\arsity Plays Frosh Teams In Iieetie Till Reinhart’s First Year Men Tossed in Muddy Water By McEwan’s Regulars Wot Pigskin Causes Players to Fumble O. S. C. To Have Strong Encounter With Oregon Conch MeEwnn had his Oregon varsity at. work again last night on Hayward field in tlie toughest kind of scrimmage with the fresh gridders. Playing in a quagmire of mud and water, the two aggrega tions went through a long practice session to continue preparations for the Oregon State varsity and Rook elevens. The whole varsity squad took jg turns tangling with Billy Reinhart 's first year team. As soon as Mc Ewan would put one set of men through its paces he would call an other to the scene of action and play would resume with scarcely a stop for rest. Practice Intensive The practice lasted until darkness made it almost impossible to see where the plays were going and j even the ghost hall which has be- i come a regular feature of the work- j outs did not aid greatly. There i was not a big difference between I the luminous oval and the ordinary | pigskin because the mud soon cov- I cred the painted ball so that its advantages were cut down. The practice yesterday was one of the few that the Webfoots have played in the rain this year. The dry season which has marked the season so far has made a big im pression in the playing of both teams ami the wet ball made it hard for j the men to work. Pumbles Frequent While Oregon teams in the past | have not been greatly bothered by a slippery pigskin, it was an en 4 tirclv different story last night. Tumbles by both the varsity and frosh were very frequent and many times the progress toward the op posite goal line was interrupted when some back was unable to hang on to the ball. Evidences of strength were pres ent in the yearlings play. After many weeks of drill under the watchful eyes of Spike Leslie and Reinhart, the frosh work as a \ smooth and powerful grid machine. J Even without the services of Jim; BeMersy heavy line plunger, the | froali backs tore off big gains time] and again through the varsity line. \ In fact, the big fullback who has [ been carrying the ball a lot oh I power plays so far this year, was ] not even missed when it came time j for Reinhart’s men to open up on; the offensive. The rejuvenated baekfield tore into the varsity cohorts for lengthy gains many times during the course of the evening and even carried the fight to tho varsity at some stages of the game. Me Ewan followed his men closely „ irist night through all of their plays and spared no efforts to polish up his attack for the coming contest with the Beavers. Several regulars got their share of fine points of i the game last night after pulling bobbles on some of the plays. All of tho game was not in the ! favor of the frosh by a big margin. [ After the varsity men once got under way the ball was kept in frosh territory most of the time. Even on the wet field the Webfoot backs displayed a lot of clever broken field running once they got out in the- open. Had it not been for so many fumbles tho team would (Continued on l'age Tco) I Unique Placards | Homecoming Plan Celebration Decorations Jf ill Have Originality Campus and field decorations for Homecoming will be unlike any used | before in as far as it is possible for the decorations committee to I achieve something unique, said Joe Holiday, general chairman for dec orations. Many ideas have been advanced by sub-committee composed of Brad Collins, Clarence Lilberg, Glen Gard iner, and Ne!s Nelson. Several mot ifs have Heeii definitely decided up on for use in decorating tlio campus, the exact nature to bo kept a sec ret for the time being. The use of novel placards bearing tlio Homo coming slogan is planned as part of the street decorations and there is a strong possibility that a monu mental arch will be thrown across the street in front of the Adminis tration building, said Holaday. Kenton Hamaker, chairman of features, has an idea, which if de veloped, promises to provide a game feature which will give the Home coming crowd a real thrill. Ham aker has also unjoined strict sec recy as to the nature of tlie stunt. Hoy Herndon, general chairman for Homecoming, lias called a meet ing of tho directorate for .noon at the College Side Inn, at which time it is expected that definite plans for all brandies of Homecoming ac tivities will be made known. Registrar