Webfoot Returns To Ohl Jinx Over Beaver Homecoming Tilt With Montana on Saturday Is Goal of Web foot By JOE PIGNEY Tt’a difficult to suppress a part lag jibe at the very jmieh humbled Aggie team. The Beaver campm was built up for a victory over the Webfoots last Saturday, and the stinging 12 to 0 defeat rather up set if. All day Sunday and Monday the Beavers suffered in anguish, but time obliterates all grief. The Aggies forgot what time can do. They thought the Webfoots doomed to eternal torment with the Beaver football team wielding tlu instrument of torture. But the ag gravated Oregonians turned, and now it is the Aggie who has taken to heel. * * * Well, victory is sweet, and there may be a tendency to over-express it. Victory after three years of defeat is something which calls for more than the ordinary applause. The Oregon student body gave the team more than ordinary applause after its great triumph. The old regime has returned. Oregon is on top again, and the Beaver is grovelling at the bottom of the proverbial heap. Too much sympathy for the Beaver, however, is not necessary. When the result of all the Oregon-Oregon Aggie bat tles are surveyed, it is easily dis covered that the Orangemen are rpiite accustomed to defeat at the bands of the Webfoots. Defeat, in fact, has been their habit much more than victory. Anyway, the Oregon team played superb football to beat the powerful Beaver team. And of Oregon’s team •the work of the linemen and the ends was most outstanding. Had neither the line nor the ends func tioned so perfectly, the story of the battle might have been much dif ferent. The speedy, flashy Maple, worthy of all the praise he receives, never bad a chance to assert his prowess against the Webfoots. Each time he received a punt, he was downed in his tracks by seven giant for wards from the Oregon line. Even with everything against him Maple played a wonderful game of foot ball, and was easily the outstanding man on the Aggie team. Now Oregon is truly keyed-up. It will take a great football team to stop them. The Webfoots have tasted the sweetest of all victories, a win over the traditional rival, and they will be more than reluct ant. to go back to the old days of defeat. A new era of football has come to the Webfoot school, and from now on Captain John .T. McEwan’s teams should be a continual tin-cat in the Pacific coast- conference. The Webfoots now turn their at tention to the Homecoming battle with Montana on Saturday. This Homecoming tends to be a victori ous one for the Oregon team is a strong favorite to defeat the Grizzly easily. Returning grads will see Oregon’s first Homecoming victory in four years, unless, of course, there is a surprising upset in the dope. Montana has not won a game, and has lost to the very teams which the 'Webfoots defeated. Both Washington and O. A. C. shut out Montana by decisive scores, and then Oregon turned around and (Continued on Page Two) Sales Drive ForOregana Starts Today Hubbs, Sets Goal at 1900 Copies; Has Group of 50 Salesmen at Work I Speakers Will Talk Before Living Groups ! Three Plans Are Proffered To Pay for Yearbook Aiming at 1000 Oroganas—or none —Ronald Hubbs, manager of tlic | 1928 yearbook, with a crow of 50 Ron HubTjs men and women ■ this morning be gan an intensive three-day s n b - ecription d r i v e, the outcome oi w h i c h controls the existence oi tlie publication. Explaining that 1 the canvass is to I be made thorough 1 Iv and determin 1 edly, but without y the artificial stirn ulus of competi tion, Hubbs do 1 dared, “There will have to be 1,000 books sold or there can be no Ore gana. That's final. If, at the end of three days the students haven’t shown enough interest to make the publication possible the Oregana will I probably sing its swan song for all time. Certainly there can be no book this year. Must Want Book—Hubbs “If the interest is not ‘there’ we aren’t trying to create it—but we are going to make a thorough effort to find it and put the drive over, continued the manager, who is be I ing assisted by James Haley and Joshua Alexander. Three ways of subscribing for the Oregana which will sell for five dollars, as before, are being offered in order to make payment as easy as possible, Hubbs explained. Sub scribers may have the amount put on student fees, paying $2.50 for winter term and $2.50 spring term, they may pay $2 now and the bal ance on delivery or they may pay in full now, he continued. Speakers to Call At ltuncli today speakers from the drive committee will visit liv ing groups, explaining the proposi tion in brief talks. At four o’clock this afternoon the committee will meet with Hubbs at 101 Johnson for a survey of the day’s results. A comprehensive network of can vassers, making possible a syste matic check of the campus has been lined up by Hubbs with Raley and Alexander. Subscription drive zones with representatives included from every living group, are headed by the following captains: Josephine Stofiel, Frieda Paid, Dorothy Eber hard, Jeanne Roth, Bob Miller, Frank Ison, Eugene Laird, Jack