Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 27, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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    University of Oregon, Eugene
Arthur Schoeni.Managing Editor W. E. Hempstead Jr.Associate Editor
Carl Gregory.Asst. Managing Editor Leonard Hagstrom.Associate Editor
Joe Pigney.Sports Editor William Haggerty.Associate Editor
Leonard Delano.P. I. P. Editor Dorothy Baker.Society Editor
Serena Madsen.Literary Editor Donald Johnston.Feature Editor
Clarence Craw.Makeup Editor
Jo Stofiel.Secretary
News and Editor Phone 655
DAY EDITORS : Lawrence Mitchelmore, Mary Frances Dilday, Serena Madsen, Carl
Gregory, Elaine Crawford.
NIGHT EDI TO I S: Rex Tussing, chief; Winston J. Londagin, Walter Butler, Chaa.
H. Barr Mi -lyn F. Mayger, Mildred E. Dobbins.
ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Ted Hewitt, AJyce Cook, Mary Ellen Mason, Fred
Bechill, Stivers W. Vernon, Ruth Gaunt, Nils Ecklund, Barney Miller, Carl Metzen,
H. A. Wingard.
SPORTS STAFF: Estill Phipps, Delbert Addison, Alex Tamkin, Chan Brown, Joe
Brown, Fred Schultz, Harry Van Dine.
UPPER NEWS STAFF: Ralph Millsap, LaWanda Fenlason, Harry Tonkon, Chrystal
Orel way, Margaret Clark, Mary McLean, Wilfred Brown.
REPORTERS: Mary Klemm, Evelyn Shaner, Myron Griffin, Lester McDonald,
Marybelen Koupal, Cleta McKennon, Audrey Hcnrieksen, Margaret Reid, Gene
Laird, Ruth Hansen, Alice Gorman, T. Neil Taylor, Willis Duniway, Lois Nelson,
Vinton Hall, Dorothy Thomas, Dorothy Kirk, Carol Hurl hurt, Phyllis VanKimmel,
Beatrice Bennett, David Wilson, Victor Kaufman, Dolly Horner, Aileen Barker*,
Elise Scliroedcr, Osborne Holland, John Dodds, Henry Lumpee, Lavina Hicks
William IT. Hammond .Associate Manager Charles Reed.
George Weber Jr..Foreign Adv. Manager Richard Horn.
Dorothy Ann Warnick. Asst. Foreign Mgr. Harold Kester.
Phil Hammond.Service Dept. Wilbur Shannon...
Ruth Creager.Secretary-Cashier Margaret Poormgn
Business Office Phone 1896
ADVERTISING SALESMEN: Addison Brockmm, Bob Miller, Larry Wiggins, Jack
Gregg, Hod Hall, Boh Holmes, Ralph Brockmann, Ina Tremblay, Betty Hagen,
Margaret Underwood.
OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Jane Fraley, Harriet Aronz, Dorothy Jones, Carol Hurlhurt,
Kathryn Perigo, Julianne Benton. Guy Stoddard, Jim Landreth, Lawrence Jackson.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the
college year. Member of the Pacific Inter-collegiate Press. Entered in the post office
at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, 52.50 a year. Adver
tising rates upon application. Residence phone, manager, 2799.
Pay Editor Thin Issue— Lawrence Mitchelmore
Night Editor This Issue— led Hewitt
Asst. Night Editors This Issue—-Alycc Cook
Julia Currie
.Advertising Manager
Asst. Adv. Manager
..Asst. Adv. Manager
Circulation Manager
Mgr. Checking Dept.
'Pants Versus Puttees—,’
And the Former Wins
Dress parades of the II. 0. T. ('. this year will see (lie
eadefs arrayed in flu* new type of regulation uniforms, (lone
are the days of Ion}"', tediously wrapped spiral leggings or
cumbersome loggers boots. Kor the newly received issue
feat ures long trousers* with slightly narrower legs than the
full twenty inch bell bottom pants which the men wear in
civilian life. In fact there has been some complaint; by the
underclassmen that, the legs of these aforementioned new pants
are too narrow for either comfort or appearance.
As could well be expected in adopting any new form of at
tire, the boys are inclined to feel conspicuous wearing their
uniforms to Wednesday classes in military. This necessitates
some attendance at other classes in the olive drab, and some
signs of embarrassment are discernible.
Really they look heller than the uniforms used to. Kaeli
uniform is not perfectly tailored, but on the whole 1he effect
is much more presentable than the men seem to realize, kittle
credence is given to 1 he rumor started by a certain eo-ed who
said she almost worshiped a good looking male sereeli sorrow
until she saw him attired in the new uniform whereupon she
let t he flames of love die out.
