University of Oregon, Eugene AEDEN X. PANGBOBN, Editor LAURENCE B. THIELEN, Manager EDITORIAL BOARD Arthur Schoeni..—.Managing Editor Carl Gregory.Asst. Managing Editor Joe Pigney-......Sport* Editor Leonard Delano.-.P. I. P. Editor Serena Madsen.Literary Editor W. E. Hefnpstead Jr._Associate Editor Leonard Hagstrom—.Associate Editor William Haggerty.—.Associate Editor Dorothy Baker..^..Society Editor Donald Johnston.—..—.Feature Editor Clarence Craw—.— —Makeup Editor Jo Stofiel.-...Secretary News and Editor Phone 66& DAY EDITORS: Lawrence Mitchelmore, Mary Frances Dilday, Serena Madsen, Car) Gregory, Elaine Crawford. . . . , , ■ » n NIGHT EDITORS: Rex Tusslng, chief; Winston J. Londagin, Walter Butler, Cnaa. H. Barr Merlyn F. Mayger, Mildred E. Dobbins. _ . ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Ted Hewitt, A>yce Cook, Mary Ellen Mason, Fred Bcchill, Stivers W. Vernon, Ruth Gaunt, Nils Ecklund, Barney Miller, Carl Metzen, H. A. Wingard. SPORTS STAFF: Estill Phipps, Delbert Addison. Alex Tamkin, Chan Brown, Joe Brown, Fred Schultz, Harry Van Dine. UPPER NEWS STAFF: Ralph Millsap, LaWanda Fenlason, Harry Tonkon, Chrystal Ordwny, Margaret Clark, Mary McLean, Wilfred Brown. REPORTERS: Mary Klemm, Evelyn Shaner. Myron Griffin, lister McDonald, Maryhelen Koupal, Cleta McKennon, Audrey Henricksen, Margaret Reid, Gene Laird, Ruth Hansen, Alice Gorman, T. Neil Taylor, Willis Duniway, Lois Nelson, Vinton Hall, Dorothy Thomas, Dorothy Kirk, Carol Hurlburt, Phyllis VanKimmel, Beatrice Bennett, David Wilson, Victor Kaufman, Dolly Horner, AOeen Barker, Lui Elisc Schrocder, Osborne Holland, John Dodds, Henry Lumpee, Lavina Hicks BUSINESS STAFF William H. Hammond .. Associate Manager George Weber Jr.Foreign Adv. Manager Dorothy Ann Warnick—Asst. Foreign Mgr. Phil Hammond..—.-.Service Dept. Ruth Creager...Secretary-Cashier Charles Reed.Advertising Manager Richard Horn—.Asst. Adv. Manager Harold Krater...Aset. Adv. Manager Ted Hewitt.Circulation Manager Margaret Poorman_Mgr. Checking Dept. Business Office Phone W96 ADVERTISING SALE8MEN: Addison Brockman, Bob Miller, Larry Wiggins. Jack Gregg, Hod Hall, Bob Holmes, Ralph Brockmann, Ina Tremblay, Betty Hagen, Margaret Underwood. OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Jane Fraley, Harriet Arenz, Dorothy Jones, Carol Hurlburt, Kathryn Perigo, Julianne, Benton. Guy Stoddard, Jim Landreth, Lawrence Jackson. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Member of the Pacific Inter-collegiate Press. Entered in in at Eugene, Oregon, as second claps matter. Subscription rates, $2,50 tising rates upon application. Residence phone, manager, 2799. ie post office a year. Adven Day Editor This Issue— Mary Frances Dilday Night Editor This Issue— Carl J. Metzcn A net. Night Editor Thin Issue—-Ruth Gaunt The World Needs More George Bernard Shows George Bernard. Shaw is the world’s most distinguished dramatist. That is nothing to his discredit. George [Bernard Shaw is a liberalise George Bernard Shaw is a critic of life and letters. George Bernard Shaw is a socialist. George Ber nard Shaw is an English Mencken. More than that he is for ever and eternally criticising, questioning, arguing, asking for proof, lie is the outstanding English example of the man from [Missouri. In return George Bernard Shaw is always criticized. Because he always brings1 down coals of fire on his head, be cause he is a true intellectual warrior,—that dofrs not condemn him now and forever, irrevocably, unchangingly, to the limbo of mistaken social outcasts. one sense. The world needs qjore of' Ids type and stamp. For George Bernard Slia’JW seems always opposed to our ideals and ideas because of the fact that he stands for what lie thinks to be right! What poisonous silt is there in that policy? Why should the world lrtok at him suspiciously as if he were some “untouchable” leper, infected, infested and unclean? It) does. Masses of the people today revolt a'gainst the critical, questioning, curious, challenging, disconcerting and often un comfortable searching of fearless, logical, intellectual thought of which Shaw is the pre-eminent example.'