Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 15, 1929, Image 1

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Icy Death in
Snow Balked
By Rescuers
Four Oregon Men TIjke 8
Miles on Skiis, Save
Boy Freezing in Drift
Illinois Lad Essays
Trip Over McKenzie
Datson, Helfrieli, Sparks,
Thurston in Hero Roles
Four University of Oregon stu
dents tramped eight miles through
The snow of Ihe McKenzie pass,
Saturday night, to save Harold
Jifiur, 20-year-old Frankfort, Illinois,
boy, from an icy death in the snows
of the pass. T,aur had attempted
to cross the pass in light oxfords
and thin clothing, hut was forced
to stop late Friday night, after he
. realized it was useless to go on
through the snow. He was found
next morning by trappers with his
feet frozen, and he was taken to
their cabin, 100 yards from where
lie had spent the' night.
Prince Helfrieli, Ed Thurston,
Frank Sparks, and Bradford Hat
son, the quartet of students, volun
teered to make the trip through the
cold and snow, Saturday night, to
bring the hoy to Eugene for medi
cal aid.
Eaur left Eugene Friday and
walked to Lost Creek ranch, Helf
ricli stated, lie was advised fo
turn hack, but he struggled on
through the freezing weather Fri
day evening. He became cold and
tired, hut realizing that death was
inevitable if he stopped, he followed
snow-shoe tracks, leading into a
side road, feeling his way over the
crusted-imprints after it became ton
dark fo see. Lato Friday evening,
thinking it was useless to go on, he
.ctnj'mPil iimlni1 o frno Fn»* olinHnv
Saturday morning 1lio trvo trap
pers found liim within 100 yards of
their cabin, his feet frozen. They
took him to their lodge, ndminis
4 tered first aid and gave him warm
food. Later in the day one of the
men hiked to Lost Creek ranch for
aid. Helfrich, Thurston, Sparks
and Pat son, members of a party of
Obsidians, Eugene outdoor club, who
were spending the week-end on the
liver, tramped through the snow,
eight miles on skiis, pulling a tobog
gan. They left the Obsidian lodge
at 11 o’clock Saturday night, arriv
ing at the trappers’ cabin at 3:30
Sunday morning.
After warming themselves and de
positing Laur on the toboggan, they
left, at 3:30 Sunday morning on
their march back through the snow.
Three of the boys strung out in
front to pull the toboggan, one stay
ing in the back to act as a brake.
All were on skiis.
The rescue party pulled the tobog
gan to the Obsidian lodge, and later
brought Laur to the Eugene hospital.
The men have spent much time in
the McKenzie river country every
winter, and all are expert skiers.
Portland Merchants
* Enroll in New Course
Portland business men are show
ing considerable interest in the re
tail merchandising class offered by
the university extension division,
according to Lean Lavid E. Faville,
of the school of business administra
Dean Faville visited Portland Fri
day for the purpose of lecturing to
the class.
Fifty-five were registered for the
course, and included buyers and de
partment managers of some of Port
land’s biggest stores.
| Sociologist Tells
OfDefu net Sch oo I
| Bool; Among Seven Note
On Library Shelves
“I am certainly amazed at tlie
f-haiigos 111at have taken place in
the campus of Hie University of
Oregon since the days when 1 stu
died here,” said .Holier! IT. Down,
who has just accepted y position as
assistant professor of (lie school of
sociology here.
Mr. Down has just moved to Eu
gene from Portland, where he was
head of the history department at
Eranklin high school, lie has been
a member of the Eranklin high
school teaching staff since 1020.
In 100.-S, Mr. Down attended the
i I,iber.nl university of Silvcrton, now
dead and forgotten. This institu
tion of higher learning was some
what of an experiment at that time.
It was considered as being very
radical in its ideas, and encountered
strong opposition from those who
resented it breaking from the old
traditions of other universities.
The Liberal university, stated Mr.
Down, was the first to break away
from the old ideas of a higher cdu
' cation, and to advance the ideas of
(Continued on Vatje your)
Call Announces
Committees for
Freshman Hop
Meeting of llie Committee
Chairmen Is Held Last
Niglht To Outline Details
Preparations for Ihc annual Frnsli
flloo, to bo staged Fob. 2, wont for
ward yesterday when Don Call, gen
eral chairman of the dance, an
nounced a practically complete list
of committees.
When the group of 12 chairmen
got together in Room 111 in the
Administration building at 7:45
tonight, Call will begin lining up
details of the affair, traditionally
rated with the homecoming bonfire
as the most momentous undertak
ing of the “babes” for this year.
