Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 11, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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    University of Oregon, Eugene
Arthur Schocni.Managing Editor
Carl Gregory.Asst. Managing Editor
Joe Pigney.Sports Editor
Leonard Delano.P. I. P. Editor
Serena Madsen.Literary Editor
W. E. Hempstead Jr.Associate
Leonard Hajjotrom.Associate
William Haprgerty.Associate
Dorothy Baker.Society
Donald Johnston.Feature
Clarence Craw.Makeup
News and Editor Phone 656
DAY EDITOR Lawrence Mitchelmorc, Mary Prances Dilday, Serena Madsen, Carl
Gregory, Elaine Crawford.
NIGHT EDITf RS: Rex Tussing, chief; Winston J. Londagin, Walter Butler, Chaa.
H. Barr Merlyn F. Mayger, Mildred E. Dobbins.
ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Ted Hewitt, Alyce Cook, Mary Ellen Mason, Fred;
Bechill, Stivers W. Vernon, Ruth Gaunt, Nils Ecklund, Barney Miller, Carl Metxen, I
H. A. Wingard.
SPORTS STAFF: Estill Phipps, Delbert Addison, Alex Tamkin, Chan Brown, Joe
Brown, Fred Schultz, Harry Van Dine.
UPPER NEWS STAFF: Ralph Millsap, LaWanda Fcnlason, Harry Tonkot), Chryetal |
Ordway, Margaret Clark, Mary McLean, Wilfred Brown.
REPORTERS: Mary Klemm, Evelyn Shaner, Myron Griffin, Lester McDonald,,
Maryhelen Koupal, Cleta McKennon, Audrey Henricksen, Margaret Reid, Gene !
Laird, Ruth Hanson, Alice Gorman, T. Neil Taylor, Willis Duniway, Loie Nelson,
Vinton Hall, Dorothy Thomas, Dorothy Kirk, Carol Hurlburt, Phyllis VanKimmel,
Beatrice Bennett, David Wilson, Victor Kaufman, Dolly Horner, Aileen Barker. 1
Elise Schroeder, Osborne Holland, John Dodds, Henry Lumpee, Lavina Hicks i
William If. Hammond Associate Manager
George Weber .lr. Foreign Adv. Manager
Dorothy Ann Warnick... Asst. Foreign Mgr.
Phil Hammond...Service Dept.
Ruth Grpnsrer .Secret arv-Gashier
Charles Reed.Advertising Manager
Richard Horn...Asst. Adv. Manager J
Harold Kester ..Asst. Adv. Manager,
Wilbur Shannon.Circulation Manager!
Margaret Poorman.Mar. Checkins: Dent. I
Business Office Phone 1896
ADVERTISING SALESMEN: Addison Hrockmin, Bob Miller, Larry Wiggins, Jack
Gregg, Hod Hall, Bob Holmes, Ralph Brockmann, Ina Tremblay, Betty Hagen, '
Margaret Underwood.
OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Jane Fraley, Harriet Arenz, Dorothy Jones, Carol Hurlburt,
Kathryn I’erigo, Julianne Benton. Guy Stoddard, Jim Landreth, Lawrence Jackson.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Student* of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the
college year. Member of the Pacific Inter-collegiate Press. Entered in the post office
at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 year. Adver
tising rates upon application. Residence phone, manager, 2799.
Day Editor This /ssuc—Lawrence Mitehelmore
Night Editor Thin Issue—-Julia Currie
Asst- Night Editor This Issue—•Gracemury Rickman
Others Take Dp Cry:
ISo Soap! No Soap!
Encouraged by the support tlie student hod.v is showing j
for our editorial campaign for improved soap conditions in the i
men’s gym the Emerald is prepared to carry the war for soap
to its “bitter end,” as one of our cummunicants in this morn- J
ing's paper suggests. Another student writes that we have j
“voiced a sentiment . . . felt for years” and that “It is a)
crying shame that sueh a condition be permitted to exist in
this harbor of advanced thought.” In a more fervent, vein
another closes his remarks with “Here’s for more and better
soa p! ’ ’
Proud to have struck a responsive chord, to have uncovered
an opportunity to he of real service, we bear the standard for
ward in the mighty crusade to down the anti-soapists.
