Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 08, 1928, Image 1

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    Pacific Coast
Deprived of
All-star Team
Emerald To Disappoint
Football World by
Passing Up Selection
The Emerald lias decided upon
originality as the essence and the
merit of its sport department. To
rise to this standard the sports staff
has determined to remove itself
from the triteness of convention.
Therefore, let it be known, the
Emerald unortliodoxly refuses to se
lect a Pacific coast all-star football
team for 1928.
Alas, if this doctrine of inde
pendence could be taught to the
world! Before the end of the foot
ball season, which is now not many
weeks away, there will be a tidal
wave of mythical grid teams. Ten
Pacific coast conference coaches and
perhaps 110 or 40 assistants will
1 deem it their just, and irrefutable
right to burden the public with se
lections for the all-star eleven.
At least a dozen sports editors
along the coast will allow the vari
ous grid mentors to make their
rightfully prejudiced choice, and
then the writers themselves will i
come forth with the one and only j
Pacific coast all-star football team, j
And so, ns far as the Emerald is
concerned, the world will have to
suffer along with one less all-star
* * *
Sncli a thing as an all-star team
is not even a detail in the work of
the Oregon football team. The Web
foots arc immersed in a determined
drive to defeat the Aggies at Cor
vallis on November 17. For three
consecutive years the Oregonians
have been humbled by Beaver teams.,
Oregon has nearly reached the mood
that will make a fourth Aggie vic
tory impossible.
With the sudden shrinkage in the
coaching staff, McEwan has set
about to drill the team as a unit.
Previously the line, the ends, and
the backs worked in separate
groups. Coordination was lacking
against the Stanford Cardinals, it
was developing against both Wash
ington and California, and now it
should be near perfection by the
time of the Beaver fray.
Praise for Oregon’s football team
is still drifting north from Cali
fornia. The Webfoot is described
in one California paper as a danger
ous team coming to the front slowly. .
Another paper adds further com- j
ment to Oregon and to the mucli
talked-of Benny Lorn: ‘‘It was
chiefly Lorn who stopped Captain
John J. McEwan \s sterling team
from the University of Oregon.”
St ill another newspaper is loud in
its approval of the Webfoots: ‘‘Ore
gon has some fine ball players. In
dividually, Burnell, Colbert and
Stadehnan stood out. Colbert is a
promising tackle, lie halted Cali
fornia often, as did Christensen, the :
other Webfoot tackle, until he was J
injured and carried from the field.
“Stadelman was in most of the
plays, roaming behind the line of
scrimmage to knock down passes
and catch the ball carriers.
“This Kitzmiller is a sophomore,
young and experienced and blessed
with ability, a mighty punting toe
and a change of pace that rivals
that of Lorn. Bobinson is an accu
rate passer and a good ball carrier.”
If the Webfoots continue to im
prove as rapidly as they have after
every conference game this year, j
the chances of a victory over the
Aggies is more than just bright.
Hoover, Bar her
Boyhood Friends
McNary, West, Barker
Pals of New President
“Bert” Hoover, a sliy dif f ident
youth, yet one who placed chivalry
above all virtues; a boy who had
but few close friends, yet one who
always stood ns defender and helper
of his fellowmen; a young man
whose mind was eternally busy solv
ing problems, serious even in chess
and checkers—this is the person,
known and loved long years ago in
Salem, Oregon, by Burt Brown Bar
ker, vice-president of the university,
who was one of the first to con
gratulate the newly-elected presi
To Mr. Barker, Herbert Hoover
was known ns “Bert” just as other
playmates were known by their boy
hood nicknames. Mr. Barker himself
was “Buck.” Oswald West, former
governor of Oregon, was “Butch,”
and Charles McNary, U. S. Senator
from Oregon, was “Charlie.” This
quartet played together in Salem
back in the early ’90’s, and one of
their staunch friends was “Ike”
Patterson, now governor of this
state, who then ran a small grocery
It was not until yesterday that
Mr. Barker made lpiown details of
his intimate friendship for the newly
elected president, a friendship so
highly regarded that lie did not wish
it to be exploited iii any way during
the campaign.
