^SOCIETY?* By Dorothy Baker With the last of fall jileOjj dances over and but two moi week-ends left for campus soei; activities, interest in this term social calendar is beginning t wane. Of course there are tli Homecoming festivities this eomin week-end, with the annual Home coming dances, the Journalism Jan boree and the usual round of din ners and affairs given by specie groups for alumni members, an then next comes the Thanksgivin week-end. Guild theater is sebed tiled to hold the interest of man f next month, with the Christina college ball in Portland coming a the climax of the fall term calen dar, but that is a month away. Sunday Night Suppers Plan New Features The Sunday evening supper group: sponsored by Phi Theta Upsilon foi university women were again active last Sunday, and at the same time members of Phi Theta Upsilon en tertained a group of about twenty girls at an informal tea in the worn all’s lounge of the Woman’s build ing. The literary and poetry group ol the organization met for its regulai business meeting, following which .Helen Evans gave a review oi Chapman’s “ II a p p y Mountain,” which was afterwards discussed by ^ the group. An interesting meeting is promised this group next time when original work of the members will be read and discussed. The woman in her sphere group met for tea at the Y. W. C. A. Bun galow. A discussion of women’s style led into the suggestion of the possibility of a style show to be given by the members at some fu ture date. The group taking up miscellane ous lines of discussion met in the recreation room of Susan Campbell hall for tea with a political discus sion following. Eugene members of tlio A. A. U. W. ami members of Delta Gamma sorority were joint hostesses at an inforhnU reception ' gjiven at the Delta Gamma house for tlie Moroni Olsen players immediately follow ing the presentation of their play, “Expressing Willie,” at the Ileilig last Thursday evening. The recep tion especially complimented Miss Janet Young, member of the com pany, who attended the University of Oregon where she was affiliated ^ With Delta (Tamma. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Larsen (Ade laide Johnson)’ were campus visitors last Friday. They left for Denver, Colorado, Monday, and after Christ mas will make their home in Pitts burg. Mrs. Larsen is affiliated with Alpha Xi Delta and Mr. Lar sen with Phi Delta Theta. Elizabeth Nchuab, ex ’2(1, was a week-end guest at.the Alpha Gamma Delta house from Portland. 11 naf/Mated Students Guests at Dance The unaffiliated students of the campus were entertained with an informal dance in the Woman’s building last Friday with the Asso ciated Students, the Girls’ Oregon club and Phi Theta Upsilon, service honorary for senior and junior women, acting as hosts for the evening. A reception was held between S:-!0 and J) o’clock, and music for dancing was furnished by the Yar ^ site Vagabonds, Those invited as patrons and pa tronesses were: President and Mrs. Arnold Bennett Hall, Miss Hazel Prutsman, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pnl lett, Dean and Mrs. John Straub, Mr. and Mrs. M. IJ. Douglass, Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Parsons, Dr. and Mrs. c G. .V. Ross, Miss Dorothy Thomas, c Miss Margaret Edmundsen, Hugh 1 Eiggs, Joo McKeown and Max s Adams. 0 Those on the committee for the e dance were: Main-lie Beakley, gen ; oral chairman; Elizabeth Dimmitt, - decorations; Johanna Koberstein, - patrons and patronesses; Svlvanna - Edwards, features; Diana Deininger, 1 Bath Johnson, publicity; Dorothea l Bushnell, reception. ' Randolph T. ana Cliff Kuhn were guests from Portland this week-end 5 the Phi Sigma Kappa house. 