Hut not locally has our shaft drawn comment. The seerc
tary of Public Health, with offices at Washington, 1). sent
the following message:
Dear Editor:
1 am amazed that the conditions you have bared to i
public scrutiny exist. That a university, the torch bearer
of civilization, should countenance such backwardness
comes as a shock. 1 aim sending a committee to probe the
case immediately. Under separate cover 1 am mailing you
a bar of Ivory soap. (It floats.)
Very truly yours,
.John W. Kniit h.
And from far-off South America, aboard the Hoover good
will ship, comes this little note:
At Sea,
December 8, 19L!8.
Dear Editor:
As soon as 1 a,in inaugurated I shall have the Senate
appoint an investigating committee to help you in your
crusade for more soap. Meanwhile keep fighting. When
I was at Stanford we had the same trouble.
Thanks for your assistance in my campaign. 1 feel
that without the support of your powerful organ 1 could
never liaVe been elected. And now I shall repay your'ef
forts with soap.
Your friend,
Backed by these nationally known figures the Emerald
ventures a prophecy soap is forthcoming. The little group
of valiant Physical Educators who have held out for years
against all comers will be forced to surrender under I lit' glaring
light of publicity. It must he soap, soap be it. H. 11.
Future Problems ISo Greater
Than Those of Today
Most of us tiro constantU got tiny; into dit'fioultios of one
sort or another, and golfing over them more or less suecessfullv.
Some of the difficulties that meet us pass over and leave coin ;
paratively little trace behind them. Others are not so kind,
and leave their mark permanently engraved on that suboonseious
memory which rises from the background like a; sept re to make
us pause on the Ihreshhohl of new attempts. Often they act as
friendly warnings. More often the experiences that we have and
the difficulties we have to overcome go to the making of a
larger and fuller self which can face the world and its vicis- j
situdes with the confidence of maturity.
It is a common thing for the older people to trodt lightly
the troubles of young people. But they forget that it is not
the si/.e of the problem that counts, but the knowledge of the,
right way to overcome it that decides whether it will become
a real worry or not. The problem of deciding a question of
state, if the experience of the statesman is broad enough, takes
no more effort than the deciding of a problem of organization ;
by an officer of some campus society if that problem presents;
some new features that lie has not previously met. When youth
becomes older it does not usually find the problems to be ;
greater than those now being met. Barger they may lie, and
more max hang on his solution, but iutrinsicalB they are no
more difficult.
In meeting some of the problems tin'll confront us. some !
times we are tempted to let the thing slide, and “Bet it solve
itself" is a common solution tha< often fails to solve the prob
loin. Probably in a good many cases the thing is not serious
enough to plav much of a part in creating trouble if it is left,
but the failure to meet the difficulty is .seriousness enough
in all truth It is a failure that will probably lead to other
failures, and in later life will be a)\ open pit of inexperience
that will be the cause ol failure in main an undertaking
Met I ill Daily.
^'v' ®
I nuiv ,
To tin1 Editor:
1 atu liouitilv hchhul vou in your
attack on the wwpleos situation in
Ilir mt'ii \s |‘li\ sifn 1 odut.it ion tic
I hi it incut. I think it is a oankor
that hits o\istotl Iniiouougli ttn tho
stutlwit hotly. I think, likewiso,
that fit1 rv Oit'jjim man agroos with
mo. Horn's to more a ml l>ot tor
To tin1 Ktlitor:
\ our rooont oilitorial on the la ok
ol soup m tlio moil's gym vok'ej u|
sentiment that I have felt for years.
It is a crying shame that such a
condition be permitted to exist in
this harbor of advanced thought.
Yours for soap,
To the Editor:
Your wealth of sympathy and
understanding for the suffering of
your fellowmen is a beautiful qual
ity, Mr. Editor. I should like to
see you carry the fight for more
soap to the bitter end. I, for one,
shall stand staunchly back of you.