- The multitudes do not like to be disturbed. It is so much better to be smug, self-complacent, and reasonably comfortable than to be told there arc some fajint semblances of room for improvement, When college students go out into life in this world which is so critical of the critical Shaw, are they prone to side in with the common run of people who cannot, tolerate the search for truth? Are you forming the habit of stereotyped thinking which will assign to the .junk heap with a snear anything which does not fit into the narrow structure of social majority pre judices? When you reajd or hear a criticism of the American republic, are you going to automatically ignore it by waving 1 lie Stars and Stripes, pull the eagle’s wings or chant the “Battle llvnm of the Republic” in emotionalized resentment? Many Americans do, regardless of the justice’of the charge or the sincerity with which tin- accusation was made. Judging from college students whom we know there are some'men and women who will in their attitudes or mind rise above the “ignominious mob of poltrbonish serfs and goose steppers” in America, so characterized by Henry Louis' Menck en. Sime college graduates by their intellectual training will lie sympathetic to open-mindedness. They might even be willing to criticize institutions and society even though like Christ, 1 )a>u1e, Arkwright, Plato, Bacon and Wilson they are in the minority. What greater independence can there he than freedom of speech and ideas? There are some of us who feel that George Bernard Shaw, instead of being the undisputed champion of all warped freaks of human nature, carries dll the capabilities and potentialities of the age in which he is destined to live, lie reflects the cosmopolitan spirit and urge of tin- times, lie and ' his kind, despite the unimaginative, conservative opposition to his philosophy, arc helping to make a better world in which to live. . .... Yet: there afre some who shrug their self-satisfied shoulders at the British playwriter and sigh disgustedly, “Oh. Shaw.”— W. E. II. jr. ► 1 *? - >/y* • * y>• - To tlio Editor: Tlio vandals of ani'it'iit Europe Mrro Hutu uoviri'S compared to tlii'ir j Souvenir-grubbing, picture -stealing successors at tlio University of Oregon! This supposedly collegiate prac tice of collecting photos from dis plays made for advertising purposes, though perhaps a little more nd vamed than juvenile egg and signa ture collecting indulged in by gram mar seined youngsters and morons, (titlarks highly of the inane pranks of high sellout youth. Heaven help the Co-op mail liox if any of the rumpus xvits institute the fad of stamp collecting. Jark! Uciiefiel would bo railed upon to donate another Woolworth padlork, a la the l>urk Soup routribution box. j It is pleasantly ironical that the name of the play recently adver tised is "Pigs.” This nuuio would refer not so much to the play as to ' the people who snatched the pictures j of the east to put "among their ! souvenirs.” it nould be well for the playful; student to pause loug enough in J Ilieir vandalism to realize that no little effort and expense goes into these frequents displays. If ttiey most hu\e their favorite's likeness, thex might at least wait until the poster lias served its purpose. And another tiling—it may ho ob served that the missing photos are of brunettes, whieti pvoves, if fur ther proof is needed, that all eollego men are uOt gentlemen. Id. K. J. ■< IIIC/VIIRSJ McDONALD “Glorious Betsy," staffing Conrad Nagel and Dolores ' Costello. A famous romance of the; early niucleeuflt century. Also, Joe 1 Cook in “At tho Hall Game,” a vitajdione vaudeville act, and Nina Tarasova in a Russian folk song l>resentation. Coming Thursday, I Conrad Veidt in “The Mau Who Laughs.” HEILIG “Tragedies of Youth," ’ featuring Warner Baxter, l’atsy 1 Ruth Miller and Buster Collier. Also "The Chicken,” a clever Mack Sou uett comedy. REX—“Waterfront,” with Jack Mulhall and Dorothy Mackail. A eoutkul rohmuco of salty sailers ami ; crooks. Also, a novel Andy Gump comedy and special news reel. COLONIAL — .Sue Carrol in “Walking Back,” a rollicking com edy of youth and love. Also, a Bobby Vernon comic farce and news reel. The Ambler The Ambler— yesterday we saw: NATHANIEL JOHNSON filing by Oregon hall . . . PASTOR N1E VA hunched over a book . . . MER RIL HAGAN trying not to think about Hawaii . . . BILL COBB of i the S. A. E.’s bursting into Condon I (hall) . . . BILL BARRY and liis I sheepskin coat . . . GEORGE BEL jLONI taking off from a curb . . . I STIEPY BARNETT nodding a curt j “good-morning” ... BERYL 1IAR | RAH with her newly-acquired um jbrella . . . GEORGE KNOWLES LOWE doing tricks with his fork . . . NORMAN EASTMAN resplen dent in a green raincoat. Phi Beta Kappa To Initiate Six At Formal Affair Reverend Fraser of Baker