University of Oregon, Eugene ARDEN X. PANGBORN, Editor LAURENCE R. THIELEN, Manager EDITORIAL BOARD Arthur scnoeni. Carl Gregory. Joe Pigney. Leonard Delano. ■Serena Madsen... .Managing Asst. Managing .Sports .P. I. P. .Literary janitor Editor Editor Editor Editor w. cj. nerniJ»iL'itu oi. Leonard Hagstrom.Associate William Haggerty.Associate Dorothy Baker.Society Donald Johnston.„ Feature Clarence Craw.Makeup Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Jo stofiel.secretary News and Editor Phone 665 DAY EDITO '.S: Lp.wrencc Mitchelmore, Mary Frances Dilday, Serena Madsen, Car) Gregory, Elaine Crawford. . NIGHT EDI" OKS: Rex Tussing, chief; Winston J. Londagin, Walter Butler, Cnas. H. Barr Merlyn F. Maysrer, Mildred E. Dobbins. ASSISTANT MIGHT EDITORS: Ted Hewitt, Alyre Cook, Mary Ellen Mason, bred Bechill, Stivers W. Vernon, Ruth Gaunt. Nils Ecklund, Barney Miller, Carl Metzen, H. A. Wingard. . SPORTS STAFF: Estill T’hipiis. Uelbert Addison, Alex Tamkin, Chan Brown, Joe Brown, Fred Schultz, Harry Van Dine. , UPPER NEWS STAFF: Ralph Millsap, EaWanda Fenlason, Harry Tonkon, Chrystal Ordway, Margaret Clark, Mary Me Lean, Wilfred Brown. REPORTERS: Mary Klemm, Evelyn Shaner, Myron Griffin, Lester McDonald, Maryhelen Koupal, Cleta McKennon, Audrey Henricksen, Margaret Reid, Gene Laird, Ruth Hansen, Alice Gorman, T. Neil Taylor, Willis Duniway, Lois Nelson, Vinton Hall, Dorothy Thomas, Dorothy Kirk, Carol Hurlburt, Phyllis VanKimmel, Beatrice Iicnnett, David Wiison, Victor Kaufman, Dolly Horner, Aileen Barker, Elise Schrocder, Osborne Holland, John Dodds, Henry Lumpee, Lavina Hicks BUSINESS STAFF William IT. Hammond Associate Manager Charles Reed.Advertising Manager George Weber Jr. Foreign Adv. Manager Richard Horn.Asst. Adv. Manager Dorothy Ann Warnick .. Asst. Foreign Mgr. Harold Kester.Asst. Adv. Manager Phil Hammond. ..Service Dept. Wilbur Shannon.Circulation Manager Ruth Creager.Secretary-Cashier Margaret Pool-man.Mgr. Checking Dept. Business Office Phone 1896 ADVERTISING SALESMEN: Addison Brockman, Bob Miller, Larry Wiggins, Jack Gregg, Hod Hall, Bob Holmes, Ralph Brockmann, Ina Tremblay, Betty Hagen, Margaret Underwood. OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Jane Fraley, Harriet Arenz, Dorothy Jones, Carol Hurlburt, Kathryn Perigo, Julianne Benton. Guy Stoddard, Jim Landreth, Lawrence Jackson. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Member cf the Pacific Inter-collegiate Press. Entered in the post office at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, S2.60 a year. Adver tising rates upon application. Residence phone, manager, 2799. Day Editor This Issue— Serena Madsen Night Editor This Issue— Charles II. Barr Asst. Night Editor This Issue—Stivers W. Vernon The Publications Committee Distinguishes Itself Wi‘ have long considered 1lie student council to be the one organization on the campus which could lie counted upon to do the wrong tiling, but we are now forced to admit that we have been too good to the student council in permitting it to hold this title undisputed, for tin1 publications committee has definitely proved itself worthy of sharing a part of the honor. Upon recommendation of the publications committee the executive council yesterday decided that the Oregana should he published as usual this year. On the face of it, this deci sion docs not seem very important -certainly not one to cause much painful cerebration. '(’lie executive council has an ingenious scheme whereby the year book may be published on the date scheduled with out a loss of money. We sincerely hope this Works out, but even if it does, the publications committee cannot be excused .for the preposterous decision which it reached. Here are the facts. Ron lluhhs, business manager of the Oregana, submitted a detailed and conservative estimate of expenses this year to the publications committee. This report declared that, though the subscription drive just conducted was the most successful ever held on the campus, the book could not be published for less than a deficit of + 1200. At the same meeting, Marion Stem editor of the Oregana, admitted that her Work had stood at a standstill for the last few weeks arid tlial she didn't see how she could possibly get the book out on time. In llm face of this, flu* publications committee voted to recommend continuation of the Oregana anyway. Jeanette Calkins moved that the Oregana he published even though a loss of .