Sunny Day Sought By Shine Head Belslip Is Named Assistant Chairman; Bruce Titus Heads Speaking Work Bruce W ilson To Get Materials for Event Eleanor Flanagan and Rill Barry Are Appointed Almannc3 ami other weather au thorities are now being consulted by Eugene Laird, general chairman, find Ins newly ap pointed committe'e heads to deter mine the most aus picious date for Junior Shine day. The day before the middle of Febru ary that, gives most promise of sunshine will soon be announced. Darold “Bud” Belshe has been chosen assistant. elwirninn. Bru oc Eugene Laira Til.ns will hnvo charge ot me spe-iiv ing committees. Advertising, par ticularly tlm poster work, will bo handled by Glenn Gardiner, and publicity by LaWanda Fenlason. Wilson Will Get Materials All materials from blacking to brushes will be obtained bv a com mittee under chairmanship of Bruce Wilson, and the stands will be taken care of by Bill Barry. Eleanor Flanagan is in charge of Iho ticket, sale. Junior Shine day was first held in 1021 under the direction of Jimmie Aleck, then junior president. The shines were given in the fall, and the money raised was used to pro vide Thanksgiving dinners for needy families. Last, year the proceeds were contributed to tlte Campus Chest. This term they will again be donated for charitable purposes. A great deal of interest, has always been shown in Shine Tiny, not alone on the campus but, by Eugene resi dents as well. 1925 Was Big Year The largest ticket sale on record v|s made in 1025 when Verne Fulls was general chairman. Over 1400 shines were paid for that, year. Gene I,aird is determined to break this record. “Fifteen hundred is the minimum number of shines we’re going to sell,” he declared. “All committee appointments are being made with this end in view. Junior Shine day is one of the big events of the year, and we’re expecting coopera lion from all the campus.” Success Anticipated The members of the directorate are experienced in class and campus work, and are determined to make the Shine Day a big success. Elea nor Flanagan, who began her work in the class as freshman vice-presi dent, has lately been busy with the High School conference and Women’s league teas. Bud Belshe and Glenn Gardiner worked on TTo'mecoming committees last fall; Bill Barry has considerable experience in managing athletics. La Wanda Fenalson hand led publicity for the class dance last year. Casey A warded Job at W isconsin Oregon Man To Teach Political Science There Ralph D. Casey, associate professor in journalism at (lie University of Oregon, who is lit Wisconsin on leave mf absence, has been appointed fellow in political science at. that institu tion, it. was learned here this week. Prof. Casev will be aide to give all his time to thesis work under | the new arrangement. He is work ing for the degree of doctor of philosophy al Wisconsin. 'During the past year and a third, Prof. Casey has been an assistant in journalism at Wisconsin, carrying a leaching load along with his studies. Women Will Vie For Debate Squad Places Saturday Varsity, Freshman Tests' I To Be Held in Villard Hall at 2:30 o’Cloek Aspirants for the women's varsitv i and freshman debate teams will try out Saturday afternoon, Decebiber 19, at 2:.'i0 o’clock, if is announced by Coach ,T. K. llorner. The question to be discussed is "Resolved, that American colleges should admit stu dents only upon examination.” Those Irving out, are to elect, a side of the question and prepare a five minute speech. There will be no re buttals except those contained in the five-minute argument. Six women will be selected on the varsity debate squad, and about 10 for the freshman group. On April 19 a women’s team from Oregon will go to Seattle to debate the University fo Washington. A team from Idaho will meet Oregon donators hero and a Washington team will go to Idaho 1o decide the title for t.lio Northwest triangle,, composed of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. The tentative schedule for women's varsity includes a con test with the University of Cali fornia, also. The freshman women's schedule will probably contain debates with Lin field, Pacific, Willamette, Al bany college, and the Ashland Nor mal school, Coach Horner savs. Sale of Envelopes Nets $14-10 to League Fund A total of $14.10 was netted bv the Women’s league through the sale of grade envelopes last term, it was reported at the last council meeting. This was a much smaller amount than is usually made, due to' the new system which was put into use fall term. Students wishing lo receive re ports of their grades formerly had to leave a stamped, self-addressed envelope at the registrar’s office, and the league undertook the sale of envelopes for this purpose. The grades were last term sent to the parents (inring the holidays, and only ‘those students who did not spent the holidays at home or who wished extra copies purchased en velopes. The league is attempting to raise sufficient money to furnish one room in the new infirmary, and this money will be placed in that fund, .loan Patterson has this year been | in charge of the sale, taking over the position Katherine Knecland. East and West Have No Common Ground, Declares Chinese Student Mien Pti Cliai Describes Changing State of China Mien Pu Thai, senior in medicine, is Chinese; Chinese to the very tips of his sensitive yellow fingers. Mr. Cliai presents the appearance of a cultured, educated Chinaman of the intellectual class. ‘•I came here,” he said, “because T had heard people say, that Amer ica is the center of education. “There are many things that I admire and appreciate in this coun try, but I do not enjoy it. I haven’t learned about American life. And why should 1 ? I come here to read books. 