Lists Students Eligible For Honors Roll Pallett Urges Instructors To Ham! in Any Others For Action of Council A list of students, most of them juniors, who are eligible to work for honors this year, whose averages were not calculated last year, lias been made under the direction of Earl M. Pa lici t, registrar. Mr. Pallett urges instructors wishing to hand in names of students who do not appear on this list to present them to the honor’s council for con sideration. Highest Group Named The highest 30 per cent of, men, and tho highest 30 per cent, of wom en arc as follows: Naomi Homan, Zelma Woods, Ella Garrick, Mary Klemm, Irene Hollen beck, Edna Dunbar, Hope Dranstat :ir, .lean Tompkins, Dorothea Lensch, Katherine Karpcnstein, Jennie Ivlemm, Lucilo Cornutt, Mrs. Marian G. Eields, Shirley Maguire, Alice Murphy, Doris Gramm, Katherine Delunty, Marguerite Sehierbaum, Marjorie Goff, Evelyn Hollis, Ger trude Wilhelm,' Eula Harrington, Hazel Miller, Madeline Lenore 3-oodall, Olga Sadilek, Alice Ed wards, Mildred Rinnell, Constance Bordwoll, Florence Grebe, Anne Maler, Prudence Spight, Irene Fran ces Bowlsby, Alice Ormandy, Vida Davis, Mrs. Helen Rotliwell Wilder inan, Lois Tuttle, Frances Woods, Margaret Hurley, Esther Anna Vicks, Grace Mortensen. Campus Leaders Listed Clement Shafer, Charles Damson, Lincoln Constance, Fred Johnson, Frederick Gankin, Morris Temple, Cecil Snyder, Orval Peterson, Fran cis Coad, John Halderman, Ennis Keizer, Llewellyn Goss, Karl Land strom, Wilfred Brown, John Allen, Ernest Hall, Harry Policar, Gussell Jolinsrud, Dalton Shinn, Albert White, Victor Jepsen, Fred Deuel, Edward Daniel, Howard Eborhart, Frank Ilallin, Harold Guide, Robert Lloyd, Jack Creager, Joe Pigney, John Breneiser, George Drury, Paul Sisler, Harold Fisk, Jack Summons, (Continued on Page Two) Christensen and Colbert, Holders of Varsity Tackle Berths This Year George Christensen and Austin Colbert are the pair of sophomore tackles who have been important factors in the Oregon line play this season. Both players were mem bers of the frosh eleven last year, and have had high school experience in the tackle positions. Standing six feet two inches in height, George Christensen weighs -17 pounds. He is a three year high school letterman, playing first for Weatherwax high of Aberdeen, 'Washington, and later for Pendle ton high. He was eoaehed in both schools by Homer C. Taylor, trans ferring schools with the coach. George played at tackle on both high school teams, as well as with tlie frosh last year. He is IS years old, and a major in the school of architecture, intending to continue in that line of work after his grad nation. Christenson was rather badly hurt in the ankle during the Cali fornia game, and was on crutches for several days afterwards. How ever, his sprain seems to be rapidly healing, and he is expected to be out for practice within a few days. Austin Colbert is a product of Eugene high school, where he played both football and basketball, earn ing four letters at tackle with the eleven, and three felt initials as guard with the basketball quintet. Under Coach Bob Brown, the basket ball team won the state basketball championship two years ago, and 1 Colbert was chosen as one of the j guards oil the mythical all-state five. He weighs 190 pounds, and is an even six feet in height. Major ing in the school of physical educa tion, lie intends to take up coaching after his graduation. Rumor Spreads That Oregon Men May Raid O. S. C. Campus Tonight Anderson, McKeown Ask Students To Caneel Date Humor lias been rapidly spread ing over the campus that prepara tions are being made for another annual hectic raiding of the Oregon State college campus by a large group of University of Oregon men tonight, according to Arthur Ander son, vice-president^; and Joo Mc Keown, president of the A. S. IT. O. Efforts are being made to prevent any such action by the officials of the two institutions and in the latest report the student officers had made standing promises to check any such endeavors. The O. S. 0. student body presi dent and vice-president assured Art Anderson and Joe McKeown of Oregon that they would do every thing possible to prevent any des | trmtion of property, painting, an ' undue peregrinations on Ilia uni versify campus by their students. “We also agreed that we wouh do everything that we possibly eouli to keep our