Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 15, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    University of Oregon, Eugene
W. E. Hcmpste:
,l iJr..\sg0c. Editor Leonard Hagstrom.Assoc. Editor ,
Arthur Schoeni.Managing Editor
IS i=
Serena M
...l-eaiure euhui ..p t p K<litor
Literary Editor Leonard Delano ^.* ‘ *• M
Clarence Craw ."**%!££&
Jo Stofiel.••• • .■■■■Secretary
News and Editor Phone boo
DAY EDITOR.;: Vinton Hall, Lawrence Mitehelmoro. Serena Madsen, Carl Gregory.
N,O^KD^rd;- Bcchill, Victor KaoDnan, Charies Barr.
ASS^NKim" EDITORS' TuHa Currie. John Dodds, Ralph Morfett, Beatrice Bennett,
Jean Carman Jo Stofiel, Ralph Yert-en, Alyee Cook, Dave Totten
CRN KRAI ASSIGNMENT REPORTERS: Ralph Millsap, I.aWanda lenlaaon,
REPORTERS : ^Mary ^ J^ ^TSS fSASttA ft*
Al2S.%i^SEt. “rne
WK&. Henry 225* ^
Will-am If. Hammond ..Associate Manager Charles Eeed_-.aI'" Art"* Manager
Foreign Adv. Manager RichaTd Sera.'.ZZ..Asst Adv. Ma»«-r
Dorothy*Ann* Warnick Asst. Foreign Mgr. Kester..^M *«
Phil Hammond.sicrrtw" wider Margaret Poorman.Mgr. Checking Dept.
Ruth Creager.Office Phone 1895 _
ADVERTISING SALESMEN: Addition ^emblay" Betty Hagen, kfargaret^Onderwood.
Gregg, Hod Hall, Bob Holmes Ina ' u^blanlMty^law j ^ * Caro, Hurlburti
0F^IlSa™JuliannenBenton.yGuy Stoddard, Jim Landreth. Lawrence Jackson.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, Slept ^Xy^Z"Monday.during Z
University of-VrT'n\^“th^Pacific Inter-collegiate Press. Entered in the post office
college year. Member of the! ^ '' matter Subscription rates, *2.50 a year. Advep
t^ncf,.hone, manager, 2199. do Stofiel, secretary.
Day Editor This Unite— Vinton Hall
Night Editor Thin Issue— !■ red Bochill
A«». A'fpfct Editors This RicHjnan
The University Is Vitally Concerned
With State Legislative Session
Oregon's biennial legislature is meeting,
‘pocket'book” session from the standpoint of
It will be a
taxpayers as
well as from the viewpoint of the state supported institutions.
Evervbody in the commonwealth is interested in this
year's meeting at Salem. A Portland paper has asked that
peopie offer prayer against the calamity of a legislative ses
sion. Another Portland paper is optimistic in believm tl at
th,. ..ood old (lavs of “obsequious grafting Icgislatuios
!'one'~fo>i ever The Umcrald feels that the University of Oregon
should not oulv pray but should fight for its own interests.
Nothing comes to any public institution m a demociacy
these days, even though the pork-barrel legislation era has
passed, without striving for it. The Umerald will endeavor
to show editorially from time to time the relations ol the
...iivitesitv to the law makers.
of t Lit*
stilto collect! lo desist
buildings, due to tlie
'I'lic financial situation ol the university is <uu.
llovornor Patterson lias persuaded President Hall
university and President Kerr of Hie
from any appropriation bills for new
state’s finaneial embarrassment.
The uni vers'd v, through its board ot regents however is
proposing to IrgHate an appropriation ot tor «<•,. >
11ensious and Abn.OOO for necessary research. tins sum Mill
!,, jf passed, in addition to the Will,800, winch comes lroin
,1,;. mitlaee tax, and the *120.000 that comes Iron, student tees.
The university must have $1,196,800 this season as the
very minimum. Whatever the muddle of the state s taxation
system, the university demands this much from the pcopl
of Oregon. The Emerald, backed by those who have the in
terests of the university at heart, will do everything within
its power to get it.
Judge Hamilton Resign*
As Regents' Prexy '
,| II Hamilton, of Koseburg, who has just tendered
his vesignution as a member of the board ot n-geuts o he
University of Oregon, lias ended a mw ol > ymi* ot ta.tli
I'ul and productive service with tins body.
When Judge Hamilton beeame a member ol the boa d ol
nils the university was lodged in but two or three bindings.
