Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 06, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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    Business Ad Group
Appoints Committees
Opportunity Day and Drive
For Members Discussed
The membership drive for 1 lie
business administration student body
association will Im handled by the
class representative of the group,
said l?oa McCreight, president, of
1)ic group, which 11,eld ils last meet
ing of Die year yesterday afternoon
at -1 o’clock in the <'oinineree build*
ing. These representatives are:
Delinos Iticlimond, senior; Nor wa ] 11
Nelson, junior; Margaret Marratt,
sophomore; Hay Meliee, freshman.
All business ad majors arc eligible
to the school’s student body.
A number of committee chairmen
•were appointed: Carl Kodgers, Op
portunity day chairman, with (Irtire
Driggs, Wa 11 c X'ewbegin, Harold
(liilde, and Italpli (lever as cotn
^n it tee members; “linn” Ntadelman,
athletic aclivilics chairman, and
Bill Rutherford, social activities
chairman, with power to appoint
their committees.
In a. brief outline of Die plans for
Opportunity day McCreight said
that a number of leading men from
various branches of business activity
■would be here for the occasion which
is planned for next, term, and would
speak to the students on business as
a profession. A dance will also be
held next term, he said.
The association is getting a. bas
ketball team started, and issues a.
challenge to the other schools not
only in basketball, but; also in base
ball or anything else. “We chal
lenge the journalism school especial
ly,” the president told the reporter.
Volley Ball All-Stars
Vie for Title Friday
First and Second Honors
Given Women Athletes
After a season of hard playing
and many close games the intramural
volley ball season has drawn to a
niw. /\s ill me
nationally populai
game of. football,
volley ball too
lias ils all-stars,
Two such teams
have boon selected
ami will vie with
each other Friday
at five o’clock for
the championship.
Tin* first all-star
team which will
attempt, to capture
the championship
is composed of:
Dorothea Lenscl j
Marge I ill mini, Dorothea Denscli,
Hilda Top, .1 iTuiet t o 11 erina ni'i',
Mary Agnes II11111 mill Malhaluh
K nvtz.
The second all-slar team which
will also buttle for tlio title in
cludes: .linnila Young, Kiln |{ed
kev, Nellie M i-1 >oiiii lil, Blanche
(Iriggs, Marjory (fol'f ami Dorotliy
(foilIinihil from Va<)c One)
f t root of burlesque show employ
ment agencies, spoa k-easies, ami
cheap on tine- places, are about. Ill
years old, Mr. Bristol says, and most
of I hem don’t want to work.
Let lino his hair and beard grow
(the latter experiment was not so
successful) and looking as untidy
as possible, the V. M. president
spent three nights with these people
in the parks ill the Battery and the
.Manhattan ell, where they spend
the night.
Free Drinks Served
“About I o’clock the group in
the park gets restless and begins to
move up I lie Howerv. live openers,
or free drinks, are served for a time
in the morning at the speak easies.
There must be some drug in the
stuff for after visiting two or three
speak easies, they are in a drunken
condition. 1 have seen policemen
— ■Ml. u- ....—.. .
A Tense Moment in "Pigs” Senior Class Play
The cast of “Pigs,” a comedy of American life, to he played at the Heilig next Tuesday evening. The
characters in the picture, from left to right: Grace Gardner, as Mildred Cushing; Milton George, as Dr.
Springer; Lawrence Shaw, as Thomas Atkins, Jr.; Diana Deininger, as Ellen Atkins; Gordon Stearns, as
Thomas Atkins, Sr.; Edward Merges, as Hector Spencer; Marshall Hopkins, as Mr. Hastings. On account
of the illness of Marshall Hopkins, Glenn Potts is playing the part of Mr. Hastings.
Iiil mi'll mi 11io head with their clubs
tu keep them from walking into the
streets and getting run over with
a taxi.
“Prisons couldn’t hold all the old
inon who want merely to forget. Old
men with white hair and bleary red
eyes come into the speak easies, flop
down on a chair or buy a drink if
they have the-price. And the op
erators of these places relieve them
of their clothes after they’re thor
oughly ‘ sogged. ’ They have no pur
pose in living, but they haven’t
enough nerve to commit suicide.”
Emphasis on dollar success Mr.
Bristol names as one of the causes
of the condition. “In giving up
hope of success they’ve given up
their only ideal,” he explained.
Good Time Expected
Greenwich Village, center of night
life, where “artistic” night clubs
abound, was frequent lv visited by
Mr. Bristol in company with an
other student. The legal clubs, he
says, close at 1 o’clock. Patrons on
leaving are met at. the door by a
man who asks them, “Arc you look
ing for a good time, drink, women?”
Mr. Bristol does not blame the
municipal government of New York
for the uonditions there. lie con
fesses he knows of no quick, far
reaching reform, "
An Ideal
Christmas Gift
Ask the
PIIONK 2700 —
We Now Give
S. & H.
Green Thrift Stamps
By saving these litllt' green stamps
you ran secure many useful tilings
for your rooms.
Visit the New Premium Parlors
on the 3rd floor
C. H. Hicks Talks To
Aero Club Members
About Aerodynamics
“The aerodynamics of different
kinds of airfoils and other objects
moving in the air” was tlie subject
of a talk by C. IT. Hicks, assistant
professor of mathematics, at the
meeting of the University of Ore
gon Aero club in the Commerce
building Wednesday evening. He
illustrated his talk with sketches on
the blackboard.
