\arsityTrims FroshTeam In Practice Game McEwan Drills Wcbfoots Hard in Preparation For Heaver Contest Christensen W ill Be Back In First Lineup Soon A grim anil determined Oregon Varsity football srj u; i * I Inst night, settled down 1o 1lie real training grind in proparat ion tor I lie mining .fray with Coach Rcliisslor’s Heav ers. It. was 1 lie first real workout j for the AVobfonts since the Califor nia game last. Saturday. Instead of being disheartened by1 the defeat the Hears shoved over on them, the Oregon men merely have the old fighting s]>5rif more firmly instilled in their rninds. This was evident last night when they tore through the first string frosli lineup in relentless fashion. fresh from a day’s rest on 'Mon day and a light practice Tuesday! night, McKwan’s gridders cut loose full force and piled up several touch downs against Reinhart's fighting freshmen. It was a real scrimmage while il lasted, and although' the yearlings put; over a score of their own early 'in the game, the varsity came back Seeing red and after that they were never headed. ■Forward Pass Only Tally The first year men made their lone tally after completing a long forward pass. The varsity resorted to a varied running attack for the most, but used a few short passes to keep tho t'rosli puzzled. Bobbie Robinson suffered a slight injury during the scrimmage period but. will not be kept, out of the lineup at any time because of it. All of the rest of the Oregon team With the exception of George Chris tensen, giant tackle, are iu fit con dition. ’The B(juad as a whole looks better now than it did immediately preceding the Bear contest. Christensen, who is one of the bulwarks that, makes up Oregon’s strong forward wall, was out to practice last night. without his crutches, lie was jusf an onlooker •and not in uniform however, but it was good to see the big boy around without the crutches which he has been using since the California' game. It is expected that Christensen: will be in suit for tonight’s work out, and lie said yesterday that his ankle felt about as good as it did : just before he went into action down in Berkeley. McEwan Cautious (hutch McKw.iii is not likely to take any great chances of having any of his men battered up before | the Aggie lilt, so it is probable that , scriimuages will be few and l'ar I between before the team goes over to Corvallis. The line will get its slitire of litird work though, and il I will have In lie a Beaver with ex ecplionally strong leelli that gnaws his way through the Webfunt for waids consistently. The line will be at; iIs full strength When il goes into 1 lie contest against Oregon Hate. Willi Christensen in I his regular position the Oregon line is rated from tackle to tackle ei|ual Wit h 1 he best on the coast. McEwaii will devote the rest of this week and till next week in working out methods for stopping Maple and I he rest of the Aggie backs in addition to developing an offense which will work successt'iillv j against the Beavers, Donut (Continued from Cage Out ) Ct-fo-t) in a speedy tilt yesterday. Titus and Ragsdale anpiired most of the points for the winners while Swindells played the outstanding role for the Sigma Chi’s. Both teams lacked effective combination work and good shots. The loosers mode a grand attempt to drag them selves out of last place when near the close of the gafe they threat ened tho Psi Kappa defense by tying the game with a basket garn ered by Murdeu, substitute. But Titus, I’si Kappa forward, spiked Ready Now AN MARIA' silOWlNd OF CHRISTMAS CARDS AW arc s ]i o w i n g many new styles. Particularly inter o v t i it t; is 1K‘\V parchment e a r il. These l* e e t i n cards are b e i n ^ shown on the BOOK BALCONY of the__ University Co-op LIBRARY STEPS Tlio following men aro in structed to report at the library slops at 10:4•"» sharp: Cockiness and (no lid—Harry Burkett, Max Koossol, Fred Smith. Cockiness—Omar Palmer, James O. Hughes. Stepping on seal—Hill Baren drick. No lid Ted Charles, Kenneth Hong, Wilson Jewett, Al Brown, line Buzan, (lay Stoddard, Ed Hawkins (wearing cap), Bryan Ryan, R. \V. K. Smith, Bob Build, Kormit Stevens (didn’t report.), Treber Khnwcross, Nor val Libby, Ray