To Be Main Speaker; Herndon To Respond TJie Oregon chapter of Phi Beta Kappa will hold its initiation of the Senior Six tonight in Alumni hull of the Woman’s building. The six fall initiates chosen from the senior class by the membership committee, and passed on by ttic chapter as a whole, are Jane Coch rane, Chi Omega; Hoy Herndon, Phi Kappa l’si; Robert F. Jackson, Sig ma Alpha Epsilon; Margaret Knapp, Chi Delta; Agnes Petzold and Cath erine Calouri. There will be a more general election in the spring when about twenty-five students are se lected as being among ' the best qualified in personality, and in scholarship. The initiation at 5:30 p. m. will be followed at (1:30 by a banquet. Rev. Dr. James D. Eraser of Baker will speak on “From a Minister^ Study.” M. II. Douglass, secretary of the honorary organization, says in re- j ganl to Dr. Eraser, “Until last year it was our custom to have a local speaker for the fall initiation, .but, it seemed to the officers that inter est might be added by bringing in outside speakers. Last year James ]!. Kerr, Portland attorney, spoke. This year we are getting a minister from Baker, who has been highly reeommended by Dean Gilbert as a man of impressive scholarship and great, general ability. Rev. Dr. Eraser graduated from Ilalhousie uUl.'-$2o weekly easy. Experience unnecessary. Dignified work. Send 2c stamp for particu lars. Mazelle, Dept. CS bSo. Clary, 1ml. APPROVED clean housekeeping rooms, built-in fixtures, girls only, $‘J0.U0. dot) Pit It Ave. E. lL'-ll-ie S TKNoGliA I’ll EB — Term paper typing. Call at leoe'j Agate or Emerald business office. 12-11-12 I CAMPUS ‘BULlEllSUi German students interested in form ing a study club meet with Dr. Reinhart tonight at the Three, Arts club, 1415 University street, at S o'clock. Return copies of Dean Gilbert’s of fice publicity this afternoon to his office. There will be no vespers at the “Y” 1 Bungalow Thursday. The Y. W. C. A. choir will practice for caroling at 5 o’clock Friday at the Bungalow. Everyone please be present, and bring anyone in terested. Music students and all interested in Christmas caroling meet at 5 p. m. at the “Y” Bungalow. Phi Chi Theta will hold a meeting at the Anchorage this noon. Houses, remember to send your prof crence for high school delegates to Helen Peters. First come, first served! Orcgana staff meeting at 11 o’clock Thursday in room 104 Journalism. Very important. Registration and housing committee of the high school conference will meet at 4 o’clock today in 104 Journalism building. Important; j Frosh football men must turn in all j equipment at McArthur court be- j fore December 17. • Men! Don’t forget Mortar Board] Ball, January 5! There will no a swimming meet to- \ night at 5 o’clock between the j freshman first team and the sen ior first team, and one between ; the sophomore first team and the junior first team. All women who have been collecting W. A. A. Membership dues hand in their receipt books and money at room 1110 in the Woman’s build ing immediately. The Newman club will breakfast Sunday morning, December 1(>, at ! Don’t “mark time” before Xmas— 11 Shopping Days Left A quaint, curious line of pottery and glassware — dis tinctly an import — from JeriTSalcm and Denmark. jP WATCH Till-: CUBBYHOLE Yp WINDOW ^ FOR ' SUGGESTIONS ^ Shining' brass in fautas ticjuc and plain shapes— may have the precious weight of a Persian im port— or an antique finish bespeaking, the Flemish makers. Costume jewelry — the most modern creation for women that jewelry designers have accomp lished — Arabian silver pendants, Chinese clasps and art craft anklets. a ma is j_»l \> ii;i u','11.1-uuu i) u i- luaiini: u \ i. “The Shop That's Different” Aladdin Gift Shop Next to Y. M. C. A. Newman hall. All members are invited to attend. Orchcsis meeting tonight at the Woman’s building. Dorm (Continued from 1’afje One) hearing a warning shot fired by the other searchers, we went into cam.) and found the resuccd girl Was gone.” To Vawter Parker belongs the honor of organizing searchers. Those making the trip from the campus were: John Allen, Roy Ford, Brad ford Datson, Allison Moulton. Kav Foss, McKenzie Ward, John Ciill5crt, Ifeorge Brodifc, Fred Be, lull. Raul Grant, and Dave Totten. Alien re ceived a v.renched knee and is now on crutches. Permanent Wave, (£7 Cft complete.*P#,U Including Shampoo Finger Wave. Model Beauty Shop Across from Bainhow Confectionery Phone 2362 Al \ = t y.; € • t Ready-mad•©•►0*11*0