University of Oregon, Eugene ARDEN X. PANGBORN, Editor LAURENCE B. THIELEN, Manager EDITORIAL BOARD Arthur Senoeni.Managing Carl Gregory.Asst. Managing Joe Pigney .....Sports Leonard Delano..P. I. P. Serena Madsen__Literary Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor W. h,. MempKtean Jr.Associate Leonard Hajcstrom_Associate William Ha^j?erty...Associate Dorothy Baker...Society Donald Johnston___Feature Clarence Craw.. Makeup Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor «jo atoiiei.—.oecreuary News and Editor Phone 656 DAY EDIT* US: Lawrence Mitchehnore, Mary Prances Dilday, Serena Madsen, Carl Gregory, Elaine Crawford. NIGHT EDITORS: Rex Tussing, chief; Winston J. Londagin, Walter Butler, Chaa. H. Karr Meriyn F. Mnysjer, Mildred K. Dobbins. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Ted Hewitt, Alyce Cook, Mary Ellen Mason, Fred Bechill, Stivers W. Vernon, Ruth Gaunt, Nils Eckiund, Barney Miller, Carl Metzen, H. A. WingartL SPORTS STAFF: Estill Phipps. Delbert Addison, Alex Tamkin, Chan Brown, Joe Brown Fred Schultz, Harry Van Dine. UPPER NEWS STAFF Ralph Mill ap, La Wanda Fenlason, Harry Tonkon, Chrystal Ordway, Margaret Clark, Mary McLean, Wilfred Brown. REPORTERS: Mary Klcmrn. Evelyn Shaner, Myron Griffin, Lester McDonald, Maryhelen Koupal, Cleta McKennon, Audrey Henricksen, Margaret Reid, Gene Laird, Ruth Hansen, Alice German, T. Neil Taylor, W'illis Duniway, Lois Nelson, Vinton Hall, Dorothy Thomas, Dorothy Kirk, Carol Hurlburt, Phyllis VanKimmel, Beatrice Bennett, David Wilson, Victor Kaufman, Dolly Horner, Ailecn Barker, Elise Schroeder, Osborne Holland, John Dodds, Henry Lumpee, Lavina Hicks BUSINESS STAFF Winiam H. Hammond Associate Manager George Weber .Jr.Foreign Adv. Manager Dorothy Ann Warnick.. Asst. Foreign Mgr. Phil Hammond..Service Dept. Iiuth Creager...Secretary-Cashier Charles Keed..Advertising Manager Richard Horn.Asst. Adv. Manager Harold Hester.Asst. Adv. Manager Wilbur Shannon.Circulation Manager Margaret Poorman.Mgr. Checking Dept. uiiice rnone ibvd ADVERTISING SALESMEN: Addition Brockmin, Bob Miller, Larry WUrgina, Jack Gregg, Hod Hall. Bob Holmes, Ralph Brockmann, Ina Tremblay, Betty Hagen, Margaret Underwood. OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Jane Fraley, Harriet Arenz, Dorothy Jones, Carol Hurlburt, Kathryn Ferigo, .Julianne Benton, Guy Stoddard, Jim Landreth, Lawrence Jackson. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Member ef the Pacific Inter-collegiate Press. Entered in the post office at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, $2.5*) a year. Adver tising rates upon application. Residence phone, manager, 2799. Day Editor Thin lame— Mary Frances Dilday Niyht Editor Thin Issue— Charles H. Barr Asst. Flight Editors This Ihsuc-~Ruth Gaunt Mary Ellen Mason Another Thanksgiving Comes With All Its Significance Thanksgiving means much tin* same to ns from fall to fall. Look back flown the intervening years to those family gatherings of llie Pilgrim Fathers; you will perceive that little has been left unsaid concerning 1 lie significance of this annual harvest festival. Sizzling turkey, cranberry sauce and all the trimmings, friends and loved ones assembled at home together to cele brate the gala occasion —every autumn is the same. Yet is it? Each year of life, each glorious period of collegiate exis tence,— makes one more impressionable perhaps? More sus ceptible to colorful associations? More thrilled by philosophical as well as physical sensations? heaving by train and auto this afternoon for their homes in every part of the suite, students are conscious that they are on a vacation to observe Thanksgiving. “Just another Thanksgiving.” Hut that is enough.— W. E. 11. jr. '"All the Campus News That's Fit To Print' Curses, the Emerald has gone to the serapheap of inade quate journalistic relies, an unappreciated martyr to public service, unhonored and unsung. For proof, see the communication quoting l)r. E. T. Hodge's charges, we find staring us in the face in an adjoining column. Our correspondent opposes Dr. Hodge and sides in with the Emerald. Dr. Hodge, esteemed and temperamental member of the geology department, might have the Emerald print news other than local events. As p is, lie calls it. “nothing more than a-lot of stuffing with no news at all. " hut our defeijjtling cor respondent is rigid in di daring that Hie Emerald’s mission lies in supplying 1 lie university with the news which primarily con cerns it. No attempt is made to compete willi the Eugene or Portland metropolitan dailies. To do so would weaken efficiency in supplying campus news and would tuVessarily he only a feeble attempt to give a comprehensive survey of all the news in all the world. Be it noted, Dr. Hodge, there is a kernel of constructive criticism in your viewpoint, of which we shall endeavor to take heed. Perhaps there is room lor a wider journalistic ser vice, a broader news scope which can be supplied without resorting to the use of Associated Press dispatches and with out making the Emerald a forty cage facsimile of the New York Times. For some time there has been a sentiment, that more attention should be paid to international affairs in the columns of the Emerald. Always willing to contribute insofar as it is able to the intellectual progress of the students, the Emerald is planning to devote some space again this year to analysis of contemporaneous political and facial conditions which were treated eacli week last vear bv Professor W. P. Maddox, then of the department of political science. How much interest the students will evidence in such material, assuming that it is admirably handled, is a question, j They shall lie furnished something along