Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 27, 1928, Image 1

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The conquest of the north com
plete, the Oregon Webfoots headed
south Inst night for the second in
vasion of California. The first trip
into the south was a sad failure,
and the Webfoots, much wiser, re
turned after losing to the Golden
Bear, Id to 0..
This time Oregon goes all the way
to Bos Angeles, which is farther
south than any team from the Web
foot school lias ever ventured. His
torians record that some Oregon
teams have been, as far as Pasadena
for Tournament of ltoses games, but
the desnltry" years which followed
the championship team of 1911) have
done much to obscure the fact that
Oregon was once the best on the
^ coast.'
If Oregon is not the best on the
coast, it is only three or four steps
behind, and should catch up next
year. The Webfoots arc on top of
the conference heap in the north
and the only team which can right
fully question Oregon’s superiority
is Washington State college.
Washington, O. A. C., and then
Montana last, Saturday, HI to (>,
recognized Oregon lias the leader
north of the California boundary.
The Webfoots, however, have yet to
make themselves heard from in the
Oregon is favored to win from
LB C. L. A. at Los Angeles, Thurs
day. It is tiic last conference game
of the season, and to stay above the
..'1)0 mark Oregon must win. If the
Webfoots don’t win, another un
canny upset will be made known to
the world.
Oregon Heads
Sonlh To
Meet U: C. L. A.
Thursday's Game Is Last
One of Pacific Coast
Conference Season
-.uomana wnsn t tno easiest, team
in (lie world for the AVebfoofs to
defeat, and TTclas will bo even
liarder. The Los Angeles team is
the youngest in the conference, hav
ing entered only this season. If the
fast coming Bruin team comes to
the front to tumble the Webfoots,
the solo consolation will have to be
grubbed from the good old adage,
‘‘Youth will be served.”
Twenty-two men left last night
for the south. Six of these Web
foots will play their last conference
game for Oregon. They arc Ira
Woodie, quarterback; Art Orel, half
back; George Burnell, halfback;
Cotter Gould, fullback; Merrill
Hagan, guard; and Ted l’opp, end.
These men will wear Oregon col
ors once more when the squad leaves
to play two games in the Hawaiian
Islands in December.
Something that Oregon has never
possessed for many years, developed
in the game with Montana. It was
a leading conference scorer. Joint
Kitzmiller, the flying Dutchman,
scored three touchdowns against the
Grizzly, and is now four points in
front of Spud Lewis, Stanford, for
the scoring honors of tl^e Pacific
coast conference.
Something else happened which is
of minor importance to every one
but Bob Robinson. Bob scored his
* first touchdown of the year. Bobin
son ’s long runs have been sensation
til all season; but by some chance or
mischance he was unable to get
across the line until Saturday.
"Come Sip Tea
Says, D. Demin ger
Phi Tiicta Epsilon Asks
Women for Sunday
Members of Phi Theta Epsilon,
woman’s honorary service. fratern
ity, and the hobby group entitled
“Miscellaneous,” one of the groups
being sponsored by the organiza
tion, will be hostesses at a tea for
all girls remaining on the campus
this week end. This tea. will be
Sunday, December 12, from 4:0D to
0:00 p. m. in the woman's room of
the Woman's building.
The hostesses will appreciate it
if names would be listed on a slip
provided for this purpose in the
(lean of women’s office.
“Every girl on the campus Sun
day afternoon is invited to the tea,”
says Diana. Deininger, president of
Dili Theta Upsilon.
Hayward Names
Harrier Tea in
For Seattle Race
Hill, Steele, Jensen, Fitch,
Oregon Men; Winter Out
With Muscular Trouble
Varsity cross-country men selected
for tlic Thanksgiving day meet nt
Seattle are Ralph Hill, Leonard
Steele, 1’at Ileal, Ed Jensen, and
Harry Fitch.
Reports form the other schools en
tered in the meet do not show that
Oregon is any way considered weak.
A report of a tryout at W. S. C.
gives one -of the Cougar runners
credit for having run a four milo
course in around 22 minutes, and
adds that this is very good time.
Ralph Hill, who is_ the Wehfoot
stjir, is consistantlv making just ns
good time as that on the uneven
course here.
