c University of Oregon, Eugene AKDEN x. PANGCORN, Editor LAURENCE It. THIELES, Manager editorial board w. E. Hempstead Jr.As.so.'. Editor Leonard Ilagstrom.Arf#c. Editor Arthur Bchocni.Managing Editor__ Carl Gregory Donald .lohnsf ’ Serena Mao UPPER NEWS STAFF ..Asst. Manarfw Editor Joe I'teney ..Mttor .Feature Editor Dorothy Bakci .;;So,u „y j.',|itor Literary Editor Leonard Delano .1. I. 1- Editor .Clarence Craw .Makeup Editor Jo Stolid. Secretary LOliei .• ■ ■ err a ml V.Hitor rhone Oou EDITORIAL STAFF DAY EDITORS: Vinton Hall, Lawrence Mitchdmore, Serena Madsen, Carl Cregoiy, Elaine Crawford; Mary Klemm, assistant. MKJHT EDITORS- It. n russing ehief; Fred Hcchill, Victor Kaufman, Chari.* Ban, ASST^HTJXucSrrie. John Dodds, Ual,d, Morfitt. Beatrice Bennett, Jean Carman, Jo Harry, Kalidi Yergen, Alyec Cook, Dave 'lotion. CFNKKAI. ASSICNMr.N'i REPORTERS: Hal,,I, Millsap, Fa Wanda I'enaiuon, Mal lard Clark, Wilfred Brown, Mary McClean, Harry lonkon. cp0f ATK- Delbert Addition. Alex Tamkin, Joe Brown, l ied bchultz, liariy <. Warn n Tinker, Harold I* raundorf. REP01- , S- Marv Klemm. Myron Criffin. Foster McDonald, Maryheden Koupal, Kb;. , ; MrK< niif.ii Audi." llenrickwii, Man/aret Roid. Alice Gorman, I. Ned Taylor, (w!nis Duni'e-iv’ f,„i , 'Nelson, Dorothy Thomas, Dorothy Kirk, Carol Hurlburt. Phylih. VauKimmel, David Wilson. Alloc., Barker, El.ae bchroeder, Osborne Holland, John Dodds, Henry Lumper, Lavina Hicks, Merlin Llais, Rex 'fussing. BUSINESS STAFF WilPam IF Ham.id Assodate Manner Charh, ^...............Ad^Hsin, M=r gX" ™ f 'rniek . A^t. Mgr. Keater « ^ .MBr'Ched. Goimgga beat Oregon. Prom this summary ol’ world events the Kmc raid draws this eonelusiou greatness consists in shrugging the shoulders and saying in whalever language of which the accident of birth Ims made one the victim, this, in essence—nothing. President-elect Hoover . . . “Concerning Cabinet form re lief, navy bill. Kellogg paeti extra session . . • maintained an unbroken silence.'' “Annoyed. Mr. Smith said that lie had no announcement to make, that lie did not desire daily visits from the press, that lie Imped he would not be asked to confirm such rumors as t he possibility of his accepting a position as a ball player with the New "N ork (limits. •' Almost equally secretive was Agent t.eneral ot Ucpara tioiis Seymour Parker (tilUert, when eoniere.il l»y ship news reporters on the. ‘^/^ngeV'ui.' With hands clasped lightly behind 'his line'll, Mr. (lilherl rose slighlly on the balls of his feet and observed: ‘You must realize, gentlemen, that this is a good litre for me to be silent.’ “Naturally the ‘Most Amerie.au of Frenchmen’ kept as mum about his plans, last week, as.Interviewed, he ad mitted only that during the holidays he had kept up his golf. To questions about the “Program of Uelizalion' he curtly and characteristically replied, without attempting humor or evasion, ' Hein, maintenaul, messieurs ! Hillx Keinharl could not be found but he would undouht edlv have replied with characteristic bluntness that in all probability elsewhere were a more appropriate place for the quest inner. Defeat of Naval ( raiser Hill Should Follow llatifieation of Kellogg Part Now thiil the Kellogg anti war treaty has been ratil'ied So to t Iiv tlir Cuited Slates Senate some people may think that the nation has done all it ran for the present in promot in”' I’rieiully inlernatiunal relations. I’,III there are thousands of international'minded Ameri eans who believe that all the good will engendered by the ratification of the aid f war treaty would be offset if the h'ed oral Congress were to pass the Nav\ bill for