Sammons, and Bab Foster. Hermian Club To Give Tea at Homecoming The Hermian club, women’s phv | sieal education honorary, lias made arrangements for the homecoming | tea, according to Marjorie Landru, president of the organization. It will be held Friday, November 2.'i, from three to four o’clock in the new woman's rest room in the Woman’s building. All r. E. majors and others in terested in physical education arc invited to attend. J. Stitt Wilson, Labor Leader, Tells of Rise of English Party “The British labor movement,” was tho subject of aNlecture given bv ,T. Stitt Wilson, former socialistic mayor of Berkeley anti influencial character in the founding of the labor part in England, in Yillard hall last night. As an undergraduate and after he had received his doctors degree from Northwestern University, Mr. Wil son left Chicago for London. This was thirty-two years ago, and here he studied conditions in the slums of this large city. Living with him were other students who came from Oxford to study. It was here he came in touch with many of the early leaders, many of whom are still living. Among them are Ram sey McDonald and Philip Snowden who were at this time young men. “I became attracted to the moral purpose of these men,” said Mr. Wilson, “and my association with them and their movement has had a groat effect upon my social think ing ever since.” He has been in England five times, each time to co-operato with tlie group; in the labor movement. Twenty years ago Mr. Wilson car ried on extensive work in England under the invitation of leaders in turing, around .England with Brad the labor party. He worked, lec ford os its center, and also in South Wales around Cantiff. This summer he returned to England upon re quest an 1 delivered addresses in each of these centers. “ When I made my first trip tc England,” continued Mr. Wilson ‘•the labor party had only a few J despised members in the house ol j commons. They were looked dowr ! upon by the liberal and tory par 1 tjesj. All of their appeals were spurned. Later, in the next quar ! ter of the century, the party greath i (Continued on Page Three) Wliat Is the Honors System? Few Oregon Students Really Understand What University Has Done for Their Benefit (Editorial note: Tins is the sor did of a short series of articles ex-, plaining tlio idea, organization, aims and possibilities of the “honors system” now established in the university. This article shows in detail the organization of the system). Ey W. E. HEMPSTEAD JR. “To do is easy; to think is hard.” This statement of Goethe’s is the premise upon which the work for honors as provided under the new arrangements of the honors council of the faculty is organized. Class room work, involving the doing of assigned tasks is easy. To think out independently the problems ar signed in certain lines of endeavor is hard. The latter type of work is reserved only for those who arc elected and who elect to do honors study. As a challenge to students of high intellect and special talent who feel that the regular work in course is too highly standardized or too superficial to act as a spur to their ambition, tbe university has introduced the degree of bachelor ' of arts with honors and tho degree of bachelor of science with honors. The instruction of honor students is largely individual, the aim being to stimulate wide reading, thorough scholarship, and original or creative work on the part of superior stu dents. The realization of this aim i involves increased effort on the part of the honor student as well I as a relaxation of requirements which apply to students in general. A perusal of the regulations gov erning honor work will show that greater responsibility is united to , greater freedom. Organization Outlined The general regulations for a de gree with honors in a subject or related subjects at Oregon are as follows: (In addition to these gen eral regulations, there are two al ternative types of honors work honors with a thesis, and general . honors,, which will be explained at an early date). 1-. Students may read for honors in a single subject or in related subjects. Approximately the higli (Continued on Page Four) Faculty Says ‘No* But Oregon Spirit Instigates Rally Parade Disrupts Classes As Victory-mad Students Serpentine the Campus “No. Tliore will bo no holiday Moncliiy. Clr.saes will bo bcbl ns usual.” Such was the faculty edict, to enthusiastic Oregon fans, violently aroused by the decisive defeat of the Oregon Aggies at. Corvallis Sat urday afternoon. But Oregon Spirit, when it is run ning high, is. not to bo denied by such comparatively unimportant tilings as faculty rulings. At eight o’clock yesterday morning a few students began an impromptu but short-lived rally in the vicinity of the Commerce building, at nine o’clock and again at ten attempts were made again, but vea the ma jority of the students chose, to hold their exhuberanee in check and to attend classes. But. at eleven o’clock the Oregon Spirit was no longer to be held back. Again a serpentine started at the Commerce building with