Another of the many setbacks
with which the team has been
plagued this season, is the fact that
Bill Winter, one of the mainstays,
is unable to fun. lie has contracted
an ailment very common to distance
men. ,As far as Bill Ilavward can
find out, after talking with innum
erable doctors, Olympic coaches, and
track men throughout the country,
this ailment has no name or direct
cure. Bill says that probably a third
of all athletes he talked with have
suffered from it. It is some sort of
a muscular gathering that develops
along side of the ankles, and renders
the runner weak, and causes him
pain when standing.
A dark horse ,a nice, big, black,
sliiney one, too, is finding his stride
in Leonard Steele. Last year Steele
was about the slowest man on the
frosh equad. Xow he is’ running a
good second on the varsity. He
placed fourth in the O. A. C. meet,
and was the second Oregon man iir.
President A. B. Hall in
California With ‘Flu’
President Arnold Bennett Hall is
i'll with the flu in Los Angeles,
where he stopped to visit Lis wife
and daughter, on his way home
from Chicago.
His condition is said to be not
serious, but lie needs a rest of sev
eral days. This will delay his return
to the campus until December 2.
Immediately on his return; lie will
ituive for Seattle to attend some
meetings there.
Grizzly Coach, Former Co-playei
Of McEwan, Praises Oregon Team
‘Put this down in vour paper,”
directed Major Prank Milburn,
coach of the Montana Grizzlies:
‘‘You’ve got the best, the smartest,
the fastest, and the best-eoaehed
team we’ve run up against this
season, and we've played everyone
in the northwest conference. Mc
Enan is the best coach in this part
of the country, myself included.”
Major Milburn is unmistakably a
military man. lie must bo hard
boiled because he is a major and
a football coach, but, for some
reason or other, he is suave in his
^ speech, and docs not roar as one
might, expect. He talks just like
an ordinary white man.
lie is not small, but he does look
dwarfish when standing beside Cap
tain MeEwan. In Me Ewan’s last
year at West Point, these two played
on the same team. Milburn was a
Major Milburn told of an incident
in their game with Notre Dame.
MeEwan was down, and one of the
Notre Dame men whs trying to get
him. Major Milburn said that
though he immediately got thrown
out of the game for doing it, he
socked tiie “Irishman” on the jaw,
and thereby saved MeEwan from a
possible injury.
He pictured MeEwan as a whirl
wind center the two years he was
chosen all-American. Tie sail! it
was McEivan who was first to use
the spiral pass from center, and
first to play roving center on de
"You know,” ho said, “if Me 11 wan
had cut out flyit. fancy stuff today
and had played good old straight
football, it would have been a ball
game. They were too smart. Our
line could fox them once, but never
twice on the same thing.”
With a tremor of pride in his
voice, Milburn likened the Oregon
team to the old West Point teams.
Likes Oregon Backs
“Gosh, did you see how smooth
those backs ran?” lie asked.
“They’d run into a bunch who were
trying to tackle them high, and
slide under them for three or four
more yards. .Tust like I used to
run—not that T was very good, but
that that is what I am trying to
drive into the boys. This is a good
lesson for them. We try to play
exactly the same kind of footbail
as you do.”
Maybe California did beat Ore
gon. but they have more material
down there to pick from. He said
he knows California was not as well
“You’d make monkeys out of
(Continued on Fagc Four)
Oxford Man
Will Lecture
Tonight, 7:30
Motion Pictures of Life at
Old English University
To Be Shown at Villard
Reels of Film Include
Boat Races on Thames
World’s Oldest Print Shop
Subject of Dr. Speare
Oxford customs mid traditions,
the Oxford university press and the
making of a book from its accept
ance to tlie final act of binding
"’ill be subjects for an illustrated
talk in Villard ball, at 7;:i0, this
evening, given by Dr. M. Edmund
Speare, New York representative of
tlie Oxford press, who is connected
with its editorial department. The
talk is free to everyone. Two reels
of motion pictures running about 40
minutes will be used to show Eng
lish' college life and the traditional
Oxford buildings, and the oldest
publishing bouse in the world, that
of Oxford, which had its origin in
tlie loth century.
A boat race on tlie Thames is pic
tured in which the stream is so nar
row that the boats cannot race side
by side, but glide one behind tlie
other. If the rear boat is able to
touch the one in front, it is pro
claimed winner.
