Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 12, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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    Change Made in
Exam Schedule;
Chart Reprinted
Irregular Classes W ill
Hold Tests Whenever
Teachers Fix Dates
Irregular class examinations have
been changed from Wednesday, from
1 until d, and will be given by the
instructors at hours convenient to
the members of their classes, Miss
Gertrude Stephenson, secretary of
the schedule committee, announced
The change was made to accommo
date the phyeliology laboratory stu
dents, as the largo number taking
the course made it necessary to set
Tuesday afternoon for them alone.
Examinations will be held in the
regular class rooms unless otherwise
announced by the instructor.
The fall term examination is as
Saturday, December 15
1-3—Personal Hygiene for Women.
Monday, December 17
8-10—Eight o'clock classes meet
ing Monday, Wednesday, Friday or
any two of these days, and four and
five hour classes at eight.
10-12—Eight o’clock classes meet
ing Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday or
any two of these days.
1-3—First and Second Year
French, all sections. Third year
French Literature, all sections.
3-5—First and Second Year Span
ish, all sections. Third Year Span
ish Literature, all sections.
Tuesday, December 18
8-10—Niue o ’clock classes meet
ing Monday, Wednesday, Friday or
any two of these days, and four uud
five hour classes at nine.
10-12—Nine o’clock classes meet
ing Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday or
any two of these days.
1-3—Man and His Environment,
both sections.
3-5—Report Writing, Business
English, and Exposition classes, all
Wednesday, December ID
8-10—Ten o’clock classes meeting
Monday, Wednesday, Friday or any
two of these days, and four and
five hour classes at ten.
10-12—Ton o’clock classes meet
ing Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday or
any two of these days.
1-3—Psychology Laboratory, all
3-5—Constructive Accounting, all
Thursday, December 20
S-10—Eleven o’clock classes meet
ing Monday, Wednesday, Friday or
any two of these days, and four
hour classes at cloven.
10-12 — Eleven o’clock classes
meeting Tuesday, Saturday.
1-3—Two o’clock, classes meeting
Monday, Wednesday, Friday or any
two of these days, aud four and five
hour classes at two.
3-5—Two o’clock classes meeting
Tuesday, Thursday.
Friday, December 21
8-10—One o’clock classes meeting
Monday, Wednesday, Friday or anj
two of these days, and four and five
hour classes at one.
10-12—One o’clock classes meet
ing Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday or
any two of these days.
1-3—Three o’clock classes meet
ing Monday, Wednesday, Friday oi
any two of these days, and four and
five hour classes at three.
3-5—Three o’clock classes meet
ing Tuesday, Thursday.
(Continued from Page One)
motorcycle for their weekly trips
instead of a car, last week they in
vested some of their surplus earn
ings in a second-hand model of one
of the most approved makes. A
side-car was added, and the equip
ment was complete.
The former owner of the motor
cycle gave Trader Horn and Trap
per Thompson half an hour of in
struction in the intricacies of mak
ing the vehicle start, stop, back np,
and stand on its hind wheels.
Minds Master Problems
The bright and receptive minds
of our heroes completely mastered
all these important points in no
time at all. All their fraternity
brothers gathered round them and
attempted to dissuade them from
such a dangerous and foolhardy at
tempt, but Trader Horn and Trapper
Thompson are of the stuff from
which heroes are made, and with
tears standing in their eyes, they
took their leave, first, however, in
'structiag their brothers carefully
regarding the sororities, wherein
their pins might be found in case
they did not return.
Sunday at sunset was the lime 'set
for their return. The sun set on
schedule time, but the intrepid ad
venturers did not return. By mid
Do You Still
Have a Friend?
—of course, lots
of them
—ho why not drop in and
select some snappy Christ
mas cards, the kind your
friends would appreciate
The largest selection in
Eugene Book Store
Phono 1052 801 Willamette
The Sweetest Gift
Wliat could you give that would be more
acceptable than a box of candy from the
Walora Shop? Each piece made with loving
care. Or may we suggest a box of those
tempting salted nuts—salted only as the |
Walora Shop salts them.
