VOLUME XXX _ UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1928 _ _ NUMBER 47 KI urn’s Hawaii Eleven Relies On Its Speed Honolulu Town Team Put Kihosli on University Men by 39-20 Seore Football Main Sport For Island Athletes Edwards, Former Aggie, j To Meet Oregon Again i By HARRY VAN DINE Otto Klum and liis University of Hawaii football plovers are eagerly awaiting 1 lie arrival of the Univer sity of Oregon team in the islands, according to press dispatches re ceived on the campus. The col legians have not had an overly suc cessful season and are working hard to he in shape to win over the V^'olt foots. A win New Year’s day would turn the season into a fairly ^ successful one for the former Med ford high coach. After playing some of the smaller college teams in the islands, the Roaring Rainbows, as they are called, tackled the Honolulu town team and tasted defeat, .'19-20. It was just a case of the former col lege stars being too good for the Hawaiian col legions. Points to Oregon However, this defeat has taken none of the vigor out of the work outs of the Rainbows and Klum is pointing his men for the Oregon game. This is evidenced by the fact that he has compelled every man on the squad to sign a pledge to faithfully train for the game. Ordinarily, due to the long season in Hawaii, the college team does not train as faithfully as the mainland varsity squads. The Hawaiian grid mentor has been handicapped by in juries to liis star players all season and he is working to have every man in con dition to play against the Webfoots. It will be a gala crowd at the game, if attendance at previous New V Year’s games can be taken as an estimate. It was estimated that .‘10,000 paid admissions were in the stands of the huge new Honolulu stadium last year. Football is the biggest sport in the islands and it is not unusual for a high school game to draw Id,000 people. Aggie Is Head Man The Honolulu town team is led by “Web” Edwards, former Oregon Aggie quarterback. lie is just as flashy now as he was a few years back and will be opposing the Ore gon varsity gridders for the fourth time. The town team has had a fairly successful season, losing only to the Olympic club, of San Fran cisco, by a score of 4 -0. The game was played on Decem ber 1 and since then the townie coach, “Scotty” Rchuman, has had his charges out daily practicing for (Continued on Page Two) A President Hall To Re In L. A. for Christmas President Arnold Bennett Unit will spend the Christmas holidays in Los Angeles with his family. He will only be able to spend a few days there, because of the work that has piled up during his recent ill ness, according to Marian Phv, his secretary. I)r. Hall is feeling a groat deal better since his return from his eastern trip, lie contracted influenza on his return west, and was confined in bed for several weeks in Los Angeles. Fairbanks Modelling Bust of Ezra Meeker 1 Ezra Keeker, champion of the Ola Oregon Trail who died recently in Seattle, is shown here when he posed for Avard Fairbanks, Oregon sculptor, who modeled a bust of the old pioneer. I | Christmas Carols To Add To Yuletide Spirit Y. W. C. A. Sponsors Start Of English Custom Here Ono of tlio most cherished of old English customs will make its first ■ appearance at Oregon Sunday niglit | when several groups of students will i serenade tlie ranipus with Christinas ! carols. Although the idea is being spon ! sored by the V. \V. (’. A., any stu j dent, man or woman, who wishes to i do so may join the singers. Mar garet Lee Slesher, who is in charge iif the arrangements, has announced a short song practice which will be held Friday afternoon at five o'clock in the Y. \V. Bungalow'. She urged particularly that all students who were interested in the idea should be there. The Y. AY. 0. A. vesper choir is I to form the nucleus of the singers, and they with other students who volunteer, will be divided into groups of about eight. Each group will cover a certain district, sing ing not to individual houses but to several at a time. Lenders for these groups will be chosen Friday at the song practice. To make the singing of carols at Christmas time a tradition at Ore gon is the aim of those who orig inated the idea. Other! colleges, particularly eastern ones, have this custom; and many feel that it would be a distinct addition to our campus customs. "It is a lovely custom to start provided that it is handled in an appropriate manner,” declared Miss Hazel Prutsman, dean of women. | The singing of carols will start I I about nine thirty Sunday evening1 and will last until ten thirty. Songs which are to be sung in clude: ‘‘llark, the Herald Angels Sing,” “Joy to the World,”-“Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem,” “Oh, All Ye Faithful,” “First and “Silent Night.” (tome Noel,’ Morris Talks of War To W omen Saturday “Approaching flic Cause and Cure of War” will be the subject of a talk by Victor P. Morris, assistant professor of economics, before the local chapter of the American Asso ciation