Hoover Was Quiet Lad
It is a warm, human story that
Mr. Barker tells. Admiration for
the qualities that brought the quiet
“Bert” Hoover to the fore was
early felt by “Buck.” Ho recalls
their first days together, when
“Bert” said little, yet his very reti
cence seemed to denote sterling qual
(Continued on Vane Three)
Former Student
Named Attorney
In Grant County
Edward Hicks, Graduate of
University Last June,
Wins District Election
Edward Ilicks, who graduated from
the university law school last June,
was elected district attorney of
Grant county in the recent state and
national vote of November (i on the
Democratic ticket, according to a
telegram received the following day
by his brother, A. C. Hicks, who is
instructor in English on the. campus.
An unusual record was made by
Ilicks at the university. During the
last term in school, with the excep
tion of one course, he received all I
grades, the highest mark given. He
was also associate editor of the Ore
gon Law Review during the past
year, and contributed two articles
to this publication, “Moot Appeals
by the State in Criminal Cases,”
and “Absolute Privilege in Libel
and Slander.”
Hicks, whose father is a promi
nent attorney in Grant county, won
the Bishop Sumner essay contest
here two years ago. Last year he
won the Hilton prize of $50 offered
law students. Dean E. C. Carpenter
of the University of Oregon law
school speaks very highly of him.
Taking and passing the bar ex
amination Hicks immediately an
nounced his candidacy for district
attorney of Grant county which re
sulted in a win for the youthful
doctor of jurisprudence.
Dr. Leo Friedman, New Chemistry
Instructor, Likes Oregon Climate
Dr. Loo Friedman, instructor in
second-year and advanced inorganic
chemistry, who came to the univer
sity this year, likes Oregon and Eu
gene for' their climate, but not
especially for their golf courses.
“Oregon’s climate is very agree
able,” Dr. Friedman said. “In Wis
cousin, the winters are just plain
cold, and the. average temperature
for December and January is
around zero. Maine has about six
feet of snow with an average of
from five to ten degrees below zero
from Christmas until sometime in
March. Oregon, as you know, is
pleasant.” Dr. Friedman lamented
the fact that on a local golf course
sand was used for greens. He ad
mitted that on a recent trip he had
found better greens on Portland
However the climatic and golf
situations may be, Dr. Friedman is
busy with his sophomore class in ad
vanced general chemistry and is
supervising the work of several
graduate students working on mas
tor’s problems. The main research
work this term is being done in the
study of the swelling of rayon and
cellulose fibers. The master’s thesis
on this subject will be published in
some of the chemical journals, Dr.
Friedman stated.
The chemistry of pulp and paper
holds great interest for the new in
structor. Last week. Dr. Friedman
j accompanied Professor Orin F. Staf
ford, head of the chemistry depart
ment, to the pulp and paper confer
ence in Seattle. This meeting was
held under the supervision of the
industrial chemistry department of
the University of Washington, to
further cooperation between the
schools and the industry. As soon
as possible, Dr. Friedman will start
work on a new research problem,
the absorption of alum by pulp at
different acidities with relation to
the sizing problems.
Dr. Friedman took his undergrad
uate work at the University of
Maine, and his graduate study for
j his doctor’s degree at the Univer
1 sity of Wisconsin.
Managers for
Varsity Are
Given Posts
Newbegin Announces His
Sports Staff Assistants
For Teams of 1928-29
Stanley Named Head
Of Track Squad Work
Abner, Sliepherd, Woods
Are A Iso Appointed
Py recommendation of the senior
manager, Wade Newbcgin, and pass
ed on by the executive council, the
following men will complete the
the managerial staff for the coming
year: George Schade, football; Gor
don Miller, baseball; Burr Abner,
track; Fred Stanley, basketball;
Austin Shepherd, tennis; Marcus
Woods, minor sports.
Newbcgin and Schade were ap
pointed last spring term by the exe
cutive council. Newbcgin is presi
dent of the varitfiy managers’ club,
and of Beta Gamma Sigma, com
merce honorary, as well as being
secretary of the Order Of the “O”
this year. In ’27 he was minor
sports manager, and also won his
swimming letter. The preceding year
he was assistant minor sports mana
ger, and assistant manager of foot
ball and basketball. He is a mem
ber of Phi Kappa Psi.