J'l. ‘'peare nns a pnique nook, a
complete Bible, which measures one
by one and a half inches and is the
smallest book in the world, lie
will tell of the Oxford distionary of
20 volumes, which has taken $2,000,
000 and 70 years to produce. “The
catalogue of the Oxford press lists
over 10,000 books printed in every
known language, and dealing with
every branch of human knowledge.
About 2,000 living authors arc on
this list,” he says.
I)r. Speare, whose office is in
New York, lias been on the campus
since Friday. From here he will go
to the University of California at
Berkeley in his tour, which is being
conducted in the interests of the
Oxford university press.
Employment Bureau
Furnishes 149 Jobs
Y. M. C. A. Helps Students
Who Must Work Way
The University of Oregon employ
ment bureau under the supervision
of the Y. M. C. A., this year, af
forded 119 steady jobs to students
on the campus who find it neces
sary to work their way through
This, according to Mrs. Charlotte
Donnelly, secretary for the housing
and employment of men, exceeds
those furnished employment last
year bv eight, the number being
111. Whenever possible, steady jobs
are secured for students, but various
odd jobs are often secured.
When- it is found that about 60
or 70 percent of the entire student
body are self supporting, the impos
sibility of securing positions for all
of them may be easily realized, says
Mr3. Donnelly. This bureau, al
though not able to take in the en
tire student body, is considered the
center of university employment.
Work of all kind is secured for
those applying. When it is possible,
jobs as clerks, office employees, or
bookkeepers are secured, but per
haps the most numerous are those
of waiting tables, and dishwashing.
28 foreign students are included in
the 119 who now hold positions.
Hewitt Gets Position on
Emerald Business Staff
Ted Hewitt lias been appointed
assistant circulation manager of the
Emerald, it was announced yester
day afternoon by Larry Thielen,
manager, and Bill Hammond, asso
ciate manager. Hewitt is a sopho
more on the campus, but tlits is his
first year here. He attended Reed
College last year. Hammond and
Thielen also announced the appoint
ment of Helen Katenbrink, a sopho
more, as an office assistant.
W'omen Will Find Lost
Lids at Gymnasium
In the hurry and scurry of get
ting dressed for gym many physical
ed majors and others taking classes
in the Woman’s building forget to
take their hats when they dash out
to their next engagements. Mrs.
Ora Hempe’s office is beginning to
take on the appearance of a millin
ery bargain counter. All those not
contemplating the purchase of a
i new chapeau may redeem their old
[ones bv calling at Mr3. Hempe’s.
Clifford Warren Powers
Merrill C. Hagan
Robert Baxter Hynd
Group Merger
Gains Approval
Gratis Want Grid Gaines
Held on Loral Campus;
Especially With O. A. C.
A move to make a merger of the
medical and alumni associations met
with favorable approval at a gen
eral meeting of the alumni held Sat
urday morning in Guild theatre.
Since the medical sociotv has al
ready passed the motion, represen
tatives of the two groups will meet
with the alumni secretary, Miss
Jeanette Calkins, who was re-elect
ed at the meeting, and work out
a financial scheme that will put
the merger on a firmer basis. The
main objection to the amalgama
tion has been the expense incurred
each year <bv the publishing of the
long medical documents.
Veatch Re nominated
The present president, John C.
Veatch, was re-nominated from the
floor, and Mrs. George Gopdall of
Eugene was nominated for one of
the two vice-presidencies, making
the nominations for president, in
cluding those made by the Board
of Delegates, as follows: John C.
Veatch of Portland, Clarence Keene
of Silvorton, Ed Bailey of Junction
City. The list, of nominations for
the two vice-presidents now stands:
Mrs. George Goodall of Eugene,
David Pickett of Portland, Carl
Neal of Roseburg, and James Don
ald of Baker.
The list of names, and the sug
gestion that officers remain in of
fice for two v/?ars will be sent, to
each alum. If the two-year term
carries, it will take effect 1930.
