Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 12, 1928, Page 7, Image 7

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    Women Prepare
For Christmas
College Dance
Tickets Go On Sale Today;
Patrons and Patronesses
Names Are Announced
With plans nearly completed fo
what should prove to be the larges
dance ever put on by the University
of Oregon, everything and every
body is pointing to the annua
Christmas College Ball to be held ii
the grand ballroom of the Multno
mah hotel in Portland, Saturday
evening, December tit). The forma
affair is sponsored each year unde:
the auspices of the Women’s leagui
for the benefit of the foreign seliol
arship fund, which this year brought
to the Oregon1' campus as a student
i'Tauloin Luise Huls, from Germany
Tickets for the vacation danci
will be placed on sale in the various
men’s living organizations today
Several gii'ls will speak at the fra
ternities and living halls before the
tickets are distributed to repre
sentatives. Tickets will also be on
sale in Portland.
Teddy Swafford is general chair
man of the dance, and assisting hei
are: Gladys Clausen, tickets and fi
nance; Florence McXerney, patrons
and Dorothy Kirk, publicity.
Being one of the largest social af
fairs scheduled for Portland during
tDo holiday season, the Christmas
College Ball has attracted a large
list of r-"trons and patronesses.
The \ b as follows:
Govern.ir and Mrs. 1. L. Patter
son, President and Mrs. Arnold Ben
nett Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Browi
Barker, Dean and Mrs. John Straub
and Messrs, and Mesdames W. P
G. Thaeher, C. H. Hardy, Clarke
Black, Albert Cousins, Edward New
begin, Frank Heitkemper, W. B
Crane, E. D. Kittoe, Herman Scliade
J. C. Dezcndorf, George Wardner
George Peters, Cyrus Dolph, O. M
Babbitt, C. C. Hail, E. R. Allman
W. M. Cook, C. L. Mead, Frank An
drews, A. W. Chance, John L. Day
Jr., ('. 11. Brockhagen, A. C. Spencer
C. H. Mimnaugh, Ellis Lawrence
P. U. Livesley, P. G. Price, R. B
Mutzig, E. A. Clark, R. R. McAlpin
J. J. Panton, Walter Ricks, W. W
Banks, E. E. Hall, D. R. Atkinson
1). Zan, W. Cullers, H. P. Dutton
Charles Gramm, IT. C. Schado, Her
I man Enke, A. F. Heliwell, A. L.
! Pease. B. E. Hughson, W. B. Bar
| ratt, Harvey Wells, F. C. Felter, J.
1 F. Kaufman, L. ('. Wilkinson, W. F.
j Patrick, W. B. Wells, Herbert A.
Templeton, .T. W. Crcath, L. II.
! Look, H. J. Roberts, J. C. Stevens,
W. 11. Jewett, Campbell Church, E.
II. Sensenieh, Fletcher Linn, Her
bert Gordon, C. C. Colt, Hicks Fen
ton, .1. C. Veazie, Swigert Jr., Ar
thur Goldsmith, K. II. Cook, Will C.
Davis, J. K. Maguire, H. I). Foster,
F. O. Mi Her, George T. Gerlingor,
Ben S. Morrow, A. G. Teepe, M. 11.
Gunt-her, T. II. Comte, Arvis Palmer,
H. L. Ray, P. J. McNerney, R. W.
Kirk, E. \V. Hicks, Albeit Hives,
I’. 11. Kneeland, O. Laurgaard, \V.
P. Jones, ,T. F. McLean, Jacob
(tiobel, \V. A. Feusternuu-her, F.
W. Coaknian, G. ,1. Roth, E. J.
Jaeger, E. Franz, C. C. Chapman,
1>. L. Blodgett, \V. (’. Epps, E. ('.
j Oujither, 11. L. Kelley, J. F. Hill,
I Timothy Wood, (!oo. McMatlt, Seth
Thompson, J. N. Kdlofson, W. II.
I Powell, H. Anderson', ('. L. Mr
i Kenna, Win. Berg, K. F. llynj, A.
! M. Webster, J. 11. Lenscli, C. C.
I Jant/.en, W. II. Ormsbv, E. F. Dong
i las. E. M. Wingate, W. R. Agnew.
j E. W. Ansley, E. L. Martindale,
Bruce C. Curry, Paul 'l’. Shaw, and
Mr. Alfred Lomax.
'Pigs’ Both Good and Bad But Still
It Entertains; Steam’s Work Liked
By A. X. P.
