Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 07, 1928, Image 1

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Sten, Hubbs Resign Oregana Posts
In Review
Coolidge Repeals Stand
Held Armistice Day,
In Annual Message |
-By E. W. A.
This column may not appear
regularly, and will not always
he by the same author. Nor
can it contain news piping hot
from the wires—such news as
long as it’s fresh is property.
But that won’t make much dif
ference, perhaps', because ac
cording to some people students
will not read anything but
campus nows.
L . * * -
President Coolidge, in liis message
to congress, which lias just con
vened, reiterated his stand in his
Armistice Pay speech, asking both
for the confirmation of the Kellogg
peace pact, disowning war as an
instrument of policy, and for the
enlargement of the Navy by the
' building of fifteen new battle
erasers. A 'couple of dozen uni
versity professors and townspeople
•met at the new dormitody here
Tuesday night and .passed resolu
tions urging that this country avoid
such inconsistency in the eves of
the world, but Mr. Coolidge went
ahead anyway. The Armistice Pay
speech has been the subject of
much unfavorable comment in the
Eugene papers.
St. John’s college, Annapo
lis, Maryland, celebrated its
2d2nd year by instituting a
novel honors system. The col
lege will appoint up to three
juniors each spring who shall
be “senior fellows” the next
year. For these all rules are
to be held inapplicable. They
need not attend class, need not
take examinations, need not pay
fees. At the end of the year
they will automatically get their
degrees. All the college asks
is that they remain “in resi
dence”—stick ’round — commit
no crime as defined by the
state of Maryland, nor become
insane us defined by the same
laws. This is an experiment to
find out objectively what the
better type of student will do
under conditions of absolute
freedom. The regents think it
probable that such students will
do just as well, or better, with
out professional prodding—but
tlie only way to know is to find
King Cleorge of England seems to
lie an object of universal good will.
A whole world is pleased when the
bulletins are favorable. In the
fierce light that doth boat down
about a throne he has lived (id years
without making any bad breaks.
Travelers who have met him des
►- eribe him as kindly, affable, quick
wilted and humorous. Some call
him “democratic,” as if only demo
crats possessed good manners or the
talent for cordiality. In the Imper
(Continued on Tctrje Two)
Honors Work
! At Oregon In
j Nation's Eye
U. S. Educators Assuming!
Note of University’s!
Educational Progress
Ollier Schools Adopt
Plans Employed Here j
1 Personnel Bureau Gains!
Favor in Eastern Points
Educational projects originating
ill tlic University of Oregon (luring
the post year are already receiving
national attention and are even be
ing taken up at other institutions,
jit is announced here by Dr. Arnold j
j Bennett Hall, president. Two out
j standing developments here, the lion- j
i ors system and the personnel bureau |
[ that includes a department for |
' placement service, are now being ^
i considered by nationally known in- j
I stitntions and educators, it is point- j
ed out.
i At. Yale the student council has I
recently addressed a* communication j
to tlie school authorities calling at- j
tent ion to a plan whereby students '
who are assiduous in their studies 1
| may tie separated from others who
take only enough time for study to
“get by.”
Should Use Tutors
“The honor men’s instruction (
should be largely tutorial and they j
should have the best men on the ,
faculty,” tlie communication states.
At 11 ic University of Oregon such a
plan has already been put into prac
tice. Students in the upj?cr third
of their class are designated as elig
ible for honors when they reach
their junior year. These may take
special work and may graduate with
honors. They have the advantage
of more personal instruction and
may enter into broader fields of
learning in their work.
Urges Clearing House
A central agency or clearing house ;
which would classify the attributes
and classifications of thousands of
young college graduates was advo
cated as an ultimate step in voca- <
tional guidance ut the personnel i
j conference sponsored recently by the
i University club of Boston. The
j Oregon personnel bureau now being
established includes as an integral
part the establishment of a depart
ment that would definitely assist
both employer and prospective em
ployee in employment. The plan
proposed in Boston would merely be
an extension of the Oregon project, I
so that graduates of several colleges
and universities would be taken care
of by such a bureau.