Want Campus Games
A resolution was passed at the
meeting that the secretary write to
the graduate-manager, Jack Beuefiel
and express the opinion of the group
that no games, especially those with
O. A. C'., should be played off the
campus. They feel that university
towns have certain rights in the
matter inasmuch ns they support the
universities. They believe it is an
injustice to students who cannot at
tend the game on the Multnomah
field. Even if the game were held
on a Thanksgiving it would not
help the problem as there are many
students who do not live in Port
land and who do not even go through
there on their way home. The sug
gestion was made that it would be
better if the greater part of the
student bodies didn’t-go to Portland
en masse. Besides, this game is a
tradition, and a drawing-card for
Burt Brown Barker, vice-presi
dent of the university, told of uni
versity needs, and Mrs. George Ger
linger expressed her opinion that
funds would be sufficient to break
ground for the new Pine Arts build
ing by spring, and she thanked all
the alumni who have transferred
pledges and have contributed to
the fund.
Handsaher To Speak
On W'ar Prevention
At Local Meet Dec. 4
J. J. Handsaker of Portland, who
has returned from a visit, to Wash
ington 1). C., where ho attended the
imeeting of tho National Council
for the Prevention of War, and made
a study of sentiment regarding the
Kellogg-Briand peace pacts, will
speak at a banquet of the Eugene
Council for the Prevention of War,
December 4, at Hotel Osburn.
The local banquet is to be held
in the interest of these treaties.
Every local organization interested
in constructive peace education is
being invited to send representatives
to this conference, according to
Professor E. E. DeCou, president,
ami Professor H. S. Tuttle, secre
tary. Townspeople and students are
welcome to join the meeting.
Music Fraternity Plans
Southern Lunch Today
A southern luncheon, sponsored
by Mu Phi Epsilon, national honor
ary music fraternity, will be given
this noon from 11:30 to 1:30 at the
Eugene hotel. Guests are invited to
come and go at will during this
Baked ham, candied sweet-pota
toes, and other southern delicacies
will be served. A continuous pro
gram will be conducted and will
consist of southern stunts and songs
from the sunny south.
Everyone on the campus is invited
to attend. A charge of 75c will bo
in order for the luncheon.
Ducks Slated
To Win Tilt
| L. A. Campus Writers Give
Webfoots 30 P oiut
Margin Over Bruins
Most of McEwan’s Men
In Good Physical Shape
Oregon’s Clianees To End
High in Standings Good
After flip Oregon vnrsitv, led by
the dashing, n eaping‘.‘ Klving Dutch
man,” Johnny Kitzmiller, trompled
the Montana eleven under foot here
last Saturday, plans of Coach Mc
K'van turned immediately to figur
ing the dope for the turkey day
classic with the University of Cali
fornia at Los Angeles.
It is anything but an easy prop
osition for the Webfoots when they
have to go into action in their final
conference start only four days
after playing another conference
Oregon Has Big Edge
Even though the condition of the
players will favor the Bruins, sport
scribes of the southern campus give
the Oregon invaders the edge by a
large number of points.
“Against the Bruins, Oregon will
be at least 110 point favorites, de
spite the fact that the locals will be
in the best of condition, and play
ing on the home field,” says a para
graph from a sport story appearing
in the U. C .L. A. paper.
The dope as predicted by the Cali
fornia writer was taken from the
scores bv which Oregon has won
her games this year as compared
with the scores of other California
teams which Ucla lias* played.
All Brr.ins Ready
Only one of the Bruin eleven,
Reuben Tlioe, has been on the shelf
at any time for the past week, and
he is slated to be ready for the
Thanksgiving day affair.
Oregon will not be so well off
considering tbe fact that George
Stadelmnn, stellar pivot man, Woorl
ie Archer and Ted Pope, regular’
ends, did not plnv at all in the Mon
tana game. All three of these men
made the trip south but just how
much their injuries will be cured by
then is not known at this early date,
it is expected, however, that Stadel
man and Archer will bo among the
starters but Pope may not be among
the first eleven when the gun barks.
In summing up the description of
the Oregon grid machine, the same
sport writer in the “Daily Bruin”
says the following:
One of Strongest
“Coach MeEwan’s outfit is one
of the strongest machines in the
northern part of the conference and
wiy enter the fray ns heavy favor
ites to down the Uclns. The Oregon
eleven has had a very successful
year, its only defeats being at the
hands of Stanford and the Golden
Bears. It has amassed a total of
159 points to their opponents’ 45
and have only failed to score
against its opponents once.”