How much belter these uniforms are than the ancient coals
of mail when knighthood was in flower! Isn’t if far better
to be soldier in 1!)28 than in 12fS? Kcgrelably the romance of
(ialuhnd and the Knights of llm Round Table is lacking today
in the prosaic olive drab battle regalia.
Hut as William,Jennings lirvan in bis earlier days fold a
critic of bis dross, "you can't judge a man by the length of
bis pants.” So too the reserve army that is being trained in the
uniforms of today is far more efficient, than the thundering
legions of the crusading kings.
The new uniforms look all right; much better khan the old
ones did. And no freshman or soplu.ire should be ashamed
to wear his uniform, providing it is complete, about the campus
to his (dasses when time prevents him changing to "civics "
W. 1-2. II. jr.
»\ ' V, S
•./*».»i rtri ".}
To Kditor:
A number of comments have boon
made by various individuals to me
coueei ning tin* vandalism of certain
students and ox -st intent s during tin*
past Ilomeromiug.
In an of fort to depart from t hi*
usual typo of decorations (which
long ago lost all claim to any ar
tistic merit and originality) the
commit too in charge evolved some
rather uniipie si root plaques. |>c
signed by Brad Collins, the plaques
"ere widely praised by the few
students who saw them, and were
placed on tin** campus and on l.’-th
street Friday night. B\ I": !0 of
the same night not a one remained.
In a til oi I he gi ea I \ nier iea n
sp«*rt of souvenir hunting the stud
cuts of our honored university had
removed the entire lot.
I do not intend to make public
the names of the few offenders of
" hoie I leai nod personally, nor is
this matter any issue with me. It
would be kinder to be able to sax
that the decorations were destroyed
by Oregon men in the throes of
nleliolit- exuberance, but it was not
so; the destruction was accomplish
ed by men who displayed that lam
eatable adolescent type of thinking
which is the amusement of a more
sophist iea ted group and the despair
of those who have any intellectual
!" Bs ab.tva lie-, of a park tit'
wild baboons.
two thirds of the money and time
spent by the committee on decora
timis was a complete and tidal fail
ure. I have net heard of another'
< ll!lr;.,. when. Mich a stale of millll
‘ x*8,s amony; tin* students ns that
manifested hole last week. I do
imt think that O. A. l\ on any major
ta hool on the const would ‘cut off ,
their nose to spite their fare, »s
these men undoubtedly huve done.
In tin* tuture I reeonunend that
no more decorations of an\ kind
he used for auv all campus ev ent.—
Joseph iledndu y.
(Hronion I'o Prosont
Conrort Dorombor 1
The Ku;;eiie (liecmen, uiulcr t In'
(tired ion of .Inlin Stark Means of
I In' university sclionl oJ* music, are
1" {five a concert ill S a Vlock mi
I hi' evening of 1 tccenihcr I al (lie
school nt music aiiilitoriu'm.
Tlin nlnomnn, wlio am a group nf
I'lugene business men, have a varied
I'ropram ut snlocliiiiis which they,
I'hin to offer.
Key Bryson, voice instructor at
the school of music, will ho the
I eat ure soloist of the program.
;,V>V :0
' cU.; /H
M.cDOK AXD "Street \ngol,”
marring -I inet (invimi' mul Charles!
I';l 1 i > ll with nmvietimu musieul j
Sr,">'. \ romame of 1 talv. Also
Xiiinuoi until ;iii,| (i i'llii\ ill in ,| \ it-,
111 in 111' norelty, •• A 11 > i in • Uoimi iit-o, "
HKTIjIG " (cross to Singapore,"
with 1 v11moil Navimo, .Ionn Ci;m
foitl mul Knii'st Toil villi'. Also,
Wsop s I lilies mul terhnirolor
slmteli. Coming \\ mliiesilay, the
M. i u 11; 111 a 11 I'layers present "In
Oklii lionin.
K.llX "Tlie News I’m .ole," fra
turing Sully I'hipps ami Nick iStiinrt.
'Iso "Cash Customers,” ;t Sterns!
Brut lit’rs eonieiiv.
GOLONIAIi "No Other Woman,"!
with IHilores Pel Rio mul Pun A! '
t.nailo. Also a Hurry Lnngtlou 1
eonieiiv atul Aesop's I'iililes.
Bioniu Alpha Kpsilon announces
the pledging of (iilliert Preneh of
I’lanie City, Oregon.