“Pigs,” bailed by an enthusiastic
and imaginative press agent in tlie
Emerald yesterday as the play "that
once seat New York theater goers
into fits of hysterical laughter”
drew from an appreciative audience
audience at the lleilig last night a
few ripples of polite merriment, in
: numerable chuckles and three guf
faws sufficiently vociferous to be
■ considered uncouth.
If the play actually was the cause
I of fits in New York, it was be
! cause New Yorkers are more sus
' ceptiblo to such things than Ore
gonians, for there were no hysterics
at the lleilig last night—no so much
i as one hysteric.
“Pigs” was a farce, a rather or
dinary farce. It was aided in parts
be excellent acting, and injured in
j others by lack of it. Gordon
Stearns, in the part of Thomas At
kins, Sr., a none too successful law
yer, played his part with profession
; al skill from curtain to curtain.
The other role which was outstand
, ing was that of Grandmother Spen
cer, taken by Constance Both, who
| also directed the production.
1 The rest of the cast without ex
ception fell far below anything rep
resenting , the professional stage.
Judged purely from the amateur
standpoint, Edward Merges as Hee
i tor Spencer, Lawrence Shaw as Tom
Atkins, Jr., Grace Gardner as Mil
! dred Gushing, and Helen Allen as
i Lenore Hastings did fairly well.
Merges improved from one act to
the next to a noticeable degree;
annoying delays:
On the trip home for Christmas. A lift It1
wire loose may cause you any amount of
trouble. How are your lights and battery?
Let us give your automobile, Ford or
what have you, a. complete checking and you
will be sure of a pleasant trip home.
We are also distributors of the famous
Exide battery.
Broadway and Olive—Phone 1619
Gift Thoughts
Christmas is not far distant—ami those belated gifts]
Our costume jewelry in antique to modernistic designs,
jaunty artificial flowers, gayly colored scarfs, and then
the ever practical and beautiful silk hose with the narrow
French heels help you solve the problem.
We also have a few closely fitting felts to be sold at
greatly reduced prices.
Letitia Abrams
Next to First National Bank
Mi S3 Gardner'also played tin- third
net nine'll bettor tiia’ii flu' first.’Miss
Hastings was blosseil with good
lilies, and il is to her credit that
tslie took a I vantage of these to
bring her performance '.just a bit
above the average of the rest of
the cast.
Diana Doininger a's Kllvn Atkins,
mother of Toni Atkins,''Jr., the hero,
was a disappointment. Her lines
rose to a glorious climax at .the
1 t>ml of the second ad, lmt she failed
1 to take advantage of the occasion
and the scene was pi a; ed in a flat
: and almost uninteresting undertone.
The mother was a tragically com
mini person, when she might hue.
; been most eharming, most lovable
j-and most interesting.
Hugh Uogan as Spencer Atkins,
elder son of Tom, Sr., amt (tlenii
I’otts as Smith Hastings, hotli show
. ed effort in reading their lines.
Neither acted, or even made a
lioticer.Ide attempt at acting.
The story, such as it was, dealt
with ail investment by Tom Atkins,
Jr., ni,d Mildred Cushing, his mi
recognized fiancee, in a pi n lull of
sick pigs, using Mrs. Atkin’s on
j gagenient ring as financial backing
for the venture. The investment,
contrary to the belief of everyone
in the cas*. except the two investors,
developed into a big money maker
and the mortgage on the old home
stead was lifted and the two young
i stars got married.
' On its own, of course, the stun
'■ would never have gotten liv: but
farce stories are not supposed to.
i The play drpcmled upon its laughs,
i and it contained much broad humor,
! though as before mentioned, no one
| was thrown into any fits. As a
j matter of fact the biggest laugh
and the greatest applause was given
the pigs who squealed after the cur
A Merry**.
New Service Laundry
839 High
Phone 821
In Grain or Alligator Leathers — Black
Tan or Two-tone—With Heavy Soles
and All Leather Heels
Why not save a dollar on your next pair of
shoes? Figure it out for yourselves. No
high price fixtures, no high rent, no idle
clerks. Combine this with our chain store
purchasing power and low over head and
you will ? g ee it is the modern way of mer
chandising. ;
Self Service
77 E. Eroudway
tain wont dowi :it the olid of the
first ht.cn-.' in the third not.