Committee appointments, as an
nounced by Call follow: construc
tion, Omar Palmer, chairman; Neill
Whisnnnt, Dick Torrey, Lawrence
Wiggins, Ken Raley, Wilson dew
itt, Faulkner Short, Jack Rlipe.
Properties: Ed Hawkins, chair
man; Hobart Wilson, Charles Graves,
Lucilc Rose,
Floor: Jack Erdley, chairman;
Neal Hanson, Harold Norton, Jerry
Fritz, Art Adams.
Lighting: Marshal Brownell,
'chairman; Max Miller, Charles Fos
Publicity: Lois Nelson, chairman;
Robert Guild, Virginia II. Smith.
Music: Dan Chew, chairman;
Louise Chessman, Max Williams.
Refreshments: Mildred Sinnigcr,
chairman; Dorothy Jones, Jean Leon
ard, Dorothy Murphy, Fransetta
Patrons and patronesses: Connie
Fox, chairman; Tom Handley, Dolly
Feature: Donna Gill, chairman;
Walter Heitkemper, Anne Stange.
Programs: David Wilson, chair
man; Caroline •Haberlaeli, Louise
Guerucy, Bernice Hamilton.
Clem-up: Robert Rankin, chair
man; Frances Keltner, Jud Belnap,
John ITavey, Arno Rndomaelier, Pete
Vigilance men: John Long, chair
man; Kelsy Slocum, Joe Stoll.
Vigilance women: Sally Rnnes,
chairman; Marian .Tones, Irma Lo
The decorations committee of
which Bob Van Nice is chairman,
has not yet been announced.
All College Students Should Marry
Before Entering School, Says Howe
“All college students should he
married before they enter college,”
was the startling opinion of Herbert!
f• C. Howe, professor of English at!
the university, when approached on
the subject of the recent ruling in
Washington and Jefferson College
which expels all married undergradu
ate students from the university. “If
they were all married, they would
waste less time of evenings and
would be for the betterment of the
scholastic standing.”
Professor Howe explained that the
system of prohibiting marriages in
college had been in effect since the
universities and colleges first-start
ed and were probably part of the
monarch'al dictatorship of the Dark
Ages when the faculty was able
to dictate to the students absolutely
what they should and should -not do.
In Oxford university students are
forbidden to marry, states Professor
^ Howe, but a ruling like that on the
Oregon campus would lie almost, too
rcvolut ionary.
Karl M. Pallctt, registrar of the
university, and dean of men, be
lieves that if the marriages of the
students are open and above-board,
and the two are decent, sensible,
people, the university has no busi
ness at all in “sticking its nose into
the affair.” Most of the criticism
of college marriages, Mr. Pallctt
believes, comes from the numerous
“secret” marriages, which are often
considered n it quite the thing in
good society. He does not believe
that marriege will interfere with a
college education.
Hugh Biggs, acting dean of men,
says that ho is inclined to think
that marriage is an added incentive
to high scholarship ratings—unless,
lie adds, the financial difficulties
of married life increase the worries
to too great' an extent.
At least, Mr. Biggs thinks, most
(Continued on Page Three\
110 Studeiils
Get Degrees
F rom Oregon
Regents Grant Honors To
Many; Nine Win Master
Of Arts Ratings Here
Cozins, Los Angeles
Man, Awarded Pli.D.
It. A/s Ontnuinher Rival
B. S. Students by One
Ono limnin'.I mill ton students wore
officially granted degrees from the
University of Oregon at tlie meeting
of I lie hoard of regents held here
Saturday. The degrees included one
doctor of philosophy, nine master of
arts, two master of science, one mas
ter of business administration, one
bachelor of science in education,
three bachelor of business adminis
tration, -hi bachelor of science, and
■17 bachelor of arts.
Those granted degrees were as
follows: Doctor of philosophy, Fred
eric Warren Cozins, Los Angeles.
Master of arts: Flsic Frances Den
nis, Portland; Henri It. Dirksen,
Portland; Oscar W. Hoop, Vancou
ver, Washington; 'Ralph U. Moore,
Eugenqj Ruth E. Porter, Libby, Mon
tana; Rex Putnam, Redmond; Prank
W. ,T. Sylvester, Portland; Cecil T.
Thompson, Portland; and Edwin
Tinglestad, Si Ivor ton.
