Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 07, 1928, Page 6, Image 6

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    Reading Hour
Is Innovation
As University
Mrs. Seybolt 5 las Plans
To Present Poetry of
Dnnsay, Robert Frost
Students, Family, IitviUvl
To First Affair Sunday
Alumni 1»:111 in fche WmnJlii's build
ing will In? open from limn to four
o VI or k next Sunday a fternoon for
n reading hour. This is nn innova
tj ;11 in the Oregon campus. Htn
<1' .! 1 : a ii* ;i. i-ii'd fii:o -I to fol'IHM I re.‘1(1
j i ■; •, to Iodines, 1o in form;! I d:x
i.*n- dons; l uI this n ading lionr on
Sunday n ftemoon is ;d inform'd ns
n friendly dial nronnd tin* fireplace.
Airs. Otillio Seybolt will, however,
do moxi of tin* talking.
Mrs. Soy lio 11 \s sdedions, eon I:*,‘try
to tin* report in Tuesday\s Emerald, j
■VA'i 11 really inolndo hut one of tin* ■
modern Irisli authors- Lord Dim
finny. The majority of lift* reading!
avtII lx* from tlio poet ry of Robert
Fro it.
Sol tile first time since Mrs. Soy
bolt has been on the campus, st :i !
dents and faculty will have an op
port unity to become better acquaint-j
od with the new drama head and j
In listen to good literature read
beautifully by one who loves lit-I
oral nre and en joys reading aloud.
There is no admission charge nor
formal organization back of this
♦Sunday reading hour. The univer
sity family is invited to come- and
Ross Hall, Phi Psi
Gridiron Match
East-West Affair
Hayward Field Set as Place
For Conflict Saturday;
Squads Wail for Victory
What promises to lx* allotIkt M.ist'
*\V*• st grid classic will lx* played
Haturdav morning a! 10 o’clock
when Slimy I?osh hall, of llu* I’.ir
custom (‘ini of tin* <*nin|him, moots,
1*11 i Kappa Sig, the west-endors, on
Hayward field. I * o 111 looms will go
on llio field hopped up for :i vie
fury, .nml the winner’s prospect of
gelling other games scliednled will
bring the fighting spirit still higher
in cm eh eleven.
“Watch ihe Browns of Oregon”
is one warning issue I from the I ’hi
I ‘si camp. “Ilig” Broun, “Bigger”
B 1'iiwlie, and “Biggest” Browne will
all lx* in the starting lineup and ex
pect to get off to flying starts.
Both Coaches Confident
(loach Nibs Price McCool for the
■Westerners ami Warner Bock no
Chose for the (‘astern boys promise
slellar performances by their men
and each yesterday felt confident
of a win. Trick plays, reverses,
lateral and double lateral passes,
goad line plays, and slraighl aerial
nlfa ks are being worked up by
both elevens.
The Phi Psi lineup will have
“Bouncing” Boulclier at center;
“Heartless” llallowell and “Pig”
Biown, guards; “Pearless” Pelter
and “(’(unfed” Coving,don, tackles;
“Merciless” MeCoc and “Slm*foot”
Shannon, en !•.; “Bigger” I'rownc,
(piaider; “Ornery” Olsen and “.lost
ling” Johnson, hall's ;and "Biggest
lir< wni', full.
Par the We t, Dr. Infirmary Wall
is trainer; “Aimless” Adams, mail
agar; “.Juicy” Johnson, yell lender;
ai d “.Mooney” Miller, water boy.
McCall at Center
Sherry Ross* lineup includes
“Masher” McCall, center; “Beer
loss” Peterson and “Dashing”
Deity., guards; “Artful” Ames and
“ Powerful” Peterson, t a c k I e s ;
“Trapper” MrCue and “Harmful”
Hamilton, ei ls; “Whacker” Walk
or, (juart w; “Surohot” Shnw and
“Pirpo” Poster, halt’s; and “Colum
bm ” Chamberlain, full.
rrhe easterners have Dr. “Cureus”
Alayger, trainer; Kchnde Miller
C'has;*, manager; “Wondrous” W il
limits.m, yell lender; and "Mugger”
Ai cl "lee, water boy.
The game will be called promptly
at pk (bites will be opem'd at IB-hi
and the campus is invited by the
teams and staff* to witness the
»trug lie.