I The new lower division plan of
1 study at the University of Oregon,
and several other projects here are
I also receiving a great deal of atten
tion nationally, it is stated.
'Girls Can’t Do All the Things Boys
Cctn—Even Here ’ Says Luise Huls
“If IM only known you were
wearing coolie, coats, I could liave
ln-ouglit a beautiful one—my room
mate’s!” exclaimed Luise lluls, the
foreign scholar on the campus, who
was the guest of honor at-the Wom
en ’s league tea. This tea was held
in the sun parlor of the Woman’s
building from '■> to F> yesterday after
noon and is the last one for the
year 1928.
The Alpha Gamma Delta’s were
hostesses for the affair, which was
Oriental, and till of them wore gay
coolie coats. A black one embroid
ered with gold was given to Luise,
and so West, East, and Europe all
drank tea together.
Luise stayed only an hour, but all
the guests (every woman on the
campus had been invited) were in
troduced to her.
■ she has the American spirit,”
remarked Marguerite Looney, one
of the hostesses. “She wants to en
ter into everything so that she can
see it from the point of view that
we do.”
“I am not here,” Luise said in
her alert way, interested in what
she, herself, says, as well as in what
others say, “just for study. I like
to see people and watch their faces.
“I regret that I am not a boy,
because I would like to get a car )
ami travel all over the United
States. Girls can’t do all the things
boys can—even here.”
Slip was extremely interested in
the Oriental tea, another phase of
American life. (Luise goes to every
thing she can so that she can be
come as familiar as possible with
this “foreign” land).
The eastern atmosphere was pro- !
vided by chrysanthemums which
were on all of the tables except
those where smug little idols were '
spitting forth incense. A bright red !
Chinese print hung on the wall, and !
a Chinese gong swung at the door, j
Entertainment for the afternoon j
was provided by Augusta Gerlinger, j
who played the piano for dancing.
When asked how she liked dancing,
j Luise said, “O, I love it! I’ve al- j
! ways done a lot of it, but our dances
we call figure dances. They are.
i more interesting than yours.” Ethel
Conway and Marie Nelson sang a
duet, the “Lamplit Hour.” Fielda ■
Wiggins and Dorothy Villiger wliis
, tied together and Dorothy played a j
violin solo. All of these features
; were accompanied by Leone Barlow !
! at the piano.
i Eva Davis and Pauline Schuelc ^
! were chairmen for the tea. Edouise [
1 Ballis had charge of the servers.
Dean F. C. Young
Con fined W ith Flu
,/. II. Mueller To Take
Classes in Soeiology
F. 0. Young, dean of tlio school
of sociology, is confined to his homo
with :i light case of the “flu,” and
will not meet his classes during his
illness. •
Dr. J. II. Mueller, assistant pro
fessor of sociology, will give written
instructions to Dean Young’s classes
Friday, on the outside reading they
must do.
Dean Young underwent an opera
tion at the Pacific Christian hospi
tal about two months ago and has
been back to work for only about
three weeks. Dr. Mueller reported
that this case of the flu was not
serious, and that he would meet his
classes in about one week.
Many Influenza
Victims Treated
By Infirmaries
California Source of Germ,
Epidemic for Most Part:
In Women’s Houses Now !
Two-hundred forty-six eases of in- j
Muenza have been treated by the 1
nformarv and the annexes since t.lu'i
loginning of the epidemic, and there j
Aero many eases which received pri- j
,’ate treatment. The disease is be- j
ieved to have been carried back j
loro from California by students at-j
ending the Oregon-California. game
November because cases began I
'irst to be in evidence after this j
late. ,
The sickness was first diagnosed
is la grippe, but later it was be- |
ieved that it, was nearer influenza ]
hau la grippe, although it was not j
lie true form of flu, but a less I
icrious and equally contagious type |
if malady.