of University Women at its ! next meeting, Saturday, December 15. The women will meet at the Oshurn hotel for luncheon together 'at 12:30. Trader Horn, TrUpper Thompson, Juniors9. Go A-Hunting Up McKenzie If Horntio Algor were writing this story, it would probably bo a | full length book entitled “Fighting J lirough, o r. \V i t li tho B n y: Motorcyclists i n: 1 li (> Mountains,” inrl if Lowell; Thomas were so.' fortunate as to boi :he author, he I would undoubted-* ly call it “Alone;! the McKenzie with the Student Trappers,” but the’ E m era! d must jjick Horn forego such melodramatic titles in favor of prosaic headlines. But tc get down to facts, the moral of the tale, dear children and members of the faculty, is simply this: Never, never, never attempt to ride a motorcycle up the Mc Kenzie pass road on a night in mid winter without first taking a few lessons in how to operate tlio pcskv contraptions. .Just listen to what happened when two University of Oregon upperclassmen attempted to do so. Dick Horn is a junior in journal ism. Cary Thompson is a junior in business administration./ They are both members of the Sigma. Phi Ep silon fraternity. In order to have a little pin-money to pay for Oreganas, Homecoming luncheons. Student Union buildings, and enlarged staffs of teaching fid lows, they own and operate a line of traps along the upper reaches of the McKenzie, which they visit each week-end to bring home the various muskrats, coons, skunks, mink, beaver, mountain cats, etc., whose pelts must be sacrificed to provide the Kappas anil the Thetas with their fur coats. Deciding that it would be both economical and efficient to use a (Continued on Page Five) Editors To Meet Here Feb. 21-23 It Is Announced Program Committee Line Up Speakers, Dean Allen Is Direeling Conference With the formulating of the pro gram at a committee mooting last Saturday in Portland, plans for tlio lltli annual Orogon Cross confor oiioo. to bo hold lioro Fob. 21, 22 and 2.'1, unilor tho diroot ion of Doan Kric W. Alien of the school of jour nalism, are taking definite shape. Invitations were extended the first of tho week to speakers sug gested at the session of the program committee and Dean Allen expects to have the complete schedule soon. Frank B. Appleby, publisher of the LaGrande. livening Observer, is president of the conference this year. A demonstration of a weekly paper circulation audit, a comparatively new phase of work, is to be made on a thoroughly wouglit out plan which will give angles of the audit from the viewpoint of the auditor, pub lisher and field manager. The opening day of tlie confer ence, Thursday, will be devoted to daily papers while Friday and Sat urday the program will be general. A proposition by which indepen dent, dailies will get information by exchange sufficient to put them on tho exchange basis of chain dailies will be presented by Dean Allen who has done intensive work on the plan during the past year. The exchange plan is a compilation of facts ami figures concerning the business end of the daily. Dean Allen is chairman of tho program committee, other members being Mr. Appleby, W. Verne Mc Kinney, of the Hillsboro Argus; Arne Kao, of the Tillamook Her ald; F. ('. Felter, of the Pacific Drug Review; Walter W. ft. May, of the Oregonian; and Chester Dim ond. of the Nowberg Graphic and George Aiken of the Ontario Argus, both of whom were unable to at tend the session Saturday; Old Negro Minstrel To Be Staged Soon Under Mrs. A. L. Berk T nder flip sponsorship of Mrs. Aline Landsbury Beck, instructor at the school of music, an old time negro minstrel is to be given by the boys' glee cluli of the University high school. The entertainment will be given at the high school auditorium Fri day afternoon of this week at 2:.'I0 and again Saturday evening at S. I here will be a charge of 55c for the program. Hint men for the performance will be Buck Nash and Gord Fisher while Bill Lake will fill the part of in terlocutor. U. of O. Export Bulletin Sent To Offices on Coast __ W illiam A. Fowler, associate pro ■ fessor in the bureau of business re j search, has completed a second bul letin of an export series which is being sent to approximately 50 dif ferent offices on the Pacific coast. This bulletin presents a statistical picture of the status of Pacific coast exports of veneers, plywood I and doors in foreign markets, as re I vealed by an analysis of export data | covering the first eight months oi j the years 1927 and 192K. Recitations To Be Given By H. C. HqVc Sunday New Rending Hour Feature Introduced on Campus IT. (\ TTowe, professor of English, will road poems at the library read ing hour next Sunday at o’clock in Alumni hall in 1 ho Woman’s building, according to Mrs. M. E. McClain, circulation librarian. Pro fessor Howe is well known on the campus as a. reader, having read at various times during the past few years. Poems by Hubert Pros! were read at the reading hour last Sunday af ternoon by Mrs. Ottilio Sevbolt, dra matics director. Among 1ho poems read were: “The Hired Man,” “Mending Wall,’’ and “The Bir ches.’ About 75 persons attended this program. The committee on free intellec ! tool activities with Warren I). | Smith, geology head, as chairman, j is sponsoring the reading hours for all who wish to attend. i Professor Thaclier Rates Front Plaee In ‘Add' Magazine The particular thrill that comes to followers of any craft when their | own work merits first plaee in a i group display is being experienced by W. F. fi. Thaclier, professor of I advertising, whose article on “Quos I tions That Won't Stay Answered,” j drew the lead position in the T)e I comber issue of Western Advertise j ing. I Such questions as "Does advertis j ing pav the advertiser? Who pays i for advertising? If advertising is a good thing for the manufacturer and distributor, is it as well, a good thing for the consumer? Is adver tising a social benefit? Ts it a good | thing for you and for me—and our I neighbor?” are discussed by the Ore j gon professor, whose name appears j frequently in advertising journals. j S. S. Smith To Address A.A.U.W. at Corvallis The A. A. U. W. of the Oregon Agricultural college, has invited S. Stephenson Smith, professor of Eng lish, to lecture on “Old English Music and Poetry,” Wednesday, at, 7:df) in the new Memorial Union building. Mr. Smith is taking Miss Miriam Little, cellist, and Miss Rowan Gale, pianist, with him, to give the music to illustrate his lecture, j “Green Sleeves,” “Heigh Ho for a Husband,” “Lawn as White as | Driven Snow,” “Oh Mistress Mine, Where Are Yon Roaming,” Shake | speare’s favorite tune, “Light | O’Love,” are some of the old songs j that Mr. Smith is using. Also I Charles 11’s song, which starts out, | “I pass all my hours in a shady t grove,” and ends with “ ’Tis then, 1 ’tis then, that 1 think there’s no hell—like loving too well.” All of these poems have contem porary music written to them, and it is these that he is using. The theme of the lecture is the develop ment of the folk song into the lyric art song. S. P. To Have Special Trains Over Holidays I _. j The Southern Pacific will provide a low. round trip fare to California i points, providing sufficient Cali | fornia students signify their desire I to leave for home on Thursday, De i cember 20, according to L. L. Gra ham, district agent of the Southern | Pacific. J. A. Fraser Will Lecture At Assembly ‘Fighting Parson’ Colorful Speaker. Says Friend, 1) e a n James Gilbert Lecturer Is Minister, Poet, Fighter, Athlete Outdoor Verse Produced F r o m Fishing Trips Dr. James A. Fraser of Baker, known ns n poet, fighter, athlete, lecturer, ami minister, will be the speaker at- the Thursday assembly nl II o’clock in the Woman’s building. Dr. Fraser is a close friend of Dr. James 11. (lilbert, dean id' the col lege of literature, science, and arts, and is described by Dean (lilbert as one of the most interesting and in spiring speakers who has ever spoken on the campus. The lecturer, who is of Scotch parentage, was born in Nova Scotia and attended Dalhousie, one of the oldest Canadian universities. There Dr. Fraser was prominent in ath letics, being a member of the var sity football team for four years and also was named on the all Canadian rugby team for three years. During his junior year in college, he was captain of the foot ball team. Is Ring Veteran Three boxing matches also go on Dr. Fraser’s record as an athlete. Two of them were unsuccessful but they were real fights. He is known as a true sportsman and knows by heart the lakes, streams and hunting grounds of Union, Wallowa, and Baker counties. During the World War Dr. Fraser spent three years at the front with the Canadian army. Graduated at Pittsburg Dr. Fraser is a graduate of West ern Theological Seminary at Pitts burg from which he holds the de grees of 1». 1). and S.T.D. in addition to his work at Dalhousie. He has written many short poems and has published a collection of these for distribution among his friends. A large number of his poems were written after hunting trips. Dr. Fraser will deliver an address at the Phi Beta Kappa banquet to night in addition to speaking at the assembly Thurjidny. The university orchestra, under the direction of Bex Underwood, will play two numbers before the speaker is introduced. Combined Glee Clubs To Sing 4Mass’ Again On Sunday Afternoon Gounod’s “St. Cecelia Mass” is to be given again next. Sunday after noon at t:i!0 by the combined uni versity glee clubs. The concert will be given in the school of music auditorium. The “Mass” was given last Sunday afternoon before a large audience. John Stark Evans, regular direc tor of the glee clubs, will be in charge of the concert again Sunday. He will also accompany the group on the organ. Mine. Rose McGrow, soprano; John 11. Siefert, tenor; and Roy Bryson, baritone, all instructors at the school of music, will sing the side parts for the program Satur day. Willem Von Hoogstraten, director of the Portland Symphony orches tru, with whom the glee clubs will I