Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 17, 1928, Image 1

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Great Battle
In Prospect;
Dope Is Even
Oregon's Great Showing
Throws Awe in Hearts
Of Scliissler's Array
Orange Team’s First
String Shows Power
Six Enemy Playing Last
Game Against Oregon
Sports Editor
Oregon State Daily Barometer
CORVALLIS, Ore., Nov. 17.
k—"When Oregon and Oregon
State clasli here this afternoon
for the 33rd time Bell field will
be thronged with the largest
crowd in its history and the
two teams, after a rest of two
weeks, will be. in top condition
to stage a great battle. The
teams have not been so evenly
matched in a long time and com
parative scores place the Orange
men and the Webfoots on a par.
Predictions a r e
hazardous at best,
especially when
these time honor
ed rivals clash on
the gridiron, and
no matter what
M the relative stand
I itig of the teams
a are in the eonfer
™ once, a hard fight
is always a cer
tninty tor earn considers mat irs
season is successful with a win
over its “friendly enemy.”
Scores Even Up
Comparative scores show very
little difference. In the Washing
ton game Oregon won 27 to 0 at
Portland from the Huskies, and a
week later Oregon state won 29 to
0 at Seattle. Against Pacific,
Oregon defeated the Badgers 45 to
0, while the Orangemen a 46 to 0
victory. Oregon’s great showing
against California in which the
Bears won 13 to 0 only after a hard
fought battle, boosted" the Webfoot
stock considerab
ly, and while
Stanford won 26
to 12 from the
Lemon - lYellow,
Pop Warner high
ly praised Me
Ewan's men. Thisj
coupled with the
^report that Ore
k g o n ’ s fight-]
in" spirit has been
aroused to avenge
the three deteats in as many years
at the hands of the Oregon Staters,
all points to a beautiful “Donnv
brook” which is Irish for scrap.'
The Orangemen will present their
usual starting lineup with the ex
ception of Carl Gilmore, fullback,
with his two years of service who
will supplant Chief Thompson at
that post in order to steady a back
field which already has its quota
of sophomores in Hughes and Sher
wood who will cavort at the half
back positions.
Chuck Stout will be in place of
Fred Schell, giant tackle. Ralph
(Continued on l’ctge Four)
Will rCap’s’ Smile Last Long?
i Captain John J. McEwan’s foot
| ball team will face one coached by
| Paul Scliissler for the third time
in the past three years today on
Bell Field, Corvallis... Mac’s team
this year has the best chance it
has ever had to lick the Aggies,
i Mac’s smile, above, would indicate
| it anyway.
Oregon-Aggie Game Scores Since 1894
Oregon Aggies
1894 .
1895 .
1890 .
1896 (2nd game).
1897 .
1898 .
1899 .
1901 (No game).
1902 ..
1903 .
1904 .
1905 .
1906 .
1907 .
1908 .
1909 .
1910 ...
1911 (No game).
.. 0
!. 8
.. 8
.. 0
.. 5
. G
.. C
.. 0
.. 0
.. 8
3 912. ...
1913 ...
1914 ...
1916' ...
1917 ...
1918 ....
1919 ...
1920 ...
1921 ...
1922 ...
1923 ...
1924 ...
1925 ...
1926 ...
1927 ...
. 3
... 9
.:. 7
. 9
. 0
. 0
. 0
. 7
*. 0
. 7
• AY.
'. 8
L. T.
8 4
18 4
Aggies Eyeing
New York.Game;
Doped to Lose
Coaches of Frosli, Rook
Teams See Victory in
Camp of McEwan’s Men
What’s the dope?
“It is a question of mental and
physical condition,” said Professor
Howe, faculty advisor of athletics.
“If the team is going just right I
believe we will win.”
“The scrappiest team will win
tomorrow,” said Dr. Crosland, asso
ciate professor of psychology. “I
believe that enthusiasm and fight
(Continued on Cage Three)
A Tale of Two Cities: Being All About
♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦
Some Frosh Painting and Being Painted
It was three o’clock in the morn
ing—yesterday morning. Silence,
punctuated by resonant snores reign
ed over the fraternity sleeping
porch. The telephone rang down
stairs. After it had rung 24 times
a frosh crawled out and answered it.
He came back up stairs on the
run. In a moment bedlam broke
lose. “All freshmen out,” shouted |
the sophomores.
“Report to 11th and Alder at
once,” jawed the juniors.
