Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 12, 1928, Page 6, Image 6

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    Portland Tilt
Arranged For i
Oregon Team
Basketball Boys Billed
For Multnomah Club:
Christmas Yaeation J
Washington Huskies Listed
For Season’s Opener
The University of Oregon linsltet
flball team will journey lo Portland
jto meet the quintets representing
Billy Reinhart
the jviuiinomaii
club and Hie Coli- |
scum during the
Christmas h o 1 i - I
days, according to j
.T a c 1c Benefiel,
graduate manager. I
The men will be
allowed a couple
days at their
homes for Christ
mas and then will
meet in the Bose
City about Decem
ber 2S. The dates
for the games
have not b e e n
' ‘definitely set. but, Bencliel declares,
they will bo played.
« Negotiations for tlio proposed sor
ties of three games, between the
> University of Oklahoma five and
the Webfoots, have been definitely
“ called off. Mr. Benefiel received a
telegram from the Oklahoma offi
cials stating that their team would
-not be able to play in Eugene. The
game between the varsity and the
strong Kansas City independent
*team, tentatively set for January
*,15, also has been dropped.
<*• Mr. Benefiel and Coach Reinhart,
'decided that such a hard game, four
days before the opening of the con
1'forenee season, would do no good to
the team. Oregon is scheduled to
' open away from home, meeting the
powerful University of Washington
Huskies in Seattle.
A game will be played with the
■Willamette university squad early
in January, probably on the local
floor, according to Benefiel. There
is a possibility that more practice
tilts will be listed as several other
schools have suggested gumes. The
local graduate manager is busy
working out a satisfactory pre
season schedule.
Campus Cop Raps
Oregon Pedagogs
Professors Worse T Ii a n
■ Students as Drivers
.» “He isn’t Irish, but lie’s big and
' Tburly, and bo thinks that I lie co-eds
#ro ‘just, fine’.”
llis name is IT. E. Vincent, lie’s
Jhe campus cop, but lie lias quite
the nicest smile that a eop could
Lave—providing you smile at him.
He strolled up Thirteenth with
Lis Lands behind his buck, like (lie
This Service
for your j
Train and motor-coach
combine to give llcxible,
time-and-money saving,
travel service.
The maximum of time at
your destination when you
use —
The ’ Silver Grays”
Portland via Corvallis and
Albany .— J8 00, 9:35,
ft 1:50 a.m.; 3:30, 4:30
f'Silver Gray Limited.”
iPta Harrisburg.
Roseburg—1:55,6:35 p.m.
Marshfield via Roseburg
—1:55 pan.
Grants Pass,Medford,
Ashland, San Francisco
—1:55 p.m.
And many other points
You'll had a convenient
way to almost any Western
Oregon destination via the
deluxe "Silver Grays." Ask
about connections to Mc
Minnville, Monmouth, Si 1
verton, Lebanon, Newport,
Motor-Coaches leave 5
minutes earlier from South
ern Pacific Station.
Trains to Portland
Leave at 3:25, 4:40 a. m.J
12:40, 2:30, 4:25, 7:00
M. B. COLE, Agent, S. P. Stages
F. G. LEWIS, Agent, S. P. Co.
Phone 2200
fat t.liat walked by itself. Tlie re
porter smiled sweetly at him, and
lie grinned back. Mr. Vincent has
nice little laughing wrinkles at the
corners of his eyes, but he doesn’t
talk readily.
’’What do you think of college
“Oh, they’re pretty nice,” lie
smiled slowly, “—as a rule.” Then
Policeman Vincent, the watchdog of
the streets, made a. confession. “Jt
would be pretty nice to be one.”
“Are the students good at obey
ing traffic rules?”
“The majority of them are,” he
answered. “At least, they are much
better than when I came. They
used to park on both sides of the
street, and they speeded rjuite a
“Are the professors and better?”
the incorrigible reporter inquired.
“You mustn’t hit too hard at the
profs,” there was a, twinkle in his
eyes. “They are too old to know
better,” but a worried note crept,
into his voice. “They don’t obey
traffic, rules as well as they should,
f don’t think they are as good as
the students.”
“Do yon think,” the reporter ask
ed, “that these American youths
are going to the dogs?”