+ 1200 seemed certain ;md .Miss Sten (the editor, mind you) seconded tho motion. The two votes were sufficient to pass the recommendation over the dissenting vote of the only other member eligible to east a ballot. Dr. Clarence Valen tine Buyer, capable hut possible not much interested member of the committee, was not in attendance. It seems that such free-handed disposal of student money not yet raised is a betrayal of faith which should not be passed by without comment, hiving up to responsibility in such a manner might he expected from a freshman, but hardly from a senior and a graduate. The decision was little short of amazing, and it is a fortunate fact, indeed, that the execu tive council had the power to refuse to accept the recommenda tion and no doubt would have’done so had not the scheme for making up the deficit been discovered. Free Subscription Causes Dean to Worry In jj not her column we publish a communication t’roni Frio \V. Allen, dean of the school of journalism. We mention this tael here so that the communication will have a double chance of Iieiii”' read, for it presents an unbiased, concise and dear consideration of the situation which has arisen on the campus since the criticism aimed at the Kmerald recently In Dr. K. T. I lodge. We find, however, that our communicant seems much more worried over the fact that we have presented Dr. Hodge with a free subscript ion to the .Morning Register than does Dr. Hodge himself. We agree with Dean Allen that there are "plenty of other people" on the campus in need of a good dailv paper, and regret our inability to furnish these. And t his./despite the fact that lie admits it is altogether too early for the Kmerald to present anyone with free subscriptions. The Kmerald has not consciously as yet assumed a “top lofty" attitude, as our correspondent would seem to intimate. We realize that we do not publish a perfect newspaper: and even more poignantly realize that wo cannot publish a per fect newspaper if we attempt to do so from now to dooms day. We do sincerely fed. however, that we give our best in an effort to publish the best newspaper that we can. We were led to criticize Dr Hodge’s criticism for several reasons, some of which are listed below. First, the criticism was made in class, whereas it might much more profitably have been made either in person or in writing to the staff. Second, that we considered tin* publication of world news thoroughlv at the beginning of the present term. We came to the conclusion that we had no member of our staff who had both experience and time necessary to handle this news. We had no monov to pa\ one of our numerous professional news pupermen to take care ol it, and no money to buy a press service. Further, we crime to the decision after considerable investigation that readers of flic Kmerald were not greatly interested in international news as a part of their student news paper. but that if they cared to keep posted on such news they would prefer to consult the mure comprehensive accounts in the public press. Third, that we felt Dr. Hodge was unscientific in Ids generalization to the effect that newspapers do not handle scientific news in a scientific manner. li is only jusi to Dr. Hodge that we admit our belief in the fact that his criticism was levelled at us in good faith. We did not agree with some of we told him so in the most f( If that manner was “flip” we ret her he flip than afraid, and while perusing over his eoffe Washington's war on bootlegg* will agree with us. _ CAMPUS rORUM To flic Editor: Presentation of a paid subserip i tion to the Register to Dr. Hodge is | enough to make the judicious grieve, j Not only does the action seem a bit ! flip, but Dr. Hodge gives evidence \ of being rather less in need of a good daily paper than plenty of ■other people. The question he is raising in his classes is, after all, a real one. The answer may not be so easy to find as he thinks, but that is something outside his own particular field of competency. Several of his prem ises, at least, are sound. There are several ways of pro ducing a bad newspaper. One is by going too far afield, writing of things too distant and recondite, losing touch with the paper’s actual readers, and surrendering local in fluence to attain a vague virtuosity. It should not be assumed too easily that Dr. Hodge wants anything like this. Another bad way is to stick too closely to little day by day facts dose at home, to comment upon these only from the point of view ‘of first impressions, happy hunches, and local prejudices. In justice to all, l)r. Hodge ought to admit that it is pretty early in the season to assume that this represents the probable achievement of this year’s Emerald. A student paper seldom demonstrates its characteristic qual ities before midyear, and some years the Emerald has been a most excellent paper in its class. The Emerald has been mffst widely quoted throughout the state and has attracted most attention both on the campus and elsewhere in those years in which it has grappled effectively with questions close at home yet has applied to their solution something of the logical cogency, the knowl edge of underlying principles of social science, the awareness of gen eral social and political forces out side, I he carefulness in the evalua tion of facts, and the skill in pres entation which a university is sup posed to represent. Whether the Emerald prints