The epidemic ran for the most
tart in the fraternities on the com
ma until about a Aveek ago, when
vomen patients became- more nu-j
norous than men. At present, how-j
■ver, there is a difference of only i
hree between the sexes, with the
nen in the majority.
The infirmary soon became full,
mil it was found necessary to open
he annex, with two graduate nurses
n charge. When later these accom
nodations proved insufficient, That
her cottage was vacated and turned
nto an emergency annex. Two grad
uate nurses were placed there, and
•ecently several more have been
iilded to the staff. ,
The peak of the epidemic Avas
lassed about two Aveeks ago, and
satients have been decreasing in
lumbers fairly regularly since tlien.
today, however, there has been an
ncrease of nine over yesterday’s
ist. There are now thirty-seven
sufferers. News patient’s names fol
ow. At tlio infirmary: Elaine Ilon
lel-son, Tlielma Per.ozzi, Phyllis
Hartzog, Ruth Smith, Berdena Beed
?r, Clarence Craw, Wayne Veatch,
ind Wilford Brown. At the annex
is one new patient, Edward John
son. At Thatcher cottage:
Wilderman, Laura Clitheroe,
Pen wick, Cailotta Nclsou,
P.nrkc, Bruce Eortor, and
Co-op Celebrates
Fifth Anniversary
With Big Splurge
Banners are floating high in tlio
university students’ store this week,
since a sale has been proclaimed
in honor of its fifth anniversary
in its present location.
Two-cei\t pencils to 79-cent alarm
clocks adorn the gaily *iad shelves,
brimming full of many other sup
plies found so useful to university
students. Practically everything in
this store may bo found reduced
from 15 to 25 per cent, and will
remain that way until the manage
ment sees fit to discontinue.
Five years ago this busy co-op
erative store could be found in the
building now occupied by the Best
cleaners. Its contents were crowded
and nearly bulging out the win
dows, making it necessary to change
location. This little wooden build
ing was moved back to its present
site and the new one built. Since
that time business is said to have
increased nearly fifty per cent.
The book department, the “High
Hat” and sales shelves have been
added since that time, books how
ever, as well as other articles which
maintain a stablized price, arc not
ineluded in the present sale.
Ruth B.Owen
With Students
Assembly Speaker S a y s i
Their Clothes Not So
Bad as in Her Time!
Sees Dawn of Eternal
Peace, Order To Come
Help of All Citizens Needed
To Build Government
Students found ;i firm sympathizer
in Ruth Brynn Owen, congress
woninn ;nul daughter of William
•leanings Brvan, America’s great
commoner, when she spoke at the
assembly in the Woman’s building
yesterday morning at 11,
“I often hear the clothes of today j
criticized,” Mrs. Owen told the stu
dents. “All you have to do when
they say this to you is to bring
the family album of two generations
ago down. It' anyone can criticize
the clothes of today after looking
at those they have lost their sense
of humor.”
Feace and Order Seen
Mrs. Owen went, on with a more
serious note. “Sometimes across the
years we will see the dawn of eter
nal peace and order. It is like the
■building of cathedrals. Those who
complete them are never the ones
who start them. I think building a
republic is the same. The pioneers
built the walls and the republic will
be completed only when everyone
realizes that he must share in the
The students of today are the j
ones who must complete the republic j
that our forefathers started and
sacrificed for, Mrs. Owen said. With
a tender note in her voice she wished
them Godspeed.
It Is difficult for people of today |
to realize their duty, Mrs. Owen
pointed out, because everything
comes to them too easily. Duty was
clear in the pioneer days and in the
fimy of war, she declared, but peo
ple must find out that the govern
ment is not yet completed, and that
will not be until every citizen takes j
his share. If only 43 per cent of
the people vote as they have been
iloing, only 43 per cent have been
doing their duty, Mrs. Owen said.