Hi additional new erusiers. Observers ol American relations with Kuropean powers i realize I lie importance of tlir Navy liill which is soon to he considered. If it is passed. such a hill will he nothin"' more nor less than a slap in the,fare el' the foreign powers. To enlarge the American navv by such an extent would i not onl\ he, for practical purposes unnecessary, hut would cause severe antagonism hot ween the I'niteil Stales and (treat Britain. This momentous ill considered twisting ol the lion s tail would displace fnglaud as mistress of the seas. Authorities such as frank II. Simouds in the Keview of Ucviews indicate the far reach ill”- evil consequences of such ag gressive naval construction. While it would not lead to war with the Kn,"lisle it would inevilahly cause strained diplo malic relations and ostracize the United States in the esti mation of competent critics everywhere who believe in the de velopment of peaceful understanding and the ultimate triumph of arbitration above war as a means of settling disputes. Speaking not its a I’acifist, l>cau flic W. Allen. University Oregon- wired the Oregon ({elevation in Congress of the pre vailing: sentiment locally against the Cruiser hill. Senator Steiwer. the only one front whom it reply hits thus far been received did not commit himself definitely tilt hough expres sion1 appreciation for the interest revealed. With the ratification of the anti-war treaty, the federal Congress Inis made a good beginning in its international busi ness. It is ;t step in the right direction. Kellogg Pact Forward Step Toward Peace. Says Dr. Hall (CuHtiiuud from Vtxyt: Oiltl) war, it is deelured. The fart that war is art aall,' outlawed means mm It also, sitter thie will Initio militarv aggressiveness into disfavor and will eause nations to hesitate a loti” time Indore taking a step that will tiring eonilemnation front other na t ions. lint i fieat ion of the treatv also will do in in- It toward furthering in terna! ional relations between the Uuitgrl states and other euuutries, •■'“’I 11 • ^ immediately result in .tin,ater activity alone various line", saitl l>r. Hall. This step plan's this count t\ iu accord with others ami announces to the world our in tent ion of hurt heri»u cooperation tor hetteiinu conditions the world over, it was stated. hr. Hall was recent l\ w idols tpioiod tni the problem of world peace iu au interview based upon \ iews expressed b\ sir IMiilip laibbs. and a series of articles oil interna tional peace written b\ hi. Hall appeared iu main papers on the Pacific coast. . DUCK SCUD HERE IS PROOF THAT NEWS CHANGES A LITTLE ' IN TRAV ELING. The following was from the Minnesota Daily: “Modern girl is happier than her grandmother, aeeording to Mary McLean, dean of women at the University of Oregon. She says that although the modern girl seems to he always rushing about discon tentedly, nevertheless she is living a full and interesting life, taking stock of business, politics and world events as well.” FUNNY Til K KM Ell A LI) WOULD | CET SPOOFED LIKE THAT ON M A ll Y Me LEA N ’S APPOINT M ENT TO THE POSITION OF DEAN OF WOMEN. Dear Aunt Ducklic: What’s this ‘‘Campus sediment” we hear so much about? Wo want to know. —A1 & Lie Dear A1 & Lu: Campus sediment is sometimes known as “Duck Soup.” Docs that help you anyway? —Aunt Ducklic. “J)(> you know Hoot'2” “Hoot who?” “ Hoot is.” if * * JACK HEMrSTEAD: “I wonder why she wastes her time going around with that guy. She could he going with me.” * * * TODAY'S l’UTKl l> I’U.V “Stetson” * * STETSON OF YOOES * BRILLIANT? THE INQUIRING REPORTER (a’ la Duck Scup) Today's torrid question: Do you | favor Mil illustrated luggers’ gui.U- ? j KHKD W.VDK: “Must oni|dmti-j i-iillv ;iii.l assnn-.lly yes, little one! j s. ST K PI l If N SO X SMITH: "Dim ’I you know, iny tmll.v answer is jolly well Vos, old doali. HJ-: N W II ITI-ISM ITH : “ Under ntlii-r ( inumstanres I would I"' I'or.od to d.’