the familiar “Oregon! Oregon! Bah, rah, Oregon!” There were about twenty five men at the beginning, but by the time the parade reached the li brary the number had doubled. On toward Villard it went, gaining a few members every step. With much yelling and stamping of feet tho serpentine wended its way through the hallway of Villard, disrupting the English classes in tliet building. Back it came, and through the ancient hallway of Deady, its personnel numbering in hundreds by now. From time to time the chant changed. Now it was “Bah, rah, Oregon, now we’ve got the Habit,” now “Hail, Hail, the Gang’s All Here,” and now “To Hell with O. A. C.” Back down Thirteenth they came, through the Commerce building, then Oregon, and then Condon, then back up to Johnson. Before the Administration the voicerfous parade would up, now with the cry “We want a holiday.” “Squeak” Parks, yell leader, appear ed on the steps with the statement that there would be no holiday and the suggestion that the rooters work their excess of spirits by participat ing in a few Oregon yells. The varsity yell, tho team yell, and others resounded over the cam pus, but still the Oregon Spirit was not satisfied. Again the ser pentine formed, this time down the (Continued on Pape Three) Y. W. Secretary To Talk To Frosh Commission Miss Henrietta Thompson, secre tary of international relations fof Seabeck and Asilomar conferences, will talk at the Frosh Commission meeting this afternoon on “Inter i national Student Service and the World Student Christian Federa tion.” This is a topic of great interest to members of the Frosh Commission because part of the money which is being raised by the pennant sale is to go to the International Stu ! dent Service. The rest of the money j goes to the Women’s league foreign scholarship. The meeting wtn he held at 4 o’clock in the Y. W. C. A. Bungalow. j Bonfire Sentry j Duty Drawn Up; Starts Tonight Frosli Guardsmen Listed To Guard on Skinner’s Butte Until Saturday The “O’’ on Skinner’s butte will 1 not be painted Grange any night | this week as it lias been the past j two weeks, as long as the eagle j eyes and the good right arms of | the freshmen men continue to funct ion. The schedule committee for the freshman homecoming bonfire, con sisting of Trevc .Tones, chairman, Everett McGee and Dave Wilson, met Sunday and assigned the fresh men or certiun houses ami nails to guard duty for every night of the week. Sunday night the freshmen of Phi Sigma Kappa and Theta Chi watched from 8 o’clock until 1, and Kappa Sigma and Alpha Hill stood guard until daybreak. Last night Phi Gamma Delta and Gamma hall worked the first shift, and wore relieved at 1, by Alpha Tan Omega, Bachelordon and Alpha Befa Chi. The schedule for the rest of the week is as follows: Tonight: 8:00—Sigma Phi Epsi lon and Sigma Pi Tan. 3:00—Omega hall and Phi Delta Theta. Wednesday: 8:00—Beta Theta Pi and Sigma Chi. 1:00—Sherry Ross hall and Alpha Upsilon. Thursday: 8:00—Sigma Alpha Ep silon, Phi Kappa Psi and Sigma hall. 1:00—Delta Epsilon, Sigma Xu, Psi Kappa and Zeta hall. All freshmen men will work Wed nesday night on the construction of the bonfire, and as it will not be set off until Friday night the Thurs day night guard will be most impor tant. “All those houses assigned are expected to see to it that their freshmen report at the appointed time,” said Trove Jones, chairman of the schedule committee. “It is most important that the “O” shall not be besmirched during our Home coming week, and that the material for the bonfire is not molested.” | Chrysanthemum Sale Progresses Rapidly Alumni To Receive ‘Mum’ On Return To Campus The sale of the big creamy color ed chrysanthemums for homecoming is going steadily foreward under the auspices of the Women’s league. Emmabelle Woodworth, who is in charge of the sales, says, “I feel that the campus is going to res pond to it because everyone is in terested and everyone seems will ing to give the Women’s league his best support.” Gracia Haggerty and Laura Mae Bryant are the assistants on the sales committee. One student from each house has been appointed to take orders for the flowers which the league is handling on a com mission basis. This year the “mums” are in charge of a florist, insuring good flowers at 50 cents apiece, 75 cents for those having the green “O” in the center. One of the things plan ned by some of the houses for their alumni, “Home to Honor Oregon,” is the presentation of one big green and lemon chrysanthemum. New Course Iii Aviation Plan Of Pres. Hall Vi oiild Add Aerial Study As Another Angle of University Currieulnin Body Named To Meet With Local Airmen Oregon Prexy Recognizes N e e d for Instruetion In recognition of tho growing im portance of aviation, a special com mittee was appointed yesterday In Dr. Hall Hr. Arnold Ben nett Hall, presi dent of the uni versity, to make a study of cAurses tlint could bo in eluded in the uni versity catalog in connection \v i t h a viation. While t ho uni versity will offer no courses that direetlv pertain to flying instruction, it is the