Poetrij ^ ^ Book Reviews iCiterary g>fttion—pbteb by Serena fflabeett Vigil She is sleeping, sleeping, sleeping... (Pretty sister, Your vigil I’m keeping). The wind is moaiiiug, moaning, moaning. . . On chill windows 1 hear it groaning. The leaves are falling, falling, fall ing. . . From half-naked trees Where sleepy birds are calling. The clock is ticking, ticking, tick ing. . . Out in the hall The nurse’s heels arc clicking. Hurt silence is weeping, weeping, weeping. . . But sister makes no sound, She is sleeping, . . . sleeping. —Harriet A. McLeod. Hill House at Night We sit by the fire. There is no talk . . . What could we know but hay and cows—and rain that hangs On purple mountains now? A soul is being liberated: This flame A funeral pyre for some gaunt oak or tapered pine That pierced the sky one winter’s night; Chief mourners we, lost in an ecstasy Of consummated life—new, and old, and ever new. Silence . . . the quintessence of sound, draped thick in unfired patterns On white unbroken walls. A rocker squeaks . . . ® Mumbles of work tomorrow . . . and sleep-infested limbs seek icy sheets. Grandmother with her oaken crutch banks up the fire, And huffs out the oil-inhaling lamp. —Constance Bordwell. Francois Villon By D. B. Wyndliain-Lewis A panoramic view of the streets of medieval Paris, with their motley crowds of mingled nationalities, re sounding with the cries of hawkers and the tread of soldiers; a glimpse of a mob of students of the old Uni versity of Paris engaged in a street brawl with the police, a brawl orig in inati-ng in the stoiUing of tavern signs by the students; a vagabond journey through France with per haps the most curious genius in his tory—shell is the temper of “Fran cois Villon,” by I). B. Wymlham Lcwis, published by the Literary Guild of America. The reader is carried away by the astonishing adventures of Villon, “the genius of the tavern,” the stu dent and tlu‘ poet, who, also listed such things as burglary and man slaughter among his accomplish ments. Vow lie is in a Paris tavern, SPECIAL Christmas Sale of Costume Jewelry Your Choice $1.00 ! frU Ip! frO 173 fnl frO fnl fnl frD fr3 fni FrU Fnl In] fii3 fr3 frO frO fnl FfD fn3 fru R3 fr3 fnj fnl fnl ItD 173IH1 fSJ fS fill 1(3 f a a a a a a a a Bracelets, Chokers, Kings Brooches, Bar Kings In the famous Modes of tlie Day Russian Antique Jade Lidos Blue Da eh Piece Individually Boxed A lovely gift indeed The Broadway Inc. fa linl IrD fn3 frQ PD fnl fnl frO fn3 fn3 (HI IrO ff3fr3 fn3 frO fn3 fn3 fn] fn3 F3 fiDj gloriously drunk, reeling off bizarre ballads in the jargon of the Band of the Coquille, a notorious gang of outlaws of wliieh he was a member. Now he is hurriedly fleeing from the city following the stabbing of one Philip C'hermoye, and now re turning to take part in the burglary of the College of Navarre on Christ mas eve, 14d6. Now he faces the gallows at Paris, and when he can already feel the hand of the hang man on his throat he composes the “Ballad of the Hanged,” probably one of the mas texpressive poems ever written. The latter part of the book Wynd ham-Lewis devotes to a discussion and criticism of the poetry of Villon and to an analysis of the emotions which produced the verse. A num ber of the more important poems are quoted in full, both in the or iginal and in translation. A minor fault of the book is that the author is too fond of his sub ject. He is a great admirer of Vil lon and frahkly excuses the poet for many actions that seem to the reader almost inexcusable. —Wilfred Brown. The Island of Captain Sparrow By S. Fowler Wright I dropped iu on Her, announcing: “I road ‘The Island of Captain Sparrow “Oh, did you? Like it?” “Mm—well—not so much as ‘Del uge,’ the novel lie wrote before. Pretty good, though.” “Well, tell about it.” “Oh,” I said, sitting down, “Wright has a grudge against our modern civilization and he’s letting the public know, after the way of authors. Much better than hiring halls and spreading pamphlets.” “Oh, I know,” said She, “I like my preaching diluted, too. Doesn’t seem so didactic.” “Well, to dilute his,” 1 went on, “Wright has founded an unknown island in the South Seas, surrounded it with rocky cliffs, and populated it with remnants of an ancient Greek civilization, on the one side. On the other there are the left-overs and descendants of a band of de graded sea-marauders deposited there by one Captain Sparrow, who met the iron arm of English law before ho could return to enjoy the sover eignity lie anticipated oit this island, “What’s the disturbing agent in this peaceful scene?” “A man, of course. A man oi our times, shipwrecked and drift ing, discovers access to the interioi of the island. Whereupon ho enters and meets adventure and romance He meets a girl, living in tile tree tops. He finds she is a French gir who has been shipwrecked on the isle, and lias been living there two years.” “So romance comes into the Man’s life, hm?” “Oh, yes, and there’s excitement, too. The island is inhabited by hy brid human beings, or near-human being3, a strange mixture of satyrs and beasts. The girl is captured by the hybrids, for the old chief of the hybrids wants her to marry his son, a frightful hairy brute. Well, the Man rescues her in the nick of time, and they both escape and take ref uge over the boundary of the island to the country inhabited by the rem nants of the Greeks. There they plan to form a new world for them selves, patterned after the ancient and forgotten simplicity and clear ness of the Greek civilization.” “1 see,” said She, “but I don’t understand what happened to the Greeks themselves.” “They had all been killed off by strange diseases brought by the foreigners to the island, and since they