5 Cliff Kuhn is attending the medical school this year. * * * 1 he palm room of the Osburn hotel was the scene of a benefit bridge tea given by the Eugene University Girls’ club last Thurs day afternoon between the hours of i -:d(> and 5. Music was furnished during the tea hours by Misses Doris Helen and Martha Patterson. About fifty tables of bridge were in play during the afternoon. Miss Evelyn Hollis was general chairman for the affair, and her assistants follow: finance, Miss Inez ; Monroe, chairman, Miss Buby \ George, Miss Iris Roadman, Miss ! Dana Logan, Mrs. Helen Wilder man, Miss Doris Hardy and Miss Bobbie Reid; publicity, Mary! Klejnm; food, Miss Dorothy■ Hallin, I chairman, Miss Annie Meade Wat- j kins, Dorothy Jones and Betty j Rebec; program, Miss Alice Carter,1 chairman, Miss Estelle Johnson, Miss Delilah Endicott and Miss Pauline Guthrie; decorations, Miss Katherine Kjosness, Miss Esther Malwasian and Miss Marylielen ! Koupal. Hugh boxes of candy bearing the crests of Alpha Phi and Phi Kappa Psi brought the news of the engage ment of Miss Margaret Hall to Wade Newbegin to members of Alpha Phi at dinner last Friday evening. Miss Hall is a junior in the university this year and Mr. Newbegin is a senior. Both arc from .Portland. No definite date has been set' for the1 Woddiiig. Kappa Sigma entertained with a very unusual dance last Friday eve ning at the chapter house which was made to represent a laundry. ' Pat Lucas was in charge of the dec orations which consisted of clothes ' lines hung with various articles of clothing. Punch was served from ; a washing machine. As a feature j Albert Belts sang and was accom- ' panied at the piano by' Bennie Smith. ; Patrons and patronesses were Air. and Mrs. Hubert Earl, Mr. and Airs, i David Grahni and Air. L. W. Pitt- ! - man. Stuart Ball and Folson Tulla- \" man, alumni from Portland, were j guests at the dance. In keeping with the atmosphere , ! of tlie Orcgon-O. A. C. game, Alpha! , Omichon Pi entertained their pledg es with a rally dance Friday night. The chapter house was decorated with pennants, posters and colors of the two schools. Agues Palmer was in charge. The list of patrons and patron- , esses included Air. and Airs. N. B. Zane, Air. and Airs. Arthur Aliner, Air. and Airs. Frank Beinhart, and ; Airs. Lucy Abrams. In an atmosphere of Chinese drupes, kimonas, dragons and with small packages of tea as favors, Kappa Alpha Theta entertained their pledges at their annual pledge dance last Friday evening. As a feature Nancy Thielsen sang, and was accompanied at the piano by Marabel Braden; both are from Salem and are not on the campus this year. Patrons and patronesses were Airs. Grace ltussell, Airs. Katherine Yerex, Airs. Garland, and Mrs. A GENTLE REMINDER— IT’S TIME TO GET THAT TYPEWRITER We have all makes to choose from OFFICE MACHINERY & SUPPLY CO. 104:7 Willamette St. Phone 148 I ■ Bred. Martha Prothoro of Portland J was a guest for the dance. Pi Beta Phi gave their annual pledge dance at the chapter house last Friday evening amid decora tions of palms, colored lights and white chrysanthemums. Patrons and patronesses included Mrs. F. W. Benson, Miss Hazel Protsman, Mrs. Anne Beck and Mr. and Mrs. Basil Williams. Miss Edith Bader, ”d8, was a guest from Portland. Members of Sigma Kappa enter tained at their annual pledge dance at the chapter house last Friday evening midst decorative red devils, whose effectiveness was heightened by the deep glow of the red lights. Miss Maurinc Smith and Miss Lu cilc Larsen were in charge of the dance. Those invited to serve at patrons and patronesses included Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Roberts, Mrs. Jennie Bnrrowcs and Miss Gertrude Hill. Alpha Eta chapter of Theta Sigma Phi entertained members of Theta chapter, of the university, at an inforhial tea in Corvallis immedi ately following the Oregon-O. A. C. game last Saturday. The tea was given in the new Student Memorial building, which was dedicated on the O. A. C. campus that week-end. Among those attending the tea from Oregon were: Mrs. Eric W. Allen, Mrs. George Turnbull, Mrs. Rudoflpli Ernst, Mrs. Harris Ells worth, Miss Ruth Gregg, Miss Ruth Newton, Mrs. Malcolm Epley, Miss Marion Sten, Miss Mary McLean, Miss Dorothy Baker, Miss Mary Frances Dilday, Miss Elaine Craw ford, Miss Elisc Schrooder, Miss Boss Duke, Miss Ruth Hansen, Miss Wilma Lester, and Miss Serena Madsen. Mrs. Louis II. Johnson, Mrs. David R. Davis and Mrs. Robert