George Schade, football manager,
has served three years on the mana_
gerial staff. lie is a Beta Theta
Miller Is Psi Kappa
Gordon Miller, a. member of Psi
Kappa, is the new baseball mana
ger. lie served on the Greater Ore
gon committee in ’26, and the Ore
gana drive for three years. He
has been on the' managerial staff
for three years, baseball and foot
ball three, and basketball for two.
He belongs to the varsity manager’s
Burr Abner, track manager, is a
member of the Intercollegiate
Knights, Pan Xenia, student coun
cil, and was chairman of junior
shine day last year. He has served
on the managerial staff for three
years, football and track in ’2d, ’20,
and ’27, and has been in the var
sity manager’s club for two years,
lie belongs to Theta Chi fraternity.
Basketball Man Picked
Fred Stanley, basketball, has been
on the managerial staff for three
years, football in ’2d and ’20, base
ball in ’26, and was frosh basket
ball manager in ’27. He is a mem
ber of Theta Chi.
Austin Shepherd, tennis manager,
is a Chi Psi. He is a member of
the manager’s club, and served on
the managerial staff for three years,
and has been an assistant in base
ball, football, and basketball.
Marcus Woods, minor sports man
ager, is a member of Phi Mu Alpha
and of the varsity manager’s club,
and served on the managerial staff
for the past three years in connec
tion with minor sports and football.
Woods belongs to Phi Sigma Kappa.
The senior manager bases his
recommendations upon the report of
the sports manager for that parti
cular sport, upon the sophomore and
junior record of the candidate, and
the opinion of the coaches, graduate
manager, and director of athletics.
The junior and sophomore ap
pointments for the individual sports
will bo made later.
Masons, De Molays To
Stage Meeting Tonight
Masons, sons of Masons, and I)c
Molays are going to stage their
first big get-together of the year at
the Craftsmen club, 850 Hast Four
teenth street, at 7:30 this evening.
Pat Flynn has arranged a pro
gram wjiieh will follow a short
formal meeting. Written invitations
have been sent to as many men on
the campus as are definitely known
o have Masonic affiliation, but a
great many have been missed. All
men who have Masonic connections
should feci welcome to come wheth
er they receive the formal notice
or not.
Leland Shaw promises that he
will exercise his power as president
to make the first part of the pro
gram short and snappy so that there
will be plenty of time for the fun.
Meeting of Women’s
League Council Tonight
The Women’s League council will
meet this evening at 7:15 in the
league office in the Woman’s build
ing. The meeting is being called in
order that plans for the lecture
series tickets, sale of chrysanthe
mums at Homecoming, Big Sister
report and other matters of busi
ness involving Women’s League ac
tivities may be discussed.
Hempstead Named
Associate Editor
Wort ft Tour Debater To
Start Work at Once
.Tack Hempstead, senior in the
school of journalism. has been ap
i pointed associate editor of the Km
erald, annonncc
| meat was made
j last nijrlit l>y Ar
1 ill'll X. Fangliorn,
i editor. IT c in p -
I stead lias worked
i on t lip Emerald in
various capacities
] for several years
! and will assume
liia new duties
j immediately, the
l his announcement,
editor declared in
Jack Hempstead
J iir Jll'W iISJlRlilH' UlllUl «l
member of the trio of Oregon stud
ents which last year journeyed
around the world on a debate tour,
and gained a. wide background of
student ideas anil problems in dis
cussions on five continents. Ho is
a member of Sigma Delta Chi, na
tional honorary journalism frater
nity and a member of Delta Sigma
Khe, national honorary debating
There, are two active associate
editors besides Hempstead on the
campus at present. They are Leon
ard Hagstrom and Hill Haggerty,
both of whom were appointed last
spring. Another associate editor ap
pointed then is not in school at the
present time. He is Amos Berg, now
canoeing through Alaska working up
material for a series of 'newspaper
and magazine articles and taking
pictures for a nationally known
news reel. Berg wtii return to the
campus later in the year to as
sume his duties as associate editor.