Its I'aeiilt V •insisted of only a seore ol prolessors. Its stud d
bodv numbered only a few hundred Lie ha»
institution grow from Him to a university ot .UK) students at
Knoet.e and 22n'more in I’ortlaml. with a laeulty o more ban
\[){) |,s eampus now lias nearly JO buildings and still there
is not room enough for the demands made upon
Mueli of this growth has taken place while
ton has been president of the board. As leader
of eiti/ens wlmserve without pay, he lias guided
iiblv and well.
t hem.
Judge llamil
of this group
the university
Th tlii' Killtor:
Was the I'hl Kelt fracas last
Thursday night tin- right way to
r,.,i'ivo guests who may soon ho
Tnivorstty of Oregon students, that
is, if they wish to route hack after
I lie way they were received?
|»ut yourself in their (dace. .Inst
|inw would you like to go to a
Strange place, under a nervous
strain of seeing ttew things and get
ting new ideas, and then have a
murder, a fire, and being confronted
||\ a criminally insane fiend pulled
oil Mitt’ Wouldn’t lie very pleasant,
Mould it.' Kspeeiulh when yon were
at the high sellout age when every
tliin,s taken so seriously. Would
you want to go hack to attend a
school after you had been received
that wav .’
True, is was all in fun: the 1‘lii
IVlts had lots ot it, .and maybe
after the thing "as over it seemed
funny to the visitors maybe not
\iiv\\a\ it probably did not seem
mi funny while the attair "as going
. „u. W hat a pleasant thing that
must have been to sleep over lliurs
day night.
If vve want to get the high schoo
preppers to go here hadn t vve bet
ter adopt a different attitude o
greeting so that they will go bad
with a warm spot in their
Oregon anti innn\ words
to their classmates for
vers it' ?
heart for
of praise
the uni
1'. L‘\ C.
To tlio Kilitor:
Two of ns delegates happened to
ho mixed up in tin' mi'll’*' in tho (
I 'Hi Hi lt house Thursday night ami j
wi> wish to lake this opportunity to ,
thank the I’ll i llelts for all the
trouble they went to on our behalf.
The performance was very realis
tic anil the "maniac" certainly has
hail former experience in his role. '
When lie climbed in the window ,
i with his case of “rabies" it would!
; have been enough to startle even i
t such a nonchalant person as llis !
I Satanic Majesty and we wish to j
j cougrutulnte lid Moeller on his |
■ abilitv to make hideous tares. 1 lie ■
j effect was horrible, tautustir, gro
! tesi|Ue to the extreme of feeing
bizarre. The highly cultured Mr.
Moeller should ecrtaiub be compli
I Thank you, 1‘lii Dolts, for a good
] night's sleep.
TWO It U lOS'l's.
The Ambler
j Vesteriluy w e saw :
VINTON 11A 1,11 avidly consuming
a hamburger sandwich . . . 1 * 11 A l.
I.Is VAN K l M M 111,1. and three
I other Kappas under a table in the
] College Side Inn, scrambling for a
.n i . . . l»t M, NAN Nil i.
Kli„<r wildly and scratching his ear
T DES ANDERSON having his
t temperature taken . i . . GLADYS j
I CLAUSEN easing a choc malt into
! that whole-hearted grin of hers . • ■'
ious notes which she put in an en
/elope and stamped . . . ’
1NGTON nodding wisely about]
Kroneh lyric poetry . . . BURK AB
NER deep in the stoek market re
ports . ■ • SHIRLEY HEW window-1
shopping at the Co-op . . . RUBY;
GIBSON just traipsing along.
Oi! Oi! Vy did you let that * ,
big Feitlebaum take Rebecca * 1
■ out vor?
t Vy, Oi vasn’t feelinkwell. *!
* * *
Considering that we have become
assistant “cooks” of Duck Soup we
can’t understand why we haven't
been elected to the journalistic
honorary, or at least given a place
on the editorial staff of the Emer
ald. Will you kindly investigate?
—AL & LU.
The Cook has had handwriting
experts from all over the country
look at your handwriting, but lie
still has no clue as to your identity.
J admit that if your identity is dis
closed you will be running consid
erable risk of being - pledged to
something or other.
When the high school dele
gates got up at 8:00 Sunday
morning and had a rally at the
piano, singing “Sleep.”
•X- * *
Little ISIue Eyes trotted up to a
football mau yesterday and gurgled,
Now she is wondering why he
turned so pule.
S. A. & K. K. O. |
The saddest words of tongue or S
-Now, stop me if they’re not
Are these—“Say, all you first year
There’s a prepper in your cot.”