If the Oregon gridders take the
winner’s end of the score it will be
the first time in several years that
they have ended up the race with a
percentage of over .500, and even
if they do drop this final fracas
they will have an even .500 rating
for the season’s average.
Saves for Later Mix
The playing of the Wcbfoots last
Saturday clearly indicated that they
are a heavy scoring machine. Al
though they did not run up a 44 to
0 score as did Oregon State or a 47
to 0 count as Pop Warner’s men
did, it was all the same because all
Me Ewan wanted was the game. He
was saving his men for a more im
portant game and just enough to
win was satisfactory.
And then the weather Saturday
was anything but conducive to good
(Continued on Page Two)
Edith McMullen Gives
Organ Recital Tanight
At Music Auditorium
Edith McMullen, senior in music,
is to give an organ recital this eve
ning at 8 o’clock. She will be as
sisted by Pauline Guthrie, also a
senior in music. Miss McMullen is
a i>upil of John Stark Evans.
Miss McMullen is to play “Prelude
and Fugue in I) Minor,” Bach, Bor
ovvski’s “Sonata No. 3,” “Andante
Fifth Symphony” by Tsehaikowsky,
Karg-Elert’s “Starlight,” Stough
ton’s “By the Pool of Pirene,” and
“Marche Religious” by Guilmant.
Miss Guthrie, who will be accom
panied by Barbara Edmunds, is to
sing “Sail White Dreams” by
Kisher and “A Memory” by Park.
Another organ recital by one of
John Stark Evans’ pupils is to be
given the evening of December 11.
Daly Fund Aids
Thirty Sind cuts
lAtkc County Scholarshi p
Money Is $1,000,000
Tlio Bernard T>nlv Educational
fund, which is yearly sending about
sixty students to all the colleges in
the state, is sending thirty students
to the University of Oregon this
The fund was left to those stud
ents who have graduated from any
Lake county high school, hv l>r.
Bernard Daly, a pioneer of that
Very few requirements were made
upon his death regarding those-who
would be eligible to gain its ad
vantages. The phrase, “the most
deserving,” which was his plainest
statement, is being used by the
board in selection' of students.
The fund has now accumulated to
nearly one million dollars, only the
interest being used for the stud
ents. Each is allowed $(10(1 a year
for his expenses and is usually elect
ed for a period of four years. He
must spend this amount only for
necessities such as fees, board and
(Continued on Page Three)
Warner Contest
Open Next Year
To High Schools
Students in Advertising,
Specialized Press To Get
Prizes for Pamphlets
In order to stimulate the interest
of high school students in Oriental
American relations, and to give them
a background of information on the
subject, Mrs. Murray Warner has
announced plans of extending the
Murray Warner essay contest to the
prop school field next year. She
hopes by this to give them more of
a knowledge on which to work if
they enter the contest when they
come to the university.
The aim of the essay contest is
to promote better relations between
this country and the Orient. Mrs.
Warner, donor of the Murray War
ner museum of.art, who sponsors the
contests, has travelled widely in the
Far East, and it is her hope that
the United States will always re
main on friendly terms with the
Oriental countries.
Essay prizes this year are very
substantial. Three are given to
students at large, a first of $150,
a second of $100, and a third of $75.
Three of $100 are given in. special
classifications, one each to Filipino,
Chinese, and Japanese or Korean
students. Two prizes, one of $50
and one of $25, are to be given to
• In. connection, Mrs. Warner has
offered prizes to members of tho
advertising and specialized press
classes who write the best pliam
phlets explaining the contest. Infor
mation regarding this contest can be
obtained from Mrs. Warner and Dr.
Warren D. Smith. Pamphlets are
to be from S00 to 1000 words in
Dr. Straub Improves;
Plans To Be Up Today
Although he is not out of bed, j
and will be unable to meet any
classes this week, Dr. John Straub,
dean emeritus, is getting along “very
nicely,” Mrs. Straub reports. Bean
Straub is recovering from an attack
of the “flu” which kept him in
his home during Homecoming. He
will probably get up today, for “It’s
very tiresome for him to be tied in
bed,” Mrs. Straub says.