Daring Study Geography
The differences between the old f
and the new were brought out by j
Mrs. Owen. |
“Our oldest grandmothers can re- j
member when only the most daring l
girls dared to study geography. I
Even then the boys would follow J
them down 1he street and yell,
‘Geography girls, geography girls!’
at them. Our oldest grandmothers
can also remember when there was
a riot in Boston because a woman
had dared to speak from a plat
Woman Faints
Mrs. Owen told of her experience
a short time ago in reading the min
utes of the first meeting that a
woman’s club ever held. The sub
ject for discussion that day was:
“Is it better to be good than to be
beautiful?” One woman rose to
read an original poem and fainted
from fright before she could finish.
“It is hard to find a place where I
there are not women in responsible |
positions now,” Mrs. Owen declared. I
“We can embrace the whole of the
community by saying ‘ F\llow Citi
zens.’ It would be a better balanced
community if everyone would co
operate. It wouldn’t hurt Uncle
Sam to have a wife to help with the
national housekeeping,” she re
nia rked.
Mrs. Owen caused a roar of de
light from the crowd by telling of
the Gibson girl dresses that they
wore in her day.
Waists Were Small
“My waist and hat band were
exactly the same size,” she said. “I
remember because I used the one
band interchangeably. We arranged
our hair in such interesting ways.
We wore rats and combed our hair
over them. On top of that we wore
sailor hats. We anchored them with
long hat pins.”
Mrs. Owen proved to be all that j
publicity notices heralded. Her '■
| charming manner, slightly deep
; voice which was perfectly suited for j
| platform speaking, and her keen !
j sense of humor captivated her audi- j
j ence. She was interrupted from j
j time to time by the applause of the !
j crowd. Many of the students were
] forced to take a back seat because J
(Continued on Pajc Five)
Hall Arrives Herr,
From Los Angeles
Recovering From Flu;
Speeches Cancelled
President Arnold llennett Hull is
back on the campus from liis Past
ern trip, lie is recovering from an
attack of influenza that kept, him
in bed in Los Angeles for nearly
two weeks and has curtailed a good
deal of his work for a few days.
He is resting at his home, accord
ing to Karl Onthank, executive sec
Hr. Hall went to Portland Wed
nesday to participate in the welcome
for the Oregon Agricultural college
football team on their return from
Nejj- YorlF. Other than that he has
cnncolled all speaking engagements
for the next few weeks.
Albert Rraehet,
Noted Scientist,
To Speak Here
Lecture on New PSiascs
In Science Scheduled,;
Free for General Public
Professor Albert Braeliet of the
University of Brussels, who is to
Rive a series of lectures at the
University of Oregon, has been for
over 2i> years a distinguished con
tributor to the science of embryol
ogy. The will be held at the fol
lowing times: Saturday, Monday,
and Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock
in Yillard hall, and an informal lec
ture in French at the Chi Omega
house at -1 o’clock Saturday, all
talks being free to everyone.
The general problem to which lie
has devoted himself is how to ac
count for the development of a
highly specialized organism such as
a frog or a sea urchin from an ap
parently undifferentiated bit of liv
ing matter called the “egg.” Spe
cifically the problem is, when does
differentiation of organs begin and
what are the centers of organiza
tion? Braeliet showed that perfect
development of a single cell of the
two cell stage of the frog could be
obtained only if a certain part of
the egg, known as the “gray cres
cent,” was included in the cell
The application of a method of
grafting pieces from one developing
larva into another has been applied
to the problems with brilliant re
sults. For example, if the piece of
an embryo which is to form an arm
is grafted into the place (even in
an embryo of different species) in
which the brain is being formed,
then this “potential arm” is changed
and becomes brain tissue in the com
pleted animal. It can further be
shown that in the egg very soon
after fertilization there is formed
a limited region which influences
all the other parts of the egg and
determines what organs shall be de
veloped in each part.