Two Get M. S. Rating
Master of seieneo: Louise Ruth
Basford, Patterson, Washington; and
1\. It. Blakosleo, Newberg.
Master of business administration: '
Lionel T>. Haight, Saginaw.
Bachelor of seienee in education:
Louis Ronald Kretzer, Athena.
Bachelor of business administra
tion: Fred Fij^sley, .Long Beach,
California; Beryl B. Hodgc'n, Athena,
and John A. Warren, Helix.
Bachelor of arts: Ruth F. Abele,
Portland; TT. Victor Adix, ,Tr., Port
land; Henrv Haynes Alderman, Port
land; Margie Baughman, Beaverton;
Lester N. Bennett, Tillamook; Sue
Berg, Portland; Glen Elston Brown,
Sherwood; Harvey M. Brown, Linn
ton; William N. Calvert, Los An
geles, Cal.; Edna Cameron, Portland;
Campbell Church, ,Tr., Kngene; Ruth
M. Cochran, Hood River; Roland Pa
vis, Portland; Juan Belmondo, Phil j
ippine Islands; Alice G. Douglas, |
North Bend; Allan W. East, Port- j
land; Walter A. Erickson, Eugene;1
Boss Guiley, Eugene; Arthur Hamil
ton, Salem; Russell Gordon Hend
ricks, Portland.
Samuel Vincent Adiel Hill, Colton;
Emily Houston, San Jose, Calif.; L.
lone Tmbier, Pallas; Frederick Ben
jamin, Portland; Alice B. Laudien.
Newberg; Lawrence Pale Leslie, Eu
gene; George Leinkaemper, Tilla
mook; Poris IT, Lieuallen, Adams;
T.oretta Mason, Eugene; Violet A.
Mills, Paulina; Ethel M. Montgom
ery, Eugene; Wilma Nieveen, Port
land; Gladys Oakes, Portland; John
J. O’Farrell, Eugene; Thomas R, j
Powers, Jr., Eugene; Vera Ratcliffe, i
Rockaway; Kenneth G. Row, Pendle
ton; Dorothy Riordan, Haines.
Hilton W. Rose, Portland; Ruth
Edith Scott, La Grande; Hermione
Smith, Eugene; Sarah Starr, Port
land; Jdella Tong, Portland: Nettie
Catherine Toole, Portland; Goldie I.
Walter, Medford> Mildred Frances
Whitcomb, Portland; Juanita Wanda
Wolff, Orenco.
Bachelor nf science: .Tolm Edgar
Anderson, Portland; Olive AL Reek,
Brownlee; Frank M. Reer, Oregon
City; .Tames K. Roll, Medford; Wil
liam AT. Riggs, Ontario; Tom AT.
Bunn, Palo Alto, Pal.: .T. M. Childers,
Portland; Karl A. Chiles, Portland;
Radio foe, Eugene; Albert ReWelt,
Seaside; Robert P. ReWelt, Seaside,
Homer .T. Dixon, Elk City; Veneta
Fountain, Leabnrg; Eleanor E. Class,
La Grande; Carroll O. Grosliong, Eu
gene; Elmer TT. Halstpad, Portland;
Clifford Emerson Hardwick, Port
land; Patriek Hughes, Portland;
Paul E. Keeney, Eugene.
Frances Mildred Kight, Long!
Reach, Cal.; Elsie A. Lea, Cottage I
Grove; John W. Leonhardt, Glad
stone; Mary McPherson, Goldendale,
Wash.; Kenneth E. Martin, Grass
Valley; Paul S. Maxwell, Eugene;
Glen L. Minard, Coquille; Walter
-\L Morgan, Portland; Hazel Alice1
Nobles, Portland; Herman F. Oppen
latider, Portland; William L. Parker,
Oakland. Cal.; Clifford W. Powers,
Portland; Richard R. Roohm, Eu
gene; Ruben Theodore Ross, Astoria;
Ruby E. Russell, McMinnville;
Manuel Schnitzel-, Portland; S. Ellis
Seoville, Pioneer; Helen L. Smith.
Redmond; John Sten, Jr., St. Hel
ens; Augusta Staekton, Portland;
Renjnmin K. Swarts, Eugene; Mark
AT. Taylor, Eugene; John J. Tobin,
Jr., Newport; Frank E. Trotman,
[Portland; Ethel Af. Tulley, Portland.
