r'* * * * ^SOCIETY?* By Dorothy Baker If anyone can stop long enough at this season of the year to think of things social they will divide their thoughts between plans for the annual Christmas College Ball, to be held at the Multnomah hotel in Portland, December 129, and the Mortar Board Ball, to be held on the campus, January !>. Both dances are formal and will be the first large formal affairs to usher in the winter season. During this week, too, this year the post-season rushing is culminat ing in many dinners honoring new f pledges, before the settling down to the Bohemian atmosphere of exam week. Ruth Bryan Owen Honored at M^any Affairs An interesting and much feted visitor to the campus and Eugene of the past week was Ruth Bryan Owen. On Thursday Eugene alum nae of Delta Gamma, of which Mrs, Owen is a member from the Univer sity of Nebraska, planned a lunch eon in her honor at the Eugene hotel. Places at the luncheon were laid for Mrs. Owen, Miss Dunn, Mrs. Harris Ellsworth, Miss Jeanette Calkins, Mrs. Ivan Ware, Mrs. Hugh Ford, Mrs. Walter Banks, Mrs. Blair Anderson, Mrs. Rex Un derwood, Mrs. R. C. Romig and Mrs. .Edward Forbes. In honor of Mrs. Owen, members of Delta Gamma were hostesses on Thursday afternoon between the hours of three and five at an in formal tea at the chapter house, to which Eugene clubwomen were in vited to meet Mrs. Owen. Mrs. Katherine Yerex received with the honor guest and Mrs. J. B. Bell and Miss Mozelle Hair poured during the tea hour. Members of the sor ority assisted with the serving. Mrs. Owen was again honored when a group of faculty women en tertained at dinner Thursday eve ning in tho regents’ room of the men's dormitory. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fetes Dads Members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon J sponsored a Dads’ Day program at I their chapter house this last week- i end, and 18 dads spent the week-end ; with their sons on the Oregon cam pus. At a banquet held Saturday night,. J Bert E. Haney of Portland and O. ; C. Boggs of Medford spoke for the i ^fathers. Welcomes -were given by 1 Robert Benjamin and Robert Pren- i 1 dcrg.ast. A smoker followed later ill the evening. Dads who were guests at the house for the week-end included William ■Moore, Bert E. Haney, L. D. Good rich, C. D. Bodine, W. G. Manning, C'has. II. Eva, John G. Abele, E. R. Wiggins, E. L. Giles, H. R. Lowry, R. W. Benjamin, all of Portland; W. T. Reed, Oregon City; O. C. Boggs, Medford; O. P. Coshow, Sa lem: H. C. Galey, Ashland; K. E. Lafferty, Edgar L. Keeney, A. JT. Kopp, Eugene. Members and alumnae of Mortar Board met at the home of Miss Hazel Prutsman on Sunday evening for tea, and a short business meet ing. The group included, Mrs. Prince L. Campbell, Mrs. David Graham, Mrs. A. W. Everett, Miss Margaret Daigh, Miss Margaret Boyer, Miss Charlotte Carl!, Miss Marion tStcn, Miss Ruth Bar chain, Miss Helen Webster, Miss Edith Dodge, Miss Dorothea Lenscli, Miss Martha Swafford, Miss Dorothy Baker, and Miss Prutsman. The literature and poetry group, if the hobby groups sponsored by ['hi Theta Upsilon, met Sunday aft ernoon in the Woman’s building. During the first part of the hour, die group attended the reading of Robert Frost’s poems by Mrs. Sey >olt in Alumni hall. Following this he group adjourned to the woman’s ounge room and spent the remain ler of the time in reading and dis missing original work by various numbers of the group. * * x Announcement of December 17 as lie marriage date of Miss Coral draliam to Claire Kneeland was nought to the members of Pi Beta Phi Thursday evening on tiny candy learts in the fraternity colors, wine md blue. The ceremony will be lerformed in the Rose City Metho list church in Portland and attend mts will be Miss Rosemary Ma loney and Hugh Biggs. Miss Gra 1am was graduated last year and is member of Pi Beta Phi, and Mr. Cnecland of Alpha Tau Omega. Miss Leiioro Myers, Alpha Xi Delta, was a guest at the chapter louse last week-end from Monmouth chore she is attending school this car. -X- * -x Mrs. George Reed, housemother of Capful Alpha Theta, was honored at n informal tea given by upperclass iicn of the sorority at the chapter louse Saturday afternoon from 4:30 o 0:30. Housemothers on the cam II. Kimbrough9 W. S. C. Music Dean Visits Local Musical Fraternity Herbert Kimbrough, dean of the school of music and fine arts at Washington State college and North west province governor of Phi Mu Alpha musical honorary, was in Eugene Sunday, November 1), to in spect the Oregon chapter of that or ganization. Kimbrough has under his supervi sion, chapters at University of Washington, Oregon Agricultural college and University of Oregon, and after being entertained at a meeting Sunday afternoon, he