"Aggie men have painted the ‘O’
on the butte and the whole campus
orange and black,” snarled the sen
iors. “The Oregon seal has been
desecrated. Up, up, my bully boys,
and on to Corvallis.”
Excited frosh shivered, as they
pulled on their old clothes in the
'cold rooms. Outside a cold rain
was falling. A rapidly growing
group of angry men were gathering
at 11th and Alder. All were eager
to go but there were ears for only
a few.
At four o’clock three Oregon
freshmen found themselves leaving
town in a model T Ford at 45 miles
an hour. Twenty minutdb later
Junction City flowed by. Monroe
was passed, and then the lights of
(Continued on l'age Three)
Oregon Harrier
Team Is Ready
For Aggie Men
Cross - country Meet at
Corvallis Finds Siek
List Robbing Webfoots
Cross-country Lineup:
Ralph Hill .314
Clarence Ilill .315
Bill Winter .316
Leonard Steele .317
Pat Beal .318
Henry Pitch .319
Ernest McKitrick .320
Mervin Simpson .321
Kay Xeil .322
John Runyan .323
Alfred Makinen .324
The Webfoot cross-country squad
are as ready as hard work can make
them, says Coach Bill Hayward.
Bill Winter, who has been sick with
the flu, is in fairly good condition
again and will probably run today.
The race starts about 1:00 o’clock,
from the stadium, preceding the
Q. A. C.-Oregon football game.
Six of the men who placed in the
meet last year are on the team.
Clarence Hill was first, I’at Beal
was fourth, Ernest McKitrick was
eighth, and Bill Winter was eigh
teenth. Clarence Hill is being
pushed by his brother Ralph this
i year, and perhaps, from all indica
! tions, will be beaten by him today.
| It has been definitely decided
that the teams will consist of only
ifi men. Because of their insisting
on larger teams, O. A. C. probably
(Continued on rage Four)
j All of Campus
I Is Affected By
Victory Germ
Afflicted Rooters Collect i
At McArthur Court for j
Wild, Hilarious Rally
Special Train Departs
From Villard at Eleven
Oregon Enthusiasts Urged
To Show Proper Spirit
Some mysterious and indes
cribable new element lias per
meated the atmosphere around
the University of Oregon cam
pus during the lash few days,
something that is far more ex
hilerating than the oxygen,
and for more combustible than
the hydrogen of the ordinary
ozone. Remarkable enough in
itself is this new element, but far
more remarkable is the effect which
it has had on its breathers, mainly
students of. the University of Ore
For the past two or three days the
symptoms of the new malady have
been increasing in variety and sever
“Squeak” Parks
jty. At first the I
i’fflieted could be
leeognized by in
:essantly giving
tent to such ex
11 a in a t i o n s as
1 Rent the Aggies,
it’s an instinct!”
Yesterday after
noon some mag
netic force drew a
;ouple of thousand
[if the sufferers to
Hayward field, j
whore with mania-,
rap shrieks of glee :
drey watched the j
overwhelming or the uregon Agii
culture college raojis by the Ore
goif froslu
Epidemic Spreads
But it was not' until last night
that the epidemic assumed truly ser
ious proportions. It was about half
past six that a series of loud vio
lent explosions resounded throughout
Eugene, and immediately fraternity j
and sorority houses began to dis
charge their howling contents into
the streets. East along Eleventh
street formed a lino of yelling, mad- j
dened students, north along Alder j
another, and north along University
still a' third. Again they appgared
to be possessed by some mysterious
power that was drawing them on,’
towards McArthur court.
At the Sigma Chi corner the Eelo
yenth and Alder street lines united j
and proceeded en masse, preceded
by the university band, which also!
seemed afflicted with the inexplic
able malady. Now the entire line
burst forth in a chant “Rah, rah,
Oregon! Rail, rah, Oregon! Rah, rah,
Oregon!”; now it sang lustily the
old time*melody “Hail, Hail, the
Gang’s All Here”; and now another
songfi a parody on “John Brown’s
Body,” which is very specific, in its!
Serpentine Enters Igloo
The line reached the Igloo, meet
ing there the one which had formed
on University street, and two thous
and or more of the afflicted, all yell
ing madly, rushed in one gigantic
serpentine into the great basket
ball Iloor. ‘•iSqucak” Parks, Oregon
yell leader, tried to quiet the tumult,
but for nearly ten minutes his ef
forts were to no avail and the wild
rush continued.