Lead in Donut
Play Standings
S. A. E. ami Gamma Hall
Tie for Second Place,
"Willi Psi Kappa Third
League B Standing
W. L. Pet.
Independents . 3 0 1.000
S. A. E. 2 1 .660
Gamma hall . 2 1 .666
Psi Kappa . 1 2 .336
S. P. T. 1 2 .63,3
Sigma Chi . 0 3 .000
Independents shoved the S. A. E.
five off the roost they have both
been occupying for the past week
or so, and established themselves
as the only title holder of league
B, by a score of 18-to-7, yesterday
afternoon at the Igloo. The game
was tight, in fact, screwed down
fast, with nothing breaking loose
until the filial quarter when Libby
and Murray, Independents forwards,
sizzled through the >S. A. E. defense
to put the game on ice. At the end
of the first quarter the game stood
3-to-2, Independents. Burt, center
for the winners, wrenched his knee
in the early part of the second
quarter and was replaced by Addi
son, who helped in bringing the
score up to a safe lead of 7-to-2 by
the end of the first half. The S.
A. E.’s, aroused by this time, came
back with a rushing attack and slid
up the numbers to a tie in the third
quarter, but Libby, Independents
forward, who had been playing a
steady checking game, broke through
to drop two baskets in a row and
with the aid of Moore, a substitute,
brought the game, up to the final
winning score. Lineup:
INI). (18) (7) S, A. E.
Libby (4) .P. Bale
Murray (5) .F. (2) Giles
Burt (3) .-.C:. King
Addison (2) O. (5) Edict
Teague .G. BoDine
Moore (4) .S
Referee, J. Dowsett.
Psi Kappa pulled themselves out
of the basement when they packed
in the Sigma Chi's by a score of
(Continued on Vage Four)
Number of Patients at
Infirmary Increases
Nurses at the infirmary are being
kept busy with the steadily increas
ing number of students that are
coming under their care. There are
at present nine patients: Helen Bar
nett, junior in English; Dorothy
Russell, sophomore in education;
Bradshaw Harrison, junior in busi
ness ad; Stanley Alniquist, sopho
more in pre-law; Winston Strong,
freshman in business ad; Tom
White, freshman in pre-law; Jack
Hart, freshman in pre-medics; Clin
ton Millett, freshman in biology;
and Marjorie Westcott, a graduate
assistant in English.
Speaks Today
At Assembly
‘Technique of Organizing
A National Conference’
Harold Knight’s Subject
Social Worker To Hold
Meetings With Students
Doris Patterson \\ ill Play
Two Selections on Harp
‘•The Technique of Organizing a
National Conference” will lie the
subject of Harold Knight when he
speaks at the assembly in the Wo
man’s building at 11 o’clock this
morning. Mr. Knight is executive
secretary of the National Confer
ence of Social Workers and is mak
ing a tour of the Pacific coast
states visiting and lecturing at the
various state institutions before he
goes to San Francisco to attend the
national conference which holds its
fifty-fifth convention from June
to July 3.
Mr. Knight has been secretary of
the group for two years, Dr. John
Mueller, professor of sociology, stat
ed, and has had much practical
experience in organizing groups of
social workers, lie will tell his ex
periences in this type of work.
A busy program has been mapped
out for Mr. Knight while ho is
on the University of Oregon cam
pus Thursday. After the assembly
a luncheon will be given in honor
of Mr. Knight at which members
of the faculty and townspeople have
been invited. Individual confer
ences will be held with men and
women interested in social work
from two until four o’clock in the
afternoon. Persons wishing to con
sult with Mr. Knight should get in
touch with Dean Gilbert’s office
at once to arrange for a time, Dr.
Mueller urged. Mr. Knight will
also address several sociology
classes during the day.
Alpha Kappa Delta, honorary
sociology fraternity, is sponsinng a
dinner at the Anchorage in the
evening to honor Mr. Knight. At
eight o’clock there will lie an open
meeting of the group to be held at
the Y. W. bungalow at which he
will speak.
The invocation at the assembly
will bo given by Rev. Henry W.
Davis, director of United Christian
Workers at the university; and Dr.
Philip A. Parsons will introduce the
Doris Helen Peterson, sophomore
in music will play two harp solos—
“Mighty Lak a Rose,” by Nevin,
and “Niozuvka,” by Schuccker.
The assembly will close with the
singing of “Mighty Oregon,” led
by the men's glee club, the students
marching out of the gymnasium to
the chorus.
