Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 07, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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    Distance Men
Rim atO.S.C.
Cross-counlry Men Not
Named; Hill Brothers
And Jensen Foremost
Hayward Says Work Builds
Up Stamina of Milers
The varsity cross-country team
■will take a trial spin over 1 lie course
at Corvallis Saturday in preparation
for the meet the.ro with 0. S. C.
November 17.
A ten-man team will compete
against the state college, but 11ns
team lias not vet been named. Some
of the runners training f'or the
ovent are Clarence Hill, Ralph Ilill,
Kd Jensen, Pat Beal, Kay Neil,
Henry Fitch, Bill Winter, and
Leonard Steele. These men and
several others represent the nucleus
of the. distance department of next
spring’s track team, being (juarter,
half, mile, and two mile men.
“Cross-country work is the best
training there is for them,” says
“Bill” Hayward, varsity track
coach. “It’s the only filing. It,
puts bottom and foundation under
1 hem.”
The Hill brothers and Ed Jensen
are perhaps the most outstanding
members of the squad, though the
moiling is close up, says “Bill.”
Clnrcnce Hill is a senior with two
track letters, but his sophomore
lo ot her, Ralph, is pushing him to
the limit.
“Bill” says lie’s not working the
men very hard, though once in a
while ho does have them open up a
bit. Saturday, after the gridgruph,
the squad went on a jaunt of five
The course at O. S. C. is about
three miles, and the one at Wash
ington, where the northwest; cross
country meet with five-man teams
is to be hold November 20, is five
miles. Both courses include hills.
Every place in a cross-country
meet is counted as a score. First,
place counts one, and, if there are
ten man teams, last, place counts 20.
The team with the smallest, score
Craftsman Club Flans
Meeting for Thursday
The first regular meeting of the
Craftsman club,-KuO east Fourteenth
avenue, will bo held in tlie club
house nt 7:BO p. in. Thursday even
ing, November N, All Masons who
are affiliated in any way with the
university nro cordially invited to
attend. ’Phis invitation is extended
also to all sons of Masons and to
all DeMoleys on the campus. A
written imitation is being sent to
fill men who are known to have
Masonic, affiliations, but, if some
should accidently bo missed, this
notice is to be taken as :in imita
tion, says !,eland Shaw, president.]
The Craftsman club is the Masonic
club of the university, and is glad
to welcome as members all men
who me eligible. Every effort lias
been made to make a complete list
of these men. There will bo a short
smoker and a program of boxing
and wrestling. The meeting will
adjourn early so that it will not
interfere with the study program of
the men who attend.
Cleneral Dentistry
120!) l’earl Street
Eugene, Oregon
mono 2929
Voder new management
J. J. I’reo Barber
Florence Yeddei Beauty Operator
Onthank and Evans Fill Varied
Positions In Campus ■Who's Who*
Xot a single freshman in the ele
mentary newswriting classes failed
to identify Ocorgc Stadelman as a
football player in a quiz given them
recently to find out how much they
knew about campus celebrities, but
some of the other luminaries turned
out to be all manner of individuals.
John Stark Evans, associate dean
of the school of music, and Karl
Onthank, executive secretary of the
university, suffered most.
Evans was identified as a min
isler, dean of journalism, graduate
of football, dean of edueaion, band
leader and dean of physical edu
Mr. Onthank was the, manager of
the Emerald, head of the board of
regents, secretary of the A. S. T. O.,
director of activities, and director 1
of the hand.
One freshman said Jack AM. Bene
fiel was editor of the Emerald,
while Arden X. Pangborn, the actual !
editor, was director of athletics, and
treasurer. Other bad guesses were:
Q. Who is vice-president of the
university ?
A. Art Anderson, Burt, Francis
.McKenna, At. B. Parker.
Q. Who is Burt Brown Barker?
A. (lice club leader, writer.
Q. What is Mask and Buskin?
A. Fencing honorary, art, senior
men’s honorary, literature.
Out of a list of 10 names, Stadol
inan was the only man whom every
i freshman knew.