S. A. & K. K. O.
* * *
(a la Dark Haul))
Today’s Torrid (Question:
Would you favor choeUiiifj sum at
tlio door I it'fora entoriuK Hasses'!
Mary Klcmm (junior iu journal
isin'! : “To eluoidate with implicit
candor, 1 should unqualifiedly dis
approve of this unwarranted segre
I ion.
John Ludlow (.junior in loo
med irs ): “Well, nil, if the gum ro
ceptioles ivrir sterilized after eaeii
i itejKii.it I should fnviir tlie measure.”
! Prof. H. C. Howe: "Buell a meas- j
| are would ruin tin* morale of m>
\ classes. As it is the students chow
j |ieueefolly during the entire hour I
land I am assured of little disturb-;
Betty Sclimcor: "I think it would
lie a very nice |>lan, so sort ot
! thoughtful and delieate.”
I Jack Benefiel: " Impossible. It
. would obligate us too seriously fi
nit ue iully to construct recoptielos,
laud to provide uttraetive attend
Today's question: “Do you think
I tint readers shoul.l low or grades -
tin* incorrect usi* of knglish.
Mary Kli/.abeth Whituev, senior
in romance languages: “I think a
grade should bo lowered it it were
an important mistake, hoeause stu
dents intending to teaeli would make j
tile same mistake in teaching.
I.. (). Ahlstrom, freshman in pro-,
medics: “ Undoubtedly they should j
because we should know knglish b\
now. Wo probably wouldn’t learn
to bo oareful of our grammar if it
weren’t eallod t*1 our attention when
wo use it incorrectly.
Alice Chapman, sophomore in
English: “Why eertaiuly. After
grammar and high school education,
we should be able to use correct
Alev t’amkiu, junior in journal
ism: "Vos, Because the thought con
tent is more important than the
mere technicalities."
But t \ Hebei-, freshman in (pro
medics: “ \ i*s. Because students
should not acquire the habit of using
S incurred Knglish, and this would
j make them more careful.
Westminster Guild will have din
ner meeting at 0:00 p. m. tonight,
at Westminster house. Dorothy
Hallin in charge of missionary
W. A. A. intramural sports repre
sentatives meet in room 1-1 m
the Woman’s building at d:00
for a very important session.
Amphibian tryouts and final tests
will be held tonight at 7:d0 in
the Woman’s building.
Important Pan Xenia meeting ;u r
p. ui. in room 4 Commerce today, i
Campfire Girls will meet in Hie
women’s lounge at the Woman s
building at 8 o’clock Wednesday 1
evening. !
Committee chairmen for the Crush j
Glee will meet tonight at 7:45 |
|1 o’clock at room 111 in the Aduiiu
istratTou building.
Material for the first literary col
umn of the Emerald for the win
ter term must he submitted by -
o’clock Wednesday to Serena
Madsen, editor of the section.
The Advisory Board of the United
Christian Work will meet at the
Anchorage for dinner at (5 o’clock I
Gamma Alpha Pi meeting this after
noon at 5 o’clock in the editing
room of journalism building. Very
Emerald staff meeting this after
! noon (Tuesday) at -1 o’clock. All
| members of the news staff must
be present. Room 105 journalism
Aero Club will meet at 8 this evcn
| ing in Room 101 Condon. Impor
tant arrangements for visiting
speakers at this time.
No man’s land and Flanders j
Fields form a striking background
for “ Wings,,f the great epic of avia
tion now at the McDonald theater.
All the lateilt Movietone effects
have been combined to create a most ■
realistic and convincing atmosphere
of war which adds greatly to the
exciting action of the pictures.
“Buddy” Rogers and Richard
Arleu, as two young aces, take the i
audience for a thrilling dash through
the clouds, over grain fields and
church spires, • cemeteries and for-I
ests to end only too soon in the
usual romance of youth. < lnra Bow
has momentarily stepped out of the
Kleanor (ilyn roles to take the part
of a valient young ambulance driver
“over there” and even succeeds in
moving the audience to tears on
more Ilian one occasion. Although
the charm of “Wings” is due prin
cipally to its abundance of action
and realism, it makes a strong emo- .
tional appeal which is hard to re
Tin* picture is rilled wit n lau^mei,
h rills ; 111 < l sol»s with an ;i 1> n i,i il«i im* * *
>f sniffles thrown in Tor good inea
sure ami offers nearly two and one
half kouis of the best entertain* j
me lit.