Daughter of Hryan
Gives Politics Key
Get Into Community Vi oik,
Say* Mrs. Ruth 15. Owen
By M. C.
‘‘Ai-iive part ieipation in tho cum
inanity nffairs w 11i 1 <> in college <■
tii»' hest mill must rt’tVetive w:i>' t.
miter polities,” Mrs. Until l.ryai
Owen, re11re- illative eleet fu'H
Florida, said in an interview hen
last night, as ailvieo to students win
are training to become politicians,
'■in entering into the affairs oi
the i .maturity sueh as Christina
s al sales mid the community idlest
you yet invaluable experiences o
working with people and lemninj
hmv an organisation is organized.
•' M v pupi’s all helped in the com
xuunity drives aud made i'ive-minuti
Oregon Sculptor's Work Praised
speeches before football games and
tin' lily in order to get flip train
ing,” she continued. * t is. Owen
tin'll told of liovv tlic students liail
helped in lmr <-:iin]miK'l speaking
and organizing.
“My ideal and tlm tiling I am
working for is to make politics not
a specialized tiling in the hands of
a few, but rather something every
one shall be interested in and take
part in the government which would
make it a true republic.
“When people become interested
in government and take part in it,
Hie parties will put up better candi
dates and the ‘machine’ rule in the
inuoiripalil ies will be weakened.
“This ‘machine’ talk is mostly
just talk,” she said. “There is no
national one, few state ones, and
the only ones 1 know about are in
the large cities. At least I diiln I
seek the ‘ machine ’ aid, in fact 1
i,idn ’I find any and I carried the
state I wo to one.”
Mrs. Owen spoke yesterday to the
assembly on “ I'YUow Citizens.”
Varsity drag, glide waltz, and
all the' latest dances taught in
7:80 p. in.
Private lessons by
appoint mo nt.
1'jiiJP'UO s only <‘st:i)*lisliml
861 Willamette rhone 2813
High praise from the critics is
coming to Harry Camion, professor
,f sculpture at the university, for
the many fine productions which
his art has created. Recently Mr.
Crn.Oon made an exhibition of his
work at a downtown store and one
of the favorite works, ‘ Carnivals,”
Is pictured at the right of Mr. Cam
den’s portrait.
Dean Rebec To Attend
Center Graduate Club
I'r. George Rel.ee, dean of the
graduale school, will go to Portland
tonight for the quarterly meeting
of the Portland Center Graduate
club and to interview graduate stu
dents there regarding any problems
they encounter in their work.
The club will meet Saturday night
to .hear l)r. Barry Cert', professor of
comparative literature at liegd col
lege, lecture on Anatole Prance,
Eugene Council
Asks Congress
Pleads for Krllog^Rriaiid
Anli"War Treaty; Asks
Halt in Making Gnus
Petitions to Congress regarding
tin' Kcllogg-Hriand peace tre.-itv mol
further armament legislation will lie
mailed I nlay by If. S, Tattle, assist
J ant professor of tlie school of oilu
i cation, as a losult of a mooting of
the Eugene Council for the Preven
tion of War Tuesday evening in the
men’s new dormitory. The 20 mem
bers present at the meeting heard an
address by .1. J. llandsaher, presi
dent of the Oregon Oonneil for the
Prevention of War and afterwards
discussed the present situation in
j Oongross regarding the peace tron
| ties.
j The resolution adopted reads:
‘■Whereas, President (tool id go lias
I presented the Kollogg-Brinnd trea
i lies for ‘the renunciation of war’ to
I the Pnited States senate for ratifi
j calion with liis approva 1;
“Tlie Eugene, Oregon, Council for
i tlie Prevention of War, hereby peti
■ tions the United States senate to
j ratify said treaties without-reserva
1 lions at tlie earliest possible moment
; during the present session of Con
j gross; further,
j “It petitions tlie TTnited States
Congress to authorize no increase of
| armaments at this time as being
I contrary to the spirit of the Kellogg
I Hriand peace pacts and likely to
i weaken greatly their moral effect
■ w«it li other nations.
“Ir directs that copy of tills pe
General Dentisitry
1209 Pear] Street
Eugene, Oregon
Phone 2929
3 The Carols ,
■ Are Coming
H o
Songs that oarry'The beauty of owning: ami a kingly
ohxiuenw of Christinas
“Jingle Eells’’
Shannon Qnni tot
“Christmas Fantasy”
Mark Andrews
“Joy to the World”
Phone SG2
Cl West Broadway
• E
’ Sparkling— |
Gifts That Sparkle I
With Loveliness—. |
beautiful articles of silverware make the most desirable
remembrances that can be given to the discerning indi
Then, too, there are gorgeous rings, exquisite cos
tume jewelry, and faultless watches that make truelv
beautiful gifts.