Large Attendance
Expected at Meeting
Of Theta Sigma Phi
That a large representation of
women journalism majors will at
tend 1 lio open meeting to lie con
ducted tomorrow evening by Tlieta
Sigma Phi was (lie opinion voiced
by members of the national women’s
honorary when they met for lunch
eon at the Anchorage yesterday
noon in their semi-monthly session.
Dr. Clara Kinertenko, assistant
professor of Latin aoJrdrcek, is to
discuss newspapers iir the time of
Pericles at the meeting, which will
be the first of a series of six. It is
to be heh[ in the men's lounge of
the Woman’s building at 7:15 p. m.
“We feel that it is going to be a
thoroughly interesting evening, and
we would like to have every woman
journalism major with us,” said
Dorothy Daker, president of Theta
Sigma I’lii, yesterday. A brief so
cial period, during which refresh
ments will be served, will follow
I)r. Smerteuko’s talk.
At the luncheon hour yesterday
the chapter accepted an invitation
from Alpha Eta, the O. S. C. chap
ter of Theta. Sigma Phi, inviting
the Oregon Theta chapter and alum
ni lo a tea to be given at Corvallis
following tlio Oregon-O. S. C. game
November 17. Miss Baker an- '
Bounced that the national secretary j
of Tlieta iSigma Phi, Miss Edith
Abbott of Spokane, will visit this
chapter November 2d.
Dance To Be Held for
Vnaffiliated Students
The Girls’ Oregon club, Phi Theta j
TTpsilon, honorary service fraternity,
and the student body is sponsoring
a dance for all unaffiliated stud
ents, to be held in the Woman’s
building Friday night, November Id. i
Both men and women are invited, |
and not women only, as yesterday’s!
Emerald stated. It will be a no
date affair.
The following students are in
charge of the arrangements: Ruth [
Johnson of Oregon club, publicity;
Elizabeth Dimniitt, place; Josephine
Koberstein, patrons and patronesses;
Dorothea Bushnell, chairman of the
reception committee; Mabellc Beak
Icy, orchestra.
Those who have been invited as
patrons and President and Mrs. Ar
nold Bennett Hall; Mr. and Mrs.
Earl M. Pallet!; Joe McKcown,
student body president; Diana Din-j
iger, president of Phi Theta ITpai- |
lull; Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Boss; and
a representative of the Y. M. C. A.
Campa Shoppe
Hobi Airways Co.
under management of Finley Henderson
presents an
Air Circus
Henderson’s Airplane Crash
Eugene Airport
Monday Afternoon, November 1 2
All planes using
— ALSO —
Wo have an excellent alteration' department
ISrd t'loor Minor Blilg.
That Sunday Dinner Date
YOU don’t have to worry if
you come to the Peter Pan.
Quality food, pleasant atmos
phere, and excellent service
at all times.
Tenth and Willamette
Newport Place
Of Seabeck Meet
This Week-end
V Croups Plan ‘Retreat’
For Christianity Study;
Oregon Colleges Going
Approximator? Twency-five stud
ents of tlio University of Oregon i
viil attend tlio “Seabeck Itotreat”
held .'it 'Newport, the weclc-enil of
November 11.
The retreat is n conference made ]
up of Y. M C. A. and Y. W. C. A. j
representatives. “It will lie purely !
i student gathering,” said Elsie May
1'imino, Y. W. C. A. cabinet mem
ber. “The general theme under
discussion will be the importance
of personal C hristianity.”
The retreat will include students
from the University of Oregon, Ore
gon State College, Willamette, Pac
ific., Linfield, Albany, and Heed.
This is tIso first time it lias been
tried in Oregon.
Cars for transportation will be
furnished by the V. 1VJ. 0. A. The
group will leave here Friday be
tween '! and 4 o’clock, and will
day at.the Gilmore Hotel in New
port during the conference.
“A get together meeting will be
held Friday evening,” Miss Cimino
said. “The main speaker, prob
ably, will be Max Adams, university
pastor of Westminster bouse. Oth
ers will be, Dorothy Thomas, Uni
versity of Oregon, Dorothy Pennell
and Dr. Warrington of Oregon State
college, and speakers from the
smaller colleges, also.”