851 E. 13th Ave.
Could You Use
Some Extra Cash?
Here’s how—
Call 461 and let us tell you liow, by
simply representing us in your house or
. dorm. We pap liberal commissions.
Eastside Cleaners
1991 Franklin Phone 461
Steven Foster’s Record Albums
Beethoven’s Symphony in A Minor
Little T ots’ Record Albums
Sherman, play & Go
PLoiie Still — Cl West Broadway
night the brothers became alarmed
and began to organize a relief ex
pedition. But at two o’clock the
| trappers returned, bringing with
! them neither pelts nor motorcycle,
! only a talc of weal and woe, that
I would make an Armenian massacre
i seem like a chapter from the life of
Polly anna.
Don Dry Duds
Upon first arriving they were in
clined to be a bit hysterical, but
dry clothes, hot lemonade, and a
few cigarettes, soon quieted them
down, and all the gruesome details
were exposed.
At seven o’clock Saturday eve
ning they had reached a point 30
miles up the highway from Eugene.
At this point the road parallels the
McKenzie river. The motorcycle
was tearing along at about 35 miles
per hour, and the side car was not
far behind. The lights refused to
work aftor six o ’clock, and Trapper
Thompson, who was driving, trusted
entirely to native capacity to keep
him on the road.
At this point, enter the villain.
A small boulder had rolled down
from the overhanging bank, and
was residing serenely in the middle
of the road. The wheel of the side
car struck it amidships. The cycle
careened wildly to the right, and
before Trapper Thompson could
bring his native capacity into con
trol again, it dived into 15 feet of
the coldest McKenzie aqua pura,
1 . 1
| , Visit our
I Gift Department j
Special Assortments
at |
25c 35c 65c
| 95 c |
Picture Framing
and 1
| ' Stand Frames
, I , ■ 1
| Hundreds of frames to g
| rlioose from. Come in afid 1
; | select your frames before |
j | the last minute rush.
; | Ludford’s j
j | Paint Wall Paper |
Art Goods
| 55 W. Bwdy. Phone 749 i
; Suggestions
; Universal Waffle Irons,
1 ! Universal Urn Sets, Per
: colators, Curling Irons,
• Flat Irons, Toasters, Etc,
• Also Eveready Radios.
| And for the holiday decor
• ation use Christmas lights.
Bailey Electric Co.
640 Willamette
and settled to tlie bottom without
any hesitation whatsoever.
It took Trader Horn several sec
onds to extricate himself from the
canvas windshield which covered
the sidecar, but lie soon rose to tho
surface, bearing with him a pair of
high boots, a heavy topcoat, two
sweaters, a flannel shirt, three
quarts of water in the region of his
abdomen, and a bundle of love let
When Horn’s head appeared above
the surface, Trapper Thompson was
sitting upon a large boulder, star
ing over the angry waters and pa
tiently waiting for his fellow-ad
venturer to show up.
A walk of three miles brought
them to the little town of Vida,
where first aid in the form of dry
pajamas, and a warm bed was ad
Salvage Sunken Ship
The next day was devoted to rais
ing the sunken vessel. The com
bined efforts of a boat, a block and
tackle, and a weary but willing
marc finally brought the motor
cycle from its watery grave.
It was set back on the road, and
allowed to coast down the long
grade. Just outside of Springfield
For Xmas Goods
. sec
8th and Willamette
the last bit of water gurgted out of
tlio cylinders and the motor roared
right merrily.
At their last interview Horn arid
Thompson bravely declare their in
tention of making a trip this week
end as per schedule. They say, how
ever, that the lights have been fixed.