Classified Ads
I t)sT Hray plait) top eout in elotik
loom of main library. Apply
111*7-. Hewanl. It-127 .10
I,(1ST ■ lupin tan hat with snap
In im oil Sutiintuy night between
llilyaril ami Willamette streets on
lltiu Tinder please eall ldl.il-W. t
The Ambler
Yesterday we saw:
HERMAN GAWER flirting at
Gossers’ . . . DEAN ALLEN paring
ttie floor giving dictations to Miss
\ eating hurriedly with both hands
! ing he’d been “dateless” for three
months . . . ALEX KASIIUBA los
ing a game of handball . . . JOHN
I “GOKOO” COX talking about the
| “dream” girl he met at the Jour
nalism Jam . . . MARION HALL
j wearing moleskins . . . MARION
i LEACH driving a Dodge roadster
. . . JENNIE KLEMM standing on
a corner of the library stairs talk
ing to a boy . . . JOE McKEOWN
standing on the curb about to
! freeze . . . DR. E. T. HODGE at
jHaturdav’s game looking worn-out
. . VERNE DALE looking peace
| f'ul and happy after the announce
ment of his engagement.
■* -X # * -:(■
Hey! When ya gonna turn
out delight?
* * * * * *
The sea was cooking
mill boiling.
.\ vessel of Irish sailors
A mighty' wave ....
A sunken vessel.
The sea was cooking
and boiling.
An Irish stew.
Professor R. C. Clark in eulogiz
ing Thomas Jefferson in American
History class: Jefferson was ex
tremely modern; in fact lie was the
father of fast MAILS.
'I>rni' Aunt Oucklio,
U lint is n rostitutinn i'
Pour ('minus,
It is n plnio whore roods go to
take lost ouros.
.SO M K O N !■; M All» Til l-i
Oil, no, why wo just thought tlioy
liml popped in for n ohat.
Several of my friends have askccl
me why I don’t produce a daily
feature like the “Ambler,” telling
what I sec around tho campus.
You see, it’s like this. My ob
servation of co-eds has been al
together LIMitod.
William, The Conqueror
A'illiam, tlio eonquorer, a bold man
was lio,
le foujjht 1'• ir all his renown,
A lion anyone dajvd oppose his plans
It' merely Uuoekeil them ilown.
'he ilav that he saw Matihta, so fair
le swore she M he his bride
■tut Matiida herself had plans of
her own
And decide.I to lower his pride.
.A hen professions of love did not
And she refused to he his wife
• id William threaten to drown
Aot upon your life.
'coin}} his chance one merry day
Alien Matilda was aiiiii” herself
le hit her a lick like a ton of brick
lliat laid her on the shelf.
soon after that the lady was calm
And humbly named the d:iv
fhen William said unto himself
' I'h.it caveman stuff does pav."
A 1 l a'Tr UK BV (HR
01 H FKIKMt BON All)
B A K,\ Iks.
t*sad, muuy, and why lie senior
nuutatites like football gau:ce.’
For sootli, there be eleven on a
Our compliments to the cook—
Our apologies to “Alex'inter's
None but tlie strong,
None but the strong,
None but the strong,
Can down the fare
INQlJlfclMC 4$
Today’s question: Wliat i.s your
definition of love'?
Eddie Mergis, junior in prelaw:
“Love is a tickling sensation around
the heart that cannot be scratched.
1 learned this through bitter ex
po rienre.”
Mary Canaparoli, so])homoro in
niatheinatics: “I feel that J am not
(|ualified to even attempt to define
iove,- but to me, in my own small
way, love is only admiration in dis
Phyllis Van Kimmell, sophomore
in journalism: “I don’t think there
is any such thing as love—we just
sort of get along with people.”
Mickey Sclnnoer, spohomore ill ar
chitecture: “I haven’t any—it's be
yond me—undefinable.”
Francis Reader, senior in business
administration: “Love is a breach
of good judgement, but a pleasant
indulgence of sentiment.”
Hugh Logan, senior in pre-medics:
"it is something that cannot be
defined, only felt.”
Pi Lambda Theta, honorary edu
cation fraternity, announces the
election to associate membership of
Hr. Ethel Sanborn, and to active
membership of:
Louise Huls.
Helen Cro/.ier.
Clara Jasper.
Olive Adams.
Hope Braastator.
Mildred Biker.
Mary Cameron.
Elsie May Ciniinu.
lmella Elliot.
Kathryn Fry.
Marjorie Hoff.
Emily (Iropp.
Barbara Hedges.
Naomi llohmau.
Margaret Knapp.
Harthea Lonsch.
FI nonce McNerney.
Aileen Palmer.
Agnes Petzold.
Lois Tuttle.
Nedrn Vernon.
Winifred Woter.
IsF I --r ^ ::
-- —cHz^U>e roifum*. - t
The Aero Club will not meet this
evening. Meeting postponed un
til after vacation.