For Thursday, Friday ami Satur
ilay, the McDonald has jfrrangVn to.
bring a unique vitaphoue comedy,
“ Women They Talk About,,r 'star
ring Irene Uicli and William (‘oilier.
This is a lively farce of the high
society gossips who leave no stones
unturned in their search for scan
Patsv Until Miller nrt' Maletilin I
Mcllregor ciiil ii three day I'llII at
the lleilig today in Tropical
Nights, ” a a excellent story of the
South Sens adapted from the novel
“A Ha id on the Oyster Pirates” by
Jack Iioudou. Ileal beachcombers
and half caste derelects were es
pecially imported to add atmosphere
to a setting which has all the ear
marks of the Maylay Peuninsula.
Tomorrow only. the beautiful
Marion Davies will be presented by
the1 Ileilig iii " The Patsy,” taken
from the liroadway stage success.
It is the story of a modern Cinder
ella who outwits her family and
finally runs off with the fairy
prince of her dreams. There are
neither glass slippers nor pumpKins (
u “The Patsy," but it is most amus- j
mg an*l well worth seeing.
Thursday, the management offers
in excellent group of acts from the
association vaudeville road show,
direct from Chicago. On this pro
gram will be: The Fixe Sophomores,
.loll v Joyce in “Nobody Loves a
Fat Man,” d. Francis Haney, Mae
Fallis and several other entertain
ers. Buck Jones occupies the lleilig
screen Friday aiul Saturday as a
wild west hero in “Hills of Peril,"
a picture which is all its title indi
The Colonal begins this week •
program with a film of far away
Hawaii, Hilda Hrey in “ The Devil
Bancor." The famous “shimmy is
the main feature of the picture and
Miss Hrey is said to dance divinely
in a grass skirt. Today is the Inst
chance to see “The Devil Dancer.
Wednesday and Thursday, Heorge
O'Brien and Lois Moran will pre
sent something slightly different in
“The Sharpshooters,v* a story ot a
handsome gob and a pretty French
1 darner who find romance and ad
venture somewhere between M er
ror cu and Now \ >rk.
Douglas Fairbanks will be brought
to the Colonial Friday and Satur
day in “The Gauclio,” a story of
the South American pain pas. Fair
banks has his most dashing role in
the picture and excently portrays
the part of a nineteenth eentury
“Phyllis of the Follies,” starring
Alice Pay and Mat Mower ends a
two day run at the Rex today and
'offers what is called J-sophistica
tion” in films. It is a series of
complicated breach of promise suits
and is guaranteed to cure anyone
from flirting with follies girls. Wed
nesday and Thursday this theater
will present Glenn Tryon-in "The
, Gate Crasher,” his fastest'and fun
niest comedy. Tryon takes the role
of an amateur Sherlock Holmes and
leads the audience through a semes
of laugh provoking scenes never
equalled before. ,,
Bebe Daniels in “Take Me Home,
the amusing story of a mischievous
chorus girl, "ill be booked by the
n • 1.... ..,,.1 nrrln.v.
A majority of the beacon
lights used in airport and
airway illumination have
been designed and manu
factured by the General
Electric Company, whose
specialists have the benefit
of a generation's experi
ence in the solution of
lighting problems.
THE air map of America is now in the making on the
Ten years ago, there were 218 miles of air mail routes with
two station stops; to-day, a network of sky roads budges the
country from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Canada to
the Gulf of Mexico.
Can you imagine this growth without electricity- without
illuminated airports—without trunk lines stuadecl with elec
tric beacons?
Men of vision are building for increasing traffic of the air.
Soon, the skies will be filled with commerce.
Tust as electricity is helping to conquer the air, the land, and
the sea to-day, so to-morrow it will lead to greater accom
plishments in aviation and in every human activity.
nc AflAnf
Great states from wheat seeds
IT was unprofitable wilderness, most
men thought. But James J. Hill had
faith that it could grow wheat and so he
built his railroad. Settlers turned the
waste-land into wheat-land, the wheat
into wealth, the wealth into great west
ern states.'
Faith in the economic future still points
the way. Right now men in the Bell
System are planting trie seeds or vast pos
sibilities for even better communication.
Out of the belief that the public needs
a broader use of the telephone is grow
ing a constantly improved long distance
telephone service. Like the railroads of
an earlier day, this service is now tapping
and helping to develop rich new terri
tories of commerce.
«,/ n.iticr.-:un!e <yste-n of i/it:r-icr.r.ecting telephones