One of the main points of interest
to the club in Mr. Hicks’ talk was
presentation of the fact that the
popular theory of a vacuum above
a moving aeroplane wing is false, as
there is no vacuum, but only a less
ened air pressure.
The constitution of the club was
passed upon at this time and per
manent officers elected by the group
were Leonard 11. Delano, president;
Your reward for our work well
done, is comfortable vision and
Make Appointments
Whenever Possible
Dr. Sherman W.Moody
Optometrist - Eyesight Specialist
Suite 5S;'» 1 Miner Bldg. Phono Mtid
East Broadway
Eugene, Ore.
George Tebbetts, vice-president, and
M.vrtis Oorst, recording secretary.
Pilling of the offices of correspond
ing secretary and treasurer were
taken upon the constitution. Letters
temporarily postponed in action
and pamphlets received by the of
ficers of the club pertaining to busi
ness of the organization were read
at this time. Mr. Hicks announced
that ho would be glad to loan to any
members any of his books on avia
Steel Cut and
Christmas Gifts
Buster Brown
Shoe Store
One of
1 >if^^ost Hits
Betty Compson
A red-blooded romanco on
tlio high seas
Matinee COc S
Night 35c
Children 10c
Coolies Will Servo
Women’s League Tea
Luise Huls Makes Dehut
To University Women
coolies solving toil and grant clirys
I anthemnms to fill tlie room with
fragrance. There will bo Oriental
music anil an Oriental atmosphere
at the Women’s league tea given
today from to f> in tlie sun parlor
id' tlie Woman's building, says Eva
Davis, chairman of the tea for which
the Alpha flammn Deltas are acting
as hostesses.
Erauleiu Luise lluls of Germany,
doctor of philosophy, who, under the
auspices of the Yeomen’s league
is studying on the campus this year,
will be the guest of honor.
The Women’s league extended its
invitation to Luise to come here to
study so that she might help per
petuate the spirit of international
ism which has been so vigorously
I stressed since the World War. This
is her first official reception by
the women of the campus.
The progrn'm for this Oriental
tea, to which all women on the acm
fms are invited, it to tie continuous
throughout the afternoon, and Car
olyn Jfaherlach will play dance
; music. The Alpha Gamma Delta
upperclassmen will act as hostesses,
while the underclassmen, dressed as
coolies, will serve the tea.
Pauline Sehuelo is the assistant
chairman for the tea, and Florence
McNerney is head for till of the
teas this year.
Botanical Honorary
Elects Four Women
Samara, women’s botanical hon
orary, announced the pledging yes
terday of Mary Gauntlet!, Eleanor
j Flanagan, Bess Templeton, and Anna
j Jacobson. All have earned one
year’s credit in botany or general
The world’s greatest aetor
Beloved Rogue
One of the magnetic screen per
formances and pictures of the
biology and are going on with fur
ther work in the departments. The
societv will give a tea tomorrow
afternoon at four o'clock in Dearly
hall for the four pledges.
The order was founded in the fall
of 1020. Its purpose is to promote
scholarship in botany and biology
and make observation of outdoor
botanical forms on hikes.
Yoeom Made Delegate
At Professors' Dinner
Dr.•Harry B. Yocum, professor of
zoology, was named delegate to the
national meeting of the American
Association of I'niversitv Professors,
I which will be held in New York
! City December .",1 and January 1,
at. the first regular meeting of the
year Tuesday night. Twenty-seven
! members of the order attended the
dinner at the new men’s dorm.
The local membership numbers
about 4.'. Dr. E. T. Hodge, pro
fessor of economic, geology, is presi
, "lent of the group and Dr. Yocum is
New Features Planned
For Vespers Services
One of the most interesting pro
grams of the term has boon planned
for tlm 4 o’clock vesper services
which are to lie held at the 'i. .
r. A. Bungalow this afternoon, ac
cording to the announcement of
Harriet Fuller, chairman of the pro
gram committee.
Buise Unis, German student, on
the campus this year, is to talk on
“Christmas Customs in Germany."
In addition, she will sing several
German Christmas songs, furnishing
her own accompaniment on the
gu itar.
The cloud of gloom over the TTni
versity of Idaho campus spread with
the rumor that there would be no
Christmas vacation because tit the
influenza epidemic has lifted with
1 he announcement that many ill are
improving and will be out in time
for thi' holiday. Many of the houses
and linNs on the campus have been
converted into infirmaries to accom
modate the number of persons ill.
Fifth Anniversary
All leather note
20 per cent off
$15.00 Oregon
10e Notebook fillers
$1.75 Oregon Seal
15c Desk Blotters
Tennis Balls
3 for $1.35
25c Typing Pads
All Oregon Seal
20 per cent off
in many designs
The Gift *
Cigarette ligh'ters. . $4.50
Wrist Watches . . . 35.00
Topaz ring 15 k wg. 10.00
Pen Desk Sets 7.50 to $19
Strap watches Elgin 19.00
Diamond rings as
low as. 50.00
Cuff links some at. 8.50
Blue Bird Pearls,
18 in. . 6.50
Atomizers . . 2.50 to 15.00
Seth Laraway