Yours in filth,
.-■/? . *\ i
Barnett ( Pol. Sci.).End
Taylor (College Side) .End
Benefiel (A. S. U. O.).Tackle
McClain (Co-op).Tackle
Campus Cop (?).Guard
Rudy Ernst (English).Guard
Landsbury (Music).Center
A. B. Hall (Oregon) Quarter
Gilbert (Econ).Halfback
Hodge (Geology)..Halfback
Steve Smith (English).Fullback
At ends we have named Barnett
and Taylor. “Stiffy” has been the
end of more than one frosh on this
campus, and there isn’t much that
goes around Hersli Taylor.
Benefiel and McClain at tackle.
Nothing need be said about them.
Their furious charging is known all
along the coast.
Campus Cop, as guard, has never
bcon know'n to miss his man, and
Ernst gurads the morals of his
classes by warning them against
reading any “low” literature he
landsbury we have placed at cen
ter. He has shown that he can
stand up under a greater amount
of punishment for a greater length
of time than Stadelman.
Arnold Bennett Hall, is known
the land over as Oregon’s roving
<|uarii r back.
Jimmy Gilbert, halfback, is a
triple-threat. He threatens to flunk,
pass, or give incomplete.
Dr. Hodge, at the other halfback
position, is a stone wall on defense,
and will be able to handle the kick
ing department.
Steve Smith is giving the full
back berth to see whether or no’
he ever reads this column.
From the publicity appearing in
Dick Soup some houses must have
selected a publicity man to handle
their mud slinging. Students are
beginning to wonder if the editor
ever skims the soup.
No! The only trouble is that in
most houses everybody is too lazy
to grab a broom, sweep up some
dirt, and put it in the Duck Soup
box. As for skimming; no, it is
never skimmed. You can’t skim
Yestoi day we lost :
FOUR HITS shooting craps . . .
A BAP BET when wo took :i sport
ing chance oil it's not being
I,rot'. Louis’ dav for a quiz . . .
auto ... A MILK SHARK on tlio
color of Iioli'ii Harnett's hair.
* 11 i
Oh boy! Chagrined at me! *
A "University Bachelor Girl”
"rites in ami complains that her
grocery hill came to 8.88.
<’«ies* she “fc” too muck!
Little Blue Eyes wonders if the
Mortar Board ball is to be given by
the local Plasterers’ Union.
A while hack the Emerald gave
several students' definitions or love.
1 vo got a better one than any of'
t heirs.
lane is that wonderful thing that;
changes the "Maiden’s Prayer” in- j
to tin “ Wedding “March. ”
* ■* *
The Ambler
Yesterday we saw:
\\ ALTON CRANE with his foot
on a wire (not telephone) . . .
I RANK GALLIN' headed for the
InmiL (aide . . . MARIAN PAT
Tt'I.O looking out for ears . . .
PI.Rt \ RIDDLE searching the
"funnies tor a friend who was to
meet him there . . . JOHN TOBIN
kicking a fraternity brother . . .
ing a Idite chapeau . . . VIRGINIA
BI N T also wearing a blue hat .
HI. V N t-.RIC \\ . ALLEN carrviug
i towel . . . ELAINE CRAWFORD
Pottuding off a term theme . . .
IIAKOl |i ALLEN spcjriug a bean
. . DOT BAKER clipping up news
Forget your trouldcs-sec "PIGS'!
“ It Tells the College Times ==
Hear that noise the other (lay
coming from Corvallis ? That was i
the Oregon Aggie student body wel
coming their victorious gridders
home after the Aggie men had
flattened the derbies of En Wy Yew.
This is how Caal Rozzen, the
I*. I. P. A. correspondent at the
Beaver pond, puts it, “Pent-up en
thusiasm of more than 400 Oregon
State students was unleashed in
howling acclaim ...”
And forgetting for the moment
of the recent 12-0 affair, we take |
time-out to express our congratula- j
lions also.
* * * •
From the Daily Nebraskan we
glean: ‘‘Two fellows nearly froze
to death in a class room the other
daj\ A co-ed thought it easier to
raise the window than to shed her
fur *coat.” '
An atheist society is working
der cover on .the Univerisity
Minnesota campus.