This is the significance of the
term “Organizer,” and if is about
these highly significant and remark
able discoveries that Professor
Bracket is to speak. Since they are
based very largely on a fundamen
tal discovery of his own, he may
justly be regarded as the father of
the subject.
University Library
Provided With 150
Oregon Newspapers
About EiO different newspapers,
most of them from Oregon towns,
are received this year by the uni
versity library. The latest issues
are kept in room 1, on the ground
floor of the old library, and cheaply
bound. The publishers of all the
newspapers in the state have been
asked to send in their papers in ex
change for a subscription to the
“Emerald,” and most of them have
Except in two or three instances,
there has been no attempt to get
out-of-state papers. The “Christian
Science Monitor” is received as a
gift and the “New York Times” is
received at the end of each month
in bound volumes printed on rag
paper. “The ‘Times’ is particularly
valuable for reference,” says M. If.
Douglass, librarian, “since it pub
lishes quarterly a very complete
index bound in book form.”
Most of Jhe bound newspapers are
kept in the press annex. The
“Times” and the Portland and
Eugene papers arc kept in the main
Miriam Shepard Is Elected To Fill Vacancy in
Editorial Post; Manager Will Be Picked Later;
Panghorn Advocates Discontinuance of Book
The final shot in tln> luvttlo of the Oregnna, which lias boon
under bombardment all form, was tonohed off yesterday when
Marion Kten, editor, and Ron lliihhs, business manager, resigned.
After a brief but stormy eouneil of war last night, the
1 student eouneil elected Mariam Shepard, senior in journalism,
to fill tin* editorial vacancy. The business manager's post will
lie filled later by Miss Shepard and Joe MeKeown, student body
In their resignation handed to the publications committee
yesterday afternoon, Miss Sten and Hubbs stated that they did
Christmas Poems
Sold by Professor
F. S. Dunne's “A Christmas
Cycle” Just Published
Frederick S. Dunne, professor of
Latin, tins placed a group of poems,
entitled “A Christinas Cycle,” in
the Masonic Analyst’s Christmas
number, after having written them
in 101,S when enronte to the eastern
coast, where he was to leave for ac
tion overseas, lie sent them the
night after Christmas to friends on
the campus as a reminder of him if
he should never come back, but his
armor of learning protected him 1
well, and he returned to retrieve
his poems.
Air. Dunne has enlarged the ordi
nary scope of Christmas, and pushed
the roots of its spirit, into the pagan
worship of the god, Osiris. The
first poem in the cycle is entitled
“The Tears of Isis,” and finds its
setting in Egypt about 1200 H. C.
The next period is found in “Yule
in Asgard,” representing the con
ception of Clfristmas in Norway
about 1000 B. C., where the Frost
King is put to sleep for another
year, and the gods make merry. In
Home the Saturnalia is ushered in
with goblets of wine and a bright
fire. This was Christmas in (id B. C.
“The Magi at Bethlehem” intro
duces the ancient Christian tale of
the three kings from “mystic lands
afar.” The concluding arc of the
cycle is called “Babouscka” and is
built on the legend of Dame Ba
bouscka who wanders the world
over, hunting the Christ Child. Mr.
Dunne feels this tale is metaphorical
of the present situation in Bussia.
The poems are most interesting in
that each one is presented in a meter
to fit the age and thought.
The December issue of the “Main
land Mason,” published in Oakland,
California, will carry Mr. Dunne’s
article, “Masonry’s Father—Christ
mas,” in which St. John the Evan
gelist, the patron saint of Masonry,
is compared with St. Nicholas, and
are shown as somewhat analogous
ideas and characters.
Mrs. Patter Places
Article in Journal
Mrs. Edith B. l’atter, instructor
in Latin at the University high
school, lias an article entitled “The
Use of Standardized Tests in
Latin” in the Classical Journal, a
magazine devoted to classical work
of any nature. The work is in the
December issue and presents a thor
ough study of these tests and their
use and value in creating interest
and thoroughness in the mastery of
Latin. She is a former student and
graduate of the department here,
according to Frederick S. Dunne,
professor of Latin.