tele graphic items is comparatively im material. But the paper need not be narrow, limited, superficial, defi cient in imagination, unable to wrestle with local ..problems to some fine moral or practical end. Energy and acumen are required even to j find out clearly just what the prob lems are. Energy and faithful pa rt ience are necessary to get together j the necessary facts. Energy and imagination are necessary to deter mine just what can be done. Energy I and courage, together with judgment land laid, are essential to get the I j paper’s well founded views accepted. If Dr. [lodge is possibly too pre mature to be entirely just in his I critieisms, it is, on the other hand, altogether too early also for the ■ Emerald to assume a top-lofty atti I tilde, or to present anyone with free subscriptions to the Register. Its achievements for this year are slill almost enlirely in the fill uVe- which is no reflection upon anybody. ERIC W. ALLEN. To tlio Editor: For llio work ending December 1, IIS cases of influenza were reported to 111'1 slolo l>ii:iril of liriiItii. Now Hint influenza is undoubtedly epi di'lnii' in tliis stiito, it is wo 11 lo know how lo treat this disease and how hi control it. Doth tho euro and prevention of influenza tie pond on knowing tho cause. Tim best way to keep from taking influenza is to keep away from people having this highly contagious disease. When you feei tin attack of in tliii'iiv a coining on, lake a laxative and a glass of hot lenionade and go lo lied early. Knt lightly, drink j water freely and stay in bed until j all symptoms have disappeared. Isolate yourself, .lust because some lone lias passed this disease on to you is no excuse for your being i a re less. This is not a spectacular | course of treatment nor will it pro duce striking results, but it will cut down greatly the chances for com plications, such as pneumonia and other infections. The streptococcus liemolytivus is usually unable to invade the healthy but gains entrance in persons who are run down by influenza. Steptococciis pneumonia is a very serious complication and the chances of pulling through after this infec tion has invaded the body are none too good. The importance of calling in a physician early can not be too high ly emphasized. Many of thi' com I plications of influenza can be pre vented by proper treatment. For the sake of others it is well to re member that influenza is a voi^ag ions disease and it is up to you to keep it tii yourself. Use your hand kerchief and prevent the spread of influenza. Sneezing and coughing spray out droplets of moisture load led with germs and any one nearby is almost certain to get a good dose of this. If you have tufiuenga, go the points that he raised and ii'eeful manner that we could. can only say that we would ive feel certain that Dr. Hodge, 3 cup a thrilling account’ of rs in this morning’s Register, to bed and isolate yourself.—Fred erick M. Strieker, M.D., Oregon IState Board of Health. The Ambler Yesterday we saw: LARRY OGLE whispering confi dences . . . MARY KLLEN MASON with her arm around RUTH GAUNT . . . LARRY HARTMUS arguing on pressure . . . ERNEST DESLER bent on attending class . . . EUGENE HENDRY fingering her upper lip . . . PRESTON GUNTHER on the verge of studying . . . MARGARET MUNCY with her feet orf a chair . . . JOYCE MADDOX and another Gamma Phi . . . HARRY BROCK looking hard . . . PAUL LUY in need of a fresh shave . . . HAROLD BAILEY masticating some of Wrig ley’s favorite. IIXIQJLJI RIMC kEPCRTER -7-- A — - cliJ-C .-- -i. - ,--..7M^m4 Today’s question: How can you distinguish a college girl? “Bobby” Reid, sophomore in jour nalism: “A college girl is indepen dent, she has a swagger that cannot by mistaken, she wears the standard campus clothes, but sometimes you cannot' tell them from the ordinary shop girl by the rouge they wear.” Carroll Watson, freshman in busi ness administration: “Freshmen don't always know about .college girls until they have been on the campus a few months but the col lege girl usually has a knowing air and is sophisticated looking.” Helene Koke, freshman in journal ism: “The college girl is generally well-dressed and intelligent look ing.” * Nadine CHlke'ison, sophomore iii English: “By her collegiate dress, by her individual actions and her habit of always borrowing. Irvin Ferris, junior in journalism: “Bv her independent and under standing attitude.” Harold Bailey, senior in journal ism:"By what Clara Bow calls “it” —they just have ‘it.’” Robert Jackson, senior in physics: “College women are either hungry or thirsty or both.” CLASSIFIED COM FORTABLEj convenient rooms for 3 student#. Good homo cook ing. 241 East 12th. 12-5-0 WANTED- University men for part time work. Phono 2205-J. 12-5-0 Turning.. Back Pages In Campus History That Tell ’How tflie Collegians Used to Act. Fifteen Years Ago From Oregon Emerald, Dee. (>, 1913 For tlie first time in the history of the Northwest conference a wrestling tournament has been scheduled for the six colleges that are members. • * * * The formal sophomore hop will be held Saturday evening at the men’s gymnasium. The decorations will be of a distinctly holiday char acter. Professor Eric W. Allen of the department of journalism addressed the conference of the American j Teachers of Journalism at Chicago last week. Twenty-five Years Ago Dec. 7, 1903 Since the University of Oregon has no regular basketball team, several enthusiasts of the sport met Tues day and organized one. They will attempt to schedule games with col leges in the Willamette valley. 