Well! Well! First year co-eds j
on the University of Indiana cam- i
pus must wear green caps. Wo al- j
ways did advocate the equality of,
“Hparks of genius are just the !
products of flaming youth.”—Min- !
nesota Daily.
Back Pages
In Campus History
That Tell How The
Collegians Used to Act.
Fifteen Years Ago
From Oregon Emerald,
December 11, lfJld
Interclass basketball games start
next week, and the series will be
completed before Christmas.
As a result of the Alma Mater
song contest, which closed last
night, the judging committee has 12
songs from which to select.
The new swimming tank in the
gymnasium has been completed, and
Oregon is thus afforded an oppor
tunity to compete with other
schools in water athletics, if the
students care to take advantage
of it.
Twenty-five Years Ago
From Oregon Weekly,
December 11, 1902
Representatives of the extremely
numerous and cocky sophomore class
were defeated o to 0 by the rest of
the university in a football game
Saturday afternoon.
“l’it” was the game of the eve
ning at a reception given by Prof,
and Mrs. ('. A. Burden for the var
sity football men and their lady
friends Saturday evening.
University students from eastern
Oregon are planning to entrain for
home shortly after the examinations
in February.
j Wetjen
(Continued from Taf/e One')
are the facts. They want to live
well, so they have to do the stuff
that people will buy—or starve.
Frowns on Starvation
“Bui 1 don’t intend to starve,”
he smiled. "1 do both kinds of
things. Three days a week 1 buy
my bread and butter with westerns
and fillers- I'm under contract
with a pulp paper right uow—and
the rest of the week I do the thing
1 really want to do.”
The stamp of a sailor is not on
this energetic, smiling person. That
he has weathered shipwrecks, rode
days on end of churning sea, and ,
traveled uncounted miles about the
world doing a bit of everything, is i
evidenced in nothing but a slight ^
accent in his ready speech, which
marks him as an Englishman.
"The first thing l ever wrote and
sold, will ever be a mystery to me.
It was bad- very bad. But 1 had
the faculty of falling in love about
every three months and 1 was de
termined to show each girl that 1
could do something. 1 started at
the bottom anil worked up, by brute
strength, you might say.” lie
jerked his head and smiled at liis \
own short stature.
“Most people that are dabbling at j
the writer’s game, try to meet and
present life from an intellectual j
Slant and they miss the emotional.”
He took a deep breath, gave a hesi
tating glance about and announced.
“The basis of all creative art, of
all life, is sex. I’m 7.1 per cent
Freudian. Even Chinese art, naked
as it is of sex, is in reality heavy j
with it. The greatest of Chinese
poets, I’o, died in a drunk, because
some woman turned him down.
Dante worshipped Beatrice, (Shake
speare and a hundred others built
their work on some such contacts.
You've got to sink to the lowest
before you can get to the heights on
a rebound. You’ve got to know life
from the roots up. A wife, a mother,
a sister, a mistress—always some
woman is responsible for what we
men do. That’s the way art grows
—kind of an overtone out of the
facts of life. I hope it isn’t true, j
but I know it is.”
(Continued from Tmjc One)
sweaters. Bhe must first earn one
thousand points based on the follow
ing classifications: first team, one
hundred points; second team, sev
enty-five points; third team, -fifty
points; and fourth team, twenty
five points. Only five hundred
points may be earned in one year.
After she has earned a thousand
points tihe candidate is not yet
ready for her reward. Bhe must
first fulfill three other demands.
She must have some W. A. A. ac
tivity such as managership of a
sport. She must have officiated at
some athletic competitive meet and
must be voted upon favorably by
the W. A. A. council and faculty
of the physical education depart-1
The awards next Thursday will i
be presented by Miss Waterman at !
the new club room in the Woman’s j
building. In honor of the girls who
have succeeded tiNmeeting all the
requirements for a sweater there
will be a general get together party
and tea for all women athletic en
thusiasts. All college women are
invited to come to the new club |
room and join in the fun.