At length, when the mob had
reached a semblance of order, Parks
called on McKedwn, the° leader of
the victims. Joe stated that there I
was not one remedy for the malady |
i which seems to have affected every
I Oregon student, a trip to Corvallis. I
(Continued on Page Two)
Lineup for Today’s Game
Pope .
Colbert .
Hagan .
Stadelman .
Shields .
Christensen .RTL_
Archer .REL.
Kitzmiller . Q.
Williams .LHR.
Burnell (C) .R1IL...
Gould .F.
. StrifE 40
... Stout 45
. (C) Filers 48
. Geddes 35
. Carlson 56
. Luce 55
. Whitlock 53
. Maple 52
. Hughes 51
. Sherwood 57
. Gilmore 44
Substitutes. Oregon—Robinson, 10; Ord, 24; Gabriel,
41 ; Woodie, 18; Shearer, 20; Parke, 21 ; Wood. 42; West,
9; dost, 5; Coles, 6; Browne; Weems, 30; Warren, 35;
Hall, 31 ; Dickson, 71 ; Demott, 43; Park, 8; MeCutchan,
37; Lillie, 2; Keeney. 3; Jesse; Donohue, 1; Chappell, 28;
Johnson; Conrad; Hill; Stendal; Slauson; McNabb; Ben
son ; King.
Oregon Aggies; Hokum. 1; Engelstead, 2; Disbrow,
6: Stovall, 10; Wood, 11; Hammer, 14; Peterson, 15;
Nicholson, 10; Carr, 18; MacLeod, 19; Trover, 20; Brest,
21 ; Wilson, 22; Drynan. 23; Buerke, 24: B. Itragcr, 26;
Milieu, 27; Gordon, 30; McGivarv, 32; Montgomery, 33;
Larson, 34; Bister, 36; Byington, 38; Drummond, 39;
Cochran. 41 ; Kerr, 42; Young, 43; Thompson, 31; Schell,
47 ; Twitchell, 46; Owen, 49; McKallip, 37; J. Drager, 54 ;
Kirk, 58; Essman, 59; and Scott, 60.
Officials: Bob Evans, San Francisco, referee; Bill
Mulligan, Spokane, umpire; Bob Morris, Seattle, bead
linesman; Dr. W. S. Higgins, Spokane, field judge.
Donut Warriors
Of Three Teams
End Deadlocked
A. B. C.’s mul A. T. O.’s To
Vie With Kappa Sigma
For Honors in I) League
When flip A. B. C.’s defeated
Alpha Tnu Omega this week they
secured a. three cornered tie be
tween themselves, A. T. O. and
Kappa Sigma for first place in
league I).
The first playoff will start Mon
day, November 11), at 4:10 o’clock
at McArthur court when Kappa
Sigma will battle Alpha Beta Chi.
On Wednesday Kappa Sigma will
meet A. T. O., and on Thursday A.
T. O. will again play A. B. both
games on the same floor and hour
as the initial tilt.
Due to the fact that freshman
basketball practice will start next
week tin se slight changes were
made to avert any confusion.
Manhgers for these teams are
asked to appear in the men’s gym
office for necessary arrangements
before these matches.
Monday will also witness the
round robin finals between the In
dependents and I'hi Gamma Delta.
The looser will be eliminated from
the intramural race.
Powers Organizes
lied Cross Roll Call
Alfred Powers, dean of the ex- I
tension division, is engaged this j
week in organizing the Bed Cross j
roll call of Portland. Dean Powers \
has charge of the west side business
district, and has working under him
.11 chairmen who will assist him in
putting over the drive in Portland
next week.
The quota set is 20,000 members,
of which the west side is expected
to yield 10,000. The drive for mem
bers includes the usual subscription
of $1.00.
J. M. Rac Addresses
Salesmanship Class
Professor John M. Rue, of the
school of business administration,
made a trip to Portland Tuesday,
to speak before the salesmanship
class of the ArchfElectric company,
distributors of the General Electric
refrigerators. His topic was “The I
Pre-Approach.” j
J. Stitt Wilson
To Give Several
Talks in Eugene
Students Will Hear Lecture
Monday at Commerce;
Is Enrou te to Berkeley
J. Stitt Wilson, former social
mayor’ of Berkeley and lndper in
the founding of the labor party in
England, will deliver several lec
tures in Eugene Sunday and Mon
day, on his return to his honfe in
Berkeley from a recent trip to
This week1 Mr. Wilson has been
lecturing both to Washington State
college and University of Washing
ton, and is expected to come here
directly from Seattle.