W. Prescott, patronesses for Alpha Xi Delta, welie hostesses at an informal tea at Mrs. Johnson’s home last Thursday afternoon for senior and sophomore members of the sorority. The toa began a series of informal iffairs planned by the patronesses for each month. Miss Katherine Simpson was a guest at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house Saturday and Sunday. She is. a -member. ,.of the Gamma 'Nu. •hhpter at Corvallis. Wilson (Continued from Page One) ;rew. in number and soon had 160 nembers in the British house of jarliament, It is now what ttic iberal party used to be, and what is mown as the opposition in England, in fact it is the second largest 'arty in that country. “At the municipal election, No vember 1st, in Great Britain, tha jabor party gained 22G seats,” said lie speaker, who also has had the rrivilego to co-operate with these nen in electing members of their •arty to the house of Parliament. ‘All that were lost is 42 which | fives a net gain of 184 seats in 'jiiglaud. The Tories gained only 21, but lost 148, their net loss wing 127. The liberals’ loss was 27 seats.” “These figures alone,” said Mr. Wilson, “show the tremendous gains 'f the Labor party among the masses jf England. The principles of his party arc: To secure every member of tlic Galoshes $1.98 $2.95 $3.95 jaborites Victorious Buster Brown Shoe Store community the Standards of life and employment which are necessary to a health, independent of self res pecting existence. Aim to Aid Industry 2. To convert industry stop by step, and with due regard to the special needs and varying circum stances of different oceulpatiion, from a sordid struggle for private gain into a co-operative undertak ing, carried on for the service of the community and amenable to its con trol. 3. To extend rapidly and widely those forms of social provision, edu cation, public health, housing, pen sion, the cave of tin* sick, and main tenance during unemployment in the absence of which the individual is the sport of economic chance and the slave of his environment. -1. To adjust taxation in such a way as to secure that due provision is made for the maintenance and improvement of the material appara tus of industry, and that surplusses, created by social effort, shall be applied by a society for good of all. 5. To establish peace, freedom and justice, so that it may be a safer and more pleasant country in which to live. Organist (Continued from Page One) lent study in contrasts; the first number.had a light and airy cliann wholly unassociated with the organ while the second number was of the thunderous, heavy, prepondcrous va riety, done mostly with agile foot work on the pedals. But it was the first number of the third group, Vierne’s “Scherzo from the 2nd Symphony,” that was the general favorite with its elu siveness like a game of hide-and seek among forest sprites and its faint echoes that were like haunted [ melodies. And “Snetas” of E. ! Torres was beautiful beyond words to describe in its sacred reverence. It is not hard to imagine Eernando Germani in the Vatican. A perfect furor of terrific sound like the thunder and wind of Mt. Sinai fol lowed the deific calm of the “Snetas” in Franz Liszt's “Allegro and Fugue ‘Ad Nos’,” and Mr. I Germani left the auditorium ex- ! hausted, but so insistent and perse vering was the applause that he | was compelled to come back twice ! more. For the first encore bo gave I a. tumultuous and agitated piece ! characteristic of stormy seas and j played mainly with the pedals to , the delight and intense admiration of the audience. The second encore 1 was quite as lovely, and still of a different type from anything yet played. This had the even and its a Habit’ S'oiiig over to the ANCHORAGE For a bite to eat Come over today singing rhythm of an old spinning wheel. We shall not soon forget Fer nando Germani! Faculty (Continual from Verge One) middle of Thirteenth street. Down Thirteenth to Alder, down Alder to Eleventh, and down Eleventh to Willamette the parade proceeded, the noise never subsiding. At the intersection of Eighth and Willamette