fellows from going over there," said Arthur Anderson “This old thing dates back fron the time that athletic relations wen first severed between the two in stitutions,” Andersen explained. “The conduct for the last twi years has been very good and i being built up all the time. Sued action only gives unfavorable pub licity to the university and doe; not reflect any glory or credit 01 those who do it,” lie said. Anderson and McKeowu expressed a desire to have Oregon student; resort to reason and live up to the agreement made between the tw( institutions. This, they said, would call for a cancelling of the vis'll to the O. S. C. campus tonight. New Uniforms Will Be Issued To R.O.T.C. Soon ‘Slacks’ Will Replace Bools And Breeches; Juniors To Keep Former Style Uniforms will bo issued to R. O. T. C. students in the near future, is the information released by Major Barker, head of the University of Oregon military science department. The new trousers, or “slacks” as they are called, have the appear ance of regular everyday trousers. The advantage for the students in wearing them instead of 1 lie boots and breeches of former days, lies in the fact that they can change clothes faster without having the boots to lace or unlace. Shipping receipts have been re ceived for the new trousers, stated j the major, and it is expected that a i supply of sufficient size to outfit the entire enrollment will be re ceived soon. There has been some talk on the campus, that the R. O. T. 0. was going to go without uniforms this term. “This is,” said Major Bark er, “quite untrue.” It is true that considerable delay has been experienced in having the order filled, he said, but it is only a matter of days now until the new trousers will be ready for distribu- | tion. The junior officers in the R. O. T. C. unit, composed of juniors' and seniors, have elected to continue the custom of wearing the boots and breeches. * “They like the shiny boots,” smiled the major, “and take pride in their appearance. I am glad of it, for I have noticed that a man who is not proud of his personal appear ance seldom makes a good soldier.” Co-op Exhibits Books At University High Xcxt week is national Book Week, and in observance of it, the Univer sity Co-op is exhibiting books, both old and new, in 1hc library of the University high school, according to Marion McClain, manager. The exhibit consists of about 50 books from the “High Hat” library, and is for the purpose of stimulat ing interest in good literature among the students. Those chosen were tliotight to be of special interest to high school students. Perhaps the most important of these is an edition of “Phillip the King,” by John Masefield, illustrat ed by Laurence Irving. It has been autographed by both the author and j the illustrator, and the edition was ' limited to 750 copies. Another illustrated and signed edition which is also on display is “The Graphic Bible,” by Lewis! Browne, a Portland man. This book is a history of the Jewish people and has been very popular. Frosh Women Guests At Kivama Formal Tea Members of Kivama, sophomore women’s honorary, entertained sev eral hundred freshmen women yes terday afternoon at a formal tea in Alumni hall. This is an annual af fair given toward the first of the year to afford an opportunity to get acquainted with the first year stu dents. Violin selections were given by Anna Louise Dolpli, and Helen Wil liams gave several piano solos. I Those in the receiving line were Edith Hodge, president of the Wom en’s League; Helen Webster, secre tary of the student body; Miss Hazel Prutsinan, dean of women; Kathryn Langenberg, and Helen Peters. Soccer Squad Meels Portland College Today Physical Education Majors Ready To Tackle Reed Team This Afternoon Nineteen physical education ma jors at the University of Oregon will go to Portland today to meet the lived college soccer team at 4:00 o’clock. This is the first soccer football team to represent Oregon. Edward F. Abercrombie, who is in charge of the team, has organized the majors of the physical educa tion department primarily to give them actual training in this sport to aid them in teaching and coach ing after graduation. Some unus ually good material has been un covered, according to the coach. Bill Hayward, veteran track coach, has recommended soccer to his track candidates as an excellent means of conditioning. Several of