There will be a Seabeck rally Sat
urday night. Devotional services
will be held Sunday morning. The
theme will be “looking forward to
world pence.” Dorothy Pennell
will lend the discussion. Miss Pennell
1 Have You S
1 Heard
About 1ltc> sale clown at j|
Abram's Millinery;
Felt Hats
Sobols and
Metal Dance Hats
|] All at a price that will [a
[! please any student. Gome pi
|i Letitia Abrams g
§] Next to First National Dank S
BuiaiansiaiaiaiaiaisiaiaisiaiaiaiaEfaiaiaaEai t
Drinks - Lunches
Our homemade candies
are always fresh. We pack
boxes to suit your taste
and purse. Wrapped and
mailed for von.
Candy Store
Form e rly McKill aps
Willamette Phone 2410
! it’s
! Mum
Hi ^ °
1 line
I Now
Largo yellow elirysan
tbenutms and the impor
tant football games are
On Nov. 17. Oregon co
eds will want to show
their colors. Wo have a
fine selection of the most
popular varieties for the
Order early and get the
University Florist
ins spent tlie past summer abroad, j
She attended a student conference
in England, and then went on a
student pilgrimage in Europe.
The conference is not a recrea
tional type, according to Miss Cim
ino, although it will have recrea
tion in it.
Amphibian Club Seas
Exhibitions of Diving
Standing front dives, running
front dives, lan k dives, swan dives,
in fact every imaginable type of
dive was demonstrated last night at
the Amphibian club meeting held at
7:45 in the pool at the Woman’s
building. Don Xcer and Leonard
Thomas, stars from the men’s var
sity teams, exhibited their talents
on the spring board.
Each week the Amphibians hold
a business meeting followed by a
program of instruction and pleasure.
Usually they have some well-known
aquatic star show them new fea
tures in swimming and diving.
Sigma Doha Chi Cots
Reply From Editors
That there lias been a brisk res
ponse to questionnaires sent out a
week ago to state newspapers by
when you get. up early to cram
for a. mid-term oxiiirij have
an electric heater going to
keep you warm.
Electric Heaters
priced from
$2.95 to $9.00
.1027 Willamette Phone "04
Crepe Satin Strip
Pumps, plain and
Buster Brown
Shoe Store
Sigma Delta Chi, men’s journalism
honorary, was reported yesterday
noon when the organization held
its semi-monthly luncheon meeting
at the regent’s room of the men s
Questionnaires were mailed out to
the daily, semi-weekly and weekly
papers of Oregon and were concern
ed with newspaper problems. Edi
tors were requested to answer them
by Xov. 15, and, judging from the
response so far it is expected that
tlio survey will profouulv 1)C com
pleted by that time.
Business transacted at yester
dav's luncheon included a discus
sion of the Journalism Jamboree,
scheduled for Nov. 23, for which
elaborate plans arc being made.
Arden X, Pangborn, editor of
the Emerald, will leave Wednesday,
Xov. 15, for Evanston, III., where
he will attend the international
convention of the fraternity. Pang
born will be away for 10 days.
W orried
Will disappear and your car will run
better if you take it in yourself on a
visit to
Quality—Always at' a Savins
940-946 Willamette St., Eugene, Ore.
T rench
An ideal garment for every
day rainy weather.
Rnbcrized tweed coats in grey
or tan.
Agood assortment of ties in
attractive patterns. Hand
made or otherwise.
98c to $2.98
Our usual quality broadcloth
ami madras in new stripes and
AVo again have our all-wool
c-ollarloss coat-style sweater
in navy blue.
Fancy silk or wool Scotch
98c and up
On our menu evenings
when you don’t feel like going out
'Wlion you have just come in from the dance or party and
are tired and hungry just call us and let us show you what
real food and service is.
This is something new and different, on this campus, hut
has been tried and proven successful in Stanford, California
and "Washington. Drop in and get our menu, then order
from it at home.
Below the Co op on 13tli