opinion of I)r. Hall that students desiring to follow aviation as a. career should have an educational back ground including such subjects as meteorology, mathematics, and, on the business side', transportation, economics and business administra tion. This committee will confer shortly with officials of the ITobi Airways, Inc., local aviation school, and the courses will be worked out in con nection with this school. On the university committee are Dr. War ren D. Smith, head of the geology department; David K. Faville, dean of the school of business adminis tration; 0. If. Hicks, professor of mathematics, and George II. God frey, director of the public relations bureau. The Hobi company has offered to cooperate with the university in every way along educational lines, university officials stated. The company, recently of Aberdeen, Washington, has exclusive privileges on Ihc local airport. Sixty Husky Frosli Wanted for Cleanup Broom Pushers To Work After Homecoming Feed The Homecoming cleanup com mittee is in need of about, sixty husky freshmen to aid in sweeping out McArthur court after the big luncheon to bo held there next Sat urday. All first year men who are physically able are requested by those in charge to volunteer their services as broom pushers for the job of clearing the floor for the dance committee. Cleaning up will begin promptly at one o’clock so that none of the. workers will he left in the rush for seats at the game. Hugh Miller, chairman of the cleanup committee, has appointed Oliborne Holland, Conan Smith, the following men slave drivers: Norman Eastman, Fred Felder, Cliff Horner, Joo Kolinsky, .Joe Frock, and Tom Dunha'm. They will form nine teams of seven or more fresh men each and are to be held ac countable for the appearance of their men. As a reward, the committee will be allowed to share in the leftover delicacies from tho luncheon, but they are not to be eaten until after all work is done. All frosli who would like to help out but are not asked by one of the foremen are asked to get in touch with Hugh Miller at Phi Kappa Psi or with Osborne Holland at Theta Chi as soon as possible. Infirmary Patients Hear Game Reports Over Company Radio Rapid-fire radio installation Sat urday afternoon enabled 40 inmates of the Thatcher cottage and infirm ary annex to hear tho reports of the Oregon-O. A. C. game after they had visions of painfully waiting hours for the results. T. A. Hill, manager of ’Wethcrbee Pjowcns, volunteered to install a radio free for the flu victims after a call at 11:30 a. m. from Miss Jeanette Calkins, alumni secretary, on behalf of Anto Peterson, one of the inmates. By noon they were listening to advance reports on the “battle of the century” and Sunday tuned in on ministers’ sermons 1 broadcast over the local station. Epideinic \ ictinis Decrease By Two One More House and 20 \ Beds Are in Readiness The number of flu victims 1ms ! decreased by two over this week j end, making the total -til. An ad I ditional building lias been opened ami 20 beds have been secured, so that everythin;; is in readiness in case the epidemic increases. In a report to the Emerald, -Dr. Fred X. Miller, university physi cian, says, “The number of phone calls to the infirmary and the an nexes is fretting so large that I shall have to ask the students to refrain from calling in to inquire about patients’ health, as strain on the nurses is very great.” Students in the infirmary are: Dorothy liurke. Re nee Kelson, Ev elyn Erickson, Marion Van Scoyoe, Murdina Medler, Thelma Rankin, Dorothy Russell, Scott Warren, Leonard .Tee, Lawrence Mitchel niore, Shirley Carter, and Dob Ham mond. Timelier cottage has 21 patients: Ralph Guilds, Lawrence Jackson, 1’aul Dale, Amy Guard, Helen Har nett, Merlyn Mager, Ermin Harper, Robert Walker, Anton Peterson, Robert Holman, Frances Humphrey, Jack Lightgarn, Homer Hosier, Thelma Hrock, Harold Frnnndorf, Rowe Weber, Ray Foss, Jack Sam mons, Phil Windren, Winston Loun dagin, and Kav Neil. The annex has nine: Palmer Schlcgol, William Dielsclmeider, Harold Leonard, Tom Ward, Phillip Holmes, Fred Meachatn, Ken Allen, Marion Hall, and Bill Gillett. Phi Delts Drop Crucial Game to Independent Men A. B. C. Defeats Kappa Sag Basketball Team For Crown of League The Independents punctured the Phi Dolt’s aspiration for the intr.n niuriil crown when they threshed through them for the close score, of 11-to-1U, yesterday afternoon. A minute after the game started Teague, guard for the Independents, was fouled and he converted the first point from the black line. Fletcher, Phi Melt center, dribbled through for the first basket of the contest. Playing a, five-man de fense to an admirable turn the win ners staved off the Phi Pelt at tacks and by the end of the first quarter led by a 4-to-l2 score. Both teams were shoving the ball till over the floor. Addison, Inde pendent guard, swished the baskets with beautiful shots and broke up many plays of the opponents. The Phi Dolt’s plays were working like a million; they were coining through. Score at the end of the half was 6-up. Local