11 < > i M inil l ' > mmi l 111’ l 1 | M i I I mills ■ I |>
(ho bond of the annual because ;i
100out slosh of funds whitdi “wmilil
impair Ilia qual
ity” ami also
meant “that the
»'il i t or ami man
agor of tlu> Ore
gana would bo
forced lo sacrifice
a year’s effort for
u o remuneration
whatsoever.” The
executive council,
in calling for this
slash, asked that
t h e Orcgana’s
budget be c n t
$1500. This .provei
Marian Sten
to bo flip final
straw; tlip (“nmol’s back broke; tlio
editor and manager resigned.
Tlie resignations took student of
ficials by surprise, but McKeown,
wbo is leaving today to attend a
student body presidents’ convention
at Columbus, Missouri, hurriedly
called together tlie"council and after
a short discussion they elected Miss
Shepard to occupy the editor's chair.
Editor Flays Book
All members of the council with
the exception of Arden „\. Pang
born, editor of the Emerald, favored
the appointment of a new lender
for the yearbook. Pnngborn con
tended that the subscription drive
had shown that, the student body
did not want an Oregano and that
it should be dis
Eon Hubbs
♦ 1... f ...» A.-n.i
continued. T h e
recent sales cam
paign fell short of
the required 1900
copies by approxi
mately 200, but
1 he e x e c u t i v o
council recently
voted to issue n
book inspite of
In case Miss
Shepard does not.
accept the posi
tion, the executive
council’s motion
m TtnliliuliO/1 ii-li i i-l i
they passed recently, may bo refer
red back to them for reconsidera
The trail of the Oregana this year
has been a rocky one. On account
of the late issuance of the 1P2S
book, it was felt at the beginning
of the fall term that it would be
difficult to sell the book to students
and a move was made to put it on
the student fees. This was voted
down by a small majority.
Hold Subscription Drive
I Tubbs then decided to hold a
subscription drive to see whether
or not the early-seasou permission
was vindicated. The drive fell short
by 200 copies, although it was press
agented as the most successful sale
held in recent years in spite of its
But the university moguls decided
(Continned on Vai/e Three)
Daughter of Bryan Discusses Place
Of Modern Woman in Political Lise
To tlie first glance, Ruth Pryan
Owen duos not appear a politician.
Grey bobbed hair, a charming smile
and a general air of sympathetic
understanding do not seem compote |
iblo with the usual idea of the I
' woman politician.
Hut one has only to hear her speak j
to recall that she is the daughter!
| of William Jennings Bryan, known
in his youth as the “boy orator of
the Platte” and that it was the
I most natural thing in the world
j that she should be interested in
i polities.
j “What do you think about women
j in politics?” the reporter questioned, j
j “New we have only one standard
! for judging the suitability of a
! candidate for any office,” she an
| swered. “That is the service lie
can render. The candidate should
j be judged as a citizen not as a
| man or woman.”
“What about a women for presi
dent? Do you think we’ll ever have
one ?”
' “Oh, i don’t believe in conjee
tines. I think that it would bo
possible under certain cireuinstnnees
but why speculate about it ?”
Mrs. Owen’s chief aim is to go
ahead and be the most thorough
and efficient congresswoman of the
“They never ratified woman suf
frage in Florida,” she said, “but
there are a lot of women doing good
work in the state. They just elected
a woman to the state legislature,
and they have two women who-are
judges of ihe juvenile courts as
well as several superintendents of
public instruction.”
Mrs. Owen is very much in favor
of an arrangement for permanent
world peace.
“I am all for any steps which
will cut down the time between now
and the time when war will be
ended permanently,” she said. “Now
above all, is the time when this
country has a chance for world
leadership. Any mistakes which wo
make now will slow the progress of
the world.”