the cinder stars havo taken advan tage of the training opportunity. The game with Reed will be less than the regular time,, and substi tution will be permitted to give all the men the experience. The first team includes: Cliff Hor ner, Norville May, John Anderson, Earl Alexander, Hubert Alien, How ard Lowry, William Baker, Loye McGee, Francis Sullivan, Henry Patton, Clyde Kcrshner. Substi tutes: Gilbert Sprague, Lowell Nob ley, Harry Poliear, Fred Sears, Firmin Falleur, Robert Knox, Lloyd Boggs, Frank Smith. Manager of Co-op Reveals Talent On Library Book Covers When Marion McClain, manager of the university Co-op, drew a pic ture of a high English hat, little did he realize that it would come out in print. The “High Hat” library has pur chased new covers for their rent books which have this very excellent' drawing printed on their backs. The lettering above and below the cut was done by another budding artist, Bob Warner, librarian. The covers are made of very dur able paper and are to be used for preserving the general appearance of all rent books. E. II. Ford To Address Portland Journalists E. H. Ford, professor in the jour nalism school, will speak before the Portland association of trade and class journalists next Tuesday, bas ing his talk on experience in trade journalism in New York and other Eastern states. Harris Ellsworth, who in addition to being field mana ger of the state editorial associa tion and a member of the journal ism faculty here, is field manager of the trade journalist association, will accompany Mr. Ford to Port land Tuesday. Faculty Clog Dance Proves Progressive According to Miss Ernestine Troemel, the faculty clogging class is one of the most apt and progres sive in the whole university. They have just completed the Arkansas Traveler and are about to start on the Buck and Wing clog. For those who are not versed in the gentle art of toe and Heel let it be said that the Arkansas Trav eler is a very jaunty little number in which the participants are sup posed to feel f)uite gay. The faculty have shown much prowess in this respect. Social Work Discussed By Henry Knight National Secretary Gives Students Review of Task Carried Out in Country Scientific Fact Basis For Modern Solutions Professionalism C o m e. s From Special Schools “The trend of modern social rvork is toward a scientific fact basis, to ward the basing of the understand ing of social problems, and the meth ods of dealing with them on an in vestigation of the causes that bring about the problems,” said Howard U. Knight, secretary of the Nation al Conference of Social Workers, speaking before the Oregon students at assembly yesterday morning on the subject “Modern Trends in Social Work.” There.are five important trends in social work of today as contrast ed with that of some years ago, Mr. Knight said. These are: The trend toward a scientific understanding; the trend towards co-operation or centralization in community work; the trend towards professionalism among social workers; the trend to wards the actual control of social problems; and the trend toward public, support of social work. Scientific Spirit Real The most important of the modern trends, is that towards a scientific spirit in dealing with social prob lems. “In the last few years,” said Mr. Knight, “social work in its various forms has become one of the greatest ‘industries’ in the country. At present more than $3,000,000,000 is spent annually in the United States for the work in its various forms. In Ohio one-third of the in come of the state is expended in social welfare work. Three hundred cities in the country have commu nity chests which aggregate $00, 000,000 every year.” An example of the modern scien tific attitude in social welfare work is the attitude towards criminals, according to Mr. Knight. A few years ago, the question in the crim inal court was “What shall be done with him.’” Now the question is: “What brought him to this state and what can be done to take him out of it?” Formerly, he said, so ciety dealt only with effects, now it is beginning to deal with causes. To deal with a criminal properly one must know his whole background, his heredity, his environment, his education, and other influences. Worker Diagnoses Causes “The social worker must diagnose each case as a physician does his patients,” Mr. Knight said, “and from the diagnoses of causes in each