Many tilings marked the nerfor
inane-’ as tlii.i of amateur'-. Prob
ably the nrest noiieoaldo was tlie
fu.t Hint the criterion of effec
tiveness in make-up seemed to be
quantity. With few exceptions the
east seemed to have forgotten to
wash their faces before tile open
ing curtain. Most ludicrous of all
was Connie Roth’s effort to make
hors'd look emaciated by liberal
applications «> t grey grous” paint
around the mouth; she really looked
dirty. Th- grey hair of Diana
IVimngov also betrayed its false
':ess when she took off her hat, the
We half sole
Mend Slickers,
anil do general repair work
oil any rubber material.
Goodyear Service Station
| 057 Oak St. Phone 1020
A Christmas
Turkey Free
I from now till Christmas
we are giving ti big
(’hristmas ; u r k e y to
eaeli purchaser oi' one of
our dependable used
i Every ear in our large
stock is priced down to
1 lie last dime am! every
ear tagged, plainly with
its price.
All we ask is that you see
these ears before you
buy. Then you will
agree that we have the
1) i g g e s t bargains in
Lane county.
F. W. Pettyjohn Co.
!!Hmiinnminii:iii.:;iiiih;iiiimiiniiJtt«aw»w«wti' » . i.!.i!Ji;ii:ii1:!i;iiiiiiihiit;iJiii::.iidh:iiii.l;i.;!i!m.bSiuMiUUMij
gitv flying bito tin* air and looking
most anm yingiv like powder. Grat*o
Gardner didn't improve her part nor
1*or attractiveness by leaving lior
huso at home, ami the emotional
scone between husband and wife
iliJii’t seem to point to the waning
morals of college students.*
The tendeney toward affectation
of { lie and posture, which is an im
mediate brand of theatricals, was
refreshingly :tliscnt, except perhaps
for a few moments in the first scene.
The one compliment which can uli
blnshingly be paid was-that it en
tertained. m
Considering it as the product of
tho* amateur stage, if was ti good
farce; considering it. in the light of
the professional stage, it might have
been a better farce, but not in tho
lame manner.
i here Is Nothing More Satis
factory Than a Book for a
Christmas Gift.
Our Complete Stock of Fic
tion, Non-fiction, and Chil
dren’s Books Will P ill the Mist
Exacting Gift List.
You Will Find Us Ready to
Help in Your Selection and
Even to the Point of Wrapping
and Mailing for You.
Our Business Is to Sell Book
Service on—
OF —
-it’s possible and most
convenient. Read this ad and
you will know it’s the thing to do.
Sale Prices Still Prevail
Here arc .some of I lie
1 hiiiwe carry most
acceptable for ”-iI Is
Line a Day Diaries in
variel ies of e o I o r s ,
priced from $2.50 up,
ami I here is a 20' , < I is
con ill on these c l u r i 11
our h'iflh Auniversairy
“Gift” Things
l’ursi s beaded or Ital
ian ! i a i! < I -1 oo I e< I leather.
These are some of the
most exquisite things.
Also bill folds in this
hand-tooled leal her.
Brief Cases
These are genuine all
leather and are priced
during the sale from
$1.10 up. dust the Ihing
for I lad or bi'ot her.
I >nfiny: I lie sale wo ;i re
reducing apt Oregon
Seal Jewelry t'O ,.
Silver, bronze, or gold,
deeoral oil.
Book Ends
in brass mak<‘ lioaul il'ul
W <■ <ii'o offering
Webster’s < tollegi
■de find Eimk &
W agna 11 s ('ol lege
Slamlaii'd Diction
aries as low as
;pl.-’r>. Others in
iabri - hide and
■ bin paper are re
gifts or letter openers
with the Oregon seal
worked in 1 hem.
These are most accept
able gifts with or
wit hold t he Ore g o n
Miscellaneous gift sug
gest ions:
Oregon Blankets
AII wool Pendleton mill
<)regon blankets are re
duced to .^1 .'l.ot).
Manicure Sets
< 'omplcte I'roni jJiG.Gfi
to st'O.DM. These are sale
prices, dust the thing
for traveling kits.
15aIII saIts made up in
aur own boxes, bottled
or wrapped.
P o w d e r s not liing
more acceptable — bat h
powders or facial in
leading brands.
Oregon seal stationery
af r <’ d n red prices.
I >exed or by t lie pound.
Pens any student
friend appreciates a
pen. We carry Sbeaf
fer. Waterman, Parker,
mid Wahl.
remember to buy now at our Fifth Anniversary Sale
what you will need next term. All staples—notebooks,
fillers, pencils, pads, etc.—are reduced.