.-liiii’ answering, 1'ut succumbing to I Ho wiles ol sueli a delightful inc|uiriug reporter, 1 should favor I lie stated revision.” NIJIIKAK 1’AI.KS: *■ I am not in favor of I lie |dan; it would remove I lie element of eliunoe.” WARREN TINKER: “A go.od ideii; 1 might then In- safe from o\ or indust nous co-eds.” HOB .1 ACKSON : " No, 1 feel that a man should have sultieient initia LEARN THE PIANO IN TEN LESSONS ' TENOR BANJO OR MANDOLIN IN FIVE LESSONS Without nerve - racking. tiouil breaking scales and exercises. lull are taught to flay hy note in regu lur professional chord style. lu your very first li'ssou you will l>o ul)lo | to fl:iv a fofular number by note. SEND FOR IT ON APPROVAL Thu "Hallmark Self-Instructor,” is I lie title of this luethoil. Eight vuiirs were required to furtuut this groat work. The entire eourse with thu neeessarv examination sheets, is bound in one volume. The first les son is unsealed which the student ma\ examine and be his owen ••.li'IMt E and dl'UV." t’tie later i1 part of the "Hallmark SJelf-lustrur ' tor," is sealed. I'fon ttie student returning any eo|iv of the " llalluii-’k Self-lust rue tor," wilh the seal no broken, we will refund in full till money paid. This ama.-.ing Self-1nsfruetor will be sent anywhere. \ on do not need to send any money. When you re reive this new method of teaching musie. Deposit with the Postmau the i sum of ten dollars. If you are not entirelv satisfied, the money will be returned in full, upon written re quest. the Publishers are anxious to place this ■■ Set f-1 nst rllctor ” in the hands of music lovers alt over the country, and is in a position to make an attractive proposition to agents, tscud for your copy today. Address The " Hallmark Self-lnstrui tor" Station tl, Postoffice, Eex 111, New Volk, N. V. j live to got dates, and not employ an , illustrated guide for the purpose.” j —A. & L. j Students who arc opposed to the | eighteenth amendment should get ^considerable comfort from the state ment which members of the Litera ture Survey classes are now finding I in Milton’s “Parqdi.se Lost”: “The dire Snake. Led Eve, our credulous mother, to the Tree j Of Prohibition, root of all our I woe.” SOPllOMOKL SAM. i “Yes,” said the president of the street railway to his secretary. “And 1 want two carbarn copies made.” THE COOK. Turning.. Back Pages In Campus History That Tell How The Collegians Used to Act. Fifteen Years Ago From Oregon Emerald, January 17, 1914 Of 1275 freshmen on the campus this year, 1 lie registrar estimates that about, four will flunk out of school tins semester. He bases his figures on last year’s records. Oregon defeated \V. S. C. li-' to 17 ■ in Hie first conference basketball 'game of the season. Lee Hendricks’ contribution won the Alma Mater song contest for a I prize of $-.1. The music has not vet been written. Twenty-five Year* Ago from Oregon Weekly, January 18, 1904 Villard bull was skillfully decor ated on the occasion of Oregon’s debate with Whitman, and was ten anted by an enthusiastic audience. Also an able gang of rooters was on hand. Oregon’s next debate is one with Pacific university in Yillard hall. Plans for an attempt to again bring to life on the campus the Kutaxian club were discussed at a meeting of the alumnae members • recently. _ The Ambler yesterday we saw: J.JOS JOHNSON smoking a pipe; . . . MAKJOIMK NK l'il)11 AM dasli-| ing leone for lnnc.lt . . . ISA15HDLA YANATTA peeking at a typewriter JKN NINOS MATH Kit chasing a'cat . . . lMlOKBK FIN KLY read ing a book . . . IN l« UAKTilKONO clogging . . . K1 R15Y KIT I OK yawn ing . . . DON MOK> Wearing a patch of adhesive tape oyer one eye . . . KATHRYN I’KHltlO looking thru the Kinerald ... HID I>015151N go ing into the Oregana office. Use This Service for your Week-end Trips Train and motor-conch combine to give flexible, time .uul-money saving, travel service. The maximum of time at your destination when you use— The "Silver Grays” Portland via Carvallisand AIha ny - — } 81 00, 9:35, i'll:50 a.m.; .3:30, 4:30 p.m. t'Sileer Gray Limited.” ll :..' Harrisburg. Roseburg—1:55,6:35 pm. Marshfield via Roseburg .— 1:55 p.m. Grants Pass, Medford, Ashland, San Francisco — 1:55 p.m. And many other points You'll find a convenient way to almost any Western Oregon destination via the deluxe “Stiver Grays.” Ask about connections to Mc Minnville, Monmouth, Sil verton, Lebanon, Newport, etc. Motor-Coaches leave 5 minutes earlier from South ern Pacific Station. Trains to Portland Leave at 3:25, 4:40 a. m.; 12:-10, 2:30, 4:25, 7:00 p.m. Southern Pacific M. B. COLL, Agent, S. P. Stager F. G. LEWIS, Agent, S. P. Co. ' Phone 22t>0 CAMPUS ‘BULLEIliNk Women’s league tea this afternoon in Woman’s building from 3:30 to 5:30. All women invited. Sigma Xi members meet in front of Friendly hall this morning at 11:20 for Oregana picture. Phi Delta Phi members meet in front of Friendly hall at 11:13 I this morning for Oregana picture. Tabard Inn members meet in front of Friendly hall this morning at i 11:10 for Oregana picture. Order of the “O”. will have its pic I turn taken for the Oregana today at 11 o’clock on the library steps. All members, including this year’s j football lettermen, be present. Wear your sweaters. tohort meet-j ing to follow. Greater Oregon directorate meets j today at t p. m. in room 105 Jour- i nalisnt building. Very im))ortant. j Y. M. C. A. cabinet members meet in front of Friendly hall this morning at 11:.'id sharp for Ore gano picture. All members be present. Pi Lambda Theta will meet ui front I of Friendly hall to have Oregana | pictures taken today, 11:55 sharp. I Alpha Kappa Delta will meet in ! front of Friendly hall to have f Oregana pictures taken today, 11 i o’clock sharp. Temenids will meet Thursday morn ing at 11:40 o'clock in front of Friendly hall to have group pic ture taken for Oregana. ! Plii Chi Theta members meet this | morning in front of Friendly hall at 11:110 sharp for Oregana pic tures. All members turn out. Beta Gamma Sigma picture for the Oregana will be taken today at 3 o’clock on the library steps. All members on the campus arc re quested to be there. Short meet ing to follow. Law school student body meet, in school assembly, 11 o’clock today. Alter meeting Oregana pictures, to be taken. I ’ll i Delta Phi pic tures to be made at that time. Phi Theta Upsilon tea, announced for this coming Sunday, was a mistake. The tea took place last Sunday and there will be none on ! January 20. Alpha Delta Sigma—Meeting today noon at the Anchorage. The Murray Warner museum lilmiry, on the third floor of the Woman’s building, will be open during the winter term at the following hours: 0 to 12, and 1 to 5'cj.very day except Sunday and Monday mornings. The Oregana business staff will | meet tomorrow in room 104 Jottr ualism building at 4:00 o’clock. All members are requested to be there. , . | Style show mannequins’ meeting in j Woman’s building, 9:30 tonight, j Important. | Pi