Directorate of Prep Meet
Pictured above is the high school conference directorate which
had charge of the annual meeting of preppers held on the campus the
past week end. They are, left to right: Shirley Rew, banquet; Harold
Kelley, assistant chairman; Edith Dodge, Women’s league; Elaine Craw
ford, publicity; Hal Anderson, correspondence; Jo Ralston, chairman;
Paul Hunt, welcome ami campus tour; Helen Peters, registration and
n<- modation; Rosser Atkinson, entertainment; Betty Sclimeer, sec
Right Men Kept From Track by
World Wide Inferiority Complex
Freshman Turnout Poor;
Coaeli Wauls Men Now
“Wo lmvo a hotter track team on
(lie campus than wo have out on tlio
track,” Hill Hayward, track coach,
said yesterday.
“A lot of those who do turn out
for track give it up before they find
out what it’s all about,” he said.
“Some big fellow, for example,
thinks he’d like to put the shot. ITo
comes out for about a week. Then
some little bit of a. man, who has
learned more of the technique of !
shot-putting, beats him at it. The '
big bov gets discouraged and quits.
“To be a track-man you’ve got to
know how to take defeat. You've
got to love defeat. All good track
man start out as losers; but they
always come back.”
Track requires more courage than
almost any other hind of sport, ac
cording to Hill. It is fear of defeat
that ruins many a good track pros
pect. With football if is different,
he declares. The responsibility is
divided among 11 men, and there is
no sure way of knowing just, how
well any individual does his part.
It is the positive, nerve-racking
responsibility the track-man must
bear, and the false sense of shame
which makes them fear defeat, that
keeps undiscovered stars from the
It’s not that they dislike the
sport, but that they are afraid of it.
“I can’t think of one famous
track-man who has not been badly
beaten. Look at Paddock, Nurmi,
Barnes, Spencer, Borah.”
Bill has to make his own track
men; literally, to manufacture them.
lie1 says coaching will improve a
(Continual oil Page Three)
Acid in Milk Kills
Germs in Intestines
Alan Wooley Finds Eastern
Firm’s Patented Method
The secret of making a milk so
acid that it will kill most of the '
germs of the intestinal tract, has
been discovered by Alan Wooley,
assistant in bacteriology.
This secret, is not a new thing, but j
was discovered by the New Haven
laboratories. The laboratories, how
ever, refuse to give the secret out ;
and refuse to sell the milk except 1
at an almost prohibitive cost.
Mr. Wooley plans to manufacture
the milk as soon ns lie has experi
mented with it a little more. He is
not infringing on the rights of the
New Haven laboratories in doing so,
because the milk is made by seeding
a pure culture of laeto-bacillus acid
ophilus, one of the lactic acid bac
teria, into sterile milk and allowing
it to grow until it. clots the milk.
There can bo no patent on bacteria
and, also, Mr. Wooley does not make
his ‘'milk” by the same process that
the New Haven laboratories do.
The bacillus acidophilus bacteria,
is found in the intestinal tract of
infants. This germ can live in a
substance so acid that every other
bacteria dies. This is exactly what
occurs when the patient drinks the
“milk.” ATI of the bacteria are
killed, and lie is relieved from con
ditions resulting from auto-intoxica
The “milk” looks like the curds
of sour milk, when the whey has
been removed, and tastes just like
ordinary buttermilk.
Webfoot-Husky Canto
Play-by-play, Tentative
Tentative arrangements are now
underway to bring a play-by-play
account of the Oregon-Washington
basketball game in Seattle next
Saturday to Kugene. If the present
plans are completed, the Oregon
professional sports writers’ associa
tion will sponsor the affair at Mc
Arthur court, according to Arden
X. Pangborn, president of the asso
Joe Pigney, secretary of the pro
fessional writers’ organization, will
be sent to Seattle to send down a ;
detailed account of the game over ;
Western Union wires. The descrip- !
tion will be received on a special1
loop into McArthur court, and an- j
nounced by Spike Leslie, who broad- j
casts the local games for K.ORE,
Kugene radio station. If the game
at Seattle is covered by radio, the
sports writers will cancel their
Writer Laughs Down
Modern Youth Revolt
Decay of Civilization Seen
As Statistician’s Dream
“f would not like to conic out
flatly a ml say that statisticians who
print statistics on the revolt of mod
ern undergraduates and the decay of
civilization make up their own sta
tistics; but there, is something wrong
somewhere, for in the universities
that I have examined, civilization
doesn't seem to lie decaying and no
body talks about, it,” says Kenneth
1j. Roberts in the Saturday livening
“It may be that there is a certain
season at all universities when decay
sets in, and that I happened to miss
the season everywhere; but J doubt
that this is so. •
“It is my pronounced belief, more
iver, that the statisticians who print
long and weighty observations on
undergraduate problems and under
graduate revolt are either hard put
to it for something to write about,
or have come exclusively in contact
with undergraduates who aren’t
getting enough exercise, or have
been subjected to what is known in
undergraduate circles as a large
amount of kidding.”
