, “to
have world peace change from a
dream to a fact in a quarter of a
Latest ‘Americana’
Received at Library
Pamphlets by Crosland
And Milne Circulated
The 1028 edition of the “Amor
icana,” 30-volume encyclopedia, has
.just boon received at, the library and
is now ready for reference, accord
inf; to M. H. Douglass, university
librarian. The new edition is en
larged and includes the latest addi
tions to the English language and
American phraseology. However, it
does not stop at national nor racial
boundaries in its contents.
Through its exchange department,
the library is mailing “Tables of
Damped Vibrations,” by AV. E.
Milne, professor of mathematics, and
“The Psychological Methods of
Word-Association and Reaction-Time
as Tests of Deception,” by H. R.
Crosland of the department of psy
chology. The paper bound booklets,
printed at the University press, are
distributed by the library in ex
change of publications of other uni
Mechanic of Science
Department Injured
Rv running his hand into the
plane with which he was cutting
wood, Don E. Ackley, mechanic, of
the science department, cut the end
from one of his fingers yesterday.
He was making racks to hold test
| Fashion Show
Proceeds Go
To Infirmary
omen's League Sponsors
Style Event for Benefit
Of New Student Hospital
Elsie (.odilard Heat!
Of Affair on Friday
Living Models To Parade
At Woman's Building
An innovation on tlio Oregon pain
pus will bp flip sty It* show of wom
en's nttir'p which will lip given in
the Woman’s building this evening
from 7:4fi to S:,‘!0 and is open to
the public. The hour has been set
early so that it will not interfere
with other scheduled dates. An ad
mission price of fid cents* will bp
charged, and the money will be
placed in the fund for the new stu
dent infirmary.
The Women’s league will sponsor
thi‘ entertainment, with Elsie (tod
da rd as general chairman. The
style show was presented at Satur
day morning’s meeting of the girls’
league section of the high school
conference last week and it was de
cided to repeat it with additional
models so that all women who did
not have an opportunity to view it
at that time might see the program.
Men will be allowed, and according
to those in charge, will be welcome.
Staging Futuristic
Futuristic stage setting, colored
lights and music, will enhance the
display of fashionable and attractive
women’s clothes.' Carl Ileilborn and
Floyd Hunk designed and made the
settings. Other committee members
are Martha Stevens, Dorothy' Kirk
and Mae Tobin. Music, consisting
of vocal selections by the Sigma
Alpha Epsilon rpmrtet and violin
and piano music will be furnished.
The quartet, is composed of Billy
Sievers, Don Kva, Chown Phillips
and Art. Hansen.
Mannequins Listed
The mannequins are Bonita Tiseh
ner, Dorothy Wade, Anne Stange,
Rose Roberts, Cleoda Cook, Harriett
Atchison, Dorothy Eberhard, Elean
or Look, Katherine Talbot, Jean
Adix, Sally Hughson, Qraee Gard
ner, Helen Peters, Margaret Nugent,
Eloise Sehade, Jean Chapman, Ter
esa Cooper, Orpha Ager, Jane Munk,
Helen Katenbrink, Faye Boyer,
“Fee” Mary Reynolds, Marjorie
Wilhelm, Alice McGrath, Jane
Cochran, Lois Beth Scoffers, Louise
Clark, Helen McCrnnev, Margherita
Hay, Clothiel Woodard, Betty
Barnes, Ethel Lou Crane, Elizabeth
Strain, Adalia Everts, Hazel Heine,
Madge Normile, Josephine Scott,
Roberta Wells, Margaret Harris,
Fay Helm, Edna May Boyer, and
Bernice Hamilton.
Article by Dunn
Published; Says
Fictionists Erred
Facts Muddled, Names of
Characters Wrong, Is
Criticism of Professor
Frederic S. Dunn, professor of
latin, lias an article in the January
issue of the Classical Journal, his
subject being “The Classical ‘Roman
Name in Historical Fiction.” The
magazine is the organ of the middle
west and southern classical associa
tions in co-operation with the New
England and the Pacific states as
Professor Dunn points out, in his
article, that “an amazing abundance
of errors is revealed in historical
fiction arising from the misuse of
the classical Roman name, few novels
escaping the ban of criticism in
one phase or another. Inverted
order, substitution of one element
for another^ or duplication of the
same element, impossible combina
tions, un-Roman compositions—fic
tion struggles in a tangle of per
sonal nomenclature that is alien to
the classics,” the article continues.
Professor Dunn frequently contri
butes to classical journals.
Students of Law School
Plan Oregana Section
John Nelson, business manager of
the Oregana, outlined yesterday
morning at a special assembly of
the Oregon law school the desira
bility of their having a special sec
tion in the Oregana. This can be
accomplished, lie said, if the law
school obtains 40 subscriptions in
addition to the 20 already obtained
from their personnel. Work has al
ready started among law students
to obtain the needed number of
Sociology School
May Rc-organize
Dr. Parsons, Neir Dean.
Retains From North
Plans for the reorganization of
tin' school of sociology here, and
the Portland school of social work
are being considered b_v Dr. P. A.
Parsons, the recently appointed»dean
of the school of sociology.
Definite announcements of plans
will lie made later, Dr. Parsons
says—probably at the March meet
ing of the board of regents.
Dr. Parsons returned yesterday
from Portland, where he has spent
most of his time since his appoint
ment. While in the north Dr. Par
sons met with the board of directors
ot the Council of Social Agencies.
The Council of Social Agencies, Dr.
Parsons says, has representatives
from all the more important social
agencies in Portland, and carries
out a wide program of social work.
Legislation considered by the
board of directors included an
amendment to the mothers’ pension
law and one to the law on the
property of dependants.