Lambda Theta social hour sched uied for Tuesday 4:00 p. m. in; , the women’s room of the Woman s building. Mrs. Stetson has charge of program. Reporters Irk Camera-mind Actress by Asking Ideas (Continued from Patjr, One) before going on tlic stage. Once I forgot to find out beforehand and j had to borrow a program from some one in the audience.” She was rather unwilling to stick to the subject of her work, “1 do j not tike to talk shop when I am I having a good time,” she explained. Iii Ik*r charming way, M.ibs Lull'll talked easily and freely. j there were no long pauses in the , conversation. She eumplained of the smoke and the dirt of Chicago, j her home, and she rotated many funny experiences of hers, ijhi.s t rating them with characteristic gestures. It is not often that a celebrity is so easy to talk to. Miss Mc Laren—“ the little wonder lady,” “the girl with a camera mind”— was merely a very human, interesting, and pleasing personality. Oregana Photos for Ten Groups on List Today (Continued from Page One) Y. M. A. cabinet, 11:M-*>; Tenio i) ids, 11:40; Pi Lambda Theta, 11 Beta Gamma Sigma, :’>:00. All groups listed above will meet in front of Friendly hall with the exception of the Order of the “O ’ j I which will be snapped on the library i steps. THEATERS] MCDONALD—“Women They Talk About,” starring Irene "Rich, Aud rey Kerris and William Collier Jr. A drama of high society. Also, Lois Wilson and Everett Horton in “Miss Information” and Abe Ly i man and his orchestra. HEILIG—Association vaudeville road 3lunv witl.i five acts. Also. Kit (Jus,ill ill “Jesse’s Janes” and a (inint land Rice “feiportliglit.” Com ing, Buck Jones in "Hills of Peril.” COLONIAL — “ The Sharpshoot ers,” featuring George O'Brien and Lois Moran. A Bailor’s romance. Also, comedy and Aesop’s Fables. (Joining, Douglas Fairbanks in “The Ga uclio.” REX—Glenn Tryou in “The Gate Crasher,” an hilarious*, detective I comedy. Also “Slick Slickers” and i International news reel. Coming Be be Daniels in “Take Me Home. ’ Classified LOST—2 gold pens, one smooth, ami one with initials M. L. C., last of fall term. Also Carnahan’s French grammar. Reward. Call 1117. 1-15-10 FOR RENT—New decorated apart ment, five rooms and batli, sleep ing porch, fireplace. 1 urnislied or unfurnished. 1221 Mill St. Phone 1-155-W. 1-12-15-16-17 WILL person who found black and white shell Parker pen at Old Library please return to Grace Mnrtensen, Susan Campbell hall. Pen was a gift and very valuable to owner. Please. 1-17-18 A Mile of Gas Camp.us cars must be run eco nomically so bring them down to the “Oregon” and save the gas and oil it would have taken to drive down town and back. Oregon Service Station llth and Hilyard # ^ » He united the country with nails fcEN franklin made the horseshoe nail a symbol of the importance of little things. “The kingdom was lost and all for the want of a horseshoe nail”,, goes one of ihis wise savings. So when he became Postmaster General, he knew full well the need for proper horseshoeing as one step in punctual mail schedules. The care given to details can still make or break a^ great plan. In the telephone industry, for example, the development of compact paper insula tion helped to make possible the small diameter cable and therefore the vast underground plant necessary to serve large cities. A multiplicity of details, from the test ing of long fibre cotton to the “voice with the smile”, offer a continual chab lenge to the Bell System men who unite the nation with telephones. BELL SYSTEM A nation-tcitU -systt:^ of ltf,0,OUu tntf reconnecting telephones ‘OUR PIONEERING WORK HAS JUST BEGUN”