Museum Displaying
Oriental Paintings
Kare Works of Sung Era
llerakled as Gorgeous
The rare Chinese paintings of tlio
Sling period, age of glorious art in
tlio Orient, are now a golden, lus
trous brown, which once wore glist
ening white sillt, yet every color is
gorgeous, every line is as true and
delicate as on that day they were
completed nearly a thousand years
ago. These paintings now hang on
exhibition in the Murray Warner
museum at the Woman’s building
of the university.
The collection of display includes
fine examples of the Ming period
and the Yuen period, each one a
masterpiece. To see them is to gain
a new conception not only of Orien
tal art, but Of the people who made
them, says Mrs. Murray Warner, and
this she adds, is the purpose of the
display and of the objects which are
in the Murray Warner museum—-to
promote friendly feelings between
this country and tlio Orient through
an appreciation of the man-made
objects that arc a tribute to their
Oregon Ex-Student
Issues Neiv Novel
Old Oregon l 'niversity
Tried 'To Be Liberal
Added to the university polloetinn
ami to the rent shelf of the main
library is "Riders of the Ornnde
Itonde,” by Robert Ormond Case,
Oregon graduate. The novel is
one of hard riding and fast shooting
in a modern western setting, the
Orande Rondo valley in eastern
. i)regon.
Among the six other bonks added
to tin' library seven-dav and rent
collections is " 1 Vnelope ‘s Man,” hv
John Hrskine. Odysseus is the hero
‘of this, the latest story in whieh
Or. Krskine exercises the same
privilege used by llomer himself,
reinterpreting the action for the
needs and moods of his own genera
tion. "1,earning is lost in a grin,”
says the blurb on the book .jacket.
First id' his books to be trans
lated into English, Arnold Zweit’s
“The Ease of Sergeant Orisoha”
lends color lo the new books. The
author admits his own experiences
jform thi' basis for one of the lesser
characters in “Orisoha.”
Other newcomers to the rent group
[or the seven-day group are: "The
(Continued on Tape Four)
‘Campus Movie’
Producers Call
For Filming Aid
Several Camera Crankers
Needed; Costuming and
Makeup Workers Named
A pull far cameramen to help in
the production of the “campus
movie” has been voiced by the photo
ploy production stuff, domes Koley,
Hen Milligan, ond Carvel Nelson.
Any student who is interested in
amateur motion picturo photography
is requested by this ('roup to attend
a meeting today ot four o’clock
in room 105 of the Journalism
building. Since several cameramen
will be needed to film the picture,
all persons who have had experience
in this lino are asked to be present
at the meeting.
Fulther appointments in the form
of a general staff were announced
yesterday; they follow: Kathryn
Simpson, Dorothy Comte, Louise
Storia, Funice Payne, Maybelle
Healtley, Mae McKinney, Kleanor
Flanagan, Velma PowT'W, James
Lyon, William Siegfried, (lone Lane,
George Weber, Roll Miller, and Ad
dison Brockman.
Jt&nee Grnyce Nelson, tlie makeup
committee bend, has anaouneed ap
pointment of: faculty advisor, Floyd
Reynolds; student advisors, Joy In
galls, Mary I.ou Dutton, and Gordon
Stearns. This committee is receiv
ing first hand information on the
subject direct from the Rathe studios
in Hollywood and is familiarizing
itself with the intracies of llio art
of movie makeup. The makeup kit
itself will also be of an absolutely
authentic type such as is being used
in modern professional motion pic
tures, according to Miss Nelson.
Other members of the costuming
staff are announced by Louise Clark,
chairman, and include: Flsie God
dard, Alice Morrow, Rob Warner,
and Harriet Atchinsou.
Members of the scenario staff will
meet at the home of Leslie L. Lewis,
Knglish instructor, tonight at 7
o’clock to get their plans in order.
Mr. Lewis requests that all scenario
scripts of the staff lie brought to
him in his office in Villard hall this
afternoon, so that he may look them
over and formulate his criticism be
fore definite steps are taken.