Y. W. Croup To Hold
Recognition Services
Recognition services will be held
this afternoon at 4 o’clock at the
Y. W. (’. A. Bungalow for the pur
pose of formally admitting new
Harriet Fuller has arranged the
following program:
Processional, “ Follow the Oleum”;
special music, vesper chorus; reces
sional, “Father of Lights.”
During the recessional, Hie candle
lighting ceremony will take place,
at which time each member will
light her candle symbolizing the
spread of knowledge.
Margaret Edmunson, president of
the Y. W. C. A., will preside at the
meeting, and members of the cab
inet and the advisory board will be
present to welcome the new mem
Faculty Recommends
Thirteen for Degrees
Thirteen University of Oregon stu
dents were recommended by the
faculty for degrees at a meeting
held yesterday. Seven of these will
receive the degree of bachelor of
arts, while three each will be grant
ed the bachelor of science degree
and the master of arts degree.
Those who will receive the mas
ter’s degree are Elsie Francis Den
nis, Oscar Winslow Hoop, and Ruth
Ellen Porter. Bachelor of arts stu
dents are 11. Victor Adix Jr., Sue
Berg, Roland Davis, Alice (1. Doug
las, Wilma Nieveen, Kenneth (1.
Row, (loldie Irene Walter., Bach
elor of science degrees will be re
ceived by the following: Clifford
E. Hardwick, Paul Samuel Maxwell,
and Ethel M. Tulley. The regents
of the university will pass on the
candidates at their next session.
Dr. Arnold Bennett Ilall, univer
sity president, spoke briefly on the
action taken by the regents at their
last session, and other routine busi
ness matters were taken care of by
the faculty.
Mu rray- Wa rner
Coin w it toe Na wed
Topic for Essay Contest
Detailed by Chairman
I llo Murray \\ arner award com
mittoo, which lms charge of tlio an
nual Murray AVarner essay contest,
held its first meeting yesterday
afternoon. It was decided that this
year’s contest will be carried on
along the same lines as formerly,
according to T>r. Warren D. Smith,
head of the geology department,
chairman of the committee. The
general subject suggested was ‘‘The
Effect of Western Science on the
Orient.” Details will be announced
later after a second meeting.
The amount and number of
prizes will be increased this year.
Three prizes of $100, $75, and $50 *
instead of two, will will be awarded
to upperclass American students. I
Three prizes of $100 each, will be i
given to the three best essays turn- |
ed in by dapane.se or Korean, (’hi-1
nose, and Philippine students res
There will bo two prizes for fresh
men, the .amounts of which have
not yet been determined.
Mrs. Warner, who sponsors the
contest, announces that many new
books have been added to the muse
um library on the third floor of
the Woman's building. These were
obtained by Mrs. Warner in China
and Japan last spring when she
and Miss Lucy Perkins, librarian,
made a two month's visit in the
orient. Some of the volumes are
published in English, some in Eng.
lish with Chinese notes, and others
with Japanese notes.
The art books of the museum li
brary will soon be placed in a
special four-part glass bookcase.
Mrs. AVarnor hopes that the case
will be ready for inspection and use
by Homecoming.
Oregon Knights
Pledge Eighteen
To Membership
President Paul Hunt Talks
At Formal Installation
Held Wednesday Night
Eighteen freshmen were formally
pledged to the Oregon chapter of
Intercollegiate Knights at 401 Jnliu
son hull yesterday evening, accord
ing to Paul Hunt, president
Men for this organization are
chosen on a basis of personality,
willingness to work, and general
ability, Hunt stated, and if, at-the
end of the year, they have proven
their worth, they will be formally
initiated into the Oregon Knights.
The Oregon Knights take cure of
all visiting athletic teams, are in
complete charge of Oregon tradi
tions, and work through the grad
uate manager's office in taking care
of all athletic contests on ami off
the campus.
In addressing the freshman mem
bers, President Hunt said:
“The Oregon Knights have been
hero since li)18 and have always
functioned in many campus activ
ities. There are chapters of the
Intercollegiate Knights in practic
ally all the large colleges and uni
versities in the United States, the
nearest to us bring the Beaver chap
ter at Corvallis.
“We expect you, as true Oregon
Knights, to hold up the standards
of Die organization and the school
and prove yourselves worthy.”