Girl’s Swimming meet tonight from
5 to 6 at Woman’s building.
Senior first vs. frost first; sopho
more first vs. junior first.
No classes in Art Appreciation will
meet today.
All solicitors of unaffiliated men
for the campus community chest
please turn in reports not later
than Tuesday noon, November 27,
to H. \Vr. Davis at the “Y” hut.
Thanksgiving vacation will begin
after the last class on Wednes
day and continue until the fol
lowing Monday, as previously an
The "Y” cabinet will meet today
at 4:50 in the “Y” hut.
Alpha Kappa Psi meeting this after
noon at 4:45 sharp in room 106
Commerce building. important
that everyone he there.
Hoads of houses must turn in at
the dean of women’s office a com
plete list of girls who are stay
Mr. McMurray
Waxes Poetic
over Tobacco
Carrollton, Texas
May 15, 1928
Larus & Bro. Co.,
Richmond, Va.
Having been a user of Edgeworth
for over eight years, I can truthfully
say that it is the best on earth. I am
enclosing a little ditty that I believe
expresses my sentiments entirely:
Old Man Joy and Old Man Trouble
Went out for a walk one day.
I happened to pass when they met
on the street
And I overheard them say,
Said Old Man Trouble, “She’s as
wrong as she can be,
There ain’t no fun in anything to
me, why
I was just talking’ to Old Man
And he says the world will end
Then Old Man Joy lie started to
And I saw him bring out that
next on the scene,
And he packed him full from the
And I heard him say as he walked
“ You have to have a smoke screen
every day.
When a man gets the blues, and he
needs a friend,
He can find consolation in the OLD
And I jist don’t believe on all this
There’s a thing that’ll match good
Yours very t ruly.
F. H. McMurray
Extra High Grade
Smoking Tobacco
at Home
to Portland and return
Round Trip Fare
Regular Trains
Leaving Eugene for Portland
3:25 a. m.. I :40*a. m.. 2 :.'!0 p. m., 4 :25 p. m.. 7 :00 p. m.
Motor Coaches
Leaving Eugene for Portland
7 :•),! a. m., 9:30 a. in., 11 :45 a. m. 3:25 a. m., 4:30 p. m.
Special Train
Returning Leaves Portland
Sunday Dee. 2. 1928. 0:30 p. ui.
Regular Trains Leave Portland
8:00 a. in.. 8:30 a. in.. 5:30 p. in., 8:30 p. m., 9:30 p. m.
Motor Coaches L,eave Portland
7 :30 a. in.. 8:30 a. in.. 1 :30 p. m.. 2:30 p. in.. 5:30 p. ni.
Southern Pacific
F. G. Lewis, Ticket Agent
Telephone 2200
ing over for Thanksgiving and]
also the place they are staying |
and the name of the chaperons.
Nursing Club will meet tonight in j
the Woman’s building at 7:30 i
sharp. Important that all majors |
Any dances which are to be held :
during the Thanksgiving holidays:
must lie scheduled with the dean j
of women as usual.
Gamma Alpha Chi and Alpha Delta ]
Signu* will hold a joint meeting j
at noon at the Anchorage. Very
All men who desire to tryout for
basketball manager meet at 3:30
at McArthur court today.
Committee chairmen for the College
Ball will meet at the Delta Gamma I
house today at 5 o ’clock.
(Continued from Page Ojie)
football. One cannot expoet to see
a team work good *wlien the fog is
so thick that it is hard to see a 1
play across the field. Had all of
the Oregon first string been in shape
the score would undoubtedly have
been higher, but even so the Green
shirts showed they had all the of
fensive power they needed when they
put over three touchdowns in the
second canto.
McEwan gave his men a light
workout last night. About all it
amounted to was a period of signal
practice. The team ns a whole is
in good condition and the mental
attitude of every man is to take the
Ucla game and finish the year right.
at the
Barnyard Bust
with the
Geo. McMurphey
Columbia Becording Orchestra
Spanish Ballroom
■Jlli and Main—Portland
Fri. Nov. 30
Collegiate Night every Friday
Couples $1.00 Dancing 8:30
Diaries Farrell
^ X jsb&bses . * assess ftawow :•• ■ :• W&aES&M
Perfect'Etting Sweater
with prnnafiir seam
You’ll See More
On the Campus
YES—You will see more
Armishaw Shoes
on the campus than all other makes com
hineil. 1 heir wonderful wearing qualities
plus their good looks give the college man
and woman all they desire in a shoe. This
season the style range is larger and the
quality finer than ever before. We are pre
pared to take care of your shoe needs dur
ing Thanksgiving vacation.
107 West Park St,