!Basketball on
Oregon Menu
This Even in"
J Portland Checks To Meet
Reinhart's Quintet in
Igloo at Seven o'clock
Chastain Sprains Ilis
Ankle, Out of Running
Metropolitan Team Fast;
Washington Next Came
Oregon linski'lball team will
moet tilt* I’orfIniul I’liot'UtM'boni'iln in
McArthur l*ouit tonight :it 7:00
o Vinci; in (lu- last
practice till be
fore Hilly Tioin
li a r I ' s proteges
open their confer
oiu'o schedule Sat
urday niylit a
jrainst Washinglon
at Seattle. This
will be the last
home appearance
until February 5,
when the ITniver
Portland Check sity of Montana
(Rear view of Grizzlies will in
gent) vaile Eugene.
After much experimenting, Conch
Roinlmrt lias found his strongest
lineu|i in the veteran players on
the st|und. TJio varsity mentor tried
several new men in the lineup last
week, lint none performed up to
varsity standards. Bdinhnrt. Will
not announce his lineup until game
time tonight but it is almost sure
that ho will pick the starting five
from the seven lettermen remaining
from last year, Killings, Milligan,
Epps, Edwards, Hally, andChas
tain. Chastain injured his ankle in
the Gouzaga game Friday night and
will probably view tonight’s contest,
from the bench.
Checks Strong in Northwest
Oregon played the Checks in Port
land ill tin' Christmas holidays and
won -111 to .'It, but Bay Brooke’s
hoopers are confident they can even
matters up tonight. John Ingles,
ex-Benson Tech star, has been play
ing good ball at center for the Port
land team, and Waldon Boyle is a.
flashy guard. He is an ex-Franklin
high star. George Samson, forward,
is the scoring ace of the spend and
a good defensive player as well.
Gordon Hidings, leading scorer of
the Pacific, coast conference last
year, probably will lead the Oregon
attack. After getting off to a slow
start, Bidings found himself in tin*
Willamette game Saturday night, lie
scored IS points. Bidings looked
like the Ridings of old in that
game. (Scot! Milligan has developed
into the Webfoots ’ defensive main
stay. lie plays a good floor game
and also contributes his share of
points. Dave Epps has finally won
(Continual oh 1 'u (/c Fouv)
Another Performance
Scheduled for Play
An additional performance of
“Gods of the Mountain” will be
given tonight in Guild hall. The
play is scheduled for 8:BO in order
to be more convenient for the stu
“We are producing the play again
becauso of the largo demand,” said
Mrs. Seybolt, head of the drama de
partment. She also said that she
was very happy over the success of
the first two performances. “We
had to work hard and the flu made
some trouble,” she added.
The play is short so students will
be able to get homo early enough
not to have it interfere with their
Swanky Campus Dress Mingles With
Flimsy Fineries Within Style Show
There was a long blue dross with I
silvor on it, like the sky at evening;
there was a lounging suit of burn- j
ing Chinese red that might have
been worn by the daughter of .a
mandarin; there was a brown dress
worn by a wood nymph; there was
a kitnona brought from Hawaii; and
there were glittering clothes that
would befit a princess—all at the
style show in the Woman’s building
Saturday morning.
The scenery was futuristic; soft
panels gemmed with silver, descend-!
ing in steps from a dais wliero a
peacock should have spread his
burnished feathers.
“We hate to disillusion you
Hut surely you must know
All college girls don’t dress like
Except when in a show!”
There was one note, though, that
struck the initiated observer as al
most. too correct. Jewell Ellis, red
headed, smiling, cuddly as a baby
doll, wore a striped flannel kimnna,
flannel pajamas, carried an alarm
clock and a hot-water bottle. That
was realism.
The mannequins modeled negli
gees, campus clothes, sport togs, and
evening gowns and wraps.
The sport clothes consisted of
outfits for golf', for tennis, for
swimming, for riding, for skiing,
find for aviation. The campus togsN
were sweaters, skirts, leather .'pick
ets and berets.
The suggestion has been brought
by Helen Peters, treasurer of the
Women’s league, that a man’s sec
tion be added to the style show
next year, where correct apparel for
boys and men would be modeled.
Elsie Goddard had charge of this
style show; Martha Stevens was in
charge of the programs, Mao Tobin
of the music, and Carl Hoilborn and
Floyd Bunk of the scenery. Music
was furnished by Carolyn Haber
Inch at the piano and Roma Gross,
who played the violin.