said, “I am very pleased with the Uni versity of Oregon chapter of Phi Mu Alpha. The organization here includes many mighty fine men, and it is right up to the minute with the | rest. j “I have noticed a great similar ity between the methods used here and our men at Washington,” said the dean after lie was shown through the University of Oregon school of music. “Dean Laudsbury and I work on very much the same plan. The enrollment in both schools arg just about equal, and also the faculty numbers nearly the same. “Ou a recent trip "east,” he con tinued, “I had the pleasure of dis covering the various rating of many schools throughout the United States. Our university and college schools of music far excell most of those iu the East and in California. "Kan sas for instance has a good one, but that of Illinois is very poor. The Western schools seem to bo better organized and better attend ed. "Many schools, Stanford for in stance, do not cater to music at all and have neither a school or de partment in that line. One differ ence between the systems used be tween Washington State and Ore gon is that at Washington the de Your reward for our work well done, is comfortable vision and satisfaction. Make Appointments Whenever Possible Dr. Sherman W.Moody Optometrist - Eyesight Specialist Suite Sol Miner Bldg. Phone 3olo. Mrs. 11. D. Sheldon * entertained for the Girls’ Oregon club at an in formal tea last Wednesday after loon at her home on University street. The hours were from 3 to 5:30, and chrysanthemums were ■ombined with red carnations about die rooms. Mrs. H. G. Townsend mured and Mrs. Earl Pallett assist ’d the hostess. Faculty women complimented at he tea imdudftUMLss' ’lKtS'eT*T>i'fiis nan, Mrs. E. G. Moll, Mrs. Emerson A Schmidt, Mrs, C. B. Gavit, Mrs. 1. II. Seashore, Mrs. L. O. Wright, | ills. Charlotte Donnelly, Mrs. M. II. Jonglass, Mrs. Walter R. B. Wilcox, Miss Marjorie Wcstcott, Miss Bedell Sloper, and Miss Beatrice Towers. Freshmen majors in the school of Forget your tronblcs-see “PIGS!” TODAY and WEDNESDAY v° cv COMEDY A drama ' of heart aud laughter. — Also — REX MUSIC rex r«CES Watil£V>c0 Nigw 3fsc CUUdrcn ____ doors OfSN 1;45 and «>.*■» Let us clean your hat before you go home 1 education were the guests of Mr. i and Mrs. Harold S. Tuttle at, a 1 I party Thursday evening designed as I a get-acquainted mix. The Univer I sity high school assembly room was the scene of the party which lasted • from S until 10. Numerous games . entertained during tin' evening and i refreshments were served later, the < host and hostess being assisted by [ i Mrs. Parker and Miss Ida May ,! Pope. Penn and Mrs. 11. I>. Sheldon II were also guests for the affair. Week-end guests at the Sigma Pi | Tau house were John M. Clark, ’117, I John Sprouse, ex-TO, and Carleton llamle, ex-JO. All are from Port land. Members and pledges of Girls’ Oregon club met together Friday evening for a supper party which they called “Dinty Moore’s Spe rial,” corned beef and cabbage lead ing on the menu. A line party fol lowed the supper, at which Mrs. Karl l’allett and Mrs. Henry Shel don were patronesses. Miss Eileen Palmer and Miss Alice Shaw were ' in charge of the affair. Members,of Kappa Kappa Gamma who were guests' from Portland at ■ the chapter house over the last ; week-end were Miss Emery Miller, j .Miss Cauleen (heath, Miss Leslie Gage, Miss Pauline Ycon and Miss i Elizabeth Talbott. Miss Bobby lleid, Alpha Omicron 1’i, spent the last week-end at the home of her sister in Monmouth, Oregon. Oregana (Continued from■ l\i(jc One) oral years ago. Since his first year at Oregon, li'^o-’2(i, he has had business experience in New York and other eastern cities, selling ad vertising, bonds, and automobiles. Since 1iis appointment he has gone intensely into the business problems of the Oregana and says he intends to give his best efforts and to see that his staff does the same to solve the difficulties the book has con fronted and to insure a creditable publication that will be out on time, with money to pay its bills. At the meeting George Turnbull, adviser for the year book, spoke in praise of the new editor and manager, commenting on the efficient manner in which they had taken hold, at the same time saying a word for the officers who had given up tl^eir task. “PIGS” tonight—-Great comedy! !i3isiai3iai5iaiaiai ©isiaaiEiaisEEiaiaiarfliaEi WE HAVE 1 THAT GOOD | Richfield Gas 1 Christmas P eature | All-Wool Blankets Ask the Operator Oregon Service Sta. lltli and Hilyard ji^^isiaaiaiaiaiaiaisEiBiDisisiaiaaiaiaia Godfrey, Who Knows His Hawaii, Gives Gridders Some Good Advice Hands Players Lowtlowii About Island Manners Uina) instructions on what’s what mul how to do and say it in Hawaii wore given to members