New English Course
To Be Given W inter
And Spring Terms
Elizabethan lion-dramatic. litera
ture will be a new course to bo
given during the winter and spring
terms if there is sufficient demand
| for it. The number of the now
upperclass course is English 4157 and
will bo conducted by lleorgo Wil
| liamson, assistant professor of
! English.
The titlo of this course is some
! what misleading, says Mr. Witliam
Your reward for our work well
1 done, is comfortable vision aud
Make Appointments
Whenever Possible
Dr. Sherman W.Moody
1 Optometrist - Eyesight Specialist
i Suite S31 Miner Bldg, l’hone Slid
East Broadway
Eugene, Ore.
» A.
.. WUATS II rooixo TO GET?
And what a task that is to decide!
It must be fitting ... a present
He’ll like... and one that will last.
And yet one that is in good taste.
and varied. We’ll know what He
will like . .. and chances arc, have
a variety of desirable presents from
the newest ELGIN Watch models
for men to the newest style of belt
way not lean on
ua for help? Our
experience in
helping people
choose appropri
ate gifts is wide
you to choose
Como in .. . and
see what we have.
Man 0 handsome strap watch . . . the Elgin Legionnaire. $21.50
Sturdy strop watches, to suit every man’s taste ... $l'J to tlQQ
A little down,
a little each
week or month
Seth Laraway
terms to suit
your income
i son, for the course which will be
offered concerns itself with the
j Donne tradition of English poetry;
| that is, John Donne’s influence on
j poets like Herbert Crashaw, Vaug
han, Lord Herbert, Bishop King,
| Marvell; His attraction Tor tho (Jav
| aliers; iiis rejection by Drydcn, and
j his interest for modern poets such
- as T. E. Eliot or Hart Crane. Brown
I ing began tho modorn vogue of
| Donne, and Rupert Brooke affected
I it, though not in his tea-room verse.
Mr. Williamson lias for several
j years made a study of Donne.
Give Records for
Victor and
Caraway’s Music
790 Willamette
To the Sororities and Fraternities—•
AVlicn you plan refinishing Or rc-upholstering, we would ap
prceiate 1 lit* opportunity to figure on your work. Wo can give
you the best possible value in this line.
Eugene Furniture Hospital
491 West 8th Ave
Upnolstery Refinishing
Cabinet Work I’lionc 402 Reproduction
Repair Design
Upholstered Furniture Makes a Useful Gift
Fraternity Jewelery
j Get your orders hi lit onec for sor
, ority and fraternity pins and rings.
II: you let the orders go it will lie too
j late to get any special orders out
j before Christmas. We stock I'ogb
laVly one or two pins for each na
tional sorority and fraternity, some
rings in silver and gold are also car
ried in stock.
A 1' till Line of Crests
, are carried that may be used for
mounting on pencils, compacts,
leather goods, etc.
Give a Portrait
For Christmas!
Your mother will express
keeu delight over such a
gift; so will the remainder
of the family or relatives
—and if there is a\ sweet
heart to he considered,
she, too, will voice appro
Kenriel-Ellis Studios
I ■ SI
ENERGY and vitality are all-important in
college life. But careless meals often
bring about constipation—that thief of
health and strength.
You can prevent constipation or secure
prompt relief from it by eating Kellogg’s
ALL-BRAN. This delightful cereal pro
vides all-important bulk because it is
100% bran.
Eat Kellogg’s ALL-BRAN by itself with
fruit and honey or sprinkle it over other
cereals. Order it at your campus cafe
teria or in the fraternity restaurant.
A L L - B R A N
The most popular cereals served
in the dining-rooms of American
colleges, eating clubs and fra
ternities are made by Kellogg
in Battle Creek. They include
Pep Bran Flakes, ALL-BRAN, Rice
Krispics, Krumbles, Corn Flakes
and Kellogg's Shredded Whole
Wheat Biscuit. Also
Kaffee Hag Coffee _ ^
■—the coffee that ......
lets you sleep.
"'SlYtS COSitiPMioi,