(Continued from Page One)
drawn by hand with many possibil
ities of inaccuraces from lack of
“It occurred to Mrs. Anna Wood
ward Lupher, a student in the geol
ogy department at that time, that
it might be possible to devise a
machine which would record this line
by simply tracing along the curve j
with one arm of a recording appa-j
ratus, letting another attached arm
scratch an exact duplicate of the su- |
ture of the specimen on a smoked
"Pigs” Cast Rehearses; Promises
Comedy, Drama in Plenty Tonight
Drawn curtains; subdued voices;
last minute instructions; and the
curtain rose. Before tin' critical
eves on a small audience consisting
of directors, players and a reporter
the cast of "Pigs,” the senior class
play to he presented tonight at the
Iteilig, started its final rehearsal at
Build hall last night.
Again and again from the darken
ed hall Constance Both, director,
halted the players to explain an in
tense or comical situation. Again
and again entrances were made and
scenes replayed until the characters
lived their parts.
Comedy, drama, and thrills com
bine to make "Pigs’’ a play iu
Pig to " PKijS”—late permission!
tensely interesting in every one or
its three acts.
Through the efforts of two young-1
sters, played li.v Larry Shaw, as jj
Thomas Atkins, Jr., and (irace third-.1
ner, as Mildred Cushing, to bolster It
up the family bankroll by investing j
$^50 in 250 choleric pigs, to he
cured bv Junior, as an embryonic
vet "liinary, the play progresses to an
exciting climax and satisfactory j
Diana Deiuinger as the quiet, dig
nified, and patient mother has a
difficult time in keeping peace in
the family during Junior's trials as
a- doctor and his hectic engagement
to Mildred. The leads tire dramat- j
ieallv, comically portrayed, and the
minor characters add till that could
he desired to the comedy of the
New York University School of Retailing
Retailing is aa attractive field for college graduates.
Experience in department stores is linked with instruction.
Master of Science in Retailing degree granted upon comple
tion of one year of graduate work.
Illustrated booklet on request. For further information
write l'r. Norris A. Brisco, Dean, New York University (School
of Retailing. Washington (Square East, New York City.
glass,” Dr. Packard continued. “Mr.
Ralph Lupher, then my research as
sistant, became interested in the
suggestion and lie, Mrs. Lupher, and
myself evolved an apparatus that
permitted the procuring of sutures
in this way.
“This scheme has already at
tracted much attention among pal
eanthologists and we have an order
for a duplicate machine from one
of the large univeirsitiies in the
Miss Audrey Hall, undergraduate
assistant to I)r. Packard, has trained
herself in the tracing of these su
tures and she is adding to Dr. Pack
ard’s collection of signatures. Dr.
Packard states that by this pro
cess they have drawn out more sig
natures of Cretaceous ammonites, in
which he is specializing, than all
previous workers in this field.
The styles of 1801 reign at the
McDonald, theatre tocl/ry ami to
morrow while “Glorious Betsy” is
on the screen. Conrad Nagel as
Jerome Boiiapart, and Dolores Cos
tello as the Belle of Baltimore, faith
fully portray the famous romance
of the great French emperor’s
brother and the beautiful southern
damsel. The settings arc palatial
and the costumes of the early nine
teenth century are faithfully repro
duced; even the butlers’ waist-coats
are antiques. The vitaphone ac
companyment is excellent and two
former opera stars, Amato and Seg
urola, who sing several French selec
tions, add greatly to the charm of
“Glorious Betsy.”
At the Heilig tonight Mask and
Buskin will present a three-act
comedy, “Pigs,” the play that once
sent New York theatre goers into
fits of hysterical laughter. Wed
nesday, Patsy Ruth Miller is starred
in “Tragedies of Youth,” while
“Uncle Izzy” and his pawn shop will
monopolize' the stage Thursday,
bingers Musical Comedy company
will present a surprise program Fri
day and Saturday.