A deposit will hold any article till Christmas
Private Piamoml
\\V Si'jiviali/.t' in
PerlVet l'ianuuids
tition hr- prut to Senator William "E.
liorali, (*liairman of the foreign re
lations committee of the United
Slates senate, to Senator Claude
Swanson, ranking Democratic mem
of the Janie committee, also to
Senators Charles IVIcNary and Fred
erick Steiwer and Representative
Willis C. Hawley.
“Signed, I
“E. E. Def'ou, President, i
‘•I!. S. Tuttle, |
, “ Secretary-treasurer.”
; Kugone, Oregon, Dreembei' 4, 1028.
Allstar Selections
In Football To End
Today; Pass Aumits
_: !
Onlv one dav remains, ns thev
' i
sav in t!ie death cells and in the
Christmas ads. Tonight at 5 o’clock
the polls close. After running a
week, with dozens of entries handed
in, 1 ho Emerald-MrDonald contest to
.select the best all-coast teams will
end today.
The Oregon sportswriters have so- ,
looted their teams and promise some
surprises for Emerald readers in to
morrow morning’s issue. Thus far,
the closest guess has missed their
selections by five, with the majority
of them running far, far afield.
To the fortunate who can guess
within three or four of the myth
ical team, the Kmernld will award
a month’s free pass to the McDonald
or Ilex theaters.
ttf- -L-foJSl!
“My girl locks great",
said fritter Bill,
“And Mine,” quoth Dick,
“’s an awful pill"
But Fete said“They'll both
strut their bangles,
We've, fixed the floor
all up with Spangles.”
Everyone dances when the
Oiior has been prepared with
Spangles. Just pure while
crystalline flakes that anyone
can sprinkle on in a minute*
No waxing, no policliing. The
fun begins right away, I'ar
licularty fine for fraternity,
sorority, and club dances.
For sale at
At nil lending grocers,
and druggists
Long-lost Emerald
Found in Dictionary |
Draslic Changes in Policy
Showed hv Comparison i
After lying in dusty, undisturbed i 1
state for six long years, the _ old j (
Webster's unabridged in tlie jour- |
nalism “libe” was opened by a stn- '
dent in search of the meaning of _
“osculation.” And there, tucked i .
safely between tlie dictionary’s
leaves, was a copy of the Emerald
for Saturday, October 28, in the
year of our Lord, 1922! i
Tlie,annual Y. M.-Y. W. mix, a
meeting of l’ot and Quill (it was in
tlie days of Mary Lon Burton, now
Mrs. (leofge Turnbull, and Margaret
Shavian, now with tlie Eugene 1
Cuard), a football game with Idaho, ^
an advance “story” on Homecoming j
plans, made up the tale of the day’s
news. The open forum column con- j
tained :t single communication—a j
etter bemoaning unu im- y
mins of tlm Emerald ware being
left-led bv the printing of cigarette
.|st ” | think that they may
rente a bad influence on the cam
ms and for the renders of the
taper,” the letter said.
Sis columns, its headlines in con
lonsod, heavy (Jothic- type, similar
n that used by the Oregonian, the
inmeplatc in plain, hold letters, the
inper presented a totally different
harncter from its present one.
with toast
5.10 E. lath
F estivities
season at its height,
tiest. you will find
evening slippers. Wt
coming holidays
see the soeial
look yn'ar pret
a fine
are offering
ness in our ., ,
seleetion in hosiery, buckles, brilliant heels, and straps,
in keeping with the brilliance of an enticing evening.
Reproduction from an
old print showing one
of the steps toward
present day Vertical
^ Transportation.
TODAY Civilization marches onward and upward. The development
of a city requires tall buildings which increase land values by giving
added income from costly real estate.
The elevator by making the skyscraper possible has in this way added
untold wealth to the cities of the world.
Developed step by step from the crudest early apparatus, the modern
elevator is a marvel of mechanical genius—speedy, safe, dependable.
Since Elisha Graves Otis produced the first safe elevator in 185a, Otis
has been the “World’s Word for Elevator Safety”.