of the Uni versity of Oregon football squad Just before they left for the Para dise iif the Pacific by George 11. Godfrey, director of the public re lations bureau. Mr. Godfrey lived for two years at Hilo, Hawaii, where he was managing editor of the Hilo Tribune-Herald, and he also worked for a time on the Htar BulJctiu in Honolulu. The first lesson given the players, coaches and faculty members was in the pronunciation of “Hawaii.” There is no “ia” on the end of the word, Godfrey pointed out, and it should lie pronounced “Ha-wu-ce.” The word “Aloha,” which means “ hello,” “goodbye,” “1 love you” and several other tilings, is pro nounced "AJ-oh-ha” and not “aloa” as is often done here. The players were also cautioned never to refer to Japanese and Chi nese as “Japs” or “Chinamen” as these terms are regarded almost as insults in the islands. The bovs were also told not to say “United States,” when referring to the main land, for the people of Hawaii re gard their territory as an integral part of this country, with rights equal to any other part of the na tion. The term “mainland” is al ways used. A few other Hawaiian words in common use were added to the vo cabulary of tlie travelers. “Waliine” is tin' universal designation of girls] or women. “Wikiwiki” means I “hurry up.” “Pilikia” means trou-| bio, and the phrase “no pilikia”] means “il is no trouble to do it,” as speaking of a favor requested. A J word in universal use is “pan” I meaning “completed, done, finished, j or through.” “Pau for the day,” means that work for that day is over. Godfrey also told the boys that CAMPUS BARBER SHOP Next to Campus Shoo Shop Gives those neatly tapered hair cuts without tho cap effect. ^UIIHI!IIIWI!IIHII!IIUillH!!!l«IIIIIHI ■l| B i How dues this ® * sound for a 'm 40c Lunch I Soup • Salad ® Entree with Vegetables jj Potatoes ■ Ilot Rolls I Dessert | Dot or fold Drinks Every noon at the j College Side Inn Give Her What She Wants... And you can gamble your life (or love) on one sure thing. She wants something that we can furnish'—a gift that expresses good taste, is useful and one that will last. Let us show you some presents that will win her instant and constant approval. , Hoffman Jewelry Co. Willamette Jusi Nirtli of 8th St. j they would bo sure to enjoy every I minute of their stay in the islands, j for the people there are most hos | pit able. They will be shown the sights of the islands, anil will be treated to many banquets and lunch es during the visit. Cities in the islands are modern in every way, and the equal to I cities of similar size on the main land, Godfrey declared. The visit ors are sure to agree with the. resi dents of Hawaii that the territory j should some day become the -litth j state in tlie Union. Godfrey predicted that, the Ore gon squad would defeat the Univer sity of Hawaii team since it is uu : usually light, but that the “Town j Team” which is composed largely of mainland college football stars, ; would win from the Wobfoot eleven. A. Thompson To Talk At Pan Xenia Meeting Avery Thompson, one of the Ore gon world (our debaters, will talk to members of 1’an Xenia, interna tional foreign trade fraternity, to night at their last meeting before examinations and the end of the term. 11 is subject, will be on Japan and China, largely from the com mercial viewpoint. The talk will be based on his travels. The meeting will be in the form of a banquet at the Anchorage at students arc now in the infirmary and the annexes suffering from the flu. New patients at the infirmary are: Bernard Lindeman, who, how ever, has a sprained ankle, Eliza beth Criswell, l’earl Rayburn, Lu cille Hill, Mae McEadgen, and Anne Maler. At Tharher cottage: Maxino Paulson, Jean Young, Jane Burm csler, Janies Watts, Peter Hamilton, William Winter, Anne Brieknell, George \ arnev, and Howard Dirks. At the annex: Houston Dunaway, Lawrence Kngstroiu, and Howard Lipp. “PIUS” is the best exam antidote! NOW PLAYING A Talking f Picture l Triumph I HEAR i ■The most thrilling romance] of all GLORIOUS BETSY With DOLORES COSTELLO * CONRAD NAGEL f speaking tlieir parts on the! i- wondrous l Vitaphone £ And, too, you’ll HEAR $ £ and * SEE SIN G1NG -TALKING ACTS JOE COOK a lid NINA TARASOVA “Down at the Lemon ‘O’ Corner” lias come to be a by-word on the campus. Where do college folk buy most of their supplies? Where do they get those deli cious Kistwiqh sandwiches? Where do they say they will meet? Where do the rallies start? At the Lemon “O’* corner. Lemon ‘O’ Pharmacy lltli ajud Alder Dad and Mother are anxiously awaiting you Make them feel that you have not neglected their training by arriving home spic and span in clean togs. We will hurry to accommodate your latest order. New Service Laundry say High Phone 8&j