Bor today and tomorrow the Rex
has booked .Jack Mulhall and Doro
thy Mac-kail in “ Wa.terfrontj,” a
real romance of lowbrows, and sail
ors. Glen Tryon favors us with a
lare treat at the Rex Thursday when
he appears in “IIow to Handle Wo
men, a masterpiece of comic ex
travaganza. “The Crimson Can
yon,” a genuine wild west thriller,
playing Saturday, will end this
theatre’s engagements for the week.
“The Man Who Laughs,” an en
tertaining mystery drama will be at
the McDonald Thursday, Friday and
Saturday and promises something
now in vitaphone production. Con
rad Veidt and Mary Philbin arc
co-starred for the first time in this
picture and. both have perfect voices
for talking features.
The Colonial presents a choice
selection of big pictrues this week,
the first of which is Tolstoy’s
“Resurrection,” featuring Dolores
Del Rio and Rod La Rocque, showing
bio and Rod La Roque, showing
the last time today. “Walking
Back,” a new type of high brow
comedy starring Sue Carol, is book
ed for Wednesday and Thursdav and
several short novelties will be on
the same program. Richard Bar-'
thelnicss in “The Patent Leather
Kid, ’ his best World war picture,
will occupy the screen Friday and
'■PIGS" is the best exam antiiTote!
="^~£U>^^Uifrri A n
All women who have been collecting
W. A. A. membership dues please
hand in their receipt books and
money at room 1-0 in the Wom
an's building immediately.
Alpha Delta Sigma—The term's last
meeting is this coming Thursday,
at the Anchorage at noon. lit)
out for sure.
Emerald staff meeting Monday, Jan
uary 7, at 1 p. m. All present
members and those who aspire to
be writers be present. This in
cludes all on the news staff.
Westminster Guild will meet tonight
for dinner at <5 o’clock at West
minster house. Mrs. W. H. Doan
will speak.
Meeting of high school conference
directorate this afternoon in 101
Journalism building at 4 o’clock.
The Y. W. C. A. cabinet will hold
its regular meeting this evening
at 7:15 at the “Y” Bungalow in
order that the members may be
through in time to attend the
play “I’igs.”
Mortar Board Ball committee meet
at Ti Beta Phi house at 5 o’clock
Y. W. cabinet members, attention!
There will be a meeting tonight
in the Bungalow at 7:45. Please
be there.
Final grades in physical education
for men will be posted in locker
room, men’s gymnasium, December
17 at 9 a. m. and will be removed
December 19 at 0 p. m. No grades
will lie changed after December 19.
Thespians—There will be no meet
ing of the Thespians today.
APPROVED clean housekeeping
rooms, built-in fixtures, girls
only, $20.00. 3ott 13th Ave. E.
typing. Call at 1353 V-i Agate
or Emerald business office.
DOUBLE downstairs room for girls,
furnace heat, single beds. 3.12(3
FOR WOMEN—Single room in mod
ern home. Eurnace heat. 11-10
LOST—Light grey topcoat at main
library between 3 and 5 Sunday.
Return to place from which taken.
Laugh at “PIGS”-—tonight only!
London Man
Gives Cool Tip
Smokers Here
London, England
30th December, 1921
Larus & Bro. Co.,
Richmond, Va., v
U. S. A.
As my Christmas present I pun
chased for myself a pound of your to
bacco (Edgeworth) in 1% lb- flat tins
This morning on the tram I met a mar
with whom I am only slightly acquaint
ed, and filling my pipe produced youi
tin, at which he exclaimed: “ I am not a
pipe smoker, but occasionally 1 have a
try in that direction and I consider that
the tobacco in your hand is the fines'
I am in entire agreement with hi!
Yours faithfully,
J. J. Mason
Extra High Grade
Smoking Tobacco
Fire! Fire!! Fire!!!
No, this is not the frenzied
invitation to hear the fire bells
ring or Nero play his fiddle, nor
to see the favorite hot dog stand
burn down—it’s the call of chill
ed upperclassmen to one of the
meek, cringing frosh to get
some of our ‘‘hot’’ slabwood to
put on the fire and warm things
up a bit.
Lumber Co.
Phone 452