1 am not debarred from the classes. That is enough.” Mr. Cliai says that there is abso lutely nothing in common between the Oriental and the Occidental. “You write this way,” and lie drew one sensitive- finger in a straight horizontal line. “We write that way,” and he drew another finger vertically. “There is nothing about us that is alike. ^ “Some of the Chinese students complain that you are cold to them. What else? Why not? “You have heard so much about Chinese calling foreigners ‘Foreign t Devils.’ I o’clock tea Sunday after | noon at the Woman’s building. Mayboll' Robinson and Victoria Ed wards will be in charge and there will be a group meeting as well. Webfoot Ace One of liie reasons nelnhart’s cage team lias been so successful for the past three years is the scrappy floor playing and accurate shooting of Scott Milligan, who has played both forward and guard positions. Milligan is expected to be very much in evidence when Oregon plays the Huskies in Seattle this week-end. Tultle Teaches Parents How To Train Children Work Tims Far Successful Affirms Clinic Professor After First Two Meetings In what educational authorities on the campus term a pioneer ef fort in its field, a weekly clinic lias been instituted this month at, Port land by Harold S. Tuttle, assistant professor of education, for mothers who want to tako up concrete, prac tical child training problems. The clinic offers no credit for work but is given solely ns an op portunity for mothers to better their understanding of how to further the moral training of their children. After the plan for the conference had been approved during the fall term by all Portland Parent, Teach ers’ associations and by the Port land P. T. A. council, Mr. Tuttle began actual preparations for its in stitution, and in December, through the university extension division in Portland, the opening of the clinic was officially announced. Two weekly Tuesday afternoon mootings, one January 8 and one yes terday, have already been held at the Central library with an attend ance termed by Mr. Tuttle “extreme ly encouraging, both in size and in terest, in the group.” The actual opening of the clinic means to Mr. Tuttle the realization of a dream he has had for about three years. The idea had as its' stimulus repeated requests for guid ance from parents, lie explained. “Courses in moral training for chil dren are frequently offered for teachers but ns far as I know, no such opportunity has even been of fered directly to parents through a university, said Mr. Tuttle. He is omfduriic in explaining that the eourse is not one dealing with abstract psychology but with the actual concrete problems in manage ment of temper, sulkiness and dis obedience that baffle the mother. “T want to encourage the co-opera tive idea of comradeship in en joyments, and the value of quiet conferences between mother and child,” went on'Mr. Tuttle. Three means of tackling the prob lems are being used in Mr. Tuttle’s clinic, he explained. He will give informal lectures, with a general discussion of basic, principles; answer questions from the group, and con duct private conferences with moth ers. Practical reading will be recom mended from time to time by Mr. Tuttle in the course. Marian Barnes Has Secretarial Position Marian Barnes, ’19, is now at the state legislature in Salem acting as secretary to Senator John B. Bell of Eugene. Miss Barnes was on the campus last week visiting friends. She was active in campus affairs while going to school here, being ^secretary of the junior class, senior woman on the executive council, and chairman of the first Dads’ Day held on the campus. Many Occupations Held by Students Teachers Lead Number; Housewives Are Next Persons engaged in 7<’> different occupations, r:ilining from wnitrossos to teachers, mill from truck drivers to retired business men, lire taking eorrespondenro work with the l ni versitv of Oregon extension division, it is revealed in the 1!