individual case determine the rem edy which shall be applied.” The second important trend in modern social work, Mr. Knight told his audience, is integration, or centralization in community work. A few years ago, he said, commu nity work was carried on by a num ber of more or less independent groups. This resulted in repetition and even competition in some cases and neglect in others. Now, how ever, lie said, such institutions as the community chest has centralized the work both in collecting and dis pensing funds. Professionalism in social work, the third of the trends, the speaker said, is principally the result of be tween Id and 20 schools of' social work scattered throughout the Unit ,ed States. Graduates of these schools, he emphasized, are working in a professional and scientific spirit, giving each case which comes before them individual considera tion and individual treatment. Problems Less as a result or rne scientific con sideration and treatment of social problems, Mr. Knight declared, they aro gradually being brought under control. Such things as ill health, old age, and unemployment aro not the social problems' that they were a few years ago. The vast scale on which it is car ried on is evidence of the wide spread public support of social work, the last of the five trends. “The trend towards support of social work is becoming more and more evident,” he said. “The citizens of the country must have and will have an intelligent understanding of so cial methods and the methods by which they aro being met.” Henry W. Davis, director of unit ed Christian work on the campus, gave the invocation before assem bly. Doris Helen Patterson played three harp solos, “Mighty Lak a Hose,” “The Rosary,” and “Nio* zuvka.” Dr. Philip A. Parsons, professor of sociology, introduced the speaker. University toHelp In Chest Campaign Victor P. Morris Heads Faculty Drive Croup Tl\o facility and university em ployees arc putting on a subscrip tion campaign under flic direction of Victor P. Morris, assistant prof essor of economics, in connection with the annual drive put on by the Eugene community chest. Professor .Morris has appointed dhe following persons to assist him in the various departments and schools of the. university: literature and languages, E. (). Wright; social sciences, Donald Erb; mathematics and physical sciences, E. E. DeCou; biological sciences, II. R. Taylor; architecture and allied arts, N. 15. Zaue; business administration, A. B. Stillman; education, II. S. Tuttle; English and household arts, Dan E. Clark; journalism, George Turnbull; law, Carlto- Spencer; music, John Sic fort; physical education and mil itary, Harry Scott; sociology, Philip A. Parsons; library, M. It, Douglass; administration, E. P. Lyons; dormi tories, Beulah Frey; associated stud ent employees, “Doc” Robnett; cen tral power plant and depot; O. B. liuth; janitors, Earl B. Benison; the grounds, L. B. Baker. Students Will Go To Conference This Week-end Y. M. and Y. W. Joint Meet Planned; Dr. Dossing Will Lead Discussion Twenty-seven members will rep resent. tlie University of Oregon at the joint Y. M. (’. A.-Y. W. C. A. conference which is to be held this week-end at Newport. A number of faculty members will accompany the pa rtv. Women who will represent the Y. W. include: Margaret Kdmun son, Leone Ely, Elsie May Cimino, Margaret Knapp, Nedra Vernon, Betty Hughes, Gwendolyn Shepard, Mildred Wharton, Christine Holt, Nellie Franklin, Margaret' Schaef fer, Louise Hals, Lois Tuttlo and Medora Scrivnor. The following Y. M. C. A. mem bers will attend the conference: Ats'on Bristol, Glen Brown, John Scrivnor, Frank Shimuzu, Leonard (lee, Aagusto Esperito, Wilbur Busli .noil, Wilbur Solim, Jack llice, Gil-J hert Sprague, Fred Christensen, Ted Mueller and Hon Campbell. Some have not yet decided def initely hut are expected to go ac cording lo Elsie May Cimino who is in charge of tlio conference. Others who will make the trip include: Miss Fanny McCammant, Miss Ernestine Troemel, Dr. Clara Smortenko, Dr. and Mrs. Bossing, Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Davis and Miss Dorothy Thomas, secretary to the Y. W. C. A. Saturday Dr. Bossing wifi lead the discussfdn on “What are the es sentials of religion?” Representatives from every col lege in Oregon will attend the mcet ing. Members of Faculty To Attend Institute Two members of the