A committee consisting of Joe
Frock, Bob Miller, and Tom Stod
(Continued on Page Two)
Board of Six
Plans Probe
Of Infirmary
Students \\ itli Complaints
Will Testify Regard iiig
Unsatisfactory Service
George Glenn’s Case
Will Probably Be First
Investigation Committee
Headed by McKeowit
Probing into 1 lie conditions nnd
workings of the university liealtii
service was begun with renewed
tear sunpoenaed
vitnossos’ oases,'
t was anliounopd
oostorday by .Too
MoKoown, A. S.e
CT. (). president.
Students who!
lave received uii-s
satisfactorv attend
ion at tiie bands.;
d! the infirmary!
:i n d dispensary
mtliorities will;
ippear before the!
board to testify!
rigor with the ap
pointment of a
Joe McKeown
uo.ini in
regarding the •treatment they had.
The probp was instigated recently
by the student council and is being
enlarged with the appointment of
the board at the request of Dean
John .K Bovard of the physical ('du
ration departiuent. Members of the
group will be .loo McKeown, chair
man; Helen Webster, secretary;
Delia Aim, Kditli Dodge, Dean
Bovard, and Art Anderson.
Committee Will Report
After the probe into the univer
Btv health service is completed, a
report will be drawn up and the
restilts used by the university ail
ministration in presenting argu
ments for a revised service and new
quarters. More immediate action
will be taken in the form of at
tempting to remedy present condi
tions as brought out in the testi
The first meeting of the board of
judges will be held the fore part of
next week, with the George Glenn
rase probably coming up first for
Glenn, it is claimed, was released
from the infirmary shortly before
the Washington game in fort land
before he had recovered from an
illness. In Portland he was taken
seriously sick and is still in a hos
pital there, with the A. S. It. O.
paying the expenses, .Toe McKeown
raid yesterday.
Quiz Held Friendly
“This is a friendly investigation,”
lie said. “There lias been consid
erable criticism about the univer
sity health service. This probe is
to find out what the conditions are
ami try to remedy them.
“There have been complaints that
attention to sick persons was inade
quate; that the diagnoses of cases
were not carefully done; and that
the same medicine? were used to
cure all varieties of ills,” McKeown
“There is an immediate need for
this probe, since it concerns student
welfare. We want to show the state
the university’s needs for a larger
health service.”
Ask Volunteer Witnesses
Students who have not been able
to receive proper attention at the
hands of the health service are
uskeil by the probing board to vol
unteer their testimony in the case.
(Continued on Tape Three)
Photographic Studies of Machinery,
Sky-Scrapers9 At Art Gallery Now
A group of photographs done hy
Leonard Locb, professor of physics
at the University of California, are
now being exhibited at the little
gallery of the school of architec
ture and allied arts on the campus.
There aro 00 subjects included in
the group, varying greatly in type,
all the way from the skyscrapers of
New York to the dome of Lick
observatory in California, and from
railroad tracks in Chicago with
their gleaming, rhythmic lines to
the sheen of waves in a sea cave.
Nowland H. Zone, head of the ex
hibition committee of the arts
school and associate professor of
design, stated that till students of
architecture and design are finding
this exhibit very interesting. “It
shows how tlie art of photography
is being used in a simple and direct
way to record fyne patterns in
everyday material.
“Mr. Loeb is gifted with an un
usually keen ability for discovering
the picturesque in material that
would ordinarily be regarded us
commonplace,” Mr. Zane continued.
“Tlio design qualities of stool gild
ers that would ordinarily be regard
ed as incidental and uninteresting
have been proved by Mr. Loeb’s
recognition and handling to be rich
in beauty, line, tone, and form, and
so here is much about his work that
saves it from being merely pretty.”
“The type of photography shown
in this exhibit is of comparatively
recent development,” stated Dr. A.
If. Moore of the Oregon department
of biology, who is personally known
to the artist photographer, and
through whose friendly mediation
the exhibit was brought to the* uni
exhibit was brought to the uni
l.oeb is a thorough believer in his
school, taking realism and flawless
technique, with absolute honesty of
reproduction as his standards, but
he departs along lines of interpre
tation. He began as a pupil of
Johan Hagehmeyer, who with Ed
ward Weston is the leading repre