>28 annual report, just made public. Ages of correspondence students range from 12 to S2 years. There were 7,74«» regularly enrolled correspondence students, of which 700 were teachers. Four hundred (Continued on Page Three) Edison-Mar shall Story Contest Is Announced $50 Prize Will Be Given Author of Best Script; Manuscripts Due Feb. 1.5 Announcement of the Edison Mar shall short story contest, an annual event at the university, was made yesterday by Professor \V. F. (1. Thacher. This contest is sponsored by Edison Marshall, a graduate of the University of Oregon, who is at present engaged in. professional short story work. The prize offered is, as usual, $d0, given to the author of the best short, story written each year by a student. The contest is open In any student in school irrespective ot whether or not he has taken short story work. If the contestant, is an undergraduate of the university, hu is eligible. Manuscripts must be handed to Professor Timelier on or before Feb ruary Id, the deadline, and must be typewritten, double-spaced, and on a good grade of paper. For the convenience of the judges, two copies must be handed in. A good carbon copy will do. There are no restrictions as to the length or subject matter. The student, will not place his name oii the story, but will hand in with it a sealed envelope, in which his name will fie given. Judges, of which there will lie three, have not. yet been named, but will be announced at a. Inter date. The contest was won last year by Florence Hurley, with her story “The Log bine.” Constance Hnrdwell won honorable mention with “Salt.” Professor Townsend Leaves on Trip Easl Will Be Present at Meeting Of Learned Soeieties Professor H.. A. Townsend, of the philosophy department, is leaving for Washington, 1>. ('., to attend the meeting of the Council of Learned Societies, to be held January 25 and 2(1. Professor Townsend is secre tary of the American Philosophical association, and with Professor W. S. Hammond of Cornell, and Pro fessor F. J. E. Woodbridge of Co lumbia, will represent that group at the council. “The Council of Learned Socie ties,” says Professor Townsend, “is a central organization of about 14 of the humanistic societies of schol ars, such as the American Histori leal association, the Modern Lnn I guage association, the American Philosophical association, and others. These societies have their individual organization, and then share in the meetings of the council. “At present,” he continued, “the council has several undertakings of general interest, such as the collec tion and publication of records of 'all extant vases of classical anti quity; the publication of medevial Latin dictionaries, and the publica tion of an American dictionary of biographies. A special fellow of the council is at work investigating the philosophical and scientific work of the Greeks before 400 B. C.” Each member society sends two delegates and the secretary of the group. Cartooning Oter Radio Offered by Extension A course in cartooning has re cently been added to the extension department. The lessons are done by a combination of correspondence and radio. Daniel Bishop, editorial cartoonist of the Oregon Journal, gives instructions to those taking the course over KF.Ilt every Friday evening from 7 to 8. After a lesson is completed it is sent to Mr. Bishop for criticism. Oregon’s Basketball Team Easy V ietor Over Checkerboards, 62-24 Portland Hoopers 11 liable To Turn Rack Webfooters’ Manyr Scoring; Attacks; Oregon Out in Front at End of Half Scott Milligan Leads Scorers Willi Fifteen Points; Hughes and McCormick Star on Floor Work By JOE PIGNEY Tlio Portland Checkerboards had little opposition to offer tin' Wehtoot basket hall team last night, and Oregon was an easy victor, (>l2 to 24. This game completed the Webfoots’ pre st'ason schedule, and the conference season will open next Satur day against Washington at Seattle. Oregon looked better last night than it did against either Gonzaga or Willamette last week. The improvement, however, is not indicative of Oregon’s conference power. The Cheek quint, undoubtedly was the weakest team to face Oregon this season Webfoot-Huskv Game at Seattle To Be Sent Here Play - l>y - play Description Will Be Announced at McArthur on Saturday A play-by-play account. of tlie Ore gon - Washington basketball game will tie amionneeil at McArthur point next Saturday night at 7:45 o’clock. Tlie description will be sent, over specially leased wires from Seattle. The game will be sent from Seattle by Joe Pigney, secretary of the Pro fessional Sport Writers association, I which is sponsoring the affair, and megaphoned here by Spike Leslie, who broadcasts the Kugeno basket ball games for KORK, local station. A general admission of twenty-five cents will be charged. The Oregon Washington game at Seattle will have a direct bearing on the championship of the northern division of the Pacific coast confer ence. Washington \\on the title last year and Oregon finished second de feating the Huskies in the final game I of the season. Coaches in the northwest think Oregon is the team to defeat before the championship can be won. Ilea Edfnunsen, Husky coach, declares that if the opening game with Ore gon can be won their will be little to keep the Huskies from their sec ond championship in succession. Ore gon has developed rapidly in the last week, and Kdmunsen is certain that the game Saturday will be the hard est on the Washington schedule. New Library Lights Notv All Installed Lighting arrangement changes in the main library were completed Saturday. The new lights and re flectors give a more even light and are placed directly over the study tables. 