a second rallv was stag ed before an audience of Eugene 'business men. Again the Oregon yells burst forth, and it was over. The rally dispersed and the parti cipants returned reluctantly to the campus to attend their afternoon classes. At tour o clock the Oregon Spirit showed itself again when several hundred students attended the dance of victory at McArthur court. Until six it continued, with the Cainpa Shoppe •orchestra furnishing the mitsie. Fifteen Rent Books Go On General Circulation Fifteen books have been taken from the university library rent shelf and may now be taken out in general circulation. These books include: “llim” by Ouminings, four Plays by Counters, “Burning Bush” by Bennett, “Woman Who Rode Away ’ by Lawrence, “Undiscovered France” by Williams, “Men Who Saw Through Heaven” by Steele. Others of these books are: “Mr. Ib'dgo and Mr. Hazard” by Wylie, “Others Abide” by Wolfe,' “Ballad of a Brown Girl” by Gallon, “King of Spain” bv Bodenkein, and “In troducing London” by Lucas. RARE AND UNIQUE GIFTS —We have gifts for every occasion—gifts that will please the most discrim inating of your friends. I “Gifts Tlmt Are 1 ) Different” J "J1I addin ” 1076 Willamette Next To Y.M C A EUGENE f* Sitoer.cs QiPn. S*to\e »->/« » , <1 •* . 'K- „ ^Jj^(2&)l34t»g«l£«!J Ouoer.es (Jien J/OA-C O M- Mop^n & vwabirne sag I ;< £ I’ll CM B 2700 1 Who Cares About Merchandise ? We Broke That Terrible Habit with O. A. C. &2llir^^^^i7W^^WiiIr^^^W«5h15ralrti5n&55t-i1S'7ur5S ANOTHER GRILLE DANCE at the Eugene Hotel Ball Room FRIDAY — November 3rd 3iusic by Johnny Robinson’s Varsity Vagabonds Cover Charge Tbc Rhone 2000 Pacific College Set For Soccer Tilt Here Oregon Physical Ed Men TV ill Play Northerners Tlic physical education majors’ soccer team of Oregon will meet the powerful Pacilic college team next i Friday, November 23, at the new varsity soccer field at 3:30 o’clock, i Pacific college is rated as having one of the best teams in her con ference with no defeat to her credit i t‘ot' several seasons. Due to the lightness in weight of her men, i varsity football has been discon tinued and replaced; with soccer. 'I’llis hooting sport has been taken u)) with much avidity here, and a great turnout lias taken placo for the last three years. fhe Pacific soccer team will ar rive ou the campus Friday morning around noon and will be quartered among several of the houses. Many ot them are expected to stay over lor the homecoming football game between Oregon and Montana. Big Sister Is Good. Samaritan All Year, Says Helen Peters ■'The big sister movement func tions not only at. the beginning of the fall term,” said Helen Peters, head of the big sister organization, “lint it keeps the spirit of friend ship and democracy alive among tiie freshmen throughout the year.” flic big sisters are grouped into 14 squadrons, each one captained by a girl having lit to 12 iiouten THi^. NIGHT WATCH Comedy _News ants under her. Each lieutenant has three or four little sisters. Meetings are held every two weeks so that the captains can discuss problems that arise and read the reports of their lieutenants. “The work of the big sisters,” Helen explained, “is to make the little sisters feel at home during the year. They are to sec that their housing conditions arc all right; that they are taken to cam pus functions and are making friends; if they are sick, the big sisters are to see that they aro properly cared for. Primarily, they are to see that their charges are happy.” PLAYING TILL THURSDAY NIGHT HEAR SEE ^ IOLSON With MAY McAVOY And In It You Will Both See and Hear Al, Talking and Singing the Songs That Made Him Famous — Also — “THE BROX SISTERS” Blues Singers Supreme Engraved Christmas cards, with your own name, are the choice gifts for your campus friends. Conic in and let us show you our stock before you buy. Printed or Engraved as you desire Natron Printing Co. Furnaces and Fireplaces Consume a lot of wood. You can solve your heating problem simply and eco- x nomically. Burn Slabwood Buy it from Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. Phone 452