always kept their population at a certain number by doing away with old and decrepit people, the sickness had made ravage among them and soon reduced their popu lation to nothing. The story is a strange concoction, but has the lure of the tropic, the weird, the strange and the fantastic.” “Quite a romantic setting,” She remarked. But don’t you think the man who wrote it seems almost in I sincere?” “Not at all. He’s cither possessed of the kind of imagination that j finds relief from its aversion for the world in constructing impossible situations of escape from it, or else he consciously set about to point out what he thinks are the weak points of the life we live and to suggest doing away with them. I don’t know, not being burdened with overmuch perspicacity.” “Pefhaps he’s merely amusing himself,” She suggested. “Oh, it’s certainly more than that. You feel as if he were attempting something almost classical, for he tells the story forcefully and vivid ly and earnestly. And it may stimu late some thinking, and that’s all he could expect to do, of course. All-Coast Football Team EMERALD MCDONALD CONTEST FIRST TEAM SECOND TEAM . E . .. E .. T G G .. Q .. II . II .Jlt„.. F Name . Address ...*. i Sometimes it takes violently reac tionary ideas to start the slow pro cesses of tlie constructive mind.” “If I find time,” She begrudged me, “to allow myself to be stimu lated into fanatic fury over the jangling hypocrisies of our times, I’ll read the book. After all, if he found life too fast to follow nowa days, lie’s perfectly entitled to his dreams of ancient peacefulness. I bet they weren’t any more content ed than we are—probably trying to figure out how they could get from place to place faster.” —Elizabeth Timelier. Song I’d like to be a song Wafted on air, Sung to a lady With gold in her hair. —Kathleen Blakely. Self-government is being urged at the University of Idaho by Presi i gipaajaiajaiaiajaisja]aiaEisjajs®siai3i5raisisia]a)MS]3jaEi5iai3isi3Eiaiaiafsiii3iiEisis 1 ^ ^ .« | I She will love you | I for your taste-- j : G II It is no task to pick out a gift for I her in our balcony shop. Come in and let us show you our selection. The Oriental Art Shop J 1020 Willamette On the Balcony j “Where you will find the hard to find” j r jjaMajaMaEMajaiaiaMais®siaraia®asisiiMai^ajsMSiaE®ajarai3Maisraaiaia) STARTS TODAY FOLKS! GRAB YOUR HELMETS AND COME ON DOWN! ZOOM! ZOWIE! ZAR SHE GOES! A highflying drama of the air that will leave one breathless with joy—and what’s more, you HEAR IT ALL! FOUR GREAT FEATURES! AND THEY’RE ALL A-l MOVIE TONE HITS TOO! dent F. ,F. Kelly ms m moans of shift ing the responsibility, as lie says, of education from the shoulders of in structors and others to the students themselves. London Man Gives Cool Tip Smokers Here London, England doth December, 1921 Larus & Bro. Co., Richmond, Va., \ U. S. A. ' Gentlemen: As my Christmas present I pur chased for myself a pound of your to bacco (Edgeworth) in ^ lb. flat tins This morning on the tram I met a mar with whom I am only slightly acquaint ed, and filling my pipe produced youi tin,at which he exclaimed: “I am not a pipe smoker, but occasionally I have i i try in that direction and I consider tha the tobacco in your hand is the fines made.” . I am in entire agreement with hi! i statement. Yours faithfully, I ( J. J. Mason jj Edgeworth Extra High Grade j Smoking Tobacco I n___ New Sunday Diversion Offered To Students Dramatic Director To Give Readings in Alumni Hall After dinner next Sunday, take a good brisk walk and when you be gin to feel like resting a, bit stop at Alumni hall in the Woman’s building. It will be more than worth your while. Mrs. Otillie Seybolt, head of the drama department, will present readings from some of the Irish plays ami poetry which she likes best. Mrs. Seybolt says she has no real favorite, but she is very foml of modern Irish literature. Mrs. Seybolt’s rending will be for the benefit of an informal group of students and faculty members who are interested in literature be cause tliw like it. Who belongs to this group? All those who wish to belong. There are no officers; there is no constitution; there are no dues; there is no order of business. The committee on free intellectual ac tivity lias arranged all the details of the Sunday afternoon reading hour. There will lie an announcement in For Christmas Victor ami Brunswick Laraway’s Music Store 968 Willamette RECORDS tomorrow’s Emerald of tlio plays and poems which Mrs. Seybolt has chosen to read. Football (Continued from, Page One) afternoon on Hayward field and the students are invited to attend. This week’s practice sessions will he the last chance to view Oregon’s great | est team in recent years in action. The sessions promise planty of ac tion ns there are about twenty men fighting for the chance to accom pany the regular eleven to Hawaii i as substitutes. Twenty-two players 1 is the limit set for the trip and ; many of the men are "battling on even terms for the trip. i GRILLE DANCE * Saturday Only Cam pa Shoppe Music by Johnny Robinson s Varsity Vagabonds One More! With one more date this term you will want your suit to be in good condition. We will satisfy you by our service. 6 Cleaning and Pressing $1.00 Pressing 50c IRVIN & IRVIN Phone 317 * A pencil put Peary on top of the world n I OTHER explorers had great personal courage, unlimited energy and vision untrammelled; and failed. But Peary had one thing more. He had the grasp of every detail — as seen in the care which guided the pencil in his frost-cramped hand. After each day’s march he calculated a methodical course to make sure of the next day’s progress to the Pole. 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