Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 12, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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    Program For,
Vacation Laid
By Committee
Greater Oregon Group
Plan State-wide Talks
By 150 Campaigners
President Hall Expresses
Great i ’raise for Work
When Hi-' final examinations arc
passed over at the end of next week,
and the annual exodus of students
to their homo
towns t a k o
place, some 150
Univ c )' sity of
Oregon students
will spend much
of their vocation
time in a cam
paign to promote
the interests of
the Uni versify
throughout the
These 150
workcrs a r e
members of the
Greater Oregon
committee which
unaer me direction of Konala
Hubbs, chairman, will complete its
final drive of the year’a campaign
by seeking to bring back old stu
dents to the campus at the beginning
of the winter term, and by inform
ing prospective students what work
the University has to offer them.
The Christmas vacation drive,
which will start immediately after
the close of the term, will be the
last organized effort of the present
Creator Oregon committee, which
has been directed throughout by
Hubbs, assisted by Francis Mc
Programs to be Presented
The committee seeks to interest
high school students and graduates
in University of Oregon courses, to
induce students who have dropped j
out of college with the idea of re- |
ruining nr some
time in the future
to come back to
tlio [I n i v e rsity,
and to present
programs in high
schools and com
munities through
out the state.
The coming va
cation drive will |
have as its main I
objective the work
of urging old stuA
dents who have
dropped out of
school to ret urn to
Roil Hubbs
(lie «-.•) 1111him ill tin' ln'Jiiiiiiinjr ill' next
term. Tli ' connniltoo in at jirosi'iit
nl work iijiiiii tlio project of securing
ii list of names of tlio olil si iiili'iiIs
wlio nro sou oil t I iy till' committee
in i' ni bi'rs.
Many Students Interviewed
Tlio work of llio committee began
along aliout tlio middle of I lio Inst
winter term. liiifdm uml liis dieoo
torute of 12 men conducted mi active
campaign in an endeavor not only
Go Home
Oregon Electric
Portland and Return
Special rod need round trips of
one faro and one-third are in
of foot to other points in Ore
gon. Washington, Idaho, and
Tickets on Sale
Dee. 17 to 25; return limit dan !
nary 7th. latently between Ore
gon Kleetrie liy. points Dee. !!•
to dan 1 ; return limit January
Home Visitors Fare
()no 1'ai‘o and one t bird for
the round-trip to Chicago,
St. Paul. Minneapolis, t'oun
eil Hlul'fs, lies Moines, Du
tilth. Kansas City, Milwau
kee, St. Louis. Omaha, and
Sioux (.‘ity.
Tickets on sale Dee. 17, 1D. <
and 20; return limit, Fob. 28, i
1 !)2!1. j
F. S. Appelman
L. F. Knowlton
Traveling Passenger Agent
rj —
(Won Electric
to boost the registration figure at
the University but also to secure a
larger number of students of a high
type. The organization’s activity
became prominent during the spring
vacation period when programs were
presented in various schools and
communities in the state.
The heavy duties of the group
were in summer vacation when hun
dreds of high school graduates were
interviewed. The prep school alum
ni were aided in theft problems.
Throughout the summer, Hubbs per
sonally directed the campaign from
his office in Eugene. The summer
drive was wound up when Hubbs
and Joe McKeown, president of the
student body, took a trip around the
state in the interests of the Uni
versity, making speeches and inter
viewing University alumni at vari
ous points on their itinerary.
Wide Publicity Given
The work continued after school
opened the fall term With Hubbs in
charge of the freshman week pro
State-wide publicity was given the
work of the committee whose work
attracted attention wherever its
meinbers functioned. Greater Ore
gon night was the occasion for many
special programs in theaters, and for
many dances which were attended
by college students as well as high
school folks.
“Marked efficiency was displayed
by the directorate during its whole
year of activity,” stated Hubbs in
commenting upon the results of the
committee’s work, “and I am indeed
gratified at the results shown by
the workers as a whole. The com
mittee this year has shown a won
derful spirit of cooperation, and I
feel that there is no reason why the
coming vacation campaign should
not he a success with such a willing
group of workers.”
•Hubbs is now at work completing
a, comprehensive report on the com
plete" details of tlie. work performed
by the Greater Oregon committee,
and expects to have the data ready
in time to lie presented to the next
chairman who will be named some !
time in February.
Dr. Hall Gives Praise
■'“I am indeed proud of the work
being done by the Greater Oregon
committee the past year and espe
cially the manner in which the
group lias swelled the university
registration and at the same time,
favored the university with a high
type of students,” stated Amobt
Bennett Hall, president of the uni
versity, who is ardent supporter
J of the Greater Oregon movement.
“I want at this time to thank
personally the directors and the
large number of committee workers
for their untiring efforts to make
the past campaign what we consider
to be the most successful ever. The
j registration figures for the past
| term indicate that the Greater Ore
gon committee has functioned prop
j erly.
“I. am heartily in favor of having
j the work continued, and the univer
1 sity is always willing to lend what
ever aid possible to this enterpris
ing group of workers.
“Not too much in the way of
praise can he said in appreciation
of the services rendered by Konald
llubbs, the chairman, who spent
ever so much of his time personally
directing the forces at work in this
constructive organization.”