this line providing it is demanded. Another criticism which has come to our attention is that of the daily column hv our “inquiring reporter” in which a question is asked representative readers. It was lamented that the students like to read answers to such questions as “What is love? "What are the most admirable qualities in a wo man? “Do you believe a squadron of police should chap erone downtown student dunces?" Our critic would have us ask really signilieant. important questions pertaining to na tional and intermitional problems of the day. How about it? Which would the students rather read? It is worth asking, and an assignment will be made soon to our “inquiring reporter” to ask students: “Which type of ques tion, sensational or serious, would you prefer to be asked?” Upon the result of this will perhaps rest the decision of Emerald policy. We have a sneaking feeling and some evidence that in today 's “inquiring reporter" students prefer answers to sensa tional questions and local news. So the Emerald is faced with that old journalistic prob lem old when priests and pharaohs firs* propagandized the public ot wlictlu r to tiirtiisli our readers what they want or what we think tin > ought to have. Our policy is: “All the campus news that's lit to print.”_ W. E. 11 jr. T/m* imhltr Yosti'iilyv wo saw: KDDIK ('llKBS iliaoussin^ nmnoy ami banking on, the oiirb . . . h'l) I.AND l>.\\ Is wiiuklf bis noso ami look sad as usual . . . M '(' Kl'l.KA liviuo up to his baiii boili'il ivputa liuu . . . TIM WOOD industriously poumlilio ii typewriter at the "shack," tin’ll da.shittj; out the door on the mu term paper ’ . . . t'ATll I.K1NK ( Al.Ol'Kl stml'iaj; assiilu onsjy in tlie lihrary . . . "BABK" i II \s|- walking toward the library \1 \RCi ARKT I'l.AKK pes'dmis tic about thino> in general . . . . 11 A K It k VAN DJNti "Uanliuj; out” a professor to a student. CAJWPUS/J Is Emerald Newspaper? To the. Editor: Jn a recent lecture to his class in "Man and His Environment,” J>r. K. T. Hedge, of the geology depart ment, declared that the Emerald, which purports to be a newspaper, is nothing more than a lot of stuf fing, with no news at all. By news, 1 take it, lie meant happenings of interest in the world. World News Plentiful I beg to disagree with Dr. Hodge. The Emerald is not supposed to give to the student, to any great extent, news of the outside world. That, he can gain from any of our local dailies. The Emerald is an organ by which happenings on the campus can be made known tt> every stu dent, it is a factor in the welding together of the student body, and it is a means by which the student in journalism can gain an element ary knowledge of newspapers and newspaper organization, as well as news style. With this pur}lose in mind, I also disagree with him when lie says that what the Emerald prints is stuffing. I grant that campus news is not world news, and is of interest to only a comparatively small group. But is it not news just the same? If it is stuffing to its group, then a story on the eruption of Mt. Etna is stuffing to the world. Believes Reporters Unscientific Dr. Hodge also informed his class that newspaper reporters are un scientific, being very inaccurate in their statements of scientific causes and effects. Dear Mr. Editor, if Dr. Hodge makes some interesting discovery in the field of geology, please send a reporter who is well versed in science to cover the discovery. We uiustn’t let our secret out. He seems to be too near the truth for comfort. A Student in Journalism. P. S. If 1 am disillusioned as to the purpose of the Emerald, please enlighten me through your editorial column. I am sure it would be of interest to many. Sick To Be Accommodated The dispensary will be open .Fri day and Saturday only in the morn ing. At any other time students in need of medical attention may call at the infirmary or call by phone, 004. We ask that students who do not feel well come into the dispen sary in the morning if possible, rather than wait till the afternoon or night to call a doctor. Those who become sick after they go home should not return until they •are fully recovered. Any student who returns to the campus late and needs a statement for classes he may have missed, must get a state ment from his home physician. FRED N. MILLER, M.D., University Physician. Dear Editor: Some or' 11s ;it least read tire ar tiele in Saturday’s Emerald regard ing its right to print eomment airout. the Oregaria which was evidently unfavorable to the writer. Now let's consider the subject this way. Do w-e want an Emerald, a daily school ipapcr'? I don’t be lieve there is one who would vote against it if they had a chance. Hut there was quite a number who voted against the compulsory installment of the Oregana, and three times that number or more dido't care enough about the book to drag themselves to Yillard hall and cast a mark. That’s not all. It's not dangerous to say that half the votes in favor of the “yearly struggle’’ wms rail roaded through. Kick Coming Why shouldn't the Emerald kick.’ Even if they should seream blas phemously about tlie thing, that’s a paper’s right. The party who cried I mean, softly wept, about the ex istcuce of a paper who was gently administering means of cruel oppo sition to another school publication will admit, I’m sure, that daily papers airs' much more necessary than magazines, and that there is more difference in value between the Emerald and Oregana than there is between daily periodicals and those that are distributed every month or so. A year book is just for a grow ing college where everyone knows everybody else. It’s nice 1 guess for tiie sentimentalist to exclude the face of some “tripplo threat” on the team of t>