Student Body
Of Commerce
Plans Dances
Alhlelie, Social Committees
W ill lie Appointed at
Gathering Next Week
Increase of Interest in
Business Aim of Group
Organization W ill Sponsor
Annual Opportunity Day
The first meeting of the newly
organized business administration
•student body assoeintiou will lie held
Ron McOreiglht
in i nr i oinmorro
building tho first
of next iveek, it
wns announced
following n meet
ing of I lie officers
hind the executive
’council of the new
association yester
day afternoon.
The business ad
ministration assoc
iation plans to
sponsor a dance
for students regis
tered in commerce
and also to organ
!/,(■ (I UiHIU I IMU ivaiu iv'
with tlioao of other schools and
deport moots. Ao athletic commit
tee and a, social committee will be
appointed at the meeting, according
to Ralph Coyer, vice-president of
the group. AH'majors ill the school
of business administration, whether
or not they are members of the
new association, are asked to at
tend the meeting, Geyer said.
The business administration stud
ent body association was organized
here last week along lines similar
to that of the student body of the
school of law. The purpose of the
association is to stimulate an in
terest in commerce, to maintain a
professional atmosphere in and
around the Commerce building, and
to promote social affairs among the
students of the school.
McCreiglit Hoads Group
At a meeting of business admin
istration majors Thursday, Ronald
McCreiglit was chosen president of
the new organization. Ralph Geyer
was elected vice-president, Roma
Whisnant secretary, and Grace
Griggs treasurer. The executive
committee chosen at flie same time
includes Del m os Richmond, senior
member; Norwald Nelson, junior;
Margaret Barratt, sophomore; Ray
McGee, freshman; anil Dean David
Fnville, ex-officio member. All
students majoring in business ml
(Continued on Pape Four)
Biblical Ratio Found
Insufficient Saturday
In Feeding Multitude
How much food does it take to
feed :?500 people’ According to the
Gospel of Saint John it takes five
loaves and two fishes, but the com
mittee in charge of the Homecom
ing luncheon found that these spec
ifications were not quite sufficient.
Here’s the complete story on the
amount of grub ordered for last
Saturday’s luncheon at McArthur
court. The figures are taken from
the caterer’s order book.
One hundred gallons of fruit salad,
one hundred gallons of creamed
chicken, thirty-five hundred patty
shells, thirty-five Inquired rolls,
fourteen gallons of strawberry jam,
sixty gallons of olives, and one hun
dred gallons of ice cream.
Col. Bowen, Organizer of Oregon
R.O.T.C., Home for Homecoming
Colonel W. IT. C. Bowen, wlio or
ganized the It. O. T. C. on the Uni
versity of Oregon campus in 1918,
was a visitor here during Home
coming as a house guest of Dr. War
ren I). Smith, head of the geology
Military courses were given at
Oregon before 1918. Dean Erie W.
Allen of the school of journalism
and Dr. Warren 1 >. Smith organized
military classes in 1910. “We had
a voluntary class of 7o or 80 in
the fall of 1916,” Professor Smith
said. “We gave such courses as
military typography, geography of
Europe, and artillery mathematics
for which instructors could be found
on the campus. They had been go
ing almost a year when the board
of regents applied to the war de
partment for an army officer to
take charge of military courses. The
war department could not send an
American officer, but they aid send
Lieutenant - Colonel John Leader
from the Royal Irish Rifles. A year
later they appointed Colonel W. II.
C. Bowen and released Colonel
Leader to return homo. It was then
that the K. O. T. was organized
and officially recognized by tho
United States government.”
Colonel Bowen had seen much
active service. In the early days
he had fought Indians on the Amer
ican frontier, in Wyoming and Mon
tana. Before the World War he
had command of the then largest
United States army post, Fort. Wil
liam McKinley in the Philippines,
lie was the first governor of Obrn,
one of the wildest provinces in
northern Luzon.
According to Professor Smith,
Colonel Bowen’s hobbies are early
Indian history, and bridge. “This
week-end Colonel Bowen reminded
mo of.a game of bridge that Sam
Bass Warner, Ray Wheeler from the
psydology department, he and I
played ten years ago,” recalled Dr.
W. D. Smith. “1 had forgotten all
about the game but Colonel Bowen
remembered how every card in
every hand was played.”
The colonel has now retired and
is living in Portland.