Results Noticed
The results of the work performed
by the committee are well noticed
in the manner in which the registra
tion figures jumped for the fall
term, according to Earl M. Pallett,
registrar. Where before the aver
age increase for each fall term of
the preceding year has been about
50, the increase for the fall term,
1_28, over the same period in 1927
is 258. The registration figures for
the past four fall terms are:
1925 . 2752
1920 . 2810
1927 . 2850
1928 . 3008
Besides Francis McKenna, assist
ant chairman, and Harry' Tunkon,
Shine ’em up
Across from the new
Sigmu Chi house
a gi
| I
I Independence 1
I ■*• l
| Creamery I
i I
Wishes the Student‘ Body
1 a Happy Christmas I
| ■
and Home
r , «/ • • * 'i • «* ^ * ».
Two big events
lull there is even a more important one that you have
\ overlooked in the exam week rush.
to appear at homo, clothes well lauiuleml with a. touch
of t lie old ('hrist mas spirit.
ITS St-li West LMioiiu 123
Do Your Christmas
Shopping at the
Pay cash and save. 1 he store of the
thrifty— of those who pay as they go.
Costume Jewelry.50c to $2.95
Beautiful Handkerchiefs. .20c to $1.00
All Silk Umbrellas.$3.98 to $8.95
Silk Gowns.$3.95 to $6.95
Silk Pajamas.$5.95 to $6.95
Silk Chiffon Hose.$ 1.50 to $ 1.95
Kid Gloves.$2.95 to $4.50
Plandbags.$2.95 to $15.00
The Broadway, Inc.
30 East Broadway
publicity chairman, Hubbs was ald
od by tlie directorate of 12 moil,
each of whom was in cmirge of a
certain geographical district in the
The directorate which completes
its work with the termination of
r the* Christmas vacation drive, con
sists of: Lawrence Ogle, Ted Gur
ney, \ awter Parker, Kenton Ham
aker, Keith Hall, Wendell Gray,
George Stadelman, Charles Keed,
Donald Campbell, William Diel
schneider, Ernest Jachetta, and
Walter Norblad.
(Continued from Tage One)
:i eonferenee school, lie added, be- !
cause it. has a large following in
California. Jt hasn’t as good a team
as Oregon, but St. Mary’s draws a
crowd of 80,000 while Oregon does
good if it gets 20,000.
“And when they give St. Mary’s
preference over the Northwestern
conference schools, those schools
have a very slim chance, if any at
all, to hope to break even.”
“It -is -pr-obgble,” he remarked,
Special Sunday
Chicken Dinner
~ 50c
Lunch 11 lo 2
Under aiow management
712 Willamette
“that Oregon will play an intersec-|
tional game at Portland sometime
around Thanksgiving, although the
team hasn’t been chosen yet. But in
spite of this, it seems to me that
we will lose financially next year.” j
"Cant go to the game
till the floor is waxed.
Can't dance well when i
our back's been taxed.
Let's have the darn
steward use our wealth
To buy some Spangles
and save our health
rfGive the pledges
a break! ” ,
Spangles arc sparkling crys
tal flakes which can be
sprinkled on any floor to give
a smooth finish for dancing.
Easily applied. j\o waxing,
no polishing. Just sprinkle
them on. Presto the job' is
done! €et some now for the
next dance.
On sale at
At all leading grocers
and druggists
This is the
Last Emerald
for this term and
• • .1 .
Don’t Forget That
' is the number—
JIV1- ' , .
a sihfple way to order food with
the least possible effort—
:}!■<I Floor Minor Building
Men’s Bags
Hat Box
Fitted Cases
THERE’S a certain compliment,
you know, in giving fine lug
gage from Wetherbee Powers as a
gift. It implies that, the recipient
is one of those who love the better
things—who appreciate fine leathers
and superior craftsmanship. Though
our low prices might mislead you,
those who have bought here before
will tell you that Wetherbee Powers
Luggage excels in appearance,
durability, in every other particular.
Holiday Suggestions
Silk Hosiery
Willi him “I’ointex” heels. Full fashioned of pure silk thread, +1 .95 the pair.
Dandy chiffons, with picot tops. Semi service, with all silk feet, or heavy ser
vice weight. 2 pilirs in Christmas box, if3.S5.
Full fashioned, “l’ointex” heel, silk hose, if 1 ..10 pair.
All silk to hem. foot of fine lisle. 2 pairs in Christmas box, .+2.95. .
Fine silk )w>,so;+1.00 pair.
.Mode modelled, pointed heels, silk to hem. 2 pairs, if 1.95.
Komberc hose, bi^ supply, most wanted colors, ik 1.00 the pair.
Beautiful assortmeuts iu embroidered hamlkerehiel's or in
boxes, Handkerchiefs from France. Spain, Ireland, and
other countries. None better for the money.
All Kinds of Silk and Rayon Underwear
Co-ed Pajamas of Beautiful Broadcloth, $2.95
Pouch and Underarm Bags in Smart New Styles
Silk Pajamas
French' Kid Gloves, $2.95, $3.50, Up
Beautiful Robes, $4.95 and $7.95
Rayon Satin Rohes, $4.05. Many color combinations.
Others, .$5.05 to $10.To.
(Quilted robes of silk, satin and rayon satin, beauti
fully lined and tailored with cord fastenings, $7.05
each. Others. *10.75 to $24.75.
Christmas Boxes—5, 10, and 15c Each
We Wish You All A Merry Christmas
All Prices
Coats and Dresses
Greatly Reduced