Foss, Orvill Bar rett, Amos Lawrence, McKenzie Ward. Sophomores: .Tames Burchell, moustache; Brady Bilker, smok ing on camjius. All lettormen are requested to be present. Signed: PAUL HUNT, President, Oregon Knights. BURR ABNER, Chairman, Traditions Com. the works when he crammed an un willing basket down tins throat of a Sigma Chi not, and with a few availahlo fouls, submerged the op waddled into the fray the second half and using a huddle system plunked in three field goals and one foul while they talked the S. I’. T.’s out of most of their shots and al lowed them only one field goal and a much debated foul. Lineup: (I. II. (ID) (11) S. P. T. Palmer (10) .F. (4) Sullivan Potter (2) .F. (2) Emmett Jacobs (5) .(!. .. (2) McFarland Leedom (2) .(I. Arnett Vi id 7, .G. (.'!) Marlatt Referee, 0. Clarke. Today at the men’s gym Omega hall meets Bachelordon at 4:10 o’clock and the Sphinx plays Alpha hall at 5 o’clock. On the north floor of the pavilion the Phi Dolts will take on Cosmos club at 4:10 while Phi Camilla Delta will battle Beta Theta Pi at fi o’clock. In* the same corresponding hours Chi Psi will tangle with Sigma hall on the southern space and Friendly will cut off relationship with Theta Chi for an hour, ponents. Lineup: P. 1C. (11!) (0) R. O. Titus (.1) .F. (•() Swindells Schollze '(I!) . F. (3) Savage Johnson 0. Anderson Ragsdale (4) ....Or. Kelly Brumbaugh (1) 0 . Putney S . (2) Harden Referee, 0. Eberhart. Camilla hall showed he boys how it’s all done when they knocked in Sigma Pi Tan by the unavoidable score of 19-to-ll in a snappy con test. At the end of the first half the figure 12 nestled next to the (lamina hall cognomen while an 8 lined up for the S. P. T. This was too close, so the dormitory babes Tickets Co On Sale Tor Corvallis Came Student tickets ;it. $1.00 for llio (). A. (\ jjnmo will go on snlo today al tin* Co op. “ Doc” Uobnett, :is a :1anl graduate manager, said, in *'v|»Iii iiii11tlu' ticket si! nat ion, “Wo a ro allowed only 2f>00 student < iek els. All I lie remaining covered inland stand tickets are in south tMid double section, and we have a few side line seats on sale at $2.00. (). A. (’. has practically sold out.” Register in Home Town Says Carlton Spencer Vote Made Unquestionable If Registration Is Legal “One beneficial result of tlie re cent election lies been to arouse in students more interest in tlie elec toral franeliise than ever before. There is no legal reason wliy any qualified student, should not vote if lie will register properly,-” said Carlton K. Spencer, professor of law in the 'University of Oregon, commenting on the difficulties that recently arose concerning student registration and voting in Kiigene. The important point to follow in insuring the privilege of voting, ac eording to Mr. Spencer, is for the student to register in liis home county, whether that be Lane coun ty or some other. This should be done by appealing in person before the clerk of the county of which the student is a resident, or by fill ing out a registration blank before any notary public or clerk of an other county ami having it sent to the clerk of the student ’s county. The certificate of registration which the student obtains from registering in liis home county will entitle him to vote anywhere in the state on state and local issues. “If, being away from home, you wish to vote on local questions in your home town,” Mr. Spencer said, “write to your county clerk within 30 days before the election for an application blank for absent voters. After making application you will be sent a ballot which you may fill out and return by mail. “The important thing is to regis ter in your home county. If you do that you may ' vote anywhere on statu and national questions or you may vote in your homo town by mail on all questions.” 