“I don’t, see why they should,”
he answered seriously. “No one has
more opportunities than a bunch of
Campa Shoppe
Will Be Scene
Of Krazy Krawl
Alpha Della Sig’s Annual
Caper Set for Jan. 12;
Ten Co-eds Get Tickets
Advertising,—smeared, plastered,
and thrown on the walls of the
t'ampa Shoppe will he the decora
tions for the Krazy Kopy Krawl,
Alpha Delta Sigma’s annual caper,
which will be held the first, of next
term, January 12.
“Next to good music and a good
floor, features make the dance,”
says George Weber, general chair
man of the dance. “Krazy Kopy
Krawls are known for their features
and this year’s dance will have some
of the best talent of the university
on its list of entertainers.”
It is rumored and whispered
that about ten women in as many
sororities will be given tickets to
the affair* and the man lucky
enough to get a date with this fair
lady will also be admitted without
paying the usual price.
Committee appointments made by
j George Weber are as follows:
Decorations, Bill Hammond; pro
The Answer
To That Eternal Xmas Question—•
What to Give?
—is in nnr shop. Jewelry, attractively priced—fountain
pens — inexpensive p;i[ts in onr f?ift department — and
ladies’ and men’s wrist watches, priced $7.50 and np.
796 Willamette
Kitty-cat Corner from IT. S. Nat’l. Bank
I :■. ■. .!■: ■ 3K B fl B B B ;fl'VE B B B. B. .A
A Permanent Wave Created bjT Us Confers Lasting
Loveliness Upon Maldame or
Mademoiselle i
Call 1734 for an Appointment |
L. and R. Beauty Shop *
For Christmas
Points in California, Oregon, Washington,
Idaho, British Columbia, and Montana.
Dec. 17th to 25th inclusive
Final return limit, January 7th
Southern Pacific
F. G. Lewis, Ticket Agent
Phone 2200
grams, Anton Peterson; tickets, Jim
.Wanning; clean-up, Dick Horn; nov
elties, Charles Ree<l; patrons and
patronesses, Bob Byington; adver
tising, Larry Thielen; publicity,
dial Xooe.
T* Hut To Be Scene
Of Christmas Party
Everybody is welcome tonight at
the Christmas party sponsored by
the University of Oregon Cosmopoli
tan club, in the Y hut, according to
Sam Whnng, chairman of the com
Mrs. Murray 'Warner will talk on
a Christmas subject, and games and
entertainment will prevail through
out the evening. A real American
Christmas tree has been erected, one
which reaches nearly to the ceiling.
It is hoped that everyone desiring
a real good time will attend.
Sigma Chi announces the pledging
of John Londahl of Bend.
Next to Campus Shoe Shop
Gives those neatly tapered hair
ents without the cap effect.
[Be among'those who
“Say it with Flowers”
this Xmas
Perhaps there is someone you -wish to remember in
Eugene at Christmas, though you will be far away. Why
not send flowers? There is nothing that can express your
sentiments better than flowers.
We will give especial care to any such orders to have
them delivered on Christmas eve or Christmas day.
University Florist
Phone 654 598 13th Ave. East
Member Florist Telegraph Delivery Association
Rings of
; The superb gift for Christmas—a remembrance that will ;
• last for a life time and retain its beauty and sentiment—!
! gorgeous diamonds, fascinating zirreons with their spark- ;
: ling blue beauty, and many other stones in beautifully
• designed settings.
: We have many other appropriate gifts for the discrimin- ;
ating individual. » -.
+++*+++++++++*++++**4 i i , ill l l l l l 'li*
Have Never
That beating your own drum was good
business, but we cant help congratulating
ourselves on the fact that so many students
are so well satisfied with our work. The
student demands something above just
ordinary and we are here to give it to Kim.
Phone 504
f u H H H M I I W »■! < »+♦»•>
WWttt»"H»f»l'1H | Hfl|»»W H
Hurry! Hurry!
Only 5 days left until exams
You still have a little time left to get out those
back papers and term themes. One of our typewriters
will speed the process up for you, besides giving you a
neat piece of work.
Office Machinery & Supply Co.
1047 Willamette St. Phone 348
Merry Christmas
A Happy New Year
To All
Food for
Exams are coming and food
must be carefully chosen—«
there’s nothing like College
Ice Cream for an appetizing
and healthful dish.
of Dec. 16
Black Walnut
Black Walnut
Eugene Fruit Growers’
Phone 1480 «