sing in the spring, was present al the,, concert Sunday. i Committee Reports, Petition To Be Heard In Couneil Meeting Reports from Hip infirmary and I Hip Co-op investigating committees will lie lieard and a petition pre I seated for the establishment on the campus of a chapter of Phi Beta, national women’s music fraternity, at a meeting of the student council this afternoon at 5 o’clock. The meeting is not open to the public. Bill Eddy heads the committee that was appointed to investigate the business methods of the Co operative store and study the or ganization of such stores elsewhere. With him are Roy Herndon and Burr Abner. The committee to investigate the infirmary included Joe McKeown, Helen Webster, Dena Aim, Edith Dodge, Dean John Bovard, and Art An derson. In the absence of Joe McKeown, Art Anderson, vice-president of the student body, will preside at the meeting. I i Figli I iiti> 1 *a rson __ Dr. Janies A. Fraser of Bak er, ' who will he a speaker at tomorrow morning’s assembly. He is quite a sportsman, incidentally, as well as being a minister. “I’d rather fish than be king of England,” he says. Dorm Boys Bise Early and Aid In Big Search Brail Dalson Tolls of Trip To Siuslaw Bail Lands Anil Hunt for Lost Girl “We'eaii understand how a woman unacquainted with the region could become lost mi that wilderness,” Brad liaison said in relating the ex periences that eleven university men had in' assisting in the search for Kay Wilbur who became lost in the Siuslaw region Sunday afternoon. At four o’clock Tuesday morning hoys from Gamma, and Alpha, halls arose, partook of a hasty breakfast prepared by Wilbur l’eterkin, and drove to the Chamber of Commerce building, from where they left, at about 5 a. in. The six Gamma stu dents made the trip to the Siuslaw in a Chevrolet, touring car. The others went in cars waiting for | them down town. Twelve miles of! mud greeted the would-be heroes, but, after a lot of walking and some j pushing the boys got their machine through with the aid of chains. “We arrived at the searching headquarters about seven o’clock and soon joined the right wing of the long line of searchers, which was spread out for over a mile and a half, each 25 yards from the man to either side,” Dotson explained. “We all got, good and wet, from the damp brush which stood waist high all about us. “We advanced for two hours, and then became detached from the left wing which found the girl at about 10During the two hours that, we were lost we saw a number id’ deer, a skunk and one bear. After (('milinurd on Page Pour) O.A.C., V. of W. Shells To Knee Next Spring ORT-IOON’ AGRICULTURAL OOL LKGK, Corvallis, Deo. 11. (I’ll1)— That a crow race between a Univer sity of Washington shell and Ore gon Aggies’ varsity crew will be held was assured this week with word received from Coacli A1 VI brickson of Washington. The Ag gies and the Huskies Hid pound team will row over the Willamette river course here next spring. Hedging List Of Sororities Has 32 Total Rihhons Blossom Out On Dresses as Term Ban Is Lifted This Week Sunday Listed Final ! )ay To Add Members Cnimna Nu Shows Way by Taking Six Neophytes Tlu> list nf new pledges includes: Alpha X i Delta—Helen Chaney, Kugene, ami Helen Prang, Rirkreall. Alpha Delta I’i .laei|iieline Pringle, Portland; Helen Kerkendall, Port laml. Alplia Oinieron I’i -Virginia (Irene, Portland; ami Dorothy II liilge, (llendalo. Delta. Della Delta—Pay TTelm, Bakersfield, California; Georgia Ann Miller and (leorgene Lyons of Red Bluff, California. Kappa Delta - Johnnie Shelley, Sandy; Charlotte Simpson, Los Angeles; Tone Garlic, Portland. (lamina Phi Beta—Joy Ingalls, Kugene; Marjorie Bisivell, Baker; and Jean Leonard of Port land. Sigma Kappa ■ Catherine Calonri, Alien Rutherford, and Claire Warren, all of Portland. Chi Della —Mary Kditli Winter, Pendleton, and Nana Cramer, Kugene. Delta 5?eta Beatrice Bennett, Milverton; and Kleanor Galbraith, Indepen dence. Phi Mn -Geraldine Gardner, .Medford; Mary Koon, and Gladys Mae Bavlis, both of Portland. Gamma N11—Helen TTurulin, Port land; Dixie Brown, Portland; Ada Garfield, San Diego, California; Irma Dinginun, Twin Palls, Idaho; Valene Goodrich and Klizahoth Hibberl, Daylon; Mildred Dobbins, Spokane, Washington. Library Staff Will Hold Annual Dinner At Church Tuesday Members of the library staff, their wives and husbands, will celebrate the holidays with the annual library Christmas dinner next Tuesday evening at (i o’clock in the Congre gational church. After the dinner there will be a Christmas tree as well as a Santa Claus, who will distribute gifts to the librarians. About 71) people are expected lo attend the dinner. The committee is supervised by Mrs. M. II. Douglass. Rota Ridings is at the head of the staff corn mil lee and is being assisted by Mabelle Beakloy, Guinevere Lam son, and Gladys Voder, Three Cash Awards To Re Given in Music Till'd- cash prizes ’ hn ve boon of fd'dl through Columbia university in Now York for musical composi tion by university students between