'I’h.1 reflectors diffuse the | light, casting if with full strength, \ yet indirectly downward, says M. H. Douglass, university librarian. The new system was partly in stalled last term, but a shortage of fixtures delayed the work. aml consequently the Webfoots ap peared st ronger by eompn risen. The Checkerboards got oft' to mi on11 v lend when Samson converted n 11 ee throw, but troni then on the \\ (difoots had no trouble. Scott Milligan scored Oregon’s first bas io't. I he Webfoots rail ii|i eight lH,ints before the Checks were able to drop in their first field goal. Oregon in Front at Half The first, half ended with Oregon so far in front that there was no question of the outcome. This took much of the zest out of the battle, and practically the only thing of in orest was the number of points the Wehfoots could roll up before the end of the game. The lopsided, 28 to 12, lead at half-time was extended to 42 to 12 in the second half before the Checks worked through the Oregon defense. The Webfoots dropped in point after point, without any apparent effort, while the Portland quint dashed around dazedly attempting to find the hoop. The only thing the Checks found easily was the backboard, and e'en then many of the shots glanced off to the side or sailed over the top completely. Checks’ Shots Fail After the Checks broke the spell in the second half they increased their total number of points to 22 while Oregon could score only three. I here came another long period of haphazard shooting on the part; of; the Checks, and the Webfoots made their final basket, (12 points, before the Portlanders reached the sum total of 2-1. Hov Hughes was one of the out standing players on the Oregon team last night. This is Hughes’ first year of varsity competition and from his recent performances he looks like a, mainstay for the next two years. Hughes’ floor work was as near perfection as any man oil the tefim, and he dropped in several spectacular shots. His shooting is conspicuous because it is entirely different from the Reinhart, style. Hughes’ long under hand “flip” shots appear easy to block, but last night he scored five field goals and one free shot. McCormick Plays Well Don McCormick is another Web foot who is developing into a fin ished player. McCormick missed several cripples last night but; his excellent floor work and passing easily offset the scoring weakness. (Continued oil /’ur/e Three) Modern Girl Flayed as Drinking, Smoking, Dancing Child oj Jazz Eastern College Student Paints Flappers Illaek This is n tale of a “modern woman hater.” And readers will note that it. eon tains a little of Freud, a little of the cynic in Moliere’s Misanthrope, and a little of that, chilli sauce if you can reach it. A short time ago the Emerald published an interview on ‘‘Arc We Happier Than Our Grandmothers?” It was reprinted in eastern college papers. One man who read it dis agreed with what it said. He flay ed the modern girl as a “frivilous creature,” giddy-headed, on the road to reducing the “human race to the level of cats and dogs in the alley.” In a letter received yesterday by a certain Miss X. on the Oregon campus, this student at the Univer sity of Minnesota stated his views about women volubly and verbally. “Undoubtedly,” he declared, “modern girls qre happier than their grandmothers were. . .why shouldn’t they lie amid all these wonderful modern inventions, brought forth by industrious, hard-working men—not flappers ... as the girls are today. “The modern fiirl thinks more of dancing . . . lipstick and rouge . . . shortening her dresses . . . smoking cigarettes . . . drinking hootch, etc., ail nauseam. This is the modern girl to a very large extent through out the land.” Today’s girl is not much on busi ness, he believes. “They may talk business in the classrooms, but out in tin1 street, the restaurant, the streetcar, the home — any where where a few girls gather you will hear . . . dances . . . parties . . . auto rides . . . dress (undress is more fit ting) . . . drinks . . . smokes . . . fine fellows. “Many good-minded people refuse to see or hear or believe that there is much evil in the moral life of our present, civilization until it is brought right under their noses.” The Minnesotan saw additional demoralization of the present-day society in the list' of divorces and the unstability of the family. “If the doctrines of Dorothy Dix, Elinor Glyn, Judge Lindsey and others are going to continue,” he predicted, “we may find the human race reduced to the level of cats and dogs in the alley. It is not given to everybody to see . . . ” and so on far into the night.