'Theaters J£F-. MCDONALD- “Show Girl,” star ring Alice White. A new version of “Dixie Dugan.” Also George Lewis and Dorothy Gulliver in the new series “Collegians,” find a spec ial preview. IIEILIG—“The Port of Missing BROWN and BLACK Crepe Satin Strip Pumps, plain and brocaded $7.85 Buster Brown Shoe Store s»w A1 Smith Is President” It's ;i mist a lament, but ‘‘Wo (’loan (’lollies Cloauor,” is not a i'also stato monl. LET US PROVE IT! EASTSIDE CLEANERS Franklin Phono 461 Battle of Music \ An innovation on this campus —featuring Galloway’s Campa Shoppe Orchestra, and the Varsity Vagabonds, and the their best—numerous features —something new every minute The Campa Shoppe Grille Dance Saturday night also | Gil ls,” with Bn i!»;,:a Bedford and Malcolm McGregor. Also Aesop’s Gables and Will Rogers in “Explor ing England.” Coining Friday, Sin ger’s Musical, Comedy coritpany in “ Family Affairs.” COLONIAL —‘•Half a Bride,” featuring Gary Cooper and Esther Ralston. Also a new Aesop’s fable and a clever Mermaid comedy, “Kit 1 clren Talent.” Coining Friday, Rich ard Barthelmcss in “The Wheel of Chance.” P.EX—“Jazz : Mad,” with .Tean Ilersholt, Alarjon Mixon and George Lewis. A romance of t he ultra modern age. Also “George Meet George,” another “Jet George Do 11” comedy. Coming, Ken Mavnaril in “The Upland Rider.” $7.50 Permanent Wave, complete. Including Shampoo Finger Wave. Model Beauty Shop Across from Rainbow Confectionery Phone 23G2 The Gang’s Al! Here TOASTWICH SHOP Colonial .Theatre Bldg. Come and Get it GAS and OIL at The Oregon Exacting’ Service 11th and Hilyard Social Work Advisor To Visit Campus Today All .students interested in enter ing any field of socdal work are urged to see Miss Margaret Creecli when she is on the campus next Thursday afternoon and Friday morning, according to Mary K. Kent, office manager of the exten sion division. Miss Creech visits the campus once or twice every year acting as Use this service for your Week-end *Tri * I rips Train and motor-conch combine to give flexible, time-and-money saving, travel service. The maximum of time at your destination when you use— The "Silver Grays” Portland viaCorvnllis and Albany — J8:00, 9:35, 111:50 a.m.; 2:35, 4:35 p.m. The "Limited,” extra equip ped, leaver 11:50 a.m. ar rives Portland 4:15 p.m. JVii Harrisburg. Roscburg—1:55,6:35 p. m. Marshfield via Roscburg —1:55 p.m. GrantsPass, Medford, Ashland—1:55 p. m. And many other points You'll find a convenient way to almost any Western Oregon destination via the deluxe "Silver Grays.” Ask about connections to Mc Minnville, Monmouth, Sil vc-rton, Lebanon, Newport, etc. Leave at *3:15, 4:50 a.m.; 12:55, 2:20, 4:25, 7:00 p.m. ♦Sleeper ready at 9:30 p.m. Trains to Portland Motor-Coaches leave 5 minutes earlier from South ern Pacific Station. M. B. Cole, Agent., S. F. Stages F. G. Lewis, Agent, S. P. Co. Phone 2200 — PJIONE 2700 — [exquisitely Dainty A Bit of a Brassiere Clever, Dainty Step ins Crept' dt' rhino or georgette in lilac];, pink, peach, orchid, nil*', maize, blue- -prettily brimmed with lace edges and medallion- cleverly and fashion able stvlod— and marked with discretion. SECOND FLOOR a."5" \\ chififv 177® advisor to anyone interested in so cial work. On this visit stie will be available by calling the extension division, 990, for an appointment, Miss Kent states. DON’T BE MISLEAD We are still at 760 Willamette Street, where we have been for nine years. We're too busy to say more. Scroggs Bros. Tailors Ask for Roy Your reward 'for our work well done, is comfortable vision and satisfaction. Make Appointments Whenever Possible Dr. Sherman W.Moody Optometrist - Eyesight Specialist Suite' SSI Miner Bldg. Phone; ''hill East Broadway Eugene, Ore. My father said— ‘'John Hancock is a great name; Life insurance is practically indispensable.” That time, at least, he was right. Hobi Airways Co. under management of Finley Henderson presents an Henderson’s Airplane Crash Eugene Airport Monday Afternoon, November 1 2 All planes using GENERAL. VIOLET RAY GASOLINE featuring ■n m m m m m m m m nn rn r^i m m nn na m m m irn !Tn nn m fill rrn fnl fnl Iril fnl FrH ra ra ra ra m fnl Hil frll fT Fall Neckwear has a richer flavor The silks have a more luxurious quality — the colors a deeper, warmer tone; garnet, wine, har vest golds, browns and reds In patterns very small all over designs and close set cluster stripes are new Choose several—you can easily with these prices $1.00 and $1.50 WADE BROS. Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Brownsville Woolen Mills Store ■ $25.00 SUITS $5 Hats $5 Pants 702 Willamette Street EUGENE . OREGON