Men Play The Independents’ team is com posed of Eugene and University high school men. Burt and Moore come from University high and Murray, Teague, and Addison from Eugene. Murray sunk the first basket in the second half. Addison was checking his head off. As the whistle blew for the close of the third quarter the book read Inde pendents, 10; Phi Dolts, 8. Now began the hottest conflict pf Iho afternoon. Eberliart, referee, centered the ball. I’hi Dolts got the tip-off. The Independents wrested Iho basketball away from them. Murray lobbed in a keen shot. Phi Dolts got the tip-off again; they worked the ball in; Baker squeezes in a basket. Inde (Continued on Page Two') Business Ad School Forms I Student Body Officers To Be Elected At Meeting of Group To Be Held at 5 p. m. Majors in Department Eligible as Members New Association To Eist. Noted Men as Talkers Completing of pinna for tlie or ganization of flic lUisinoss Admin istration Student Rodv association Ralph Geycr a meeting announ ced for 5 o'clock today in room 10a (' o m m e r c e, by David I'd l'’aville, dean of tin* School of Tlnsiness A I ministirat ion. All men and women registered at. Hie university whose major in terest lies in the field of business admin ist ration a re regarded ns members of the asso ciation. A tentative constitution was drawn up at a meeting of the heads of the five honorary and profes sional commerce fraternities headed bv Dean Favillo last Thursday. Representatives from the com merce fraternities are: draco Ciriggs, I’lii Chi Theta; Ilarold dulde, Dan Xenia. Wade Nowbegin, Beta (lam ina. Sigma; Ralph (lever, Alpha Kappa Dsi; and Carl Rodgers, Bela Alpha Dsi. Favillc to Hold Chair Dean Favillo acting as tempor ary chairman appointed a nomin ating committee of three: Hrantl Hallin, chairman; Carl Rodgers and Fred Johnson. The nominating committee is em powered to select candidates for office of president of the Business Administration Student Body asso ciation, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. They will make nomina tions of representatives from the freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior classes. These last named representatives when selected will form an advis ory council. Nominations mny ho ninuo mim I tlic floor ;it, tlio mooting today, no cording to Doan Faville. Has Large Enrollment Four hundred mil seventy four students are registered in the Busi lioss Administration department, said Kalpli (lever, president of Alpha Kappa l’si, comjmereo honorary, and the concensus of opinion among tin1 professional and honorary fra ternities in this field is that the school has grown to the point where such an organization is necessary. It is being established, according to Mr. (ieyer, for the purpose of creating and maintaining a business administration consciousness among students registered in this depart ment. 11. A. S. 15. A. cards will be issued to all majors ia the department, and the plans of the organizing committee call for a membership fee of 2G cents. Hcnoraries Sponsor Day Business Opportunity day which was sponsored by the honorary and professional commerce fraternities lust year will be placed in charge of the B. A. S. 11. association. Busi ness Opportunity day proved so suc cessful last year that the sponsors (Continued on 1‘atjc. Tiro) Young Roman Organist Enthralls Large Audience at His Recital By ALICE GORMAN Fernando Germani! Magic words! to us now. And only 21 years old,— lmt lie has found all the secrets of the pipe organ,-—he has mastered its technique,—he has discovered and disclosed its passions and thrills, in fact, ho has made it a live thing, with an infinite range. 'We liked Fernando Germani. But anyone would have known that who had seen the packed auditorium of the Music building and heard the en thusiastic and insistent applause. He was encored and re-encored after every group. The program was a most excel lently selected one of contrasts, opening with Bach’s “Toccata in F Major” in which Mr. Germani I achieved a most remarkable facility in arpeggio and runs with feet that were as accurate and swift as hands. There is a certain fearless ness and self-confidence about Mr. I Germani’s playing that is charac toristic, and when asked if ho wore ever frightened when playing, ho laughed outright and said, “Why afraid? That is a mistake!” die began playing before crowds when he was 13—and was not afraid! A very remarkable young man. die attempted pieces of such lightness and delicacy of touch that they nro usually left to the pianist, dlis second number, “Noel” of I;. D’Aquin’s, was especially well liked; it had everything embodied in it from the circus wagon organ, to the symphony orchestra—even a mighty Sousa's band, die used a long oboe solo with the reed stops in this piece, and punctuated it with fifth finger trills that were perfect in their distinct clearness. Hut with all his marvelous technique, Fernando German! is not lacking in the emotions and feelings that put the thrill in his playing. The second group was an cxcel (Continued on Page Three)