school of education faculty will attend the i Folk county teachers’ institute at Dallas Ibis week. Harold S. Tuttle will speak on Thursday and Dean If. D. Sheldon Friday. Twelve Men Form Varsity Debate Squad Tryouts Find Twenty-one Competing for Places; I Seven Veterans Named i I Speaker's Discussion On Federal Ownership Hoover - Smith Campaign Arguments Find Use Twenty-one men, representing the aspirants for the men’s varsity de bate squad, participated in the an Ralph Gcyer liun l achate try outs held yester day afternoon in Villard hall. From t his g r o u p the ,j u d g o s selected eight of the high est. rating who with Ernest Jn cliotta, 1’aul Clark, Eugene Fail'd and Joseph McKeown, will form the men’s d e b a t e squad for the en suing season. 1 Iu> tour men just named are those of last, year’s team who elerted to pass the tryouts and were selected by Debate (loach .1. K. Horner to form part, of the squad. The men selected by the judges were Avery 'Thompson, Errol Sloan, Elsworth Plank, Stanley Darling, Lawrence Morgan, Calvin Bryan, Belaud Frver, and Ralph (lever. In addition to these Hal Paddock, Ar thur Taylor and George Cherry were named as alternates. Water Resources Question During the course of tho after noon the question, Resolved: that the nation’s water resources should be government owned and operated, was attacked and defended many times with occasional reference to the Hoover-Smith campaign in which this question was an important issue. Affirmative speakers advanced the arguments of government distri bution of electricity and power, and cited the Boulder Dam project as an outstanding example of the suc cess of government operation of the water resources. Another of the speakers gave information to the jffoct that the i mil'll 0tutus was wasting its coal supply and thcro f <110 the govern ment should de velop and operate power plants for the solo purposo of conserving this part of our re sources. Using the gov ernment corpora tion plan as out lined by A1 Smith in his presidential E. Plank r.l IMJiaigll, (MIC UJ. Min SpcaiU’rS OL the affirmative maintainoil that it. was tiio only system under which the United States could ever hope to overcome the great amount of graft and corruption that is so prevalent. There seemed to lie. a slight di vergence of opinion between them and the negative since the latter maintained that under government ownership there was no one ready to accept the responsibility and the (Continued on Page Two) Flap Jack Queen Flips 20#,000 Hots In Seven Years at Men’s Dormitory Flap jacks! Dozens of them, 'hundreds, thousands of them. To be correct, 208,000 hot cakes in seven years is tho record of Mrs. Ma Patton, chief hot cake maker at the new men’s dormitory. If all these golden brown flap jacks were gathered together at one time, and laid edge to edge, there would be 17 miles of them. Enough to reach to Junction City and leavo three miles over. Piled in one big stack, said hot cakes would make a pile 4333 feet high. Enough of them to . make eight piles as high as tho Woolworth building, and a ninth pile as high as Deady hall. After seven years of work at Friendly hall, Mrs. Patton starts her eighth at the new dormitory, where she hopes to bring her hot cake record up to the million mark. Every Sunday morning when the fellows come to breakfast hungry for a bite of those golden brown cakes, Mrs. Patton is in the kitchen slinging batter on tho griddle, and the finished flap jacks off onto [dates as fast as lier hand can twirl the lifter. Twenty jacks at a time, is tlic capacity of the big stove, “and even at that they keep us hopping,” said the flap jack queen. “ We make about five hundred hot cakes at a meal, and that only feeds half the men. “ Yrnu see, wo can’t make them fast enough to serve to the whole dorm at one meal, and one Sunday we give half the men hot cakes, and the next Sunday we serve them in the other cafeteria line. “Yes, there are two lines to our cafeteria, and I guess some of the boys do go through alternate lines on Sunday, but perhaps that is to escape eating my hot cakes,” she smiled. Five thousand pounds of flap jack flour and just gallons of milk went into the making of those' 208,000 hot cakes, said Mrs. l’atton. “Oood ones,” she laughed. “Well, I’ve never known any of the boys to bo sick Monday morning,” said the flap jack queen turning back to her work.