'J he dormitory, which “is growing | to be the center of the college life | of the university” is to have new j furniture in the reception room. President P. L. Campbell spoke on the subject, “College Spirit as a Factor in Education,” at the regular Wednesday morning assembly hour in Villard. Wetjen (Continued from Page One) ginning of his literary career. His rich store of knowledge of the sea furnished the background for-' his sea stories which have appeared in magazines of nation-wide distribu tion, such as the Saturday Evening Post. Only recently has he turned to novels, the first being “Captain All,” which created comment on the part of national critics. His most successful novel, the second and most recent, entitled “Way for a Sailor!” is rated among the best sellers, and lias made his position among novelists secure. “His sentiment and tenderness is concealed under his swagger, his profanity of the roughneck sailor. His stories are out of youth. Youth’s eternal quest is his theme,” says one critic. “The first saga of the steamship era. A story of the loves, and the fights, the ships, drunks and adventures of a boy who rises to be an officer,” says another. The sailor.-author has his home in Salem, Oregon. CAMPUS rIfiiefr^ Alpha Kappa Delta business meet ing at 5:15 today in Woman’s room of the Woman’s building. Pledges please meet in the Men’s room at 5:30. Faculty Meeting postponed until to morrow. The December faculty meeting, announced in the last faculty bulletin lias been post poned from Wednesday, Dec. 5, until Thursday, Dec. 6. It will be held in Guild hall at 4 o’clock Thursday. Council meeting of the Women’s league tonight, 7:15, in league of fice. George H. Peterson of 5635 tilth street, S. E., Portland, Oregon, de sires very much to get the names and addresses of the two univer sity students, who picked him up and took him to the hospital in Albany, on December 22nd, 1027, after lie was injured in an auto mobile accident a few miles north of Albany. Will these students kindly notify the dean of men. Greater Oregon committee will hold last meeting of year today (Thurs day) in room 11U Johnson hall. THE/HI McDONALD— The Air Circus, starring Louise Dressier, David Rol lins and Sue Carol. An aviation drama. Also, Anatole Freidland in |^niniinniuinnnii!mmiinifiliiiniinniiimiiiiiuiiMnniiiiiiinuiiiiieuHuiiiaiuiiHRiimii& I Ludford’s l | for • | Paints Brushes and Suppplies for those | Signs and Posters i Artistic Picture Framing | 1 55 West Broadway Phone 749 V ... “On tlie Beach at Atlantic City” and Benito Mussolini in “Voices of * Italy.” HEILIG—“Gun Runners,” with Ricardo Cortez. A soldier of fortune story. Also, “Uncle Izzy” and his pawn shop on the stage. REX—“Scarlet Seas,” featuring Richard Barthelmess and Betty Compton. A romance of the briny deep. Also “Just Daddy, a Chris* tic educational comedy. COLONIAL—John Barrymore in “The Beloved Rogue,” the story of Francois Villon. Also Aesop’s fables and Loyd Hamilton himself in “Blazing Away.” Coming Uriday Colleen Moore in “Oh Kay.” Use This Service for your Week-end Trips Train and motor-coach combine to give flexible, time-and-money saving, travel service. The maximum of time at your destination when you use— The "Silver Grays” Portland via Corvallis and Albany — }8:00, 9:35, +11:50 a.m.; 3:30, 4:30 ^ p.m. t "Silver Gray Limited." fVia Harrisburg. Roseburg—1:55,6:35 p.m. Marshfield via Roseburg —1:55 p.m. Grants Pass,Medford, Ashland, San Francisco —1:55 p.m. And many other points You'll find a convenient way to almost any Western Oregon destination via the deluxe "Silver Grays.” Ask about connections to Mc Minnville, Monmouth, Sil verton, Lebanon, Newport, etc. Motor-Coaches leave 5 minutes earlier from South ern Pacific Station. Trains to Portland Leave at 3:25, 4:40 a.m.; 12:40, 2:30, 4:25, 7:00 p.m. Southern Pacific M. B. COLE, Agent, S. P. Stages F. G. LEWIS, Agent, S. P. Co. Phone 2200 When a Feller Needs a Friend By BRIGGS That's Th( ) FiPTm Plate J l H£'S RUIN4EO ( \ BY Coughing ( r 9 \5 HARRY Co a G himG Vex or AG aik ! ? NOT A coud H IK A crARA.OA^D HARRY, VAJMY Dom t You Get wise To Them ? Goodness .Sake, Give Hina AM out) gold Either he. 3weARS H£*U. START 5mokinG old Golds OR. HG STAYS OUT OP The Picture The Smoother and Better Cigarette — not a cough in a carload 4