Sam Wilderinan
Will Announce
Big Hoop Game
Direct Report of Seattle
Contest Features Events
On Campus Saturday
A small man with a husky voice
has been selected by the Oregon
Professional Sport Writers assoeia
rtion to announce
| ilie jilny-by-plny
| report of the Ore
i 'on - Washington
Sasketball game
i-n 'McArthur court
I Saturday night at
[:4!> o’clock. The
|gentleman is none
|other than Sam H.
Wihlerman, tlirec
Sam Wilderman ;or of tll(, A lS.
U. O. nows bureau.
Wildennnn’s big, booming voice
will describe in narrative fashion
the course of the Husky and Web
fool hoop teams as they battle in
the University of Washington pavil
ion at Seattle. The story will be
sent by .Toe Pigney over a specially
leased Western Union wire.
This is the first attempt of send
ing a play-by-play account of a bas
ketball game to Oregon, but the suc
cess of it is practically assured.
A similar report was sent to North
Dakota when the Nodaks were play
ing the JTuskies at Seattle a few
weeks ago. Letters from the middle
western school are enthusiastic in
their .approval of the idea.
(Treat importance is attached to
the Oregon-Washington game be
cause it is the key-game of the
championship of the northern sec
tion of the Pacific, coast conference.
Washington and Oregon undoubtedly
are the outstanding teams in the
North and either one or the other
is doped to win "the title.
Special entertainment between
halves will be provided Saturday
night, and the admission to the
pavilion is twenty-five cents. Ron
ald Robnett, assistant graduate
manager, is handling all details of
the event.
Secures Data
For Report
Ronald lfnldts ami Aides
Collecting Material of
Greater Oregon Work
Men Cheek Activities
Of Committee Croups
Leaders of 1928-29 Drive
Finish Campaign Soon
T lio first exhaustive report to
have ever been submitted l>y a
chairman of the Greater Oregon
committee will
| soon be ready for
publication, it was
announced Thurs
day evening at a
meeting o f t h o
0renter Oregon
directorate. The
final report will
bo completed as
soon as outstand
ing data is secured
from district
chairmen, it was
stated l>v Ronald
Ron Hubbs
M. Hubbs, general
chairman of Hie
stale-wide organization.
General Report Listed
Wlmt. memliers of the direetorato
have done in Iho way of aiding
committee members, what individual
committee members have done as a
whole, the number of prospective
students that have been interviewed,
the number of speeches and enter
tainments that, have been given
under the auspices of the Greater
Oregon committee, the amount of ,
advertising work that has been
done, the details of the activities of
the general chairman and his assist,
ants, and other general data and.
statistics that concern the work of
the state-wide student organization
—all the above will be related in
Hubbs’ report. Records have failed
to reveal the submitting of any re
port similar to that which Hubbs is
now drafting.
Coming Week Scheduled
Thursday’s meeting of the direct
orate served as a kick-off for a
final checking of the activities of
committee members. Kvery member
of the directorate and his assistants
will be kept busy during the coming
week collecting data on the amount
of work performed by each of the
ldO members of the committee. This
data will serve to indicate just to
what extent the Greater Oregon
committee was responsible for the
largest increase in university en
rollment at the beginning of the fall
term, 1028, Hubbs believes.
The 12 men on the directorate
will also be busy the coming week
compiling lists of high school grad
uates and former college students
who are still interested in the idea
of returning to college. University
literature and other data will be
sent to these persons encouraging
them to enter tin1 University of
Oregon providing the university has
| the courses suitable for their ljno
of endeavor,
j Women to be Selected
The proposal that one man and
j one woman be placed on the com
mittee as representatives for each
I town outside of Portland was dis
cussed at the directorate meeting.
(Continued on Page Two)
Little Theatre and Talkies Coming
To Foreground, Says Cay MacLaren
The days of one night stands—of
playing Fall City tonight and North
■Bond tomorrow, of gulping coffee
and hamburgers at “Open All Night
Cafes,” of bunking at. dingy hotels
with temperamental radiators and
'warmed oAer soup, of sitting in dirty
depots, in the gray of dawn, waiting
for the morning train, hectic, ex
hausting, driving days, but glamor
ous, romantic, colorful ones for all
that—are in the swan song stage,
doing their last great act.
Gay MacLaren says so. Gay Mac
Laren who as the woman with the
camera mind, has had her place,
though a peculiarly exalted one, in
the world of show folk, for years.
Science is doing it, she says. Do
ing it with movies first, radio later,
and now talkies.
Only New York, Chicago and Bos
ton will withstand the shock of the
new industry of wholesaling drama.
“Those big cities have had the ac
tual thing, in its best, for too long
to give it up. First rate actors will
make their homes in the three cities
and continue to act in productions
of contemporary good drama,” de
clared Miss MacLaren. “But for
smaller cities the days of good
plays, produced by traveling com
panies, are doomed.”
Tt is to the Little Theater move
ment, in which home town people
give plays, purely with their love of
drama as the incentive, that Miss
MacLaren looks as the means of
providing real drama in the average
American city of a dawning to
morrow. “And they will make a
glorious, interesting thing of it,”
she adds.
“Stage folk won’t mind. Many
of them will find future work in
Hollywood—Hollywood is ashen now
•with worry over the talkies. It’s
the gold rush over again for voice
“Funny, isn’t it, that the movie
stars who just a little while ago
took the foremost place from the
stage actors, are perhaps going to
have the tables turned on them?”
suggested the woman who held an
audience tense Wednesday night at
the Woman’s building when she
gave Channiug Pollack’s, “The En
emy,” alone.
I “Anyway, actors will like to have
a permanent home. They are the
most domestic people in the world—
(Continued on rage Two)