Entered Labor Party
Upon obtaining his doctor’s de
gree, Mr. Wilson went to England,
his mind made up to enter with the
labor party. He has had very much
experience working through the
slums of various big cities, and,
while attending school, spent much
of his time studying the labor ques
tion in these districts. Ho will bo
able to tell many of his interesting
Mr. Wilson’s first message in Eu
gene will be given Sunday morning
at the Congregational church. He
will speak in the evening at the
Methodist church.
> At <1:1)0 o’clock Sunday lie will
speak at an open meeting in the
‘A ’’ hut. lie will address Mr.
-Schmidt's class in economics at 11:00
Monday morning, and again at a
luncheon in the new dorm to a group
(Continued on Page Pour)
_ a,
'Habit’ Brawl
Between Aggie
And Web foot
To Be Settled
Today’s Game at Corvallis
To Settle Which Eleven
Has Losing Streak; Wet
Gridiron Awaits Oregon
Kitziniller and Maple
Listed as Headliners
Same Baekfield That Won
Washington Tilt Will
Start Against Aggies
Tito habit of the Oregon
Aggies to lose to ttho Univer
sity of Oregon football team
will be re-established this after
noon at Bell field, Corvallis,
when the Webfoot and the
Beaver meet in the traditional
battle’of tbe year. This is the
spirit of the Oregon gridders
who leave Eugene this mornimr
at 30:00 o’clock.
A tlm>c year period of victory
lias given tlio Dig Orange team a
superiority complex which is ex
G-eo. Stadehnan
pressed in t h n
e <> e k y slogan—
“Boat Oregon—
it’s a habit.” The
W e b foot s a re
ready to concede
that it has been
a habit for the
last three years,
but not one that
is so firmly rooted
that it cannot bo
The brazen slo
gan of the Aggies
has annoyed the
Webfoot gridders, and they are out
for victory. If they win today the
Webfoots will turn the laugh back
on the Beavers, and the rule that
the last laugh is always the best
will buhl particularly true this
afte moon.
Webfoot Ire Alroused
The memory of three successive
defeats, which is something never
before attained by the Aggies, has
aroused the anger of the Oregon
team. All signs of influenza have
disappeared, and bruised ankles and
stiff limbs have miraculously heal
ed. The possibility of defeating
the Aggie team has acted as a
tonic to tlio battered Oregon team.
The Oregon squad is now in excel
lent mental condition to turn back
the Beaver threat.
The Beavers are doped to win.
The edge ranges from two points
to thirteen. Oregon is again the
underdog .just as it has been in
every conference game played this
Aside from the fact that the
Beavers are given a slight advan
tage on .paper, the teams are two of
the most evenly matched in the
Pacific coast conference. Neither
has startled, the world with its bril
liancy, but both have played flashes
of football which are unrivaled on
the coast. Oregon rose to its great
est power to hold Stanford and
California and to defeat. Washing
ton. The Aggies lay claim to fame
through victories over Washington
and Montana.
Teams Both Improved
Both Oregon and Oregon Stato
have improved greatly since last
year. But it is generally granted
that the strength of the Webfoots
Chuck Williams
mis increased the
most. The Weli
foots lost every
conference game
in 1 i)27 and tlio
touchdown scored
against the Aggies
a t Homecoming
was the only con
ference score of
the entire year.
This year the Ore
gonians have a
scoring machine,
running up more points m the sin
(Continued on V(ujt Two)
Dean John Straub ‘Turns Back Pages’;
<$► ♦♦♦ ♦*«
Taught First Class Here Fifty Years Ago
A night school has been openefl
by he Rev. .1. (lantcnbein, assisted
by Professor Straub, graduate of an
eastern college.
•fust 50 years ago today, John
Straub, dean-emeritus of men, taught
his first class in the University of
The above clipping taken from
the Oregonian of November Id,
1&7S, led to the discovery of the
ambitious young college graduate
who had come to Portland from
Philadelphia on his "wedding trip
with tlie intention of making the
west liis home.
'• T was a shorthand expert and
stenographer and had expected to
use my ability in those fields us
my means of support while 1 read
law. Much to my surprise, there
was no demand for stenographers
l and shorthand was an unnecessary
accomplishment in a district where